#marclamonthill #africanews #history #suezcanal

    The construction of the Suez Canal had several consequences. Firstly, it resulted in the destruction of natural habitats and ecosystems in the surrounding areas. Many tribes and their way of life were also disrupted and displaced. Additionally, the construction brought about economic and political exploitation, as the investors gained control over the strategic waterway and used it to their advantage, while the local population suffered from increased economic hardships. Overall, the consequences of the investors’ construction of the Suez Canal were detrimental to the local population and the region as a whole. For education and research purposes only.

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    Is history repeating itself according to an article there has been renewed interest in the benuron canal project a proposed 160 m long sea level Canal that would connect the Mediterranean Sea with the Gulf of akaba bypassing the Suz Canal but let’s go back a little farther

    How the Suez Canal was built I believe one of the worst crime by the Invaders besides Rel and colonization was building a manm made Suz Canal this construction of the Suz Canal took place between the years 1859 and 1869 it did not benefit the motherland but cost destruction and the reshaping

    Of the entire world it is believed to be one of the worst crimes committed during that era in order to divide and conquer this endeavor despite being intended to bring benefits instead brought destruction and had a profound impact on the entire world still un to this day so

    Let me say this before we proceed I want to clarify that all the information I provide is intended solely for research purposes only please feel free to ask any respectful questions you may have so let’s continue this was a hideous crime committed by the Invaders that remains deeply etched in history this crime

    Considered one of the worst of its time involved the construction of a man-made Suez Canal not only did this Act fail to benefit the motherland but it also caused immense destruction and reshaped the entire world it was a calculated effort by the Invaders to divide and conquer further fueling the damages

    Caused even to this day the consequences of this endeavor continue to reverberate serving as a stark reminder of the profound impact it had on the course of history however a group of military Invaders ordered by British French and American investors who also sought to conquer and enslave Africa to work on

    Building the canal now their motives were driven by greed power and a desire to control the resources and wealth of the continent these invadors were Relentless in their efforts to subjugate the African nations and exploit them for their own gain British French and uh American investors uh in the sus Canal many of

    These were slave laborers and it is believed that tens of thousands died while working on the Suz Canal from chera and other causes so as you can see this is how the shaping of this new world which was rebuilt off of the back of African slaves which is why it’s time

    For us to research our own history because these stories will never be taught in schools so uh let’s continue because it gets even worse by digging through a rockier ground they would have more likelihood to have a wider Canal allowing two ships to pass each other at the same time as

    Opposed to one ship which is presently happening in the soos canal and where do you think that Canal empties not just in the Mediterranean Sea the Boran Canal would empty right in Northern Gaza it’s all to build this canal we’ve all been getting even though they say all this

    Had everything to do with religion but you be the judge however most tragic consequences of this invasion was the loss of Africa’s Birthright to the motherland the planet itself the Invaders exploited Africa’s resources plundering its lands and leaving scars that would take generations to heal the once thriving civilizations were

    Pillaged and the people were subjected to unim inable suffering and hardship I need you to ask yourself is history only repeating itself and who will say enough is enough

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