Elon Musk Reveals Terrifying Truth Behind Mexico’s $4.5B Panama Canal River

    just when we thought we had seen it all
    Elon Musk drops a bombshell that could
    redefine geopolitical Dynamics
    environmental policies and Global
    Commerce the $4.5 billion Panama Canal
    River Project in Mexico hailed as a
    Marvel of modern engineering now stands
    under the shadow of a terrifying truth
    that musk has bravely brought into the
    light this is not just about a canal
    it’s about the future of our planet the
    boldness of ambition and the price of
    pro progress you won’t want to miss a
    moment of this
    episode did you guys know that the
    Panama Canal that Cent old Lifeline of
    global trade might soon have a major
    competitor yep you heard that right
    Mexico is stepping up with a bold move
    planning to build a whopping $4.5
    billion project that could go toe-to-toe
    with the Panama Canal imagine that so
    what’s this Grand project and why should
    we keep our eyes peeled for it it’s
    called The inter Oceanic Corridor quite
    a mouthful isn’t it but stick with me
    this could be a GameChanger for shipping
    and global trade potentially shaking up
    the Panama Canal’s leld dominance but
    first let’s take a quick dive into why
    the Panama Canal has been such a big
    deal for over a hundred years nestled
    between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans
    this engineering Marvel cuts through
    Panama’s ismus that’s a fancy word for a
    narrow strip of land connecting two
    larger areas in this case North and
    South America while it’s only 65 km long
    yeah pretty short compared to the Giants
    like the Suz Canal or China’s ancient
    Grand Canal it’s been a crucial shortcut
    for ships for decades but here’s where
    things get interesting with Mexico’s new
    Corridor on the horizon we’re looking at
    some serious competition could this
    shift the balance in global Maritime
    trade let’s dive deeper and find out
    what makes this project so intriguing
    this Corridor aims to connect the
    Pacific and at Atlantic Oceans via
    Mexico presenting a formidable
    alternative to the well trodden paths
    through the Panama Canal the Panama
    Canal has been the Lynch pin to Maritime
    logistics for over a century
    streamlining the passage of ships
    between the two oceans and significantly
    reducing the need for the lengthy and
    perilous Journeys around the tip of
    South America however as the demand for
    shipping grows and the size of container
    vessels expands the limitations of the
    Panama Canal’s capacity are becoming
    increasingly apparent enter Mexico’s
    inter Oceanic Corridor this isn’t just
    about creating a rival passage it’s
    about envisioning the future of global
    trade by offering an alternative route
    Mexico is not only aiming to alleviate
    the congestion recently faced by the
    Panama Canal but also to attract a
    significant portion of Maritime traffic
    thanks to its ability to accommodate
    ultra-large container vessels that the
    Panama Canal can’t now let’s talk about
    the potential ripple effect firstly
    there’s the the economic impact a new
    major Maritime route could shift the
    balance of trade offering New Logistics
    Solutions and potentially lowering
    shipping costs for countries and
    companies alike this represents a
    strategic opportunity to rethink Supply
    chains and trade routes but it’s not all
    about economics the environmental
    implications of constructing and
    operating another major shipping
    Corridor cannot be ignored as we
    continue to Grapple with the challenges
    of climate change and environmental
    preservation the development of such a
    project raises important questions about
    sustainability and the impact on local
    ecosystems and then there’s the question
    of geopolitical Dynamics the Panama
    Canal has been a critical asset in
    global politics and trade negotiations
    the introduction of a new player in the
    form of Mexico’s inter Oceanic Corridor
    could reshuffle alliances and trade
    agreements adding a new layer of
    complexity to international relations
    among the most notorious accidents in
    the maritime history was the grounding
    of the Spanish gallion Santa Maria Del
    buen a in
    1584 which led to the tragic loss of its
    entire cargo of treasure similarly in
    1743 the British ship voder met its
    demise in the straight of mellin due to
    navigational errors leading to a
    harrowing survival ordeal for its crew
    these incidents highlight the dangers of
    navigating the treacherous Waters of the
    straight of melin a key factor that
    prompted the United States to take
    decisive action in 1902 recognizing the
    need for a safer and more efficient
    route between the Atlantic and Pacific
    Oceans the United States began the
    momentous task of constructing a canal
    through Central America this new Canal
    was not just about saving time it aimed
    to shorten the journey by about 12,000
    km allowing ships to Traverse it in just
    a day a significant improvement over the
    weeks or even months it took to navigate
    around South America the construction
    process was back breaking involving the
    excavation of over 200 million cubic met
    of Earth to visualize this if piled up
    the excavated material would Tower 80
    times higher than the Great Pyramid of
    Giza and nearly double the height of the
    Empire State Building beyond the sheer
    scale of the excavation workers faced
    extreme challenges from sweltering
    temperatures often exceeding 40ยฐ Celsius
    to the deadly risks of heat stroke Rock
    slides and tropical disease tragically
    nearly 6,000 lives were lost during the
    construction underscoring the perilous
    nature of this endeavor unlike the Suez
    Canal which connected the Mediterranean
    Sea to the Red Sea across relatively
    flat terrain the Panama Canal required
    navigating a significant elevation
    difference of nearly 30 m this challenge
    was ingeniously met with a series of
    locks and Gates allowing ships to ascend
    and descend through the varying water
    levels showcasing remarkable Feats of
    engineering and human ingenuity the
    construction of the Panama Canal was a
    costly Affair for the United States
    totaling a staggering $375 million which
    is about $1 billion in today’s currency
    despite the Myriad challenges and the
    high human cost the canal officially
    opened in August 1914 marking a
    Monumental achievement in engineering
    and transportation today the Panama
    Canal stands as a behemoth of global
    Commerce with over 10,000 ships
    navigating its Waters annually these
    vessels collectively transport an
    astounding half a billion tons of goods
    showcasing the Canal’s vital role in
    facilitating International Trade the
    economic implications for Panama are
    profound as the tolls collected from
    these ships form a significant Revenue
    stream bolstering the country’s economy
    for the larger vessels toll fees can
    soar to half a million US dollar a
    testament to the Canal’s indispensable
    function in the global trading ecosystem
    however as we look into the future this
    I IC Waterway faces new and formidable
    competition that’s where the inter
    Oceanic Corridor steps in it’s also
    called CIT for short while the acronym
    might have some scratching their heads
    it represents a condensed form of its
    Spanish name signaling Mexico’s
    ambitious move to rival the Panama
    Canal’s Maritime dominance the story of
    the ciit traces back to the late 19th
    century when Mexico under the leadership
    of poro Diaz embarked on its own
    Monumental project Diaz envisioned a
    railway that would link the Atlantic and
    the Pacific Oceans mirroring the
    aspirations behind the Panama Canal this
    move was not just about enhancing
    Mexico’s infrastructure it was a
    strategic play to assert its presence
    and international trade despite the
    promise of the CIT its Journey was
    anything but smooth the United States
    keen on cementing its own Canal project
    saw Mexico’s Endeavor as a Potential
    Threat leading to diplomatic tensions
    between the two Nations moreover the
    corridor faced challenges from smuggling
    an issue that persisted despite measures
    to bolster security along the Route
    despite these obstacles the CIT
    officially commenced operations in
    January 1907 a full seven years before
    the Panama Canal this early start
    attracted Global Traders and marked a
    significant milestone in Mexico’s trade
    history the railway facilitated the
    movement of hundreds of thousands of
    tons of cargo moment ly propelling
    Mexico into a significant role in
    international Commerce yet the initial
    economic Prosperity brought by the CIT
    was tempered by ongoing challenges the
    United States opposition and the
    continuous threat of smuggling were but
    a few of the hurdles that dimmed the
    Euphoria of Mexico’s ambitious project
    despite the setbacks faced by the CIT it
    has undeniably left a lasting impact on
    Mexico’s economic landscape showcasing
    the country’s Ingenuity and resilience
    with the opening of the Panama Canal
    however this canal witnessed a sharp
    decline in its significance for global
    Shipping many companies shifted their
    preference to the canal leading to a
    dramatic reduction in cargo volume for
    the Mexican Railway in 1914 traffic
    plummeted by a third and by the
    following year nearly 80% despite the
    railway shorter route and potential for
    Time Savings the Allure of the Panama
    Canal was strong driven not just by its
    logistical advantages but also by
    political and economic considerations
    many American shipping companies in
    particular chose to support the us-led
    Panama Canal project over Mexico’s CIT
    compounded by internal strife from a
    Civil War and cartel related violence
    Mexico faced significant hurdles that
    made the railway less appealing to
    potential users the Simplicity and
    safety of a direct shipping Lane without
    the need for transferring cargo to
    trains further tipped the scales in
    favor of the canal leading to the
    railway eventual Decline and abandonment
    however the narrative took a promising
    turn with the election of President
    Lopez orador in 2018 embracing ambitious
    plans to revitalize Mexico’s former
    Railway Network his administration set
    forth a vision to create a modern
    alternative to the Panama Canal this
    Vision included the development of three
    primary Rail lines with activities
    kicking off in June 2020 these efforts
    aimed not only to reconnect the Atlantic
    and Pacific but also to to Foster
    economic development through the
    establishment of industrial hubs along
    the railway route by 2023 the commitment
    to this massive infrastructure project
    was further demonstrated when the
    Mexican military was mobilized to secure
    sections of the Old Railway efforts to
    negotiate with private entities for the
    transfer of control underscored the
    government’s determination to see the
    project through this big move by
    President Lopez orador to secure parts
    of the Railway through military
    involvement was pretty much a plate to
    dodge potential snags from disagreements
    with private owners but even with its
    promising economic Vibes this project
    hasn’t been all smooth sailing it’s
    bumped into resistance from different
    Corners including indigenous communities
    worried about how it will affect the
    enironment there have been some tense
    moments between protesters and folks
    working on the construction leading to
    escalated tensions in certain spots some
    families even had to pack up and move
    stirring up controversy around the whole
    endeavor yet there’s a strong wave of
    optimism riding among those backing the
    project they’re eyeing some pretty big
    wins like creating jobs for up to half a
    million people and pulling in
    international Investments that could hit
    the $50 billion Mark it’s a game changer
    that could seriously boost Mexico’s
    economy lining up with the president Big
    Dreams for the country’s growth by
    August of 2023 line Z wrapped up marking
    a key Milestone then in September the
    president himself took a ride on a
    passenger train along the full route
    doing the trip in under 9 hours that’s
    quicker than it takes to get through the
    Panama Canal highlighting the potential
    speed advantage of this new route as
    2023 is winding down and Christmas Vibes
    were in the air the first train started
    rolling carrying folks from the Atlantic
    to the Pacific the work on the other two
    lines is chugging along with hopes to
    have them ready by the end of
    2024 but there’s still a bunch of work
    to do before this setup can start
    handling international shipping a big
    piece of the puzzle is upgrading the
    ports at both ends of the Railway to
    make sure they can welcome cargo ships
    for instance there’s a plan to build a
    massive Breakwater at the Port of Selena
    Cruz piling up hundreds of thousands of
    tons of rocks to keep the harbor safe
    from rough water it’s a hefty task but
    it’s all part of gearing up to make
    Mexico a major player in global trade
    this whole deal with beefing up the
    Breakwater is a big sign of how serious
    the project is about making sure
    maritime operations are not just safe
    but efficient with work on the
    Breakwater well underway we’re seeing
    some real progress inching the CIT
    closer to becoming a major player in
    cargo transport so what does this mean
    for the Panama Canal that’s the million
    dooll question before we dive deeper
    we’re curious about your take drop your
    thoughts in the comments and if you’re
    digging what we’re sharing don’t forget
    to hit like And subscribe back to the
    juicy part some folks are betting that
    the CIT might just outdo the Panama
    Canal in terms of cost Effectiveness and
    efficiency if that happens we could see
    a lot of businesses giving the canal a
    pass and taking their ships through
    Mexico instead sounds like a big Deja Vu
    right but the game plan isn’t about
    putting the Panama Canal out of business
    this idea is more about giving it some
    company offering an alternative when
    things get too crowded or when the canal
    is dealing with its own set of
    challenges despite the Panama Canal’s
    beefed up capacity for her handling
    cargo it’s still playing catchup with
    the ever growing demand add to that
    recent weather Rose like Panama’s driest
    season ever which forced the canal to
    limit how many ships could pass through
    stirring up a whole lot of congestion
    and competition for those precious slots
    not to mention a few accidents have
    thrown a wrench in the works causing
    delays and dings to the Canal’s rep at
    this Crossroads the Panama Canal is
    feeling the pressure to sort out its
    capacity issues and operational hiccups
    all while keeping its Crown as a crucial
    route for shipping around the globe
    here’s where the CIT could step in as a
    game changer easing some of the load off
    the Panama Canal especially when it hits
    those bottlenecks or when water
    shortages throw a spanner in the works
    with the ciit rolling companies could
    have a plan B for getting their goods
    across without a hitch ensuring those
    timely deliveries that the business
    World relies on the Synergy between
    these massive projects like the ciit in
    the Panama Canal could actually be a
    boon for Global Commerce by offering
    multiple path ways for trade they’re not
    just Alternatives but complements to
    each other potentially smoothing out the
    bottlenecks that can occur when one
    route is overburdened when we zoom out
    the picture gets even bigger with
    projects like the China Pakistan
    economic Corridor or CP it’s about more
    than just cutting down travel time it’s
    a move towards tighter economic
    integration across continents CP with
    its vast network of Roads Railways and
    energy projects is poised to turbocharge
    trade flows not just for China and
    Pakistan but for the whole region it’s a
    bridge between markets in Asia Europe
    and the Middle East opening up new Lanes
    of Commerce and opportunities for
    economic growth this push towards
    enhanced connectivity doesn’t just
    reshape trade routes it’s altering the
    geopolitical landscape forging closer
    ties between countries and Paving the
    way for increased cooperation and
    economic integration as these projects
    progress they promise to unlock new
    trade potentials and Investments
    benefiting not just the Nations directly
    involved but echoing across the global
    economy navigating through the vast
    Waters of global trade and Maritime
    transport the Suez and Panama canals
    stand as pivotal gateways each serving
    unique trade routes that underscore
    their distinct geographical and
    strategic roles the Suz Canal a vital
    link between Europe Asia and Africa
    scoured the need for vessels to venture
    around the perilous Cape of Good Hope
    This Not only trims transit times and
    slashes fuel costs but also skirts PRI y
    risks near the Horn of Africa since its
    Inception in the 19th century the Suz
    Canal has dramatically reshaped global
    trade Dynamics fostering the flow of
    goods between continents and cementing
    itself as a Cornerstone of Maritime
    transport meanwhile the Panama Canal
    carves a path between the Atlantic and
    Pacific Oceans acting as a critical
    shortcut for ships navigating between
    the Americas and Asia this engineering
    Marvel brings forth Savings in both time
    and operational costs for knitting the
    fabric of global trade together each
    canal in its own right contributes
    virtually to the smooth operation of
    global trade affecting Economic
    Development and geopolitical Landscapes
    far beyond their immediate locals
    however the story of global connectivity
    doesn’t end with a Suez and Panama
    canals the early 21st century Buzz
    around the Nicaragua Canal proposal
    highlighted a hunger for alternative
    routes that could rival Panama in
    efficiency and capacity despite the
    ambition this project stalled beset by
    environmental financial and political
    hurdles yet the Quest for enhanced
    connectivity continues with many eyes
    turning towards infrastructure upgrades
    like Railways and highways especially in
    the countries Bridging the Atlantic and
    Pacific such as Mexico Colombia and
    Costa Rica these enhancements though
    less dramatic than new Canal
    constructions promise significant boosts
    in trade facilitation and technological
    advancements in Maritime Logistics
    including the Advent of larger more
    efficient container ships suggest that
    optimizing existing routes and ports
    might offer a more pragmatic approach to
    managing the burgeoning demands of
    global trade rather than carving out new
    waterways focusing on infrastructural
    and technological improvements could
    provide the necessary uplift to handle
    increasing volumes and alleviate
    bottlenecks it’s pretty wild to think
    about where innovators like Elon Musk
    fit into this picture musk’s neack for
    turning impossible into just did that
    could seriously shake things up but if
    there’s if it’s illegal immigration and
    there’s no filter well how do you know
    who’s coming and you don’t know hundreds
    of years of America eliminated by an
    invasion that our leaders made possible
    you should know that it’s crazy what’s
    going on they’re ruining our country and
    it’s true they’re destroying the blood
    of our country that’s what they’re
    doing Elon Musk makes a controversial
    statement about bailing out Donald Trump
    while delving into the complexities of
    Border policy questioning the wisdom of
    unfiltered immigration his policies are
    terrible it has caused the biggest
    collapse on a border in American
    history now we have a border catastrophe
    in uh nobody’s ever seen really anything
    like it nobody’s I mean if you look
    today over the last frankly look over
    the last three years but you look now
    it’s so
    bad that’s your country being invaded it
    will never be be the same republicans in
    Congress the Republican governor of
    Texas do nothing as this happens
    Democrats cheer it on they know that
    America will soon be a one- party state
    and they’ll be in charge immigration is
    the reason amidst discussions on
    immigration Elon Musk draws attention to
    the plight of Americans facing
    encroachment on their land highlighting
    the urgent need for awareness and action
    so now binder won’t talk about the
    border the bribery or the blow because
    the White House doesn’t want to explain
    why they want Latin America to colonize
    North America Biden said just watch me
    and I am I’m watching him give half a
    million Venezuelans temporary amnesty
    this week no deportations and they get
    work permits and Social Security
    numbers the story of history is the
    story of
    invasions one group of people moving
    into someone else’s land and taking it
    one nation ends another begins
    invasions Drive history few Americans
    understand this is happening to them
    now the Secretary of Homeland Security
    Mr mycus apparently snapped out of it
    and realized wait there’s like a
    gazillion people flooding into the
    country and now they’re announcing that
    there’s an immediate need to build 17
    miles of border wall in Star County
    Texas because of illegal entry Elon Musk
    hints at a potential endorsement in the
    political Arena underscoring the
    uncertainty surrounding his stance as he
    navigates the volatile
    landscape well I I’ll voice my opinion
    um I think uh I don’t want to I don’t
    want to put uh a thumb on the scale
    monetarily that uh is you know
    significant are you going to loan him
    money to help pay his bills no not at
    all pay his legal bills I’m not I’m not
    paying paying his legal bills in any way
    shape and he did not ask you for money
    and he did not ask me for money are you
    going to so you’re not going to endorse
    a candidate I may in the final stretch
    endorse the candidate uh but I don’t
    know yet uh I want
    to make a considered decision uh before
    the election uh and if I do decide to
    Endor a candidate then I will explain
    exactly why are you leaning towards
    anyone no you’re not leaning towards
    anyone because you’ve been I’m leaning
    leading away from Biden you’re
    leaning I’ve made no secret of that
    are you concerned about losing your
    security CL Clarance if Biden is
    reelected does that have anything to do
    with it
    no you are leaning away from Biden but
    you’re not going to endorse anyone it
    seems like an endorsement of President
    Trump because there are only two people
    who are running now Nikki Haley is out I
    mean a lot can happen between now and
    the election so we’ll see who in the
    final analysis uh are the choices for
    president um and at that point I may or
    may not endorse uh one of the candidates
    if I do I will provide a very uh
    detailed explanation of why I indorsing
    one or the other Donald Trump’s response
    to being banned from the Colorado
    primary ballot reverberates across the
    political landscape stirring debate and
    speculation yesterday we had a single
    highest day record of illegal border
    crossings ever recorded
    12,600 one day we have no idea who any
    of them are they come from Africa they
    come from Asia they come from South
    America but not just South America
    they’re all over the world they dump
    them on the border and they pour into
    our country and nobody’s there to check
    them and the border patrol is incredible
    by the way they want to do it but
    they’re told not to do their job they’re
    destroying our country they don’t like
    it when I said that and I never read
    mine they said oh said that in a much
    different way no they’re coming from all
    over the world people all over the world
    we have no idea they could be healthy
    they could be very unhealthy they could
    bring in disease that’s going to catch
    on in our country but they do bring
    in but they have them coming from all
    over the world and they’re destroying
    the blood of our country they’re
    destroying the fabric of our
    country and we’re going to have to get
    them out we’re going to have to get Mass
    numbers of these especially they’re
    coming from jails prisons they’re coming
    from mental institutions they say please
    don’t say the words insane asylum but I
    have to say it they they’re emptying out
    the insane asylums from all over the
    world why wouldn’t they I would do it if
    I were running
    Guatemala El Salvador
    Mexico they’re emptying out their
    prisons into our country the alarming
    surge in illegal border crossings
    prompts Elon Musk to voice concerns over
    the escalating crisis emphasizing the
    need for decisive measures to address
    the issue this is new video never seen
    before of what’s actually happening
    inside Chicago’s police stations keep in
    mind the people who work in those police
    stations are paid to protect you but
    that’s not what they’re doing they’re
    running refugee camps for illegal aliens
    as our cameramen approach the Chicago
    police precinct in the city’s downtown
    to see what was happening inside you see
    people come out illegal
    aliens finger and yelling they didn’t
    hide their hostility many other illegals
    have been pushed into poor prominently
    black neighborhoods on the south side we
    went there we spoke to someone who has
    lived on the south side of Chicago
    virtually his entire life he’s enraged
    by how the city has fallen apart under
    its Sanctuary City policy Andre Smith
    CEO of Chicago against violence I don’t
    know the count but I know
    that the
    Readiness the language of sanctuary city
    state and County should have had a plan
    but it led to a massive destruction I
    have seen almost the worst of the worst
    in Chicago but seeing this migrant
    crisis was the most devastating thing
    that I ever seen you live in America the
    place you grew up the place you’d like
    to see your children grow up in much the
    way that you did but that won’t be
    possible because of the single greatest
    sellout in our
    history Elon Musk sheds light on the
    repercussion of sanctuary City policies
    pointing to their detrimental impact on
    marginalized communities and the broader
    social fabric we’re experiencing a major
    shift in our population and culture new
    research shows 50 million people who
    live in this country right now weren’t
    born here they came here millions of
    them illegally and it under Joe Biden
    look at this we’ve always been a nation
    of immigrants but never like this in
    1970 only 10 million immigrants lived in
    America today it’s five times that
    number come to America and vote blue and
    they’re streamlining it this is the
    migrant Express hundreds of illegals on
    a freight train heading right for the
    Border they call this train the Beast
    the illegals strap on their native Flags
    to the train as it cuts through the
    Mexican desert but they’re not just
    coming here by train Biden’s letting
    illegals fly into the country also
    remember Biden’s Broken app illegals
    used to cross the border on foot now
    they can use it while they’re in the air
    Biden let 200,000 illegals fly into
    American airports from Venezuela Haiti
    Cuba Nicaragua they can just check in on
    the app from the sky these are secret
    flights we wouldn’t know about it if it
    wasn’t for a Foya and we still don’t
    know where they landed but at this rate
    every big city and small town will get
    the New York treatment complete
    transformation to appease the illegals
    and their protectors a black market
    economy run by giant corporations hiring
    illegals to deliver their food work the
    factories and pick the crops oh and the
    CIA is in on it as
    well how stupid are we to allow this to
    happen this week the Biden
    Administration closed two vital Railway
    Crossing so that border agents could be
    redirected to help process even more
    migrants they were coming and you saw
    the trains with thousands and thousands
    of people on top of them and in them
    thousands and thousands of people
    pouring into our country and we actually
    allow them to come in they process them
    where do you come from where were you I
    was in a jail oh okay you can come in
    come on in they let anybody in and you
    have other people that study you
    probably saw Melania this week where she
    held a great beautiful reception for
    people that came into our country
    legally they studied they work they had
    to take exams they had to talk about our
    and and George Washington and everything
    else it was a beautiful day but that’s
    the way it’s about because we want
    people to come in but they have to come
    in Legally but what’s happening now is
    this the whole system is being underrun
    and no country can sustain this by the
    way you know you have children going to
    school they don’t speak the language you
    have children going to school speaking
    languages that nobody even knows what
    the language is there are many languages
    in the world they don’t even know what
    the language is and they’re sitting in
    classrooms and there’s no room for our
    students in the class rooms and they
    don’t speak the language on my first day
    back in the white house I will terminate
    every open border policy of the Biden
    Administration Stop The Invasion on our
    Southern border and begin the largest
    domestic deportation operation in
    American history we have no choice no
    country can sustain this we will restore
    Law and Order to our communities and I
    will direct a completely overhaul doj to
    investigate every radical out of control
    prosecutor of which we have many Elon
    Musk paints a vivid picture of the
    migrant influx describing the sight of
    hundreds of immigrants packed onto
    freight trains Bound for the Border I
    think that generally I think one should
    welcome to a country anyone who is
    willing to work hard and is honest has
    high integrity and will add to Any Given
    country if somebody is an asset to the
    country why not have them join that’s
    obviously a great thing to do so I think
    it’s good actually to have an increase
    in legal immigration and a simple legal
    with paper with yeah just some approval
    process but with a simple requirement
    that look if somebody’s going to add to
    a country like just really hardworking
    and high integrity let them in I think
    that’s great so you you have to have
    some basis for saying somebody should
    come in or not com in and my argument is
    like it should be a very simple basis
    are will they add to the country will
    they be a productive part of the economy
    and do they admire the culture do they
    want to join because of the culture then
    that’s great but if there’s no process
    for that then you don’t know I think at
    least some number of the people that
    come in will will not be necessarily and
    I want to be careful because my words
    will be misconstrued I’m not saying all
    illegal immigrants are are I think
    probably perhaps most of them are good
    but there will be some if there’s no
    process for reviewing not at all then
    how can you say that everyone who is an
    illegal immigrant is going to be honest
    and hardworking you can’t say that you
    simply don’t know so so I want to be
    clear top line pro-immigration but let’s
    increase legal immigration but we should
    stop illegal immigration I think this is
    just logical Elon Musk advocates for a
    nuanced approach to immigration
    emphasizing the value of hard work
    integrity and contribution to society
    well what is the big picture you know
    what is what is causing this
    homelessness is not based
    on the lack of affordable housing that
    would be like saying illegal immigration
    is based on a lack of places to live
    that’s not the way it is it’s where you
    prefer to go the media cherry-picks
    stories of the homeless that make it
    feel like it’s you know families and
    it’s veterans that may be a tiny tiny
    part of this problem and we could solve
    that instantly it’s mostly young to
    middle-aged dudes who settle into the
    life because it’s not really that bad
    hobos on I mean think about it if you
    pay any bills you got no mortgage you
    get free stuff I’ve been thinking about
    it Elon Musk challenges conventional
    narratives surrounding homelessness and
    immigration offering thought-provoking
    insights into the root causes of these
    complex issues who lives here determines
    what the country is like this country is
    changing faster than you may understand
    Americans are being replaced that’s not
    a conspiracy theory it’s a fact in
    August of 2023 illegal immigration
    outpaced American American birds a brand
    new population last year alone over 3
    million people came here illegally just
    over our Southern border the media won’t
    tell you it’s happening but if you look
    around you can see it and you can see it
    most clearly in our cities which are
    collapsing criticizing Biden’s border
    policies Elon Musk underscores the
    urgency of fortifying border security
    measures framing them as essential
    safeguards rather than regressive
    barriers uh I think we’re missing the
    whole story uh this president who got in
    saying I’m going to use Hightech and we
    don’t need a wall I’m going to change
    these horrible policies has now found
    out that his policies are terrible it
    has caused the biggest collapse on
    Border in American history and not
    building the barrier is not going back
    to the Viking age it is actually
    absolutely necessary and the thing was
    last month we found out there was
    selling the wall that we paid for as
    taxpayers for pennies on the dollar
    because the Senate was to move on
    forcing the construction of that wall
    now mayorcas is admitting he he’s
    building just 20 miles of that wall just
    20 miles so that’s going to be in
    Desperate areas of Texas and Eagle Pass
    area but it should be 500 Miles here’s
    what he said yeah listen look at all
    that all the that that uh wall that
    should be standing helping our border
    patrol in our country instead on pure
    political for Pure political reasons he
    selling it off in order not to be forced
    to build it

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