Crypto News: Weekend news and Predictions

    hello everyone
    and it seems
    like the
    dtcc big investment thing has actually
    taken some
    um action against Bitcoin now they
    haven’t really taken against Bitcoin but
    they’ve raised the risk of Bitcoin so
    definitely not uh that great well it’s
    6:35 p.m for me it’s not 2:35 in the
    morning so
    yes the has taken some uh Insidious
    actions against Bitcoin that might
    actually affect bitcoin’s liquidity I
    personally think it will affect it too
    much but we will see
    your Crow with knife should work uh let
    me see did Crow with knife go up
    massively today I mean like it wasn’t
    really worth anything when you sent it
    to me so definitely that could be the
    case so we’ll talk about bitcoin’s
    liquidity now that the dtcc has tried to
    step in and annihilate Bitcoin and we’ll
    see it the fact that it probably won’t
    work at this point
    uh there’s probably some lag because uh
    the amount
    of like I don’t really know why but the
    bandwidth is really really bad going
    into YouTube I guess like um there’s a
    lot of drop frames and stuff
    unfortunately kind of
    sucks yeah like choer needs like choer
    definitely needs better connection and
    uh it’s not uh I might actually just
    switch from Charter to something else
    sooner or
    later we made a happy accident on your
    modem no it’s not I’m actually using
    Wireless there’s no happy accident on my
    modem it just kind of sucks because um
    they can’t receive enough data to
    actually process this stream which
    sucks yeah it’s it sucks there’s like
    it’s buffering like Charter needs to
    Charter really needs to up its game
    because they charge a lot and they still
    haven’t upped its game
    pop yesterday was CDC listing nice ooh
    $71 Crow with knife yes hopefully it
    pops some more I mean cro is
    um you know like it’s on the cro chain
    it’s the only meme coin of note on the
    cro chain so it could actually be pretty
    good hopefully this thing like gets over
    soon but we’re not trans we’re not
    transmitting a lot of kilobytes right
    now I don’t really know why like
    bandwidth should not be like limited
    over the the weekend this is kind of
    ridiculous honestly uh with like the
    thing lagging hopefully it’ll stop
    lagging after a
    while yeah I don’t think xlm I don’t
    actually think xlm is actually going
    anywhere you can actually move you can
    move to a smaller resolution that would
    work it started happening about 3 days
    ago it’s just not my channel
    yeah I’ve had trouble with it might just
    it might honestly be YouTube cuz like my
    regular internet seems to be working
    fine like my regular internet seems to
    be working fine and um it’s just YouTube
    that’s like really lagging Moon I would
    say end of this year well let’s actually
    look at the dtcc thing I don’t think
    this will actually I don’t think this
    will actually affect Bitcoin but we got
    to take it we do have to take a look at
    this we definitely have to take a look
    this so uh dtcc announces 100% crypto
    haircut policy um this just makes it
    harder for them to uh get liquidity so
    the dtcc has decided to impose 100%
    haircut on all investment instruments
    backed by crypto assets because they
    have deemed crypto assets to be very
    very risky some analysts speculate that
    this move could lead to reduce liquidity
    and increased risk for investors however
    others argue that the dtcc decision
    might not significantly affect crypto
    ETF F performance leverage trading
    without kyc and G blah blah blah
    whatever that’s that’s a that’s a
    sponsorship so how will dtc’s decision
    in Impact Bitcoin ETFs they may not
    impact Bitcoin ETFs at all or they might
    have a liquidity impact I don’t really
    know which
    one so like dtcc is a financial services
    firm that offers clearing and Settlement
    Services in financial markets it plays a
    pivotal role in the trading operations
    of recently launched Bitcoin ETFs
    notably the dtc’s decision will take
    effect on April 30th and could impact
    position valuation in the collateral
    monitor as a result dtcc services will
    no longer permit entities to use crypto
    exchange traded products as collateral
    so basically like they will not actually
    allow um ETFs to be used as collateral
    for financial transactions conducted
    through the DTC system so that might
    weaken the liquidity for Bitcoin no
    collateral value will be given to any
    ETF or any investment vehicle that
    includes Bitcoin or any other
    cryptocurrency as an underlying
    investment hence will be subject to 100%
    haircut obviously they’re all moving
    they’re all trying to move against
    crypto and I do actually think they will
    fail this announcement has triggered
    speculation regarding its potential
    ramifications with some suggesting it
    could initiate a reversal in Bitcoin ETF
    inflows don’t think that’s going to
    happen but that would be pretty bad if
    it did happen autism Capital Express
    concerns over potentially reducing
    liquidity and increase investor risk
    Additionally the firm noted that the
    move could mitigate Wall Street leverage
    Maneuvers I don’t know if that’s a good
    or bad thing but like they’re trying to
    reduce uh they’re definitely trying to
    reduce um liquidity in Bitcoin and
    they’re trying to discourage people from
    buying them I don’t think that’ll
    actually discourage people from buying
    them though contrary to such concerns
    certain experts argue that the update
    may not significantly impact crypto ETF
    performance they pointed out that
    digital assets are not the sole subject
    of this 100% haircut when utilizing a
    line of credit to settle trades with the
    dtcc there’s a lot of other things that
    have gotten this haircut so crypto is
    not Alan more however they also
    emphasize that only specific large Banks
    and financial institutions res resort to
    drawing down on lines of credit for
    Trade Agreement settlements with most
    trade settling through delivery versus
    uh delivery versus payment minimizing
    the need for credit lines so like the
    the quote is the only entities that can
    draw down from the loc are specific
    large Banks so it’s kind like I think
    this is kind of limited um FIS I doubt
    any of them would have the H would have
    had the risk appetite to pledge crypto
    collateral anyways the locc is reviewed
    annually last time around the crypto
    ETFs didn’t exist so seems like they’re
    just covering their basis for the
    current annual review no there’s lots of
    asset types that have a 100% haircut so
    it’s not really um only crypto that’s
    being targeted and I don’t think it’s
    actually going to affect crypto but
    we’ll see why so like additionally
    Bloomberg ETF expert James cir dismissed
    the Doomsday Notions echoing the
    sentiment that the update holds little
    tangible significance so hopefully
    that’s true that it holds little
    tangible significance it could actually
    draw down liquidity which would kind of
    be kind of bad for Bitcoin but hopefully
    it doesn’t actually do anything because
    I don’t actually think it will do
    anything uh anything tangibly anyways to
    bitcoin I I think like they we’ll
    actually get a pretty big alt season I
    mean alts just don’t have the same draw
    of ETFs like Bitcoin does so like alt I
    think will actually I think alt season
    will run on schedule while Bitcoin
    season has been Advanced because of the
    stuff so just push people use actual
    crypto on chain def5 for loans against
    collateral I mean they’re like ETFs
    weren’t going to be use are like onchain
    anyways so I I don’t really think this
    really has too much of an effect but
    we’ll see what happens in Monday we’re
    also getting the Hong Kong ETF coming
    next week so that should actually be a
    boost that definitely should be a boost
    for uh crypto price at least I hope it
    will be a boost I don’t really
    know and
    um don’t really
    know I look I think All Season’s
    probably going to be at the end of this
    year the last all season was the end of
    2020 beginning of 2021 and I think this
    alt season will be four years later end
    of 2024 into
    2025 that’s that’s when I think this alt
    season will
    be so like yeah I don’t really think
    this thing will actually have too much
    effect on crypto am I still lagging it
    looks like I’m still lagging cuz it just
    won’t let me go through like YouTube
    won’t let me go my data go through for
    some odd reason or
    other if the government bailed out the
    banks uh would they bail out Black Rock
    they’re not going to bail out the like
    the ETFs don’t really need to be bailed
    out I don’t think this will have any
    real effect on the ETFs there’s a lot of
    other assets that got haircut to so I
    don’t think this will
    um I I I don’t really think this will
    actually affect other things
    some streamers face lags when their mm
    Phantom wallets are open or some CeX
    browser page du to change in the in view
    numbers on the
    dashboard but like my Phantom wallet is
    not actually open right
    now as long as I’m not lagging it’s fine
    I I do think it’s kind of like I I do
    think like it’s it’s a YouTube
    Problem some streamers face like yeah
    I mean all the all all the meme coins
    are on sale right now they’re all really
    low in price about who gets bailed out
    and who doesn’t and why obviously the
    government’s going to bail out their
    favorites I have not looked into
    gonzilla I’m not really sure why I would
    it seems like another uh it seems like
    another meme heard of the new coin built
    it’s created to fix vchain tokenomics
    sht uh I have I’ll look I’ll look into
    it I’ll look into it um I don’t know if
    a new coin can really fix vchain
    tokenomics though I definitely have my
    doubts on
    that built by the team that uh use my
    um I mean I don’t actually think V
    Chain’s tokenomics are really that
    broken like yes the the the ROI for
    staking is really low but they actually
    do have
    staking I like Arrow I it’s the main
    deck it’s the main decks on base and
    that says a lot the fact that it’s the
    main Becks on decks on base says a
    lot has been given the biggest vchain
    Grant that’s
    nice yes I would actually be surprised
    at this moment if an ethereum ETF
    actually did get approved I do not
    believe that it will get approved um
    it’s been kind of like hinted by the
    like the SEC hasn’t done anything any
    groundwork to actually approve an ETF so
    that’s why I don’t think it’ll be
    approved like there’s certain things and
    forms and like filings that have to be
    done um before an ETF gets approved and
    the SEC has not done such
    things dude like
    realistically all meme coins are kind of
    the same whether it’s Brett or cop or
    whatever they’re all the
    same because like you can say like um
    you can look at the distribution and say
    it’s a fair distribution but you don’t
    really know for sure that like you know
    like a lot of those wallets aren’t made
    aren’t held by the same
    people just want to know how much it’s
    costing to mine Bitcoin and why that
    price is so high because there’s a lot
    of people mining Bitcoin that’s why the
    price is literally super high uh because
    there’s a lot of people mining Bitcoin
    and they all want a piece of the action
    whether that’s smart or not I won’t say
    I mean I think bitcoin’s cool but still
    Hong Kong crypto ETF what’s next for
    China and
    crypto not really sure what’s next for
    China and
    crypto not really sure what’s next for
    China look I think Hong Kong ETF is like
    it’s not for retail Chinese buyers it’s
    for like really really rich Chinese
    businessmen and institutions it’s
    literally like it’s really an
    fund any uh
    dydx it’s really high right now I don’t
    really have any other news like Japan’s
    like Japan’s currency just completely
    fell against the
    dollar Japan’s currency completely fell
    against the dollar and that’s not good
    for dxy for us at least because we need
    dxy to be low and if other countries
    Fiats are falling that means dxy is like
    that does actually mean that dxy is
    increasing and we don’t really want dxy
    to increase anymore it’s no
    good what do you think about salana I’m
    still bullish on salana I think salana
    will continue to do well I mean like
    they did things they they did promotions
    and stuff
    right so I actually do think salana will
    do very very well in the future so yes I
    am bullish onol um probably more bullish
    than some other people yes I know salana
    has obviously technical issues and a lot
    of technical issues but I’m not really
    that worried about
    that oh dydx cryptocoin I don’t really
    know much about dydx
    cryptocoin I I think like some people
    like I think they named it that just to
    get people to look up their coin
    basically I I don’t even know what super
    is what’s so special about the CBU
    wallet I mean it’s hosted by coinbase
    other than
    that I mean I have a little bit of BTC I
    don’t have I don’t have that much of
    it Dy DX chain is a proof of stake
    blockchain Network built on using the
    cosmos SDK and leveraging Comet bft for
    consensus the dydx token is the L1 token
    for D dydx chain I mean it’s just
    another proof of stake blockchain
    Network there’s a lot of stuff built on
    the cosmos
    SDK so I I I don’t really see that much
    special about it
    that’s a vchain investor should take a
    look at it’s a meme coin on vchain that
    burns a ton of
    VTO I mean you have to get people to
    actually buy the meme coin though that’s
    thing yeah I’m not going to buy $4,000
    worth of a meme coin you can go do that
    I’m I’m not
    interested uh that burns a ton of vtho
    and gains access to vchain
    defi I mean yeah it’s a First Step but
    you still have to get the meme coin to
    be popular the the whole thing the whole
    problem with vchain is it doesn’t have
    liquidity and if it doesn’t have a
    liquidity it’s going to be it’s going to
    be hard for a meme coin to get popular
    like the chain the team has to make
    moves to get
    liquidity think we bottomed
    out look I’m not going to buy any cope
    right now I have some donations of cope
    but like I’m not going to buy
    any do you think we all and stop trying
    to sh Your Meme coin to Infinity like
    shill it once or twice and that’s it
    stop like getting all you and all your
    buddies to shill
    it do you believe we bottom out I treat
    BTC as an investment just like like just
    like everything else just like all the
    coins there’s a lot of liquidity on base
    but even if Bas didn’t have liquidity
    it’s not like V would get it like V
    first of all needs like usdc or usdt and
    then it needs to like advertise itself
    to to to like protocol
    developers like protocol developers need
    money and they need support if your
    chain doesn’t have any liquidity no
    one’s going to develop on your chain you
    your chain like needs liquidity for
    developers to actually be interested and
    vchain does not have any like no one’s
    really interested in developing on
    vchain because there’s no liquidity and
    they can’t get money you know mad Viking
    games mad Viking games right now is
    actually moving from vchain to BNB
    because vchain doesn’t have any
    liquidity and they can’t get any
    like they need people to buy and sell
    their coin and getting on the vchain
    ecosystem is actually pretty difficult
    and like they don’t really they don’t
    really have unfortunately for vchain
    they they really don’t have
    um like like they really don’t have like
    a way to support big projects so like PE
    like these projects are going to be
    looking for liquidity like the vchain
    team needs to do something about that is
    a group of respective vain that are
    creating something worth looking at I
    mean I’ll look at it I’ll look at it but
    like if it’s like one meme coin it’s
    going to be hard for it to work I I
    think you need to get a big stable coin
    I think you need to get a big stable
    coin on vchain
    first I definitely think you need to get
    a get a stable coin on vchain first and
    then like promote it I don’t know how
    you would promote it maybe do something
    like what salana did
    you will need to check
    out review on this whole Brett
    Scandal dude stop being dumb like
    Brett’s just another Brett’s just
    another meme coin just like all the
    other meme coins and also like like
    having a meme coin Creator having like
    80% of a meme coin is not really all
    that surprising
    thanks man thanks for the
    donation thanks for the
    donation what is going on with the
    market the Bull Run look the Bull Run is
    not over just because the bull just
    because we didn’t immediately go
    up like just because the they didn’t
    immediately go up doesn’t mean like
    we’re not going to eventually go up look
    at the last having we didn’t go up
    immediately after the last having either
    or the having before that
    one cuz we didn’t really go up in 2016
    and we we didn’t really go up in early
    2016 and we didn’t go up in early 20120
    people need to stop freaking out just
    because like their coins didn’t moon
    right after the
    having I still think Bitcoin is going to
    get to
    150k is ethereum worth it to buy right
    now it’s really going up I don’t know if
    I would unless you know that the etf’s
    going to get
    ped I don’t really know if I
    would what are your thoughts dude stop
    spamming I don’t care about your coin
    right now you’re just annoying me with
    spam what are your thoughts on harar and
    apparent Black Rock
    news no no like I that’s my I think
    ethereum will get to like
    $10,000 I definitely think like ethereum
    will get to about
    $110,000 uh I don’t know if it’ll I
    really don’t know if it’ll go above
    though like har bar has like I think har
    bar actually has pretty like pretty good
    stuff for the future but like they also
    need to promote their ecosystem
    don’t really know much yes look look H
    bar is f look har bar is uh gonna be
    fine the the Black Rock thing wasn’t as
    a big deal as they made it out to be but
    it’s not like it wasn’t good for H bar
    the Black Rock thing is still good for
    bar selling be BTC black rock is holding
    dude no one is selling BTC maybe like
    grayscale that’s because they’re trying
    to sell for other ETFs we’re at 63k yes
    we’re not massively going
    up a lot of like the donations recently
    have been meme coins but I actually have
    some in the cardano ecosystem I still
    have vchain I still have chain link you
    know like the flaky stuff is working out
    really well for me but that’s like an
    old meme coin that’s been around for a
    while like more ALR and H bar both
    didn’t perform that much right now
    looking at both swing trade I mean h bar
    is a higher Market than Captain alram
    but they’ve also like come a lot further
    with collaborations and stuff in
    ALR black rock is not going to let two
    Geeks with laptops handle their
    rwa well I mean like har bar is actually
    a legitimate project
    though also like like regardless of what
    every anyone says har bar is tokenizing
    black Rock’s IC fun I don’t think it’ll
    impact price much at all but they are
    tokenizing H Bar’s IC I mean black
    Rock’s ICS fund that’s that’s
    undeniable like everyone is trying to
    get other people to buy their crazy meme
    coins so they can use it as like exit
    liquidity to pump them pump their own
    bags up there’s there’s too much there’s
    too much competition in meme coins at
    this point it’s way too much competition
    in mem coins at this point you think
    runes is going to be a thing in terms of
    profitable you mean Bitcoin that the
    Bitcoin ruins protocol yeah for a while
    and then people are going to discover
    that it’s gon it just makes Bitcoin not
    functional they’re trying to like come
    up with any cocka way to get Bitcoin to
    be something else besides a store of
    they’re trying any way they can to to
    get Bitcoin to be something more than a
    store of value to actually get people to
    develop stuff on bitcoin it’s not going
    to work just bitcoin’s just not built
    for that and uh it’s just not it’s not
    built for that it’s not meant for that
    unfortunately like it can’t handle it
    because it just like it can’t process
    the a
    TPS like your TPS actually has to be
    good enough for that stuff to work and
    bitcoin’s TP is simply not good
    enough look I have like a billion I
    literally have like a billion meme coins
    and I’m not really interested in adding
    too many more meme coins with my own
    money to my
    portfolio because like people keep
    donating me R like people like literally
    keep donating me random meme coins
    like people keep on like donating me
    random mcoin so I actually have like a
    very very like a hugely varied like uh
    mcoin portfolio especially on
    salana I’d rather to just donate money
    instead because like generally like
    these meme coin like there’s a lot of
    um because most these meme coins don’t
    really go anywhere there are a couple
    like Costco hot dog and like B that’s
    actually worth money but the rest of it
    is actually not worth
    anything like book of memes actually
    held really strong the rest of these not
    much but look I think when the Bull Run
    comes back a lot of these memes are
    going to come up book can compete with
    Kendall what’s what’s
    book I mean I don’t really know that
    people I I don’t know that many people
    that actually have a Kindle everyone has
    like an iPad or an Android I mean I
    guess Amazon I guess Kindle’s based on
    Android I mean the coins that donated
    are still worth like hundreds of dollars
    and they’re still way above what they
    what they were when they donated to when
    they got donated to me you’ll see me
    laugh at you like once the Boron really
    comes and all like a lot of these meme
    coins just completely outstrip Bitcoin
    in terms of
    gains because I know like once we bull
    run again these meme coins are going to
    run way harder than any of the top
    coins yes I do think the ethereum ETF
    will be denied the SEC has not shown any
    clues that they’re going to approve the
    ethereum ETF think it worth picking up
    Pepe I think Pepe is
    I mean Pepe is a good meme just because
    the whole 4chan thing and people know
    about it before it’s already it already
    has a pretty big market cap though I’m
    sure they’ll probably try to pump it
    again like I think overall altcoins are
    actually a pretty good pickup right
    now I think all coins right now are a
    really pretty good pickup if you want to
    be safe I you could buy like BNB or
    salana those are pretty much gonna I I
    know those are going to go up
    yeah I’m waiting for like the Bitcoin to
    go up again so like the rest of
    everything like so the meme coins go
    insane because I know they will it’s not
    hard to sell those things I can just
    swap them into
    salana I didn’t think they
    would yeah but I mean like the Bitcoin
    ETF was like telegraphed that they were
    going to accept it because they did a
    lot of groundwork they they like filled
    out all the forms and they actually like
    got it and they before they got it so
    like they were telling you they were
    going to accept it they haven’t really
    done any of that work for the ethereum
    ETF so I would actually be very very
    surprised if they actually uh ended up
    approving it like this time eventually I
    think they’ll have to approve it because
    like I don’t I think the courts are
    eventually going to make them approve
    it between LTC I wouldn’t pick either of
    them but if I had to pick I’d probably
    just take LTC but I honestly would not
    take either of those coins I think both
    those coins are
    garbage but thanks the donation I I
    think both LTC and bch are pretty much
    garbage do you I mean actually no I
    would pick bch because there’s actually
    a team there there’s no team behind LTC
    but I wouldn’t get either of
    them um do you do we stay stagnant in
    May through August I don’t think we’ll
    stay all the stagnant all the way from
    May until August
    I mean like if you yeah I would actually
    buy BTC over LTC and bch but I would
    still buy other altcoins over BTC de
    Central land’s old man like all the
    other metaverses basically surpassed it
    and Joe have you played the game de
    centraland it kind of sucks man it
    really does like that’s not to say it
    won’t pump because like you know if
    there’s a gaming craze sure it might
    pump because it was like the first one
    out there but honestly if you’ve played
    it it kind of does suck and it like and
    for some reason it crashes my graphics
    card which it really
    shouldn’t maybe they fix that cuz it’s
    been a couple of years since I’ve play
    it’s been a couple of years since I
    played it and from from what I do
    remember it does actually suck as a
    game so because it does actually suck as
    a game I’m probably not going to buy the
    coin because I want to buy a coin that
    like if I’m going to buy a gaming token
    I don’t want to buy it like from a game
    that that I think like really sucks I
    mean I there might be a future for it
    but I would I I would actually buy other
    game coins honestly cuz like decentral
    land was the first metaverse game thing
    out there so people like people were
    excited about it but they never really
    made any
    improvements and I don’t know how many
    people play decentraland
    anymore BTC isn’t able to use collateral
    that’s a bummer but war on crypto well
    it’s Bitcoin no it’s Bitcoin ETF that AR
    aren’t able to be used as collateral and
    that’s only through the
    dtcc so I I don’t know if that’s going
    to affect
    anything we’ll see how sht actually
    works if it if that can bring like
    liquidity to vchain I’m like all for it
    if it can bring liquidity to
    vchain there any crypto games um I have
    to say no I mean like I played Gods on
    Chained and I thought that was okay but
    a card game I mean it’s it’s better than
    land but no there isn’t like a I have I
    have to sadly say with like certain fact
    that no there are indeed no like really
    really good
    um crypto
    games there are no like really really
    good crypto
    games someone said that because we are
    high cycle 80k will be the top nope
    they’re wrong Bitcoin I I don’t think I
    think for this cycle I don’t think High
    fees are going to stop Bitcoin from
    rising that just gets more people to
    mine them which UPS the hash rate which
    actually helps the price look Bitcoin
    isn’t really look Bitcoin isn’t really a
    chain but it’s an investable one like
    neither Bitcoin like Bitcoin and
    um Bitcoin and ethereum like they’re not
    really chains you want to use but
    they’re investable chains part of that
    is because of the fee now eventually
    that’s going to hurt them but I don’t
    think it’ll hurt them this
    cycle what wax should be worth more than
    what it is right now but I mean I think
    wax is also one of those chains where
    like the utility doesn’t actually impact
    price actually I haven’t actually seen a
    chain where utility actually does like
    where like where like uh industry
    utility actually impacts price like I
    think that they’re just dangling a
    carrot in front of us and that’s never
    really going to happen some uh games on
    way blockchain blockchain Brawlers not
    bad I mean I have’t I actually haven’t
    played that many blockchain games I
    played a couple of the big ones a couple
    of the early ones and honestly they suck
    so I I I can’t really endorse them
    there’s so I like I I really can’t
    endorse them because like the games that
    I have played I mean Gods unchain was
    decently fun cuz like card games are
    decently fun but I also think like uh
    generally they kind of
    suck I haven’t really touched sandbox so
    I don’t really know I mean the gra the
    graphics look better than D centraland
    and there’s still some hype for it so I
    think it’s on a I think it’s on a better
    standing than de Central land in terms
    of the game itself I’m not really
    sure A A lot of the a lot of the um
    metaverses just like like the a lot of
    metaverse has just never really went
    anywhere and that’s too much of a shame
    about to swap all my 88
    for I mean sure if You’ actually held
    for four years you are up 10x on
    adaa cuz four years years ago 88 was
    like 4 cents and it’s like 46 cents
    now I would definitely look at it uh
    into I thought Shu was a joke meme
    coin if it receives like a biggest
    vchain like it’s it’s kind of weird I I
    don’t really know what to think about
    that yeah port numbers don’t
    matter like why does anyone care about
    numbers but me uh maybe vchain has
    discovered maybe vchain actually has uh
    discovered that they actually need
    projects and they actually need
    liquidity and that would be a good
    thing does the ETF in Hong Kong start on
    the 30th I think it’s two here that it
    starts selling I I wouldn’t put too much
    hope on the Hong Kong
    ETF like it’s a good development but I
    wouldn’t put too much home in the Hong
    ETF I mean there’s the old ones like
    book of meme is still doing okay um fi
    still doing okay Sheba enu Doge uh Pepe
    dog with hat they’re all still doing
    okay I don’t know about I actually don’t
    know about memes on base CU outside
    Brett I mean I know I think there’s Brit
    which is supposed to be like Brett’s
    girlfriend or something but you know how
    those things
    are like people try to make spin-offs
    and the spin-offs are never as
    successful as the
    original the haircut on BTC isn’t as big
    I I don’t think the haircut on BTC is a
    big deal at
    all I really don’t think the haircut on
    btc’s like has will have anything to do
    yeah like vchain is finally realizing
    hey for the price of our coin to rise we
    actually need projects and we need a lot
    projects I don’t think look I’ve said
    this before I don’t think ethereum’s
    etf’s going to get
    um I don’t think ethereum is going to
    get that uh get the ETF
    approved um like I think get approved by
    like end of the year or next year but
    not this time around the SEC is most
    likely going to deny it cuz they haven’t
    done the groundwork to accept it but I
    would be pleasantly surprised if they
    did actually accept
    it unless is Star Wars how about
    yeah yeah but like the the spin-off meme
    coins are never as successful as the
    meme main ones cuz like people are
    looking for that new fresh thing they
    don’t really care about your
    spin-off so the spin-off meme coins
    never end up doing as
    well who do you think will be the best
    L1 it might actually end up being salana
    like salana and BNB are competing for
    number one right now in this bull Ron
    like which which one does the best in
    this bull
    run no I actually don’t think ethereum
    ETF is as big of a catalyst as a big
    Bitcoin ETF ethereum affects itself and
    maybe the erc20 system maybe whereas
    like Bitcoin the Bitcoin ETF affects
    everyone over under Gary gendler’s fired
    in a year I give it 5050 I mean he is
    going to become a political liability
    for the Democratic
    party because support for crypto is
    building and he’s going to end up losing
    him too many damn votes that’s what’s
    going to happen
    Market seems livier today it actually
    hasn’t moved very much though like it
    we’ve lost maybe a couple hundred points
    over the weekend but I’m not concerned
    that like I’m not concerned about us
    losing a couple hundred points over the
    weekend I don’t think that’s I don’t
    actually don’t think that’s a big deal
    all think the chain will reach alltime
    highs and Beyond this cycle have you
    heard of
    zange uh I have not but I do think
    vchain will actually like reach alltime
    high this cycle I don’t know about
    beyond the cycle I mean eventually after
    as it grows some it has to settle down
    but if vchain can expand its ecosystem
    it can definitely move up a couple of
    ranks there’s not going to be too much
    expansion in terms of vchain
    Supply on Monday due to Japanese Yen
    tanking the dxy thing does have me a
    little bit worried but if it tanked it
    would have tank like end of last week so
    personally I don’t think so the Japanese
    Yen situation is a little sticky because
    they can’t really solve it the fed’s
    probably not going to make any moves to
    resurrect the Japanese genen
    all go
    parabolic probably at the end of this
    year I don’t like my hopes for xrp
    aren’t really that high if it can reach
    its all-time high it’d be great adaa I’m
    still looking for5 to $10
    like everyone’s trying to pinpoint when
    the Bull Run is so they don’t so they
    like so they don’t have to buy until
    exactly right before the bow run that’s
    a horrible idea that is absolutely a
    horrible horrible
    idea you can’t like don’t try to wait
    until the last last minute like do not
    try to wait until the last minute to
    like buy the buy the coin just like just
    buy it right
    now because it might go up so because it
    might actually go up in like several
    steps you you definitely like might go
    up to several steps
    vchain team actually does what they
    predict on on board 50d sustainability
    apps what the hell is a defi
    sustainability app though I I I don’t
    understand what that is why not just a
    defi app what’s like what’s a defi
    sustainability app like what what’s the
    differentiator there I’m I’m confused
    I’m I’m really confused like what
    exactly is a defi sustainability app how
    is it
    sustainable I I don’t understand already
    a great dep that pays people for
    recycling I mean that’s not really defi
    though but I mean it is pretty cool but
    that’s not really defi that’s just
    that’s just one of those reward
    apps like that’s a reward app like defi
    is essentially like borrowing loaning
    yield farming I I don’t really know if
    you can make defi sustainability apps
    that doesn’t make a lot of sense to like
    the concept doesn’t make a lot of sense
    me the whole thing with like uh I I
    don’t really know if defi really has
    anything to do with sustainability like
    you can you can go into the
    sustainability Market because the
    sustainability Market is going to be
    really big and it’s consistently growing
    so getting in the sustainability Market
    is not a bad idea but I don’t think you
    can have like sustainability I don’t
    think you can have like defi sustainable
    like sustainability apps that doesn’t
    really make much sense to me at all the
    buy don’t go all in buy High Buy Low
    High yeah it wasn’t that great of an
    experience when salana like when salana
    basically jammed up for several days but
    I don’t think that’ll actually hurt
    salana too much because people will
    still use
    salana yeah it’s it’s basically more of
    like a it’s more of like a get paid to
    take part in our sustainability thing
    app it’s not really a sustainability app
    because that doesn’t make any sense yes
    scroll with knife has actually boomed
    it’s like five times what it was it’s
    like oh actually it’s like three times
    what it was a couple of days ago
    hopefully it keeps going up because I
    have a billion Crow with knife and
    eventually I’m going to sell it for
    profit but look I’m waiting for the
    market to move up as a whole I’m not
    going to sell like right
    now wait how wait how wait how is sht
    defi if it’s if it’s a meme cor it’s not
    meme coins aren’t really defi I mean
    like can you lock up sht to can you like
    lock up sh to earn yield because that
    would actually make it
    defi the fed’s not going to Pivot in a
    while like it’s going to be several
    months before the Fed actually like
    starts cutting rates if they even cut
    rates this year cuz like the numbers
    just aren’t very good like the numbers
    are not very good for the FED to cut
    rates and Jerome Pal doesn’t give a crap
    that it’s election year so he’s not
    really going to cut rates just because
    of that like if if the if inflation
    remains sticky he’s not going to cut
    rates Donald Trump says he wants to set
    set rates himself as soon as becomes
    president but he can’t actually do that
    he’s not actually allowed to do
    that and also like him setting rates to
    zero long term would be a horrible idea
    that would like that would make
    inflation go straight
    up so like I don’t think the rates are
    going to cut I don’t think I think that
    we’re going to get one rate cut this
    year and that’s it I do not think we’re
    going to get more than one rate cut
    but despite that I still think crypto is
    going to go
    up because I don’t think crypto is I
    don’t actually think crypto is
    completely dependent on the fed and rate
    Cuts Like people some people are
    actually starting to use crypto as a
    hedge against like the inflation and I
    mean that’s going to that that’s going
    to get crypto to go up
    too and while like um
    and obviously
    like and like
    obviously they’re still the long-term
    holders and people will start
    accumulating in we don’t have the we we
    don’t have the trigger like last time
    like we don’t have like um we don’t have
    that thing with the the the you know the
    free checks from Uncle Sam this time so
    it might not start quite as fast but
    also like I don’t think it’s going to
    come crashing down with like the massive
    inflation this time like if you actually
    cut if you actually cut like um rates to
    zero that’s what you’re going to get
    you’re going to get like a big pump and
    then a massive dump maybe like a couple
    months later because you’re going to
    have like inflation go way way up if you
    cut rates to
    zero Cycle
    Theory I actually do still believe in
    the fouryear theory I think a I think
    the four-year cycle is
    basically hard hardwired into a lot of
    people’s minds
    now I definitely think the fouryear
    cycle is like hardw hardwired into a lot
    of people’s minds at this point so
    you’re not going to really get them off
    of it um for
    that so I do think like we’re going to
    Peak at the start of 2025 I don’t think
    we’re going to Peak in
    2024 but there will be gains to be made
    in 2024 and that’s also Al why I think
    altcoins are probably most likely to go
    up at the end of 2024 not right now I
    think there might be like some go like
    they might go up some in July and August
    but I think the main pump’s going to be
    end of this
    year only Theory worth paying attention
    to is money go up Theory I mean but
    people are trying to figure out when the
    money is going to go up but if you’re
    talking about individual projects and
    which ones buy yeah the money go up
    theory is the most important one or the
    number go up theory is like the most
    important one by
    far no matter how many people will not
    like that but number go up is like the
    most important thing in crypto because
    only when your number goes up do you
    attract other projects under your chain
    if your number doesn’t go up the other
    projects are not coming under your chain
    they’re just not because they’re not
    yeah interest uh do you think crypto
    summer will see parabolic moves just I
    don’t think it’ll be completely sideways
    I think we will actually like move up
    some so that’s why I think I would buy
    now any thought on lcx for
    50x let me take a look at lcx
    did perform well this pricewise this
    year I think I and J will do well so
    yeah I would actually buy
    some I do I think it’s going to 50x no I
    don’t think I lcx will
    50x not a bad project but I wouldn’t I
    wouldn’t say it’s going to
    50x I mean trading your cardano for Min
    Swap and snack is like a risk play that
    could work out really bad or really
    poorly especially snack like if cardano
    gets the liquidity then snack will go
    way up if cardano just like continues
    being dumb and not getting if Charles
    keeps on being dumb and not get
    then like it’s not going anywhere and
    usdm is not going to help it you have to
    rely on like
    usdc or
    usdt hopefully they will get it soon but
    obviously I’m not very certain about
    that because Charles ego is like not
    hard to ple like really hard to satisfy
    he doesn’t want to play ball with Jeremy
    Aller in circle
    thoughts on $30,000 Tesla car nice I
    mean it’s actually
    affordable I still won’t buy it but it’s
    at least
    affordable doesn’t Tesla like charg like
    a per month subscription or something
    like that I heard like Ela and musk
    wanted to do that I don’t really know
    how people feel about that though and
    also like doesn’t Tesla like technically
    have control over your car I think they
    do right I think Tesla actually has a
    control over your
    car like cuz like I think Tesla like all
    their cars they can actually um just
    turn them they can turn their own cars
    on and off
    right Justa cars best taking time bomb
    sit inside
    I mean they could technically shut them
    off I mean I don’t know why they would
    actually do that because that would
    cause a lot of
    issues but they could technically shut
    them off I
    guess no but I mean I suppose if they
    can identify the car that they’re using
    sure dude cxx hobra you ask the same
    thing every day I’ve already answered
    that question
    question also like I don’t think people
    are going to use a Tesla car to try to
    outrun a police car they have other cars
    that so I don’t think like Tesla is the
    best choice for that option
    definitely don’t think Tesla is the best
    choice for that
    option H bar hitting $2 more likely or
    less likely I think it’s less likely I I
    I have har bar pinned at a dollar if it
    can if har bar reaches a dollar I’ll be
    like I think it’ll be a
    success H bar only went to 50 cents last
    time so it reaching a dollar would
    double its all-time high and I think
    that would be considered a successful
    Bull Run for all H bar I know some
    people are thinking like you know tens
    of dollars but that’s simply not going
    to happen that kind of adoption is not
    there and I don’t know if it’ll ever
    really be there
    heard Toyota run better than
    Teslas I mean I think they’re easier to
    maintain but I don’t know if they
    actually run better Toyota runs
    fine yeah I’ve been fishing I mean I
    went bike riding today so I didn’t go
    fishing today but like um I I’ve been
    fishing it’s been it’s been slightly
    lately I think I I do actually think
    Tesla as a stock I don’t know if it’s
    going to do super well in the future
    because it’s going to face a lot of
    competition from other like electric car
    manufacturers they’re like not the only
    one in the industry but if you actually
    want to charge your car they might
    actually be the only viable method but I
    also don’t know like you know some like
    California wants to replace their cars
    to all electrical by 2035 that’s just
    completely unlikely at this
    point I mean I have a YouTube fishing
    Chanel Channel I mean like I I do post a
    lot of content to
    it I mean just based on its sales like
    just based on the number of sales they
    make Tesla shouldn’t actually be that
    valuable but it’s really about their
    technology I don’t really care about
    Elon honestly but like I said like Tesla
    is GNA have a lot more competition
    coming in
    soon yeah I’m still looking at Min swap
    to a dollar I think you’re forgetting
    like how fast these coins pump once they
    do actually
    pump cuz like a lot of the all these
    coins literally pumped within the span
    of like two or three months between like
    December and January of 2020 of 2020 and
    2021 I don’t actually think elon’s
    really supported by the
    government he just got like he just he
    has a first mover advantage
    he he’s definitely he definitely has a
    first mover
    advantage in terms of
    um in terms of like two market and in
    terms of infrastructure and charging
    stations he he he absolutely has a first
    mover advantage
    does the SEC I think they’re going to
    try to argue that ethereum is a security
    although ethereum has actually struck
    first by suing the
    SEC which bank you used to cash out I
    use be I use beo Harris I haven’t had
    any issues they don’t really care if you
    transfer money into
    them Elon wealthy because of government
    subsidies well he’s well I mean he’s
    wealthy because of Tesla stock but
    realistically he his company was able to
    survive because of government
    subsidies I mean it’s gone down but it’s
    still higher than what it was it just
    pumped it just basically pumped way way
    high it literally pumped like way way
    high a 30 billion market cap would be
    super would be a dollar yeah I think
    Cadera can actually reach that
    though Rich dude is government subsidies
    I mean Tesla would have never gotten big
    without government subsidies so he’s
    like the last one to actually argue that
    he should pay less taxes cuz he’s
    directly benefited from those
    taxes he absolutely directly benefited
    from those taxes more than just about
    else pretty sure Elon incorporates with
    the military and lends them AI
    progress I don’t really know how much
    Tesla has its hands in AI at this
    point xrp SEC suit I don’t think it’ll
    be over this year there’s two there’s
    actually way too much of a difference
    between how much the SEC wants and how
    much like Ripple wants to pay
    no like him knowing that which bank I
    use is completely useless to him he
    doesn’t know my account
    number so that’s not really all that
    much of a
    thing you have you guys have to realize
    like there are some questions that
    there’s like there’s certain information
    that’s actually that that actually is to
    let out and there’s other information
    which doesn’t really matter like saying
    I use Chase of or Bank of America is not
    going to help them hack
    me right now they’re the SEC is trying
    to sue coinbase because they want to
    they want to sue exchanges it’s going to
    be really hard for them to go co after
    every single coin so they’re just suing
    exchanges at this
    point yeah but the thing is like with
    Chad GPT he sold Chad GPT Microsoft a
    long time
    ago yes Elon was born into a pretty
    wealthy family Rich family as well I
    mean obviously that gives him a leg up
    on everyone else he’s trying to quash
    he’s trying to quash that part of it
    though because he wants to be he wants
    to everyone to think that he’s
    self-made but he was born into a richer
    white family in par Hill South Africa so
    he definitely had a big big um so he
    obviously had like a huge advantage on
    else all electric car but it was shut
    down for some reason I don’t really know
    I don’t know
    why yeah but you remember when but CX
    Cobra do you remember who uh Trump gave
    us last time he wasn’t any better he was
    the one that sued Ripple in the first
    I think Elon is like I think people care
    about Elon like way too much in
    crypto I think like I think people care
    way too much about in crypto Elon
    basically has no bearing in crypto
    Tesla’s fun to talk about but Elon
    basically has no uh bearing in
    crypto it depends if he actually wins
    election I highly doubt John deon’s
    gonna win
    like I I highly doubt like John deon’s
    gonna win against Elizabeth Warren I
    want him to win against Elizabeth Warren
    but it’s very unlikely he actually wins
    that district is so like is really
    blue I I feel like for uh I feel like
    deedon would have had a much better
    chance at the primary than in the
    general cuz like trying to win like
    against Elizabeth Warren in a deep blue
    district is probably just not going to
    happen if it was another District that
    was a Str swing District he would have a
    shot Warren’s a little nervous though
    and he’s she’s actually trying to raise
    money which is a good sign but I think
    his chances are very
    low gaming cryptos will gain some good
    traction probably yes there’s going to
    be a couple of popular
    ones but right now it’s like rwa and AI
    that’s kind of like taking
    command are big bag holders of
    BTC yeah they are I
    guess but realistically like Elon is n
    that relevant in crypto he likes to Make
    Some Noise because that’s just the type
    of person he is but he like he’s not
    that relevant in
    crypto there’s still a lot of people
    that want to believe that he’s Satoshi
    Nakamoto but he’s obviously not Satoshi
    Nakamoto Party candidate wins by the way
    of double
    knockout that would be really
    interesting but extremely
    unlikely the only way it could happen is
    like neither major candidate gains 270
    votes then the possibility of a third
    party steal becomes like somewhat
    real unless he tweets a dog yeah
    basically well I mean it’s only relevant
    for that one coin though it doesn’t
    really do anything to anything
    else I’m telling you that sh is doing
    something they said they were going to
    create a defi Launchpad I hope they do
    all that stuff but like they really
    really need liquidity to do like to be
    successful in any of that stuff I just I
    I just want them to figure out that
    problem they can figure out that problem
    they can figure out everything else they
    can legit figure out everything else if
    they can figure out that issue
    also if it was a third party candidate
    that wins it would actually be RFK it
    wouldn’t actually be

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    * These are my opinions, they are not financial advice of any sort


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