IT’S OVER NOW: The Panama Canal Has FINALLY Dried Up

    an extreme drought in Panama is forcing
    authorities to substantially scale back
    shipping through the Panama Canal a
    drought affecting Panama’s Gaton Lake
    means less water is available to operate
    the Panama Canal we have vessels waiting
    outside for almost 3 weeks time is money
    time is
    money the Panama Canal is regarded as
    one of the greatest engineering Marvels
    over 30 years after its failed attempt
    it opened in
    1914 with its lock level system this
    canal allows the passage of about 40 50
    ships daily unlike other shipping canals
    the Panama Canal is the only accessible
    bridge between the Atlantic and the
    Pacific Ocean however this astonishing
    feat has finally dried up what could be
    the cause of the possible end of the
    canal as a primary route for shipping
    Transit between America Europe and Asia
    the dry up could have far-reaching
    effects on the nation’s economies and
    global trade can a solution be found for
    this problem let’s find out the global
    effort to get Goods to store shelves
    this holiday season could be slowed by a
    drought affecting the Panama Canal the
    creation of the Panama
    Canal the Panama creation one of
    Humanity’s greatest inventions came into
    being as a shorter route between the
    Atlantic and Pacific Oceans this
    artificial Canal facilitates trade
    between the east and west and has
    significantly influenced global trade
    the recent tragedy in this
    infrastructure is of primary concern not
    just to the canal users but also to
    Consumers and economies at large as
    crucial as the Panama Canal is to global
    trade the Panama Canal is one of the
    world’s most successful shortcuts about
    270 billion do of trade each year it was
    a significant concern at some point in
    history keep watching as we explore the
    mystery behind the sudden dry up of the
    Panama Canal the idea of the Panama
    Canal dates back to 1513 when ASCO Nunes
    de Balboa first crossed the ismos of
    Panama the narrow land bridge between
    the North American Atlantic and the
    South American Pacific Ocean is an
    excellent place to create a water
    passage the European colonists made this
    realization but it was not until after
    the completion of the Suez Canal in
    1869 that the French government began to
    Envision the creation of a similar
    project the Panama Canal the French
    government gained permission from the
    Colombian government which had the
    Panama area then the agreement between
    the French government and the Colombian
    government on March 27th 1878 was a
    15-year concession given to the French
    to build the Panama Canal after which
    after 99 years without compensation it
    would become the property of the
    Colombian government however the French
    government was unprepared for the
    disaster unfolding while venturing on
    this project it was only expected that
    the brain behind the Suez Canal
    Ferdinand deeps could carry out a
    similar project in Panama and he was
    therefore awarded the contract his
    enthusiasm about the project and proven
    track record encouraged speculators and
    even ordinary citizens to invest nearly
    million a major setback was the
    assumption that the environment of the
    Suez Canal was just as similar to that
    of the Panama Canal and this project
    could be carried out with little
    difficulty but that did not turn out to
    be so shortening travel time between
    Asia and Europe Europe in a bid to rival
    the sewers Canal the project to link the
    grand foul Port which is still under
    construction Ferdinand de Lep’s plan for
    the Panama Canal was a sea level Canal
    to be dug along the path of the Panama
    Railroad on February 1st 1881 this plan
    began effect funded by over 100,000
    small investors the French comp
    universel du Canal interos started to
    work on a canal that would cross the
    Colombian ismus of Panama and unite the
    Atlantic and Pacific Oceans with about
    50 Mi the Panama Canal was projected to
    take about half the time as the Suz
    Canal estimated at $132 million and 12
    years of completion the Panama Canal was
    considered a worthy investment as its
    completion would save travel hours and
    transportation costs and make its
    investors rich on January 20th 1882 the
    French began Di digging the Panama Canal
    using modern equipment like dredges
    steam shovels locomotives and tugboats a
    large number of the workers were local
    blacks and Indian laborers the process
    was slow in the beginning months of the
    digging but progress was steady then the
    unforeseen struck the warnings of men of
    Panama to Ferdinand began to come to
    pass and the workers were faced with
    torrential rain insects snakes swamps
    hellish heat small poox malaria
    yellow fever and the chagres river the
    chagres river continually affected the
    canal route a total of 14 times this the
    world’s most expensive traffic jam ships
    lined up for days outside the Panama
    Canal while continuously ignoring the
    warnings of those who deemed the project
    impossible Ferdinand decided to Dam and
    divert the river without knowing its
    entire flow during the rainy season the
    Chagas River was at full flow and became
    an untameable monster that swept
    anything standing in its way despite all
    these the French were Relentless and dug
    onward and times without number the rain
    and Chagas River joined forces to
    destroy the hard work of Labor and
    Engineering the mudslides became burial
    grounds for men machines and supplies
    the freshwater pools everywhere were
    breeding grounds for the deadly plague
    of insects in 1881 the number of deaths
    due to disease was 60 in 1882 2 the
    number doubled in 1883 more than tripled
    to 420 deaths the most common diseases
    responsible for these deaths were
    malaria and yellow fever it was only
    after thousands had died that the cause
    of their death was found year in and
    year out the more they dug the more they
    died it was almost as if they were
    digging their graves in December 1888
    the comp universel du Canal inter oan
    accepted failure and announced
    bankruptcy which led to thousands of
    French investors losing their money
    since then the word Panama has become
    synonymous with fraud and scandal with
    about $287 million spent 55 million
    cubic meters of rock and Earth out of
    place 11 M of canal dug and 20,000
    deaths the canal became an unfinished
    project but a dream much alive who then
    would pick up the Baton and bring this
    dream to reality
    the answer was not far who will fulfill
    the Panama Canal
    dream not long after Theodore Roosevelt
    became president of the United States of
    America he brought up the Panama project
    in a speech to Congress Roosevelt was
    quick in his actions and in June 1902
    the United States and the French agreed
    to purchase the rights of the French
    Canal property alongside the equipment
    for a sum of not more than $40 million
    known as The Spooner act the American
    president was hungry for action but
    Panama would not yield easily afterward
    the United States began negotiations
    with Columbia regarding a Panama treaty
    these negotiations did not reach many
    conclusions with Colombia the government
    was hesitant and the United States took
    another route by joining forces with the
    panamanians with whom they shared
    identical business interests to create a
    revolution to free Panama from Colombia
    the revolution between Colombia and
    Panama backed by the United States
    lasted a few hours and Panama became a
    state on November 3rd
    1903 the United States continued to move
    swiftly and with a sum of $10 million in
    addition to an annual annuity of
    $250,000 it was able to secure the
    rights and permission to build which is
    called the heau verilla treaty the
    Congress held in Paris was in favor of
    Ferdinand Deep’s sea level plan which
    tried and failed the United States then
    decided to adopt the opposing plan put
    forward in the Congress held at Paris in
    the Great Hall of the geographical
    Society of France by Adolf godan de lein
    a French civil engineer who was familiar
    with the terrain and the complexities
    present in the Panama region Goden was a
    hero to the American civil engineers
    unfortunately he did not live to see his
    plan become a reality but only saw the
    predicted failure of ferdinand’s plan
    the problem of managing the Chagas River
    led to President Roosevelt’s adoption of
    the lock type canal in 1906 which the
    chief engineer John Frank Stevens
    proposed included in President Roosevelt
    in 1906 chief engineer John Frank
    Stevens proposed what was then the
    largest artificial lake in the world
    gatun Lake and at the same time it
    brought a considerable part of the
    chagras river under control so massive
    was the lake that it was able to
    accommodate the greater part of the
    river even at flood stage perhaps more
    important the man-made lake formed more
    than 20 mi 32 km of the canal row Ute
    the United States was at an advantage in
    the completion of the Panama Canal as
    the failure of the French gave a lot of
    helpful information on how diseases like
    malaria and yellow fever worked and how
    to solve these problems having full
    knowledge of the primary cause of death
    of the French workers the Americans were
    able to understand how diseases like
    malaria and yellow fever could be
    controlled and in 1906 Panama was deemed
    safe for work to continue despite this
    diseases and accidents still brought
    death to
    5,609 American workers railroads and
    heavy machinery were critical elements
    most notable was the use of more than
    100 steam shovels many of which were
    used to dig the calbra cut later called
    guyard cut after David Duo’s guyard the
    American American engineer who
    supervised its construction until he
    died in
    1913 this was the most challenging part
    of the canal project the calbra cut due
    to the unstable nature of the soil and
    rock many lives were lost in the
    landslides and dynamite accidents the
    hurdles faced were great but on August
    15th 1914 the Panama Canal was opened 30
    years after the first attempt to build a
    working Canal the Panama Canal Remains
    the greatest engineering invention how
    does the Panama Canal work the inter
    Oceanic Waterway uses a system of locks
    with two lanes that operate as water
    elevators these elevators raise ships
    from sea level to the level of Gaton
    Lake 26 M above sea level to allow them
    to cross through the Continental Divide
    and then lower the ships to sea level on
    the other side of the ismos the water
    used to raise and lower the vessels in
    each set of locks is obtained from gatun
    Lake by gravity and poured into the
    locks through a main CT system that
    extends under the locks Chamber from the
    sidewalls and the center wall the Panama
    Canal serves as a maritime shortcut that
    saves time and costs in transporting all
    kinds of goods the 80 km Waterway
    communicates the Atlantic and Pacific
    Oceans in one of the narrowest points of
    the American continent since its opening
    in 1914 more than 1 million ships from
    all over the world have transited the
    canal the historic millionth Mark was
    reached on September 4th 2010 with the
    transit of the bulk carrier Fortune plum
    in September 2007 the Panama Canal
    expansion program began operation this
    program aims to double the Canal’s
    capacity to satisfy the increasing
    demand for Global Maritime trade this
    expansion added a third lane to the
    canal to enable the transit of bigger
    vessels also doubling the capacity would
    indirectly impact the economies and
    encourage them to open new markets how
    important is the pan P Canal to Global
    Maritime trade since its completion in
    1914 the Panama Canal has become
    Paramount to global trade serving as a
    bridge between the Atlantic and Pacific
    Oceans this has had an enormous impact
    the canal is a passage for 14,000 ships
    annually which holds 6% of global
    Commerce and displays the Canal’s
    significance by no small measure the 80
    km Waterway controlled by the United
    States from 1914 to 1999 handles 5 % of
    global Maritime trade each year some
    14,000 ships carrying more than 320
    million tons of cargo as a result of
    this High dependence on the canal a
    minor disruption could drastically
    affect the prices of goods and shipping
    rates the Panama Canal has been
    efficient in reducing Voyage Time by
    several weeks which in turn translates
    to reduced costs in the form of lower
    fuel costs a reduction in carbon
    emissions and more conservative shipping
    rates another param ount importance of
    the canal on global trade is the
    increased trade between continents it
    facilitates trade between Europe and
    Asia the Panama Canal can have
    far-reaching effects on the world’s
    economies which depend majorly on it for
    trade and generate money for the Panama
    government the Panama government as of
    2022 under normal operations generated a
    revenue of $ 4.32 billion for the
    government of Panama accounting for
    about 65% of the total
    GDP the status of Panama as one of Latin
    America’s wealthiest and most developed
    Nations is attributed to the Panama
    Canal the deterioration of the canal
    began in 2023 and has continued till
    2024 this continuous situation could
    lead to a sad fate for the people of
    Panama the United States and global
    trade at large why did the United States
    decide to complete the Panama Canal not
    long after Roosevelt assumed the
    presidency of the United States of
    America he had already begun talks about
    completing the Panama Canal this might
    seem Odd as one would expect the
    president to start to find solutions to
    the country’s pressing needs this odd
    talk had its link to a bigger picture
    that not many Americans could at that
    time Envision the United States with its
    goal of becoming a Pacific Power found
    the Panama Canal helpful in achieving
    this goal as an upcoming Global power
    the Panama Canal gave her the bridge to
    build relationships with other nations
    and grow its Military and Commercial
    potential the Panama Canal is tagged as
    a geopolitical strategy to make the
    United States the most powerful Nation
    on Earth as we have it today the United
    States is the most powerful Nation on
    Earth the United States of
    America is the most powerful Nation on
    Earth indeed the Panama Canal helped
    achieve this objective in terms of
    military potential the owner ship of the
    Panama Canal gave the United States
    control of both oceans which is a
    powerful tool in times of War at that
    time air power was not non-existent
    making the sea the only way to combat
    enemies Marine power was equated to
    world power allowing the United States
    to move ships swiftly from the West to
    the east also the economic impact was
    massive now you could unite the trade
    between the two oceans starting in the
    1890s and until W do one global trade
    was just as significant as it is now so
    it was essential to have a commute route
    across the continent this is why Wall
    Street was very supportive and helped
    fund it the US wanted to frame a vision
    of itself as more selfless more a help
    to the world more advancing civilization
    of course there’s the other side to that
    often the US was despite its self-image
    imposing its power in Panama it asserted
    its power over the Republic and
    dominated the County’s history for 100
    years but nonetheless the canal has
    remained Central to American national
    identity in part because it seemed to
    exemplify that beneficent self-image it
    was an incredible project the largest
    public construction project in US
    history the engineering technical
    medical and scientific challenges were
    incredible first having to get disease
    under control and then figure out
    whether it should be a sea level or a
    lock Canal it was 40 m long and
    literally cut through the Contin
    Continental Divide so it was extremely
    difficult how important is the Panama
    Canal to the United States the US is the
    largest user of the Panama Canal with
    total us commodity export and import
    containers representing about 73% of
    Panama Canal traffic 40% of all us
    container traffic travels through the
    Panama Canal annually and $270 billion
    in cargo annually a severe drought has
    led to water depth weight restrictions
    on ships passing through the canal and
    additional container sech charges
    imposed by ocean carriers on shippers
    the Panama Canal is one of the fastest
    and least expensive ways to move grain
    and other agricultural Commodities which
    leave the port of New Orleans for China
    the US is the largest country to move
    energy Commodities including natural gas
    through the Panama Canal the US retains
    the crown of the world’s largest oil
    producer oil production in the US is
    back at record setting levels a little
    over 1 qu 26% of canal Transit involves
    LPG carriers and ocean ships
    transporting liquefied petroleum gas
    liquefied natural gas compressed natural
    gas and liquefied chemical gases in bulk
    the latest requirements will not impact
    LG vessels still Canal congestion caused
    by the lower water levels and the
    increase in small vessels using the
    canal has led LNG allies the US industry
    trade group to publicly comment that it
    is concerned about future congestion and
    Rising costs and the need for alternate
    trade routes that would add time to
    voyages is there a water crisis on the
    Panama Canal the functioning of the
    canal is dependent on water and in the
    absence of little or no water it cannot
    perform its functions at the start of
    2024 unusual weather patterns were
    observed disruptions in the canal as we
    have it now have led to delays in
    waiting to pass through the Canal this
    has led to increased operating costs and
    shipping rates due to high demand for
    alternative routs this disruption has
    also increased the prices of goods and
    the delayed Transit of LNG carriers has
    caused a significant Water Crisis in the
    Panama Canal a significant cause of the
    Water Crisis is the fall in the water
    levels in the Panama Canal which is
    attributed to the drought and the El
    Nino climate pattern the drought is said
    to occur due to the low rainfall in the
    Amazon Rain Forest some experts have
    linked this fall in rainfall to the high
    rate of deforestation in the Amazon
    rainforest with the forest having a
    significant influence on climate
    conditions in many parts of the world
    deforestation has reduced the number of
    trees to the extent that carbon dioxide
    is more common in the rainforest than
    oxygen If the fall in water levels
    continues the Panama Canal could dry up
    dropping water levels in gatun Lake
    forced Panama Canal authorities to
    restrict the number of Shipping Lines
    from the standard 38 down to 24 transits
    a day by November 2023 causing long cues
    at nearby ports as shipping vessels wait
    for their turn to pass what is the El
    Nino climate pattern elino is a natural
    climate fluctuation that brings warmer
    than average air and ocean waters to the
    West Coast of America the strength of
    the warm air varies and usually lasts
    between 9 and 12 months due to the
    change ing climate conditions the
    National Oceanic and Atmospheric
    Administration predicted it would last
    at least until April 2024 which is how
    we have it now the severity and more
    extended period of the El Nino has a
    link with climate change climate changes
    have affected El Nino and the lenia
    pattern in recent decades this year’s
    strong El Nino has led to one of the
    driest years on record in Panama forcing
    the Panama Canal authority to limit the
    waterways capacity through Transit and
    draft restrictions to conserve water the
    future of canal operations hinges on
    arrival of the rainy season in May if
    rain comes as expected the Panama Canal
    Authority hopes to return to the normal
    rate of 36 transits per day if not
    further reductions in Daily transits or
    maximum drafts might be required what is
    the solution to the Panama Canal Water
    Crisis with the Panama Canal water
    levels continuously decreasing daily all
    hands are on Deck to find a fast and
    reliable solution to the problem some
    have suggested that seawater be pumped
    into the Canal’s primary water source
    Gaton Lake this idea has been turned
    down because Gaton lake is Panama’s
    primary drinking water source another
    proposed plan is rerouting water to feed
    the canal this idea might solve the
    problem of water scarcity it poses a
    great danger to the environment and
    could harm the natural
    ecosystem reducing deforestation in
    general and in particular in the Amazon
    is one of the solutions to the Panama
    Canal problem the governing board of the
    canal has suggested creating a reservoir
    to improve the water supply flow and
    traffic on the canal the proposed
    Reservoir will accommodate 12 to 15
    ships per time this Reservoir plan also
    comes with difficulties the cost is
    estimated to be about $900 million with
    Panama committing to this project the
    time frame is unsure as the last
    expansion of the Panama Canal locks was
    2 years ago the plan poses environmental
    concerns and could lead to people losing
    their homes as much as this Reservoir
    seems like a sure remedy to the
    situation of the Panama Canal the costs
    must be weighed side by side with the
    benefits the price includes the money
    spent and its effect on the environment
    the lives of humans and water habitats
    and the economic conditions other routes
    are considered and the Arctic route
    deemed impassible because of the thick
    ice is becoming accessible as global
    warming has brought about the melting
    the Arctic route the sea route is a
    shorter route between Europe and Asia
    reducing the voyage distance compared to
    the Suez Canal or Panama Canal route but
    how feasible is this route as much as
    the ice has begun melting and Away has
    become visible the challenges of the
    route and navigation are things to
    consider as the environmental conditions
    the Nicaragua Canal which has been
    debated for centuries has found light in
    the dark times of the Panama Canal the
    canal serves as a link between the
    Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans and is
    considered a competition to the Panama
    Canal the project serves High
    construction costs environmental impacts
    and geopolitical concerns the Nicaragua
    project has raised discussions on
    National and international platforms
    with indigenous and environmentalists
    expressing how this project could impact
    the environment and lives the Suez Canal
    is another alternative but it has its
    challenges with the independence of
    fresh water despite its expansion in
    2015 it still faces congestion problems
    in accommodating large Shipping Lines
    the canal has also experienced closure
    in the past due to
    conflicts another option is to build
    desalination plants the lack of rain has
    increased the salinity of the lakes and
    rivers a challenge that has to be
    managed given it’s the country’s most
    significant source of poal water but
    that option is costly and removing salt
    from seawater requires a huge amount of
    energy the future of the Panama Canal is
    unclear and a total dry up is highly
    possible remember to like and leave a
    comment on your opinions about the dry
    up of the Panama Canal share like And
    subscribe to our channel to see more of

    IT’S OVER NOW: The Panama Canal Has FINALLY Dried Up

    The Panama Canal is regarded as one of the greatest engineering marvels; over 30 years after its failed attempt, it opened in 1914. With its lock-level system, this canal allows the passage of about 40-50 ships daily. Unlike other shipping canals, the Panama Canal is the only accessible bridge between the Atlantic and the Pacific Ocean. However, this astonishing feat has finally dried up. What could be the cause of the possible end of the canal? As a primary route for shipping transit between America, Europe, and Asia, the dry-up could have far-reaching effects on the nations’ economies and global trade. Can a solution be found for this problem? Let’s find out

    Panama Canal,Panama,Canal,largest canal,worlds largest canal,dried up,suddenly dried up,cornerstone of global trade,global,trade,unprecedented catastrophe,catastrophe,vital waterway,waterway,most crucial canal,canal drying up,Atlantic Ocean,Pacific Ocean,connect the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans,Isthmus of Panama,Suez canal,biggest canal,beyond discovery,nature discoveries


    1. -the evil entities-they called The beloved for old these Greek gods do not like the law this is all created to recreate their book to bring about their Messiah

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