Crypto News and Rumors!

    hello hello
    everyone we are on and we are live
    Bitcoin continues to edge up after the
    having that’s right folks Bitcoin does
    continue to edge up after the
    having which is much much to our liking
    we like Bitcoin going up after the
    having that’s
    awesome and yeah and like uh it’s going
    up at a decent clip um it looks like
    we’re gaining like a couple hundred to a
    th000 Points each day and uh yeah we
    have that Hong Kong ETF coming through
    uh well I mean like it’s already gone
    through but it’s going to be like
    another week before it gets listed
    because there is a delay they have to do
    some paperwork and stuff so it’s going
    to start selling at the end of April um
    and that could actually boost up price
    some like you’re not going to have the
    FTX selling you’re not going to have the
    uh the like the other type of selling
    that we’re going to we had with the
    American ETF so the Hong Kong ETF should
    be some like you know should actually be
    um like uptrend CU there should be like
    a lot of demand in China in Hong Kong
    for this
    stuff and um that should actually push
    the price up I don’t really know about
    how much cuz there’s not going to be as
    much volume as the US ETFs but there’s
    going to be a decent amount of volume
    like I said I’ve heard anywhere from $2
    billion to like $25 billion obviously
    that’s not going to come all come in in
    the same day and uh I do think like
    Bitcoin ETFs are going to pop up in a
    lot of other countries as well so we
    have that to we actually have that to
    look for we also got good news that Gary
    guinsler well the SEC has been
    sanctioned by a judge
    obviously and um it’s not for ripple and
    it’s not for it’s not for the Ripple
    case it’s not for the coinbase case it’s
    actually for debt box but this should
    actually clip the wings of the SEC
    because like they thought they could
    actually do and get away with everything
    and it looks like they can’t cuz judges
    will actually sanction them love it if
    it hit does but I’m not suspecting we’re
    in for another crab market I mean
    overall last year and this year has been
    good overall like you can’t really
    complain about the price action last
    year and this year I mean maybe you can
    if you’re into altcoins but you can’t
    really complain if you’re like into
    Bitcoin Bitcoin like started the year
    what like 40 something K and now it’s
    like what like 66k started last year at
    like 15K and it went up to like 40
    something Cas so you really can’t
    complain you honestly really really
    complain um if you
    like are looking at Bitcoin the altcoins
    haven’t hit their stride yet but I do
    think they will hit their stride after
    the having altcoins usually do hit their
    stride after Bitcoin first of all but
    not only that um altcoins like the ETF
    money doesn’t go into all coins but like
    the retail money that usually comes in
    after the having does so we’ll keep
    looking at that also like we talked
    about how some of the meme coins have
    started try to get in the utility game
    um Sheba enu just raised $12 million for
    a privacy layer and FY enu is trying to
    develop an ecosystem as well so it’s not
    just completely meme anymore it’s like
    meme with some semblance of utility so
    hopefully I mean that helps some of our
    mem coin Investments I think like memes
    have to be Sur I think memes have to
    survive for at least a year or two uh
    before like they really think about that
    because like first of all they got to
    get people interested so they actually
    have they can keep the project going so
    yeah there’s there’s actually a lot to
    there’s actually a lot to look forward
    to no matter like which area of
    investment you’re in
    but 75k I think is within bounds and
    remember we have until like about a week
    to get to 75k seeing how it’s at 66
    right now it’s definitely possible to
    get to 75 within a week or so I mean
    that’s I don’t actually think that’s
    like that impossible more or less I I
    think it’s definitely possible uh to for
    us to reach uh that specific point by
    the ways we have some news on en Lair
    they could have a potential yeld uh
    crisis if they don’t get more utility up
    so this is
    that this is that news so uh liquid
    staking tokens on I Lair will require
    more utility on decentralized finance
    space to avoid potenti to avoid a
    potential yield crisis in the future
    aenir the largest reaking protocol in
    ethereum by total value could be facing
    a major yield crisis according to
    Industry Watchers due to igen lair’s
    growth in tvl the protocol may be
    outgrowing its active validated service
    Services which could lead to Major yield
    reduction according to choff a pseudo
    Anonymous builder at 3jane derivative
    exchange he wrote in an April 22
    expost uh aen Lair has more than $15
    billion in TBL but ABS will actually
    need less than but ABS will actually
    need less than 10% of that for security
    which means yields may fall off a cliff
    so you need more utility uh if a lair
    doesn’t want to fall off a cliff in
    terms of um yields and if obviously if
    yields fall off a cliff people aren’t
    going to be as interested in igen Lair
    anymore so that definitely could be a
    problem so ien Lair removed the limits
    on liquid staking lsts on April 16th
    according to an X announcement I
    launched on May on mayet on April 10th
    so there might be too many people
    staking and the rewards may not be able
    to match up with the way that everyone’s
    expecting I mean this is something
    that’s not completely uncommon in this
    so basically like unpausing start all
    liquid staking LST caps have been
    removed LST reaking is now open explore
    the uncapped lsts are restake ethereum
    natively through an igen pod or the ien
    layer app so
    essentially a lot of people are staking
    and uh because of that if they don’t get
    more utility uh the yields definitely
    may fall off a cliff so they they need a
    lot more utility
    because like it’s this is basically
    reaking so they’re basically trying to
    up those yields and people aren’t going
    to be interested in this if the yields
    don’t go
    up so basically uh when a user Stakes an
    LST via igen layer it is automatically
    delegated to a node operator which uses
    the deposits to secure an ABS on a lay
    while receiving staking rewards part of
    the staking rewards are passed on the
    user yet actively validated services on
    the protocol required much less staked e
    for security which could issu so like
    they don’t really need all of it for
    security so like the p is not as big as
    people want it to be the pro the problem
    is that none of the abss will come close
    um to needing 1.5 billion in security
    let alone 15 billion the whole point of
    proof a stake is that the value of the
    stake is higher than the potential
    profit earned from the validator uh
    behaving dishonestly but that might no
    longer that may no longer be the case I
    Lair is the second largest protocol on
    ethereum after liquid sticking protocol
    Leo a L’s tvl Rose over 16% during the
    last month and to the current
    14.15 billion so like if I Lair
    ecosystem can more deeply entrench
    itself in the defi ecosystem via liquid
    reaking tokens and financial Primitives
    on top then is much more Gable uh much
    is a much more Gable mode and gives ABS
    more time to figure things out at a
    fraction of the cost but if they can’t
    get more utility that means the yields
    will actually go down and people will
    stop being that interested in I laay so
    definitely um it’s definitely uh you
    know kind of a sticky like a kind of a
    sticky spot and
    situation um that it’s actually in right
    now I don’t really use IG I don’t
    understand the whole concept of reaking
    it seems a bit like goofy honestly the
    whole the whole concept of reaking to me
    does actually seem quite goofy but you
    know that’s really just my opinion um I
    I don’t I just don’t quite get it but
    you know thanks man thanks for the
    donation I want to sell half my Ada uh
    q&t for for near and arrow that actually
    might not be such a bad idea to do that
    because I actually do think arrow and um
    near are probably higher like higher Roi
    projects so Arrow like near obviously
    I’ve been believing in a long time Arrow
    I mean like you know it’s going to be
    the primary decks for a Bas and I do
    think bass is going to end up eating
    like all the other l2s so I do think
    like uh that’s going to be really good
    as well so I definitely think that’s
    going to be a great uh that’s going to
    be a great uh project to actually invest
    in at this time hey guys Arrow yeld is
    trying to compete with you uni do you
    think yield farmers will diversify into
    Arrow I
    mean I think some of them will some of
    them will Unis swap just has the Unis
    swap has a lot of liquidity so a lot of
    people will still go with Unis swap but
    Arrow should be pretty
    good I definitely look I I would
    definitely like invest in Arrow right
    now CU I I do feel like you know
    coinbase is going to support arrows
    really strongly and arrow is definitely
    going to make some price moves cuz like
    I definitely believe that Bas is
    eventually going to be bigger than all
    the other l2s it might not have a token
    or coin which probably pisses some
    people off but that that means like
    people that are looking to invest in
    base might just pour that into base
    coins so I just want to I I I do think
    like that’s why I think base is actually
    a really really good investment uh right
    now uh I mean like base coins are a good
    investment right now I mean meme coins
    aside meme coins will be meme coins
    they’re going to do their meme thing but
    um but like stuff like arrow and other
    projects on base should actually do
    extremely like stuff uh like arrow and
    other stuff on base should do
    excessively well uh because you know
    like people are going to want to pour
    money people are going to want to pour
    money into this stuff so I I would um
    yeah I would actually sell half the if
    you only have Ada and q&t I would sell
    half of it and pour it into base pour it
    into arrow and Q um and near q&t has
    just been you know q&t honestly has just
    been disappointing like there’s there’s
    no uh there’s there’s really no um cover
    up for that that’s just been
    disappointing this year
    unfortunately um they just haven’t
    really they really just haven’t lived up
    to uh
    expectations with um with what they were
    wanting to do you know so I I don’t
    think I I really don’t think that
    um I really don’t think that you know
    switching some to near and arrow is a
    bad idea
    like arrow is like kind of a newer
    project yes it’s pretty high a market
    cap already but I think there it can
    grow I think it can grow a lot more it
    it definitely with coinbase supporting
    it I think eventually it might be able
    to compete with like Unis swap maybe
    that’s like a little too high praise but
    I think it might be able to compete with
    Unis swap in the end so we’ll see we’ll
    see what
    happens kishu kiboi meme survive since
    uh now is pumping 160 but like what’s
    what’s their plan now kibo she cuz like
    I feel like yeah like the plan needs to
    be number go up but after a while you
    actually need a way to sustain that
    number go up like I know faky is trying
    to like get stuff on chain um I know
    sheba’s trying to Sheba is actually
    making that security layer so people
    like those two are actually trying to
    actually get people back on the Chain so
    like yeah th those two people those two
    are like really really trying to get
    people back on the Chain um whereas like
    you know basically like appealing with a
    funny icon and stuff I think can only
    last for so long long I mean like
    Dogecoin aside I do think like some of
    the other memes are really like trying
    to head towards the utility option which
    is probably which is what they should do
    if their Project’s going to be there for
    like you know more than four or five
    years you need something there you know
    so yeah I mean like um once you’re at
    like the two three year mark I mean you
    might want to try to get by this bull
    run with just being a meme but it would
    be good if you actually they had like
    future plans for what they’re going to
    do or like building an ecosystem
    yeah so I wonder like how many of how
    many of those projects are actually
    going to do
    that and I do believe look I do actually
    believe that coinbase’s arrow is not
    going to lack you liquidity especially
    if like coinbase is pushing it like
    coinbase like like uh base is like their
    big like Layer Two Bas is like their big
    Layer Two play essentially
    Bas is like their big big layer two play
    and they’re going to try to push it
    because they want to dominate the L2
    Market the L2 Market is like super
    lucrative L2 Market is definitely like
    super super lucrative
    and that’s like that’s also one of the
    reasons I wouldn’t that’s also one of
    the reasons I wouldn’t actually buy any
    vl2 coins right now because I do
    actually believe bass is going to slowly
    take over the market and um you can’t
    buy base if I could buy base I would buy
    base but since you can’t buy base I
    would just buy arrow and I mean I I I
    actually really like arrow for that
    specific reason they need to come on
    with a
    bullon come on with a bull run already
    so we can have euphoric I mean the time
    just hasn’t arrived yet if you look at
    like the timing of the the previous bull
    runs and like our bull run right now it
    just hasn’t it just the time just has
    not arrived yet at
    all because like the previous B run the
    previous big bll run was end of 2020
    2021 and like that should be that should
    correlate with like end of 2024 early 25
    and we’re still like a year away from
    that right now so I wouldn’t I really
    wouldn’t get I honestly would not get
    too nervous about that I think it’s
    uh I think it’s like a good I think it’s
    good to kind of just like sit and wait
    right now for it especially if you have
    altcoins cuz like altcoins had their
    bottom about like a year ago they’ve
    already come up from their bottom but
    they just haven’t gotten like super
    super high
    yet DCA should be a play through the
    summer and fall
    I don’t know about DCA I mean like for
    all coins yes DCA Bitcoin I mean you
    could DCA I think it’s going to go above
    above 100K you could DCA but like if
    you’ve been DCA like since I’ve been
    telling you to DCA you’ve been DCA up
    until from like 30k
    basically but you can like DCA if it’s
    below the all-time high and then just
    like stop DCA like when you get to the
    all-time high practically Bas will suck
    all the liquidity from L2 I mean I don’t
    really know if Bas will be that dominant
    on L2 but I do have a feeling it’s going
    to be like the dominant L2 I definitely
    think Bas is going to be the dominant
    L2 because like I think coinbase is
    support I don’t think you can actually
    overrate coinbase’s
    support I I definitely think like
    um I I definitely think like coinbase
    support is going to be like very very
    like CB support’s going to be very very
    crucial because like coinbase has a lot
    of us customers and they’re going to try
    to get they’re really going to try to
    get them uh they’re really going to try
    to get them all on
    base and with that like with that kind
    of support I with that kind of support
    in a solid infrastructure I don’t really
    see it
    failing soul is a soul isn’t a layer two
    Soul’s a layer
    one I mean ethereum people are going to
    run to ethereum people are going to run
    to other
    um they’re definitely going to run to
    like other blockchains because
    ethereum’s like slow and expensive but
    there but like but like uh they’re also
    a lot of them are also going to run to
    Layer Two
    anyways that’s why I think like the main
    deck from a lot of that’s why I think
    the main Dex is from a lot of these
    layer ones are actually like going to be
    very good Investments as
    well because like there’s going to be
    liquidity that pours into like salana
    cardano avac and all those yeah I mean
    it’s a gaming token gaming just hasn’t
    really hit it strides yet so I think
    Gile should still be okay it’s like awt
    I still think it’s going to have its run
    sometime I think gou I think gou is a
    little safer than a WT but I definitely
    think like they’re going to have their
    run it’s just it’s just not here yet so
    had to head their self and want to be
    the best ethereum in BTC L2 Soul’s not
    an L2 it’s an evm it’s an evm but it’s
    not an L2 Soul’s a completely different
    blockchain PNG Fox
    vo I mean if awt hits like 50 cents or
    something I will be over the supply for
    awt is not that big I have like 100,000
    awt if I can get like 70 80 grand out of
    it I’d be pretty
    happy I mean awt can technically go
    higher than vchain because the supply is
    less for
    awt I actually want to I actually want
    to buy some
    more uh right now I just don’t have any
    spare money to buy some more awt I mean
    I could just be throwing my money in the
    P I could just be throwing my money in
    the trash can too you know
    because I I just I I just don’t I just
    don’t really
    know I definitely can just like awt is a
    really small gaming
    coin it’s like a really really small
    coin uh they already have a game out and
    IGN is promoting it but like their coin
    really hasn’t done
    much and I’m not really sure what it
    takes to get like one of those gaming
    coins to be really popular
    hey man what’s
    up just really not sure what it takes to
    get those gaming coins to be like super
    popular what is full name of uh I
    mean also like these coins definitely
    need to promote themselves man Abyss
    World Abyss world that’s what it is cuz
    like IGN was like promoting them for a
    while like they are way way down from
    where I bought them they’re definitely
    way way down from where I bought them
    I I should actually I should actually
    just buy more right now I could but I
    don’t think I’m going to right I don’t
    have like that much
    spare maybe I could just sell all those
    salana crap coins but most of them
    aren’t worth anything and I I want to
    keep Costco hot dog around just for the
    hell of it is about to pop huge partner
    with VVS for their new coin I mean I
    hope the crow with knife Pops I do kind
    of want to sell the caw to buy other
    stuff St yeah Abyss world’s definitely
    in the abyss right
    now definitely not like definitely not
    doing very well right now at this
    point down for the camble with a I mean
    it’s definitely a gamble at this point I
    and I definitely should have waited to
    buy CU I would have had twice as much
    awt at this
    point I mean like they do have a game
    and you you have to have awt to actually
    open the treasure chests in the
    game so there is that but like that
    doesn’t necessarily mean it’s going to
    successful I think a lot of times like
    for these meme coins to pump like the
    creators of the meme coin just basically
    have to pump it at the right
    time Crow with knife getting listed on
    bit SM nice nice I mean getting like a
    like getting a listing will definitely
    it I definitely think getting a listing
    will like certainly help
    it it’s been on bitmart for uh for wait
    I thought they you said it was just
    going to get uh a listing on bitmart I
    mean if it can get one on if it can get
    one on binance it would be
    huge look I got the crow with knife
    donated to me so I’m really not that
    like I’m not really that concerned about
    it it would be really really nice if the
    10 Bill like the billion Crow with knife
    actually went
    High I kind of want to buy more awt but
    like I said I could just be like
    throwing money away which I do realize
    possible like some projects like look
    and seem really good but never go
    anywhere like oh this project actually
    has utility but then it like never
    really goes anywhere a lot of there are
    a lot of projects that are like that
    crypto is kind of random like that
    unfortunately unfortunately yeah crypto
    is kind of random like
    that any pumps worth noting today seems
    pretty steady I think it’s mostly steady
    there I don’t think there’s been
    anything crazy like in the past days
    near pumped more than most near
    continues to I think near is continuing
    to climb up the ladder and I think near
    will actually recover to nine bucks like
    fast but like there hasn’t been any like
    gigantic movements there were like big
    movements yesterday but there aren’t
    like really big movements right
    now but I’m I’m actually pretty happy
    that crypto is slowly climbing
    up and there W there hasn’t been like a
    drop in terms of like uh price at this
    point that’s actually like what I’m
    afraid of like a a big drop post having
    so everyone thinks like we’re having a
    post having dump and they all end up
    like liquidating or selling that’d be
    kind of stupid so right now I’m actually
    okay with the way things are
    going I’m definitely okay with the way
    things are going right
    now New Year protocol has been smashing
    it will be 20 bucks soon yeah I mean
    that’s definitely a possibility it
    definitely could be like it definitely
    could be like 20 bucks
    soon and the thing is like I think near
    will get to like 40 bucks at this point
    I I don’t think like uh I don’t know
    about like 50 or higher but 40 bucks I
    think like definitely like a great
    possibility the uh climbs will be small
    and steady and when everyone realized
    they have been going up they will break
    into a pump I see I bought Soul when
    he clams will be small and
    when I mean n’s ecosystem is just
    quickly developing and the technology is
    actually pretty
    good any any thoughts on Zeus Network on
    salana staking Bitcoin on salana I mean
    if you can stake Bitcoin on salana that
    would actually raise up that would
    honestly raise up its utility value so I
    guess I mean I guess that’s good is
    anyone talking about the weekly cup and
    handle on BTC the pattern almost
    perfectly cuz no one really cares about
    that look ever since like we got the ETF
    no one’s really cared about the TA stuff
    because it’s been mostly worthless I was
    thinking near would be top 20 if it goes
    40 no I don’t think I mean n’s all-time
    high has been 20 near is like alltime
    high has been 20 I think it’s gon to go
    I definitely think it’s going to go past
    its all-time high this time
    around I mean like it’s already like
    it’s it’s already almost at it’s going
    to be at at half pretty
    soon it’s it’s going to be at half
    pretty soon
    I definitely think like when we when we
    pump like when we eventually pump large
    I think I definitely think like when we
    eventually pump large it’ll be pretty
    fast and also like like I said most
    altcoins just haven’t hit their stride
    yet cuz like the the bit people that buy
    the Bitcoin ETF they’re only pumping
    bitcoin price since like the ETF people
    don’t really come into altcoins it’s
    going to be like the retail people that
    buy the altcoins and I think if people
    are I definitely think like if people
    are hoping that like the the the mem
    coin people go into other coins I think
    they’re going to be disappointed in that
    well because like meme coin people are
    generally they’re just like degenerate
    like meme coin buyers they’re not going
    to go into other
    coins you have to have the original
    retail people come back in seems miners
    are are getting even with the fees on
    BDC fees more than
    double well I mean there was like
    massive fees the day after the having
    it’s kind of calm down now but yeah it
    should go it should it I mean the fees
    should be higher than that dude you need
    to stop being obsessed with xrp no one
    cares about xrp here it’s been it’s been
    like this it’s been like pretty stable
    for like the last six
    years yeah it it might get to 155 by
    if Bitcoin goes up enough I just don’t
    think xrp has the pumpability of other
    coins they finally did get they finally
    did get their amm but it doesn’t seem
    like there’s that much going on with
    that right
    now I it it does not really seem like
    there’s that much going on right
    now if you’re tired of waiting for xrp
    just sell the xrp and buy something
    else but but right now like most things
    are going up pretty sluggishly I do
    think some of the I I do think some of
    the new coins though will probably pump
    faster as the market picks
    up at this
    point slowed X by holding up in
    court also I mean sure but I don’t think
    they we’re going to get that much
    anyways I mean yeah cuz Ben whatever the
    hell happens to B doesn’t really affect
    the market
    sure I mean and plus like bit Boy hasn’t
    done anything crazy today he did like a
    lot of crazy stuff the like the other
    the last few days but he hasn’t done
    anything insane today so there’s really
    not much to talk about for him
    anyways uh any thoughts on pundy X I
    don’t I don’t really know much about
    Acropolis I mean pundy X like seems to
    be trying to have a Revival but like
    their xos Gateway thing several years
    ago just didn’t work and I’m not really
    sure what they’re trying to do now you
    think Ava avax will directly benefit
    from the launch of Off the Grid looks
    like most promising game this season if
    there is a big game on aaac yeah it has
    to be successful though like I you know
    what I always hear like a lot about like
    this crypto game’s going to be big that
    crypto game is going to be
    big I I always hear a lot about I always
    hear a lot about
    that I really always hear like a lot
    about that and then like it launches and
    like it’s not that big
    yeah I mean like I still have a bunch of
    old pund DX coins but I can’t really
    trade them in or anything it’s kind of
    like a lot of the pundex stuff is like
    just kind of like
    stuck I’m hoping awt goes to 20 cents I
    mean that’s kind of like those are the
    prices like 2050 cents that’s what I’m
    betting on for awt like if it goes off
    and it does that that’s awesome for me
    but there’s a chance it doesn’t do
    anything you know like small coins are
    just small coins are inherently
    dangerous the the problem with avac is
    games use their side chain so they only
    buy avac when they
    start I mean yeah like that’s one of the
    issues with the main chain for side
    Chains It’s like a one-time
    thing OTG is going to Xbox PS 4 and PC
    Unreal Engine
    okay I mean I have not I still haven’t
    seen like a really good crypto game or a
    popular crypto game I’m still I’m still
    definitely waiting to see that I’m 100%
    waiting to see that and it just hasn’t
    happened yet when it happens like let me
    know when it happens cuz it should be
    glorious when it actually happens it
    just you know hasn’t happened yet and
    I’m still waiting for it I’m still
    waiting on it about the blast
    Network didn’t they have a couple of
    security flaws like a while back I I I I
    don’t have like if I remember right I
    don’t really have like that great like I
    don’t have like a great impression on
    network was there saying ada8 is going
    to hit $10 in the next few months who
    the hell is saying that like my goal is
    $5 to $10 for the bull run but that also
    depends on like a lot of other that also
    depends on bitcoin going up and a lot of
    other things going up it’s not like it’s
    definitely not in a vacuum by itself in
    a vacuum by itself I I don’t really know
    like how how good it’s going to do in a
    vacuum by itself
    can start loading up on gun and gear
    nfts and technicore I mean there’s a lot
    of things we can start loading up on
    what your honest opinion for a coin that
    has proved the most uh proved to have
    the most functionality in the
    US I don’t think any coin’s done that
    yet like there I I don’t really see like
    a coin that’s been like super widely
    adopted like people always say their
    coins right for adoption I just really
    haven’t seen like a super adopted coin
    yet also like I I definitely think like
    crypto is going to be more just a more
    of a financial thing than anything
    else I just want I do think crypto is
    more meant to be a financial thing than
    anything else I think the investment
    Market is where like most of the crypto
    action is going to
    be that’s my opinion I mean some people
    are really looking at the utility market
    for crypto that’s not really what I’m
    looking at I think like the investment
    Market is cryp where crypto is really
    going to be that’s where it’s at
    fun I mean Al even for El Salvador it’s
    like a country’s investment I don’t
    really know how many people in El
    Salvador are actually using Bitcoin to
    buy day-to-day stuff I mean they seem to
    be more using US
    dollar it also seems as us engagement
    brings on security issues H I don’t
    really know what to say about that
    honestly like I I feel like the
    government just makes up some stuff at
    that for that to make it look bad do you
    know how to bridge BTC and
    BNB uh you could try just like swapping
    in metamask but it could actually be
    expensive but no I don’t know a specific
    way to bridge BC BTC to BNB unless you
    have like a centralized exchange that
    actually has
    BNB or yeah you can use store chain hey
    which uh which wallet is store
    chain rwa and dpin will be a part of the
    world in my opinion it will eventually I
    mean I don’t really know if that
    transformation is going to happen this
    Boron I really don’t know if the is
    going to happen this Bor but yeah you’re
    right eventually it will
    be uh Lex exchanges work well for me
    trust wallet uses store chain yeah or
    you can try to use the you can try to
    use the swap wallet uh swaps within uh
    like a wallet or something I I’ve never
    really tried to trans transact between B
    andb and um I mean I don’t really use
    B&B chain because like B&B is not
    available in the US but yeah if you do
    that you probably need a you need a
    wallet with both you need a exchange
    with both B and
    B with both B andb and uh
    that B&B and
    BTC I mean when I buy BTC if I have a
    bunch of BTC it’s generally to hold
    unless I’m using BTC as like a Transit
    like it’s generally to hold
    Google let’s exchange crypto I see wait
    what what are the fees for let’s
    exchange though is it too late to build
    an I don’t think it’s too late I mean
    especially for altcoins I don’t think
    it’s too late but for Bitcoin like I
    would definitely stop buying once we hit
    100k I don’t think it’s too late but you
    are getting in kind of
    late if you’re new I would focus on top
    100 coins I mean that’s a lot of coins
    to actually go through and research by
    itself like 100 is a lot do you know Ada
    got awarded as a best blockchain I mean
    cool but I don’t like I don’t think
    those Awards have ever helped the price
    of a coin I mean look like zashim like
    realistically at this point in the Bull
    Run I’m looking for number go up I am
    definitely looking for number go up at
    this point in the bull run now like I’m
    not really looking for like any like
    Awards or anything else like I’m looking
    for tvl I’m looking for liquidity I’m
    looking for number go up cuz we’re far
    enough into the we’re far enough into
    the bull cycle where like I’m those are
    the things I’m concerned about at this
    point expensive to move around BTC
    nowhere yeah I would definitely like use
    some other coin to move money around
    Bitcoin is not cheap to move money
    with it costs several dollars a swap
    several dollars a transaction for
    Bitcoin if you get in at 100K maybe too
    late for this cycle yeah but I’m not
    saying like get in like for 25 years
    from now I’m I’m saying like you know
    get in for like this
    cycle like if you’re dcing in for this
    cycle I definitely stop dcing at least
    100K I’ve heard of people mention Zen
    before I haven’t seen too much come out
    of it so I I won’t I can’t really
    comment on
    it the cycle that chose P at BTC
    ethereum soul I mean that’s not bad if
    you if you like bought BTC like a year a
    year and a half ago I mean you’re
    definitely like doing very well right
    now generally I think like if you’re
    looking for like know Rags to Riches
    like 100x and you’re going with like top
    coins you’re probably going to have to
    like try to do it with two bull runs
    instead of like one Bull Run trying to
    get 100x in one Bull Run is going to be
    really difficult paid $16 in fees when I
    sent 20 b ended up with 4
    BTC which is unsend dust yeah Bitcoin
    fees are not low Bitcoin fees are not
    low like if you want to move money you
    got to use other networks and other
    coins don’t use Bitcoin to move money
    not worth it Unis swap is not a DEX
    anymore the third party AI to block
    what do you mean third party AI to block
    I know Unis swap does have some
    restrictions don’t have a Max Supply I
    mean technically they could but usually
    they only go up to their total Supply
    um I think like if the community votes
    they can always vote to print more I
    mean that that’s kind of like my
    impression they could always vote to
    more then you got to ask yourself like
    how much of it is actually Community
    run wait what do you mean like uh they
    they use some third party AI to
    block like block you from
    buying or like they control what’s being
    listed or what I’m I’m kind of confused
    there is yes fetch um ocean protocol and
    AIX fetch ocean protocol AIX they’re
    merging into ASI so if you’re buying
    fetch ocean protocol or AG you’re just
    buying ASI at this
    point then claim it’s not
    them they use a company that blocks
    addresses like IP
    addresses so how much is considered dust
    BTC I think it’s like anything that’s
    less than the transaction fee is
    considered dust cuz you can’t do
    anything with it if if it’s anything
    less than the transaction
    fee sure they can use something like
    chain analysis and API to see if your
    add is flagged most likely
    yes the T coin started pumping a few
    days out of nowhere and flip coins uh
    performing the worst ton that’s because
    ton was like pumped by the whales man
    ton was definitely pumped by the whales
    and now like they ran out of money to
    pump it they’re trying to get people to
    get meme coins on it and stuff uh to
    actually boost the price up but it
    doesn’t look like it’s actually
    working yeah ton was like T was just a
    big pump and dump like we on this
    channel actually all thought it was a
    big pump and dump we’re like how the
    hell is it going up that high cuz ton is
    just telegram coin it’s basically just
    it’s probably just the owners pumping
    and dumping the damn coin it’s what it
    is if we hold fetch in our wallets I
    don’t I mean I would look for
    announcements from Fetch like they might
    auto swap it but you might have to do
    something as well I I do think you
    probably have to convert it I would
    check on like I would check with them
    for help because I I mean like I haven’t
    really I haven’t heard too much news on
    it but I’m sure like follow their
    Twitter for
    updates uh Bitcoin ethereum and soul
    seeking an in boom
    yeah W flip
    Soul yeah I didn’t think I didn’t think
    Tom was going to get to Soul thought it
    might flip xrp but like it was never
    going to get to
    Soul thoughts on Origin Trail TR a they
    were supposed to be a the chain
    competitor but they kind of like
    died I don’t know if they had legal
    problems or what but like they never
    really got all that much
    what do you think the merger will do a
    coin like singular agx I mean I think
    it’s good for the company I don’t
    actually like it for the coin buyers
    because you’re essentially just merging
    into a higher market cap coin and I
    think that I think that makes a high
    multiplier like really really hard now
    ASI will be talked about and will be
    hyped a lot so would it be surpris would
    it be surprising to me if AF ASI broke
    into the top 10 during the ball run it
    really wouldn’t so there’s still
    potential there and it’s going to get a
    and it’s going to get a lot of like
    press and
    hype there’s a lot of tubers that are
    like really bullish bearish right now I
    I don’t understand why but there’s a lot
    of them that are like s they’ve been
    bearish for a long time they’ve been
    like they’ve literally been bearish
    since like a year ago and like the
    Market’s been pretty bullish since like
    a year
    ago and they refused to give up on their
    sentiments which is weird R
    anddr rmdr is like another AI play I
    actually that rmdr might actually be the
    best AI buy at this point uh question uh
    which will perform better Real World
    assets or AI right now rwa are is
    performing slightly better than
    AI I think it’s just because like people
    are thinking that like people just hear
    that black rock wants to tokenize stuff
    so a lot of people are piling to
    rwa how high do you think BTC can go by
    the end of the month I’m hoping like 75
    because I know the Hong Kong ETF is
    going to come through like in about a it
    is going to start selling in about um a
    week so I’m hoping that pumps it up like
    there’s no guarantee
    obviously there’s obviously no guarantee
    do you think deep brain C TVC will take
    over r& drr I mean r& drr no I don’t
    so isn’t R r& drr is like I think r& drr
    can be both dpen and Def uh AI because
    like dpen and AI can be like one project
    you know dend is just decentralized
    infrastructure like if you have a big
    GPU Farm that’s if you have like a
    decentral GPU Farm that’s both Ai and
    dpen if you have a big GPU
    Farm I know Gareth Solway is still
    trying to be bearish but he’s been
    bearish ever since like he’s been
    bearish he was bearish even it was 15 uh
    17K p and C still calling 400 SATs
    cardano and BTC
    25k yeah Bitcoin 25k is not happening
    folks it’s it’s just
    not you heard about the I have not heard
    about the solidus AI Tech
    coin there people still waiting for a
    star Atlas game I’m sure there are I
    think it’s kind of pointless though
    so yes a lot of people like missed the
    train for the bit like at 15K or 20K cuz
    they were waiting for like eight or 9k
    and they desperately want crypto to dump
    so they can get in on a good price but
    it’s their fault they missed it don’t
    feel sorry for them crypto kid has limit
    orders at 35k for his dad he’s not
    hitting those for a while man like with
    people with the E with the ETFs and with
    like ETFs hitting all over the world
    you’re not going to get those kind of
    prices for a long
    time crap meme points go to zero in the
    future yeah I mean a lot of them will
    but there’s going to be ones that
    actually survive I mean Doge Doge Sheba
    etc those have actually survived
    forever and meme coins are like meme
    coins are always going to be there like
    meme coins are not going to die
    especially in the bull market like I I
    know a lot of people want the mem coin
    money to go into like actual projects
    that’s just not going to happen like a
    lot of meme coin buyers only buy meme
    coins they’re just they’re trying to get
    overnight riches jumping from meme to
    meme they’re basically trying to jump
    from meme to meme guys like they’re not
    like they’re not like they’re not going
    to like go long term in these like
    crypto projects there’s always going to
    be like a separate market for memes cuz
    crypto is literally just built for memes
    you you essentially have a market that
    is thin on Reg ulation and that will
    always be kind of thin on
    regulation and it’s
    um I still think like early next year
    for the peak of the bull
    run so like you know when we when the
    Bull Run gets started again like the
    meme coins will shoot up again I can
    almost guarantee you
    that like I think like you know that’s
    when salana base Etc are going to get
    really hot again because of that and if
    you’re if you’re invested if you are
    invested in the
    l1’s if you are actually like invested
    in their l1s like you want your l1s to
    get memes because like that’s what makes
    your that’s what makes the l1s go up in
    price DCA overcomes us
    exactly I mean like when we dump from
    like 46 to 38 people were definitely
    waiting for like 32 and when we dumped
    from 70 to 60 people were waiting for
    like 55 now back at 66 so if you’ve been
    if you were like waiting for those like
    retracement levels you you completely
    it if you if you were waiting for like
    straight up retracement levels of like
    especially like 20% or more like you
    never got it what’s your take on
    um I mean it’s an oracle coin so it
    isn’t it is pth Salas I mean if P I
    think p is Salas right or was it the
    other one that was Salas if if it’s
    Salas it’ll like move with
    salana oracles kind of depend on the
    defi that depend on
    them so yeah like if it’s Solana’s
    Oracle it’ll actually move it’ll move up
    and down with
    salana also have this Orange called Ada
    meme coin it’s just fear of something
    great do you believe Caspa will do this
    bull run I think Caspa has ridden the
    momentum as high as it C can without
    actually having any like development
    stuff like you can’t build on Casper
    right now we’re all still waiting for
    smart contracts once it gets smart
    contracts and you can actually attract
    people to build on it then we can talk
    about growth cuz right now you can’t you
    can’t really talk about growth right
    now you you can’t talk about growth
    right now when you don’t have anything
    like when when when people can’t build
    on chain you can’t really talk about
    that did you take it off a fire
    continues to cook a
    while I mean I really don’t know like
    how long you cook a one I I don’t really
    Grill I mean I’m not really a grill
    person I cook but I don’t really Grill I
    usually cut up meat before I like cook
    yeah look that’s why like on average
    people that DCA in and DCA
    out people that like like that’s why for
    people like people that DCA in and DCA
    out like generally do better than all
    the other people like three minutes per
    side I don’t think xrp is going to go
    bananas I mean like it might have like a
    fast pump period but I I I think xrp is
    going to have a very time hitting its
    alltime high this
    time definitely think it’s gonna have a
    very hard time hitting its alltime
    high uh Lakers should have won tonight
    dude Anthony Davis is like it sucks
    against like and like Davis just can’t
    play against yoix he’s like trash every
    time they play against each
    other stop listening to Ben C over a
    year ago never listened to Baron Sol
    he’s zero for 600 he I mean like Solway
    got really uh famous for his predictions
    like in the last cycle cuz he did call
    the top but then like people don’t stop
    listening to him when he fails to call
    else why would xrp go bananas it’s not
    like they got any they don’t really have
    any banking adoption and like the hype
    around xrp has died down like when you
    have like six years and you don’t
    deliver anything people Stop Believing
    in stuff like it’s basically the same
    it’s basically the same core cult people
    that still believe in all the xrp
    theories and no one else believes in
    them anymore they’ll go up along with
    every like they’ll go up along with
    everything else but they’re not going to
    go up to like you know they’re not going
    to go up to hundreds of dollars that’s
    that was never a
    possibility avax is dead transactions
    failing a lot and low activities I mean
    avax did absorb some of the salana stuff
    but now it seems like you know the
    salana is okay now
    yes xrp has a stable coin they said
    they’re going to use the stable coin
    with the amm but their amm’s not
    attracting a lot of attention I I don’t
    really know what the let me actually
    check defi llama to see what because
    like the amm’s been up for a week or two
    so we got to check to see like if
    they’ve got any value locked if they
    don’t like if they don’t get value
    locked if like if if xrp doesn’t get
    value locked like the amm’s not going to
    do all that much good because No One
    Believes like No One Believes In Like
    The xrp Hype anymore
    they still haven’t like they still
    haven’t like included xrp in the defi
    llama Rings they need to do that
    sometime cuz like the hype will sustain
    the hype will sustain you for a while
    but it’s not going to sustain the hype
    will not s like uh sustain you forever
    stable was done in 2021 no like they
    actually made a new stable coin to work
    with the amm like like xrp up until now
    still doesn’t have Smart contracts so
    like like third party development on
    like third party development on xrp is
    very subpar Wheats is essentially like
    the only major developer developing an
    xrp like he’s the only one that’s done
    anything substantial but like you’re
    limit on your like xrp like xrp Ledger
    development is kind of like stunted
    because it doesn’t have a lot of the
    development features that other coins
    have so I mean you gota you you got to
    kind of look at it you kind of look at
    it that you got to look at it that way I
    don’t have any any vchain news today
    look vchain needs liquidity just like
    every other Chain man like V Chain’s
    like V Chain’s ecosystem liquidity is um
    V Chain’s like ecosystem liquidity is
    God awful really really bad because like
    they just lost they’re losing mvg as a
    project because they don’t have like
    they literally don’t have any um
    liquidity like mvg straight up told me
    they’re switching to B in B chain
    because they can’t get any money or they
    can’t raise any money on V
    so like while the coin itself is fine it
    got it finally got the coinbase listing
    so they’ll have liquidity that’s Bor on
    the ecosystem still the ecosystem still
    doesn’t have any liquidity so like
    projects on vchain can’t really grow if
    the ecosystem doesn’t have liquidity
    which is uh which is very very which is
    bad which which I have to say is really
    bad when did you buy your first coin
    probably 20 2017 it was Litecoin and
    then I soon ditched Litecoin for other
    things because I also think Litecoin is
    kind of a dead project as
    well no vchain obviously isn’t being ran
    by Charles but look V like like like
    Sunny obviously like Sunny Lou Who runs
    vchain also thinks like that like uh
    industrial utility is the future for
    like uh crypto which I don’t agree with
    especially not for coin
    investors I I definitely think Defi and
    ecosystem is the future for especially
    for like people that invest in the coins
    because if you’re trying to get
    industrial utility to make your price go
    up I think you’re going to be kind of
    disappointed why is losing its
    resistance to crypto again it’s not
    really China it’s just Hong Kong like
    Hong Kong’s kind of like different from
    the rest of China it’s always even
    though it’s like still even though it’s
    been absorbed back into China it’s still
    like an special economic zone so Hong
    Kong’s like very very different from the
    rest of
    China I mean I I I hate to I I really
    kind of hate to say it but vchain is one
    of those projects that’s kind of like
    dangling a carot the carrot of utility
    in front of people hoping that they buy
    in but that Cara of utility is like
    having less and less effect now because
    like it’s been half a decade since we’ve
    been promised utility more than half a
    decade now since we’ve been promised
    and guess what utility still hasn’t and
    guess what utility still hasn’t done
    anything for us like utility still legit
    has not done anything for
    us so like yeah like uh you know the the
    key if you continue dangling the utility
    carrot it’s not going to it’s really
    just not going to Vibe with people
    anymore Market top I think it’s probably
    going to be q1 2025 that’s my guess uh
    it’s hard to say because like the ETFs
    and like when the big companies buy is
    very hard to
    guess utility isn’t useless but like
    utility isn’t useless but it’s not going
    to be the thing that increases price you
    need onchain adoption to to increase
    price cuz like I I do think like some of
    these uh public blockchains are very
    good for like certain like for certain
    industries but those companies adopting
    it doesn’t necessarily bring up the
    price and even if it will bring up the
    price it’s going to be like 10 or 20
    years or like something like a very very
    time I mean even if a big major company
    uses vchain blockchain it might not
    produce the transactions we need to
    boost price up that’s the whole thing
    like onchain like onchain adoption from
    like retail users that’s actually been
    the key for boosting price yes vchain is
    supposedly doing
    rwa um but they’re token they’re only
    tokenizing a few things it’s mainly like
    sports memorabilia and I think that only
    goes so far no I don’t think the overall
    craze for crypto is dying out I think
    people just are impatient waiting for
    like a four-year
    cycle cuz like you know people in crypto
    are generally the more impatient type
    when it comes to investing so like
    asking them the way for four years
    sometimes just like too much they want
    like overnight profits and overnight
    profits are just really really hard to
    like they’re hard to get and you have to
    risk a lot for overtime Pro overnight
    profits I mean you really like you
    really have to I think you really have
    to understand the crypto Market in that
    sense like what kind of investors are in
    the crypto market like why all why these
    meme coins are so popular like you know
    the stock market has like the penny
    stocks but there’s a lot of huge there’s
    still like a huge bearers to entry from
    getting listed on any like major Stock
    Exchange whereas with crypto like once
    you make a a meme coin it basically gets
    listed on dexes right well some coins
    still pull a 100 yeah there’ll still be
    coins that pull 100x it it’s just a
    matter of finding those
    coins unless you’re like the creators of
    one of the meme
    coins and like you somehow promote it
    and become successful it’s hard to find
    the 100x coin
    like you know you get something like uh
    you know you get something uh like Arrow
    it’s going to it’s going to make you
    money but it’s probably not going to
    make you 100x in this I don’t want to
    see the time uh to sell everything just
    stop looking at
    screens you don’t have to always look at
    screens just check it everyone like just
    check it once every day you’ll be
    fine like I don’t really care about
    crypto all that much unless I’m
    streaming or like you know unless I’m
    making videos
    you know I’m not like completely
    immersed I’m not like immersed in it
    24/7 that’s just unhealth that’s just
    really unhealthy for you man that is
    like legit very unhealthy for
    you Arrow can hit
    $30 what’s Arrow right now
    I don’t think Arrow can go 100x from
    here where it is right now I don’t think
    there’s any way arrow goes
    100x I mean $30 maybe but $30 is like
    20x but not like a
    100 yeah it’s
    1.67 I I mean like I would just say I
    would just say to crypto people just
    follow the cycle and you’ll probably do
    fine and I I I find it like really
    strange that people like I I find like
    one of the reasons why I don’t think
    most people make it in crypto is because
    when the bare Market comes and prices
    are really low no one is watching this
    channel they only watch it when things
    are already pumping and they ask me like
    when things are already pumping like
    what should I buy that’s not the time
    you ask to buy you’re supposed to buy
    when the Market’s like really bearish
    like two years before
    that came to crypto ago I start 500 days
    before the having sell everything around
    500 days before the next
    having I don’t know I think that’s a
    late I mean like if you buy and hold a
    coin like for four years you should make
    money most of the coins if you go back
    four years and you and you bought the
    coins like you know exactly four years
    ago then you a lot of a lot of the coins
    includ vchan and cardano you’d be up
    10x person new to crypto is better on
    with new projects I mean if you want the
    high rois yes you get the new projects
    but the new projects are also a lot more
    dangerous to invest in they have a lot
    more chance of just going
    kapoot start crypto in 2021 and made
    300% sense
    then nice nice
    I mean xrp did have a lawsuit last cycle
    but even without it I don’t think it
    would have done nearly as well as people
    thought it
    would speculative investors are a major
    factor a negative factor for any project
    because they’re just waiting for the
    price to yeah but that’s true for the
    stock market as well there’s speculated
    investors in every Market but you know
    like if you want a like if you want to
    deal in a mostly unregulated Market
    there’s going to be more speculation in
    in an unregulated Market there is going
    than there is in unregulated one that’s
    that just something that’s just the fact
    like you’re not going to be able to
    that like the the more unregulated a
    market is the more speculation there’ll
    be that’s that’s just kind of like
    something that that’s just really
    something that comes along with the game
    and it’s not really something that
    you’re going to be able to change DCA or
    trading um I mean I pref I think DCA is
    the better choice for most people
    FTM FTM was hot like people a lot of
    people were talking about FTM like two
    years ago I think it’s getting back some
    steam it’s at least in the top 50 I
    could see FTM going to like $5 $7 like
    $5 maybe 10 if it’s really lucky
    like overall on average like dollar cost
    average investors actually do the best
    out of any
    investor obviously there’ll like you
    know there’s going to be like swing
    traders that do better than most or like
    but on average DCA does the best CEO of
    phantom is pumping the
    token I mean that’s that that’ll have a
    limited effect and also like Phantom got
    hit really hard uh with one of with like
    a def5 failure a while ago so it might
    just be
    recovering yeah like I I feel like if
    you’re up on a if you’re if you’re going
    to be if you’re like super up like a
    year from now you should definitely sell
    like you shouldn’t hold on for like the
    next you shouldn’t hold on for another
    full cycle because that’s just not very
    smart holding on for another full cycle
    not very smart my friends definitely not
    very smart
    I mean one of the issues with like
    crypto investors is like the the the
    market has to be constantly pumping for
    people to actually be interested in
    crypto markets don’t constantly
    pump like once like it cools down and it
    starts trading sideways for a while like
    people like lose interest so that’s how
    you know that crypto is full of people
    that are just here to gamble more or
    less cuz that wouldn’t really be the
    case if like there were like more like
    longer term
    investors joins crypto and the high is
    the Bull Run yeah like people need to
    join when like crypto’s like really low
    in price that’s how you get rich in
    crypto you got to like join during the
    bare Market not just join during the
    market I used to hold FTM when I bought
    at 25 cents sold it off at $3 I
    see that’s not bad why a lot of
    YouTubers doing price prediction not
    educating how to swap or
    Bridge because people eat like price
    prediction look swapping and bridging
    isn’t really that hard to figure out if
    you know how to use the wallets you can
    swap and
    Bridge people are like most people in
    crypto are concerned about price I mean
    they’re investing to make money they’re
    not investing to change the world or
    whatever they’re investing to make money
    they’re investing to make money so
    obviously they’re going to be more
    concerned about the price than anything
    else sold FTM after I got win that
    Phantom CEO was about to sell his bag
    and run off with his girlfriend wait
    when did that
    happen I mean there are also there are
    also a lot of rumors in crypto so you
    can’t really believe everything you hear
    what do you think about near I bought a
    ton of it a few days ago Tech is very
    good and worth the risk risk I mean I
    actually really like near I definitely
    think it’s worth a risk
    yes there’s not like huge amounts of
    content you can like make contents about
    your trades if you trade all the
    time yeah like bridging is not that hard
    like you just open up metamask and you
    can Bridge you can you open up Phantom
    you can
    Bridge like there’s actually a bridge
    function on
    metamask there is legitimately like a
    bridge button on metam Mas so you can
    just use that it’s not that
    difficult do I think World War I is
    inevitable like in the next year no I
    don’t think it’s init
    inevitable I don’t think World War II is
    going to happen in the next
    year I I think this situation in the
    Middle East is just more akin to a
    regional War
    and Russia does all the huffing and
    puffing because it does it wants the
    West to stop giving Ukraine weapons but
    they’re not going to attack
    NATO yes I’ve been done accumulating
    vchain for a
    while I still believe in vchain but I
    really want them to work on ecosystem
    liquidity the Partnerships and all that
    stuff is great but you definitely you
    need like ecosystem liquidity if you’re
    going to if you’re going to like amount
    to anything
    like vchan and cardano both need
    liquidity like legitimately they both
    really need ecosystem liquidity a war a
    long time ago though one is
    hidden look like there’s been proxy wars
    that’s actually been fought but that’s
    basically just mainly us giving
    supplies there’s not like a boots on the
    ground type of war that the US has been
    in for a long
    time especially in like a bull run
    Market especially in a bull run market
    like a lot of YouTubers are like a lot
    of people are wanting to know like what
    the like people want other people with
    crystal balls
    and no one has a crypo ball like I I
    people still haven’t like people will
    never figure out that other people’s
    predictions are generally worthless so
    they like to hear what influencers say
    the US can’t be cannot be they’re just
    too powerful I mean you can look at the
    number of like carrier strike groups we
    have man like I don’t know if there’s
    any other country that has like a
    legitimate carrier strike group I’m not
    talking about the like the shitty old
    carriers that China has I’m talking
    about an actual legit nuclear carrier
    strike group we’re like the only one
    that has
    one so I mean like you can tell just
    from that you can honestly tell like
    just from that how how much difference
    there is between the US and everyone
    else do you think there will be a btz
    dump in two weeks I mean not
    really I don’t I don’t think there’ll be
    a BTC dump in two
    weeks and I don’t really understand why
    people think there will be a BTC dump in
    two weeks
    I think there might be a pump in about a
    week though maybe a small one because of
    Hong Kong us differential is the
    satellite anti-ballistic or that
    actually has one I mean the US has
    advantages in a lot of places like we
    have the best Air Force we have the best
    Navy like we have the best weapons we
    have the best technology like all that
    fluff about hyper Sonic missiles that’s
    like the US has those as well all
    actually like all missiles in flight are
    Hypersonic or they should be by now
    parabolic uh blowoff top my BTC Target
    is 90 90 98k my my Target’s like way
    above 100K I mean we might get stuck at
    100K for a while
    though but then again last time we
    didn’t really get stuck at 50k so I
    don’t really see why this time we have
    to get stuck at 100K I think it’s more
    of just like a psychological barrier
    yeah proton I’ve heard of it
    yes you spending money all over the
    place this country will be done in 10
    years it’s what people said 10 years ago
    well but the truth is like we wouldn’t
    have the geopolitical influence if we
    didn’t intervene
    everywhere being the World Police
    actually gives us a lot of clout and the
    thing is if the US wasn’t the World
    Police someone else would step up and do
    it and I’d rather have the US do it can
    you give me your three most overrated
    coins in the top 20 market cap three
    overrated bch LTC I don’t know no
    actually I guess LTC is still top 20 if
    you take out the me uh if you take out
    the uh stable coins but definitely
    bch um LTC I still think ton is
    overrated at this point they’re trying
    to get traction but I think ton is
    overrated I think like ton just got
    super pumped up by the
    whales there’s not much to say about
    proton I mean there’s a couple people
    that are really hyped about it saying
    it’s getting
    like adoption I don’t see it
    though D I bet like most of Russia’s
    nukes don’t even work at this point like
    like Daniel judging by the uh judging by
    the uh the quality of their other
    equipment you know like you know their
    their their trucks whose tires like blew
    out before they even got to the battle
    field I don’t think their nuclear
    program I don’t think their nuclear
    deter is like as polished and ready as
    they want you to
    think I do believe in ICP but I think I
    think ICP will get to about a 100 bucks
    um I definitely think ICP will get to
    100 bucks in this around 100 bucks this
    bull run I don’t think it’ll get much
    more than that though yes I see a future
    for salana look salana is a complete
    retail coin so like and I do think
    retail people will continue to use it
    even if it crashes cuz like most retail
    stuff isn’t Mission
    critical like you know like Miss stuff
    that’s Mission critical is not going to
    use salana but like retailers like they
    just want to make trades their stuff
    generally isn’t Mission
    critical yeah we could get to 90k by
    June I totally agree with you
    there I think like everyone View use
    like every chain as like it has to be
    Mission critical and it has to be up all
    the time but for salana that’s not
    really true yeah you don’t want it to be
    down that much and you you definitely
    want to avoid congestion like there was
    but if it goes down for like 5 hours
    every year people are going to live with
    that with salana because like uh there’s
    no like Mission critical infrastructure
    on it it’s just like people day trading
    or swing trading so like realistically
    if it goes down a while for maintenance
    or whatever people are going to learn to
    live with that proton it might 10x I
    mean it’s an old it is an older project
    it might 10x I just haven’t really seen
    the adoption people are saying it has
    Rune I’ve heard of C clv circus of value
    I mean there’s been one or two people
    that are that have brought it
    up Ton coin has a lot of issues and they
    only trade nfts actually I mean tonco is
    tried to bring memes and defi to it for
    but I don’t know if that’s going to work
    I think tonco was pumped a lot by the
    creators right now and that’s probably
    why it’s
    dropping r& drr to
    $50 I mean it’s it’s definitely possible
    to reach $50 with r&
    drr it’s only nine bucks right now but a
    $50 the market cap would probably be
    like around 20 billion and I think
    that’s reachable being played by some
    YouTube influencers they so they can get
    out of it I
    see proton does not have a lot of
    liquidity it’s not like one of those
    super popular coins that’s listed across
    every exchange that you are right about
    that I mean I like I said I have not
    seen an actual super popular game come
    out of
    crypto I am not into ordinals or or nfts
    I’m I’m not The nft Craze I think the
    nft craze peaked like last Bull Run and
    I do think nfts have their use case but
    I think like the million dooll jpegs I
    think that reached a pclass bull Ron
    like I and that’s also because people
    have flooded the market with NTS they’re
    no longer rare like when ethereum when
    you can only make uh nfts on ethereum
    they were rare because ethereum had like
    a cost barrier transactions are
    expensive so they had a cost barrier now
    like that you can make nfts on any chain
    there’s no cost barrier anymore so like
    people anyone can make like a billion
    nfts and they’re just not worth they’re
    just not rare anymore it’s not like a
    you know like nfts were like the IT
    thing they’re no longer like nfts these
    days are no longer like the IT thing
    anymore so like because there’s so many
    nfts and collections floating around
    it’s just not worth as much it’s all
    about supply and demand like last time
    because ethereum fees were so expensive
    and people didn’t want to me them there
    was a there was demand for these new
    shiny things called nfts and there
    wasn’t that much Supply now there’s a
    ton of Supply because you can make nfts
    anywhere and there’s not as much demand
    because it’s not new and shiny
    anymore we say it’s atth when Neymar
    buys an
    nft like didn’t Neymar create his own
    nft I know a lot of sports players did
    like you know like celebrity nfts might
    eventually end up having some value CU
    they’re from celebrities but like random
    ass nfts aren’t going to be worth
    anything that’s that’s just my take on
    it I don’t think random ass nfts are
    going to be worth anything like
    celebrity nfts maybe because there’s a
    celebrity backing it and they’re
    popular I’m hoping q& reaches a k i mean
    like q& like q&t uh performance has
    definitely disappointed me I won’t deny
    that s we mock him isn’t Neymar like
    y’all’s best soccer player or whatever
    is is is he isn’t he like your best
    soccer player
    isn’t he like he’s like number three in
    the world or something right dgb valid
    for a new
    high uh I’m not betting on dgb dgb is a
    really old coin that never really found
    position no actually like you know like
    Ronaldo I hear Ronaldo is like a really
    cool guy he’s like a really nice guy I
    mean people obviously keep pestering him
    but I hear he’s a really nice
    guy near is the hidden gym in my opinion
    so fast and so far no issues on the
    Chain there’s not a lot of people using
    though I mean Neymar is also like Neymar
    is also younger than Chris uh
    chrisronaldo and Messi he’s like isn’t
    he like only 30 years old those guys are
    like 37 38 years old
    now like Neymar is like still like 30
    years old I think or 31 or something
    like that so he still has like years to
    go in soccer
    near a 7.5 uh market cap too
    yeah it’s not hidden but it’s still like
    smaller than like say like cardano or
    salana or
    those I I I think you’re right I think
    memes will still run hard like in the
    second half of the bll run for
    sure like near could be headed towards
    top 10 I mean like that’s I’m not I’m
    not taking that possibility out
    well I don’t think there’s that many
    people using near right now though there
    might be in the future but there’s not
    that many people using near right
    now memes I think will run yeah I I
    don’t think it’ll be like the same memes
    that run hard though I think it’s going
    to be new I think it’s going to be
    different memes that run
    hard definitely undervalue but can it
    get 100x from no you can’t get 1,000 x
    from near not from right
    now he’s given up he went to Middle East
    to make oil money and not counting
    sponsorships I see I mean like you know
    some people just want that bag other
    people want like like for me I just like
    if I was a soccer player I just want I
    would want to win the World
    Cup like for me like if I’m a basketball
    player I want to win the NBA title if
    I’m a football player I want to win the
    uh uh the Super Bowl if I’m like if I’m
    a soccer player I want to win the World
    Cup none of those other events even
    matter to me I just want the World
    Cup uh are we not in the second we we
    haven’t really started yet cuz like you
    know I’m looking up for us to hit above
    like 75k
    again like we’ve had that we’ve had the
    having but we haven’t really gone up
    after the having and some people are
    still expecting a big post having dip
    which I don’t think is going to happen
    I mean like realistically though dude I
    can’t blame the dude for taking $100
    million a year that’s a huge
    bag to me a true gym is minimum 100x
    returns 1,000x but two but obviously you
    have to make uh play it quite a long ago
    I mean even for 100x returns you have to
    buy it like when it’s fairly when it was
    when it’s fairly small
    yeah but Flavio didn’t didn’t Messi win
    one didn’t Messi win a world cup with
    like only him basically thoughts on
    suie I think suie is worth a buy at this
    point um Tik Tok is I think is working
    suie I don’t know how that plays with
    the American Market but Tik Tok is
    working with suie
    yeah but Flavio like in
    uh but in O2 you had you guys had true
    Ronaldo in O2 you guys had like true
    Ronaldo true Ronaldo was even better
    than like current
    Ronaldo one uh can ethereum price go
    down I mean I don’t think ethereum price
    is that expensive right now they did
    some optimizations I don’t think
    ethereum price will ever be like super
    cheap dude look it’s never G to like xrp
    is never going to be like the world
    Bridge token I don’t think that’s even
    possible yeah like I no dude because I
    was watching I watched the O2
    I watched the O2 World Cup like CU World
    Cup like uh like the World Cup in O2 you
    had Ronaldo ralo Ronaldo or whatever
    like small Ronaldo like like basically
    you had Ronaldo like original like you
    had true Ronaldo Ronaldo Junior and like
    like a bunch of other like really good
    players that dude like scored seven
    goals in the World Cup which is
    crazy xrp Bridge token holder I
    this yeah a THX is really really hard to
    get you had to be in really early
    raldo oh yeah I I do remember now there
    were like three like those were the
    three guys who whose names like kind of
    like started the who like who sounded
    the same dude I remember revaldo he did
    like a bicycle kick in the game against
    Costa Rica that was awesome he actually
    had a bicycle kick in the Costa Rica
    game and he scored on
    it sui I would go with Su I would go
    with sui right now SEI is a little bit
    behind Aptos has chenari but other than
    chenari I’m not really sure what Aptos
    has dude dude I swear that Costa that
    that o02 game Brazil versus Costa Rica
    that that was one of the most
    entertaining games of soccer ever cuz
    like I think everyone knew that Brazil
    was going to win so like in the second
    half they just stopped playing and they
    just started screwing around like I
    think both sides in the second half they
    just stopped playing and they just
    started screwing around which is really
    fun they were doing like they were
    trying to do like hat tricks or whatever
    it was
    hilarious the US should just forget the
    battle suit and de develop
    Terminator in the form of a Sheba enu
    like Sheba nator because that would be
    hilarious aash I mean I know it’s been
    pumping a lot lately I I don’t really
    have too many thoughts on
    it imagine if they bought like imagine
    if the US developed a chinator think
    about how much she unu would actually go
    up wait isn’t doesn’t a is is aash the
    same thing as acoin like Aon
    Mae scored four goals in the World Cup
    final and still didn’t
    win you know I like you know the thing
    is like Flavio I’m actually really
    surprised that group only won one World
    Cup I thought they win more than one a
    cash is kind of like r& drr uh I but RDR
    kind of still has the spotlight
    though like R&R still has the spotlight
    if my portfolio is 50%
    uh I mean if V Rises enough yeah it
    can cuz like the only thing that won’t
    make that you really can’t make 10x on
    is the BTC and that’s only 25% of your
    portfolio that new robot Boston Dynamics
    man is a future of foot soldier nice I
    know they’ve I I know the US has been
    working on battle suits for a long time
    CU they need to like they want to make
    like super soldiers they just they just
    need to make Captain America Ronaldo had
    convulsions before the final against
    France and
    Paris dude 98 was insane I remember that
    as well like dude like that that World
    Cup website literally broke the internet
    in 98
    cuz like we didn’t have like like back
    in 98 we still didn’t have broadband and
    you literally could not get on the
    website because there were so many
    people on
    it I mean Brazil’s won like five times I
    think so
    yeah yeah 98 I was still on dialup and
    it was impossible you like you literally
    couldn’t access the World Cup
    site Gold’s not a rug Gold’s a holder of
    value Gold’s like you try to hold your
    value with Bitcoin I mean with gold you
    don’t really make money with
    gold dude like that that that that World
    Cup website literally got like a billion
    hits and like the internet couldn’t
    handle it like the like you know you
    know like we always say like this breaks
    the internet that breaks the internet
    these days those things don’t break the
    internet like that World Cup site
    literally broke the internet back then
    because like there was you just couldn’t
    get on it there was like so much traffic
    going to it
    there’s like so much traffic going to
    that site like it literally broke the
    internet there is no migration crisis in
    the US it’s like way
    overblown even if someone could get a, X
    they never hold that long I mean that’s
    that’s true I mean think about all those
    people that got into Bitcoin early not
    many people held it for that long
    who’s pumping
    about kafu best right winger Of All
    Times 194 second and 98 I do remember
    yeah look the best soccer player of all
    time to me will always be p p is just
    unbeatable because he won like so many
    World Cups and scored so many goals I
    think they might have a big I mean it
    just like B e32 it just might just be a
    pump and dump as well it could
    definitely just be a pump and
    dump P will always be number one in my
    heart always for
    soccer like like P is like the Michael
    Jordan of
    soccer p is like the Michael Jordan of
    soccer man or the Tom Brady of uh or or
    like like P is like Tom Brady or Michael
    Jordan like didn’t the guy win like
    three World Cups or something and you I
    think he played in like five or
    something crazy like
    that I’m still hoping for 50 cents to a
    dollar for vchain but they definitely
    need to get liquidity for that
    ecosystem most people hold through a
    bull run I mean like I think you you
    learn after one one or two bull runs for
    the hold when to hold and when to sell
    realistically Klay Thompson’s been
    washed for a while man
    here I mean Flavio like if you talk
    about like on the biggest stage which
    like if you talk about like the biggest
    stage which is the World Cup like I
    think is like undefeated like I I like
    to me he’s always going to be number one
    unless like someone wins like four
    titles or unless someone wins like four
    World Cups or something he’s always
    going to be number
    one Chris like right now Ronaldo is like
    really good but he hasn’t won a World
    Cup so he’s not really in that
    conversation Messi finally won one but P
    has like three or something like that
    doesn’t he like P has like three World
    Cups doesn’t he so he like sticks out
    I’m going to say 75k by the end of the
    hopefully yeah I’m definitely going to
    say like um 75k by the end of the month
    hopefully but remember like we only have
    two days for the Hong Kong ETF uh
    towards the end of the month so I’m not
    really sure if that’s going to
    happen I want to see what happens next
    Monday when like you’re actually when
    when chin like Chinese businessman can
    actually buy the Hong Kong
    ETF calling 100 I’m hoping you’re right
    I’m definitely hoping you’re right that
    like 100k by June August that’d be
    that’d be
    awesome all right guys that’s going to
    be it for today like And subscribe hit
    that Bell notifications button I will be
    back tomorrow and I will see you guys

    #crypto #bitcoin #alts

    Wrap up of weekend going into next week
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