HUGE International Crypto News. Big Avalanche News.

    hello everyone that’s because uh the
    Hong Kong spot ETFs haven’t activated
    yet we’ll see the we’ll I think we’ll
    see their Effects by tomorrow the the
    thing I wanted to talk about was Russia
    yes our favorite crypto dictator
    Vladimir Putin that’s what I want to
    talk about Russia might be looking at a
    fullon crypto ban my friends Russia
    definitely might be looking at a fullon
    crypto ban so that’s obviously not very
    good for us but we have to go over this
    because uh yeah it’s it’s no good um
    Russia’s not a huge Market but there’s a
    lot of Putin fans in the crypto world
    and they will not like this they won’t
    like this I think Russia’s trying to
    clarify that it’s only banned for their
    domestic um trading markets but they’re
    basically trying to kill crypto in
    Russia because like they’re afraid it
    might replace the ruble and it’s a much
    bigger fear for Russia cuz no one
    actually wants the ruble so we’re going
    to go over the Russian Ben and we all
    know who runs Russia right I mean yeah
    they’re say they’re they’re saying that
    um you know it’s the Duma and like the
    Secretary of State or whatever but we
    know who runs Russia with an iron fist
    well no like Russia’s going to ban
    everything in Russia besides the state
    cryptos so ton might actually be okay
    but let’s actually look at this Russian
    thing Russia prepares Russia prepares
    for total crypto ban as geopolitical
    tensions rise we all know that Vladimir
    Putin is the supreme leader of Russia so
    if they want to do this they definitely
    have to have Putin’s approval so Russia
    is Banning crypto to reinforce the
    rubble as geopolitical tensions and
    sanctions spread unfortunately no one
    like regardless of crypto or not no one
    actually wants the ruble they had to
    jack up interest Ates like massively
    twice both times by double digits to
    actually just keep the ruble from
    collapsing completely so no one actually
    wants the ruble regardless but they
    really really really don’t want crypto
    to spread at this point uh because of
    that so here we go Russia will enforce a
    strict ban on the general circulation of
    crypto assets No Good Guys such as
    Bitcoin allowing only digital Financial
    assets issued within its jurisdiction
    this initiative is led by atony asof the
    chairman of the state Duma committee on
    the financial
    Market um is part of a broader
    government effort to control the crypto
    ecosystem amid geopolitical tensions
    that’s actually not right there’s a lot
    of people that want the US dollar like
    people are using tether because they
    can’t get the US dollar the only reason
    they want tether is because it’s backed
    by the US dollar so there’s a lot of
    people that actually want the US dollar
    no one actually wants the Russian Ruble
    at this point cuz it’s in it’s it’s
    really really unstable I mean like it’s
    only stable because the Central Bank
    rose raised interest rates by like 20%
    and then
    133% this is definitely not good news I
    don’t think it’s critical but it’s not
    good news at kof uh akasa uh stated that
    the forthcoming legislation aims to
    restrict non-russian crypto operations
    to reinforce the rubles dominance
    explaining digital Financial assets
    issued in the Russian jurisdiction and
    digital rubles will be allowed so
    they’ll allow digital they they’ll
    actually allow um like digital rubles
    and stuff but about the other stuff I’m
    not really sure the need for a ban is
    due to the fact that today
    cryptocurrency is a quasi currency that
    replaces the ruble in the country so
    they’re afraid of uh crypto replacing
    rubles in the country but only the
    Russian Rubble fulfills the mission of
    the monetary unit so the decision has
    been made so you know like Vladimir you
    you guys have to know that Vladimir
    Putin 100% signed off on this because
    without Vladimir Putin sign off they
    would not do
    this well yes of course Putin prefers
    the USD he wants a currency that’s not
    about to drop off the face of the
    Earth the bill will call carve out
    exceptions for crypto Miners and central
    banks sponsor test projects within an
    exper experimental legal
    framework yes I am very much ready for
    summer fishing as crypto mining
    significantly boosts Russia’s tax
    revenue so the thing is like they might
    exempt crypto Miners and any
    cbdcs like they might actually own
    miners they they only they it might not
    affect crypto Miners and cbdcs but it
    will definitely affect crypto trade in
    country well what this does like what it
    will do is it’ll ban crypto for like
    regular Russian people because like the
    like Vladimir Putin and his cronies
    might actually be able to access crypto
    but like um Regular Russian people will
    not be able to buy crypto anymore
    however there’s an intense internal
    debate among Russian policy makers which
    is pointless because Putin controls
    everything Tim kirov Deputy chairman of
    the state Duma committee on economic
    policy stressed the importance of
    precise regulations the regulation of
    cryptocurrency should be prescribed in
    the digital code which would clearly
    spell out the conceptual apparatus and
    common judicial law enforcement practice
    so in contrast Russia’s Finance Minister
    Anton salof has pushed for a more
    moderate ated EXT uh stance uh maybe
    later I mean like the biggest one I’ve
    actually weighed 30 lbs I’m sure some of
    the sturgeons I caught were probably
    bigger but you can’t really weigh you
    can’t weigh Lake sturgeons their mouths
    are just kind of weird have pushed a
    more for have pushed for a more
    moderated stance advocating for a
    regulation to enable the use of
    cryptocurrencies both in domestic and
    international transactions alvara Nabu
    Elina head of the bank of Russia also
    supports the experimental use of
    cryptocurrencies in International
    settlements yeah look China’s economy is
    kind of screwed there’s nothing they can
    actually do about
    that I think like you you know I still
    think like a lot of the altcoins will
    actually start running at the end of the
    year some of them might start running in
    July August but like some of the
    economic headwinds are actually scaring
    people at this
    point so basically Russia wants to ban
    crypto circulation they only want state
    sponsored cryptos
    well I don’t really know about why they
    put this like you you can just go you
    can ask Vladimir Putin why he wants to
    crypto because like uh he’s not you’re
    not going to be able to get an answer uh
    from anyone besides him like obviously
    look they’re afraid that crypto is going
    to replace the ruble in Russia so like
    that’s why they’re trying to ban crypto
    they’re trying to ban circulation
    altogether Russian government would be
    smarter to secretly Ed bias as possible
    make it the national currency
    I mean I don’t really know what their
    plans are they obviously need any they
    need ways to fund their war in Ukraine
    like it’s taken a huge hit on their
    treasury at this point like the only way
    they can the only way they’ve kept the
    Russian economy from completely
    collapsing is by raising interest rates
    by huge amounts like I think they hiked
    it like 20% when the war started and
    then they hiked it by 133% last year
    they’re probably going to need to hike
    it again to to keep interest rate like
    in the double digits because they can’t
    do anything
    otherwise the ban of crypto and Russia
    is driven by their bricks involvement
    and the believe that Bitcoin litecoins
    are us
    Creations it who NE I mean like it’s
    it’s not it’s it’s it’s the exact same
    reason as China it it doesn’t matter if
    they believe Bitcoin is a US creation or
    not it’s not a Russian creation so
    that’s why they want to ban
    it like that’s why they actually want to
    ban because like they they don’t want
    regular people in Russia using crypto
    instead of rubles they still need their
    country’s currency to be fairly strong
    because like their country’s currency is
    the is the main way they’re fighting the
    war if like the if the if the ruble
    drops off the face of the planet like
    they’re in a lot of trouble you just not
    a US Government
    creation yeah I I mean the thing is like
    look it doesn’t matter if it’s a US
    creation or not the fact is it’s not a
    Russian creation it’s also not a Chinese
    creation so those two governments are
    not going to allow it they they they
    don’t want those two things to take over
    their government uh money because that’s
    how they control the country and how
    that’s how they control finances so
    Russia basically wants to restrain
    crypto so it can’t do that like Russia’s
    approach is the same as the Chinese
    approach and China’s been taking China’s
    been taking that approach for years so
    if you thought like the US was bad for
    crypto Russia and China are way way
    worse for crypto because only government
    people only government bureaucrats are
    allowed to to have crypto in Russia how
    Lazarus group laundered 200 million via
    crypto hacks we know that La well we do
    know that lazers group we definitely
    know that Lazar group has actually been
    hacking crypto for a long time and
    that’s one of the reasons probably why
    the US wants to clamp down on crypto is
    because of things like Lazarus group the
    whole Hamas thing I think like is just
    like smoke screen they obviously want to
    control people’s money so people can’t
    escape on taxes and stuff but there is
    like the stuff like lazar’s group and
    maybe like funding Russia via crypto or
    whatever uh were early adopter I
    remember using Russia exchanges yeah
    they might have been early adopters of
    it cuz like the Russian Curren I don’t
    think the Russian I don’t think Russia
    has ever viewed their currency as like
    stable so Russian people wanted to get
    their hands on
    it hey what’s up man but like but like
    uh Russian people want to Russians
    wanted to get their hands on it and
    that’s ex exactly why the Russian
    government doesn’t really want it to
    take hold they can’t a they can’t allow
    um they actually they can’t allow um
    like people to start using like the this
    instead of the
    ruble they do need to control the money
    but the US isn’t quite as heavy-handed
    they haven’t banned all the exchanges I
    know the SEC is causing trouble but the
    SEC is actually losing all their
    lawsuits whereas Russia and China have
    Bas have basically outright banned all
    exchanges it is this cell um no I don’t
    look I don’t think we’re going to 52k
    there is people people that are really
    trying to like fud that they’re really
    trying to bring the price down but I
    don’t think this is going to bring us to
    52k it’s not it there’s no bad news from
    the FED I think people are just weary of
    the economic headwinds and the Hong Kong
    thing is turning out to be like a
    Burger yeah like the SEC is loing losing
    lawsuits so they can’t completely be
    like suing recklessly anymore I mean
    they’re still going to they’re still
    going to harass crypto obviously but
    it’s not going to be is easy for them
    whereas like in China and Russia like
    the the ruling party or the ruler can
    just make unilateral decisions in the US
    like there’s not a person that can just
    make unilateral decisions because like
    in Russia like it doesn’t really matter
    what everyone else says it’s what it’s
    whatever Vladimir Putin says that counts
    and in China it’s the same thing it’s
    whatever xiin ping says that
    counts so yeah they want that two
    billion from Ripple they’re not getting
    two billion I don’t know how much
    they’re getting I think it’s I do think
    it’s going to be much closer to the 10
    million than the 2 billion
    though think interest rates are going to
    rise inflation is not going I don’t
    think interest rates are going to rise
    they’re not going to fall but they’re
    not going to
    rise they’re done raising the interest
    rates they just not they’re just not
    putting they’re basically like uh
    they’re they’re just not like uh they
    are just they’re just not like putting
    them down they’re just not bringing them
    down trading e yes Hong Kong does indeed
    start start uh trading ETFs
    tomorrow absolutely start trading uh
    ETFs tomorrow I don’t think it’ll have
    much of an effect though we can go over
    that we can actually go over that in a
    while I highly doubt bitcoin’s going to
    47k like people have been obsessed with
    a 40% retrace for like years for like
    months now and it just hasn’t happened
    like they thought we were going to have
    a 40% retrace when we got to 50K
    but like you know at this point like
    even if we have like a 30 40% retrace
    it’s not going to be any lower than 50k
    so they already missed all those giant
    chances to buy in and now that they’re
    like desperate to get like Bitcoin lower
    so they can buy in at a j Buy in at a
    much lower
    price Biden is not the type to actually
    pressure for cuts and he should and
    economically he should not pressure for
    cuts he should not like pressing for
    cuts would be a bad idea
    yeah but look increasing taxes is always
    hard to pass and they they’re not going
    to just increase like if they want to
    increase taxes they’re going to try to
    increase all investment
    taxes like right now the the like right
    now like the the uh the new like
    investment taxes only affect people that
    have like that either make over a
    million dollars a year or that like have
    over $100 million total in
    assets DCA through the summer is this
    the next narrative I don’t know if I
    would DCA through the summer I mean you
    your bags should have been your bags
    should be fairly filled at this point I
    mean you’ve had ever since you’ve
    basically had since FTX crashed to buy
    so I don’t know if I would like continue
    DCA for a long time I still think dcing
    at this point is probably still a good
    idea but I don’t really know I I really
    don’t know if I would keep dcing for a
    huge amount of time
    down with all the fun just keeps coming
    back up they can’t they they really
    can’t stop
    Bitcoin they they realistically can’t
    stop Bitcoin um
    but and really like like the big
    countries are really trying to control
    it but I think they’re like some of them
    obviously outside of China and Russia
    the rest of them like kind of started
    giving up I I like both near and ICP I
    think I would buy near
    yeah dude shorting all the way up from
    like 15K to 60k is not a good
    idea think we’re very close to getting a
    Cyber attack things keep going down
    Instagram Banks and my trading platform
    went down today I mean cyber attacks
    happen every once in a while Bob’s
    gradual increase in taxes starting at 1
    million then reducing the and continue
    to decrease thereafter those things
    never get past Hood s through the last
    50 60 years taxes have pretty much only
    gone down the the top marginal tax rate
    used to to be 95 like 93% it’s like 38%
    now so don’t talk to me about taxes
    going up there’s been a gradual decrease
    that’s cut the top top tax rate by more
    than half since the
    50s and all that’s really resulted is
    our national debt going
    up like everyone says like like you know
    taxes are slowly edging up no they’ve
    dropped by like they’ve dropped by like
    60 70% % since the
    1950s at least the top marginal tax rate
    has yeah I I think that One Bank in
    Philadelphia fell and I think people are
    kind of nervous about that also like uh
    I think like stock like earnings reports
    weren’t so good the last couple of weeks
    so people are hesitant about that as
    well it doesn’t seem to have affected
    crypto too much I mean like overall I
    think there’s overall like the ETFs and
    all the other news I think have
    offsetted it
    I don’t really know why PE I don’t
    really know why like people in crypto
    are obsessed with like a huge
    disaster cuz like you know theyve like
    like everyone in crypto is always
    predicting a huge disaster right around
    the corner and it generally doesn’t
    happen yeah the dollar has devalue but
    you just make more of them
    Why Us not capping their US dollar
    limits to certain
    value you know tree like before we
    actually had the fed and like back in
    like the 18 1900s the economy was a lot
    more unstable we had like economic
    panics every couple of years they had to
    reset like every couple of years the
    thing is like like the economy has
    actually been a lot more even and stable
    ever since they like created the system
    we have now like not printing sounds
    like a good idea until you like try to
    run the economy without the ability to
    print and then like everything kind of
    falls apart after a while I lost
    1,582 near I put an exchange to change
    the thing is a lot of these people
    advocating these policies a lot of
    people advocating these like idealistic
    policies haven’t actually read our
    history and like what our country was
    like before these policies were
    enacted uh they haven’t really they
    didn’t really like look at the economy
    and what it was like before the Fed was
    there before like you know you know
    1913 only fans just like filling Demand
    only fans doesn’t have anything to do
    with like only fans doesn’t have very
    much to do with the status of the world
    do the factors manipulating basis
    worldwide there’s also the fact that you
    just cut taxes like by more than half
    know do you hold you still hold Ada and
    the thing is we’ve always like like we
    we’ve had bases right after World War II
    and we’re just doing
    fine do you still hold Ada yes I still
    think it’s a decent crypto to buy I
    still have I still have Ada look only
    fans is just fulfilling a need if they
    weren’t getting it from only fans they’d
    be getting it from like or
    something like that it it doesn’t really
    have like only fans doesn’t really have
    too much of effect on
    anything do you contact binance
    everything is on record
    why is near not tradeable in New York
    New York has a lot of restrictions so a
    lot of cryptos are not tradable in New
    York so like coinbase Works differently
    in and outside of New York that just New
    York just doesn’t like
    crypto so if you really want to do
    crypto get out of New York because the
    restrictions in that state are more
    severe than the restrictions like in any
    other state mainly because Wall Street
    there well China just doesn’t have any
    exchanges so it’s not like China it only
    affects uh sick
    people dude like if they weren’t on only
    fans they’d just be on PornHub it
    doesn’t really matter which site they’re
    on it truly doesn’t matter which site
    they’re on because if they’re not on one
    side they’re just on the other one who
    man look if if if the guys want to watch
    porn you can’t stop him from watching
    porn just just I mean like that’s just a
    thing man ever since the ever since we
    had the internet that wasn’t like you’re
    not going to be able to stop them it was
    112 going to accumulate more avac yeah
    so avax actually just integrated with
    stripe no I don’t but if guys really
    want to watch that stuff it’s not like
    it’s hard to
    get like if if guys really want that
    stuff it’s not like it’s hard to get man
    like people are like people are like
    people are pretending that only fans is
    some like new revelation that you can’t
    you can’t get that stuff out of only
    fans come on guys we all we all know
    that’s not
    all you know the guys who created por up
    sold it for 140 then another guy triple
    the profits sure but I I I mean look
    look still like I said like it’s not
    like only fans is the only place you get
    that stuff I mean that’s that’s obvious
    know isn’t the internet like 90% dirty
    websites I don’t know I mean maybe I
    don’t think it’s
    90% didn’t George create like an only
    fans I heard I heard from someone that
    George created only fans I was like what
    the hell why do you need an only fans
    you already have patreon the hell you
    need an only fans 4
    so anyways like yeah a Avalanche is
    actually integrated with stripe so this
    is actually pretty interesting too it’s
    good it’s it’s pretty good news for uh
    it’s actually pretty good news for
    Avalanche um
    investors it’s actually fairly good news
    for Avalanche investors because they
    they actually did integrate with
    stripe so Avalanche integrates with
    stripe for Fiat to crypto onboarding
    Avalanche C chain users can now buy AAC
    directly Within 3 apps by using a widget
    supplied by stripe the Avalanche C chain
    network has integrated with payment firm
    stripe allowing verified stripe users to
    buy avalanche’s avax and send it to
    their wallets according to an April 29th
    blog post from the Network’s developer
    aval laabs eight Avalanche web 3 apps
    have also been integrated with a
    platform according to the post Avalanche
    app developers can now embed a
    customizable widget into their
    interfaces allowing users to convert
    Fiat to crypto via Stripes platform
    eight apps have already announced they
    will integrate the widget including
    Avalanche core portfolio app staking
    protocol goo pool avvy username service
    social media platform Arena nonf
    fungible token nft Marketplace zerone 01
    holiday wallet web development platform
    packed and blockchain games defi
    kingdoms and shrapnel sharpell so like
    Stripes expansion into um crypto
    continues today integrating Avalanche
    and core to provide easier access to web
    3 users can purchase avac directly
    through strip without using an exchange
    Avalanche apps can embed stripes on ramp
    via customizable widget so essentially
    like this is good news for Avalanche it
    definitely could uh signal expansion in
    future is my biggest holding hope it’s
    uh I think she has a pretty good chance
    of hitting its all-time high I mean like
    I think sheep can probably shave off
    another zero but like it’s not going to
    like a penny or something but it can
    shave off another zero for sure I think
    I think that look I think the meme coin
    I think the meme run will be pretty big
    and I think sheo will be part of that
    Meme run for
    sure keep telling people that har Bar’s
    inflation will limit its upside well
    harar like har Bar’s top inflation is 50
    billion coins like the max supplies 50
    billion coins they’re going to release
    until they get up to 50 billion because
    that’s like it’s it’s going to be over
    the next several years but they’re going
    to release until they get to 50 billion
    we all know that
    the other thing is uh we we do need to
    talk a little bit about the Hong Kong
    spot crypto ETFs so there’s six things
    to know but realistically there’s only
    like two things that matter so obviously
    like Hong Kong has other Futures ETFs
    already trading so but this will
    probably be the first spot one um they
    also have the it’s also the first spot
    ethereum ETF they have Futures ethereum
    ETFs but they don’t have a spot ethereum
    ETF but the big number is the big number
    is all Hong Kong ETFs account for about
    6% of the US ETF Market yes people that
    means Hong Kong’s ETF Market is less
    than 1% of the US ETF Market that’s what
    I’ve been that’s honestly what I’ve been
    telling a lot of you guys it’s not going
    to be that big of a deal because Hong
    Kong’s Market is Tiny compared to the
    States so the thing is like
    um the US actually had the US actually
    had about 8.9 trillion listed on three
    exchanges whereas Hong Kong only has 50
    billion in fact all of China has only
    238 billion so like even China’s Market
    is Tiny compared to the United States
    this is the this is like what I was
    talking about yesterday night how much
    dominance the US actually has in these
    financial markets like Hong Kong is 50
    billion all of China is only 239 billion
    and the US is 8.9 trillion like it’s not
    even in the same ballpark like it’s like
    it’s they’re not on the same level
    hopefully this will pump it a little bit
    but I wouldn’t expect too
    much uh Hong Kong’s ETS will be in kind
    instead of cash create which means when
    they get liquidated they won’t affect
    the market quite as much um is like us
    ETFs are only allowed to be issued cash
    created and of course Hong Kong
    basically allows crypto as uh actually
    in kind so it’ll be very interesting and
    Mainland China investors won’t be able
    to buy the Hong Kong ETFs that’s the
    other thing we need to get clear the
    launch of spot crypto ETFs may have
    spurred some optimism regarding mainland
    China stance on crypto which may not be
    true however Mainland Chinese citizens
    are expected to be unable to purchase
    Hong Kong spot crypto ETFs despite the
    ETF issuers close ties to Mainland China
    according to Bloomberg analyst Wang
    China prohibits citizens from any crypto
    related activity meaning that crypto ETF
    Investments are also banned so even for
    the Futures based cryptos ETF listed in
    Hong Kong I actually try to set a trade
    the Brokers will just directly reject
    the trade so yes you if you’re in the
    mainland you will not be able to buy the
    Hong Kong ETFs however many rich
    businessmen have uh have uh subsidies
    both I mean have like um companies both
    in the mainland in and in Hong Kong and
    they’ll be able to use the Hong Kong one
    to buy crypto ETFs so it’s not all it’s
    not all bad but uh Mainland people will
    not actually be able to buy the Hong
    Kong ETF at all so yes
    7.8 million I mean Michael strategy is
    going to go up in the long run they own
    so much Bitcoin and Michael sailor’s
    constantly trading off shares for
    Bitcoin I don’t think there should ever
    be like a forever hold if it goes up you
    should definitely sell also I don’t
    think we’re going to dip below 60k like
    it’s like a slow down Trend right now
    but I don’t think we’re going to dip
    below 60k at this point should so could
    the ETFs be at risk depending on what
    Hong Kong ETF is bought no there’s no
    risk I don’t think there’s any ETF at
    risk I’m not really sure how that even
    makes sense so I don’t think there’s
    like any kind of like ETF risk or
    anything but realistically like you know
    I don’t think the Hong Kong ETFs are
    going to have a huge effect there might
    be some fomo but I doubt it it’s it’s
    like no no other country’s ETF is like
    the US ETF the US ETF is by far a lot
    bigger than any other ETF let the big
    fish buy first and the retail will be
    allowed a few months well Hong Kong’s a
    separate economic jurisdiction than the
    US so they might like it it’s not it’s
    not really a way for um I don’t think
    they mean it as a way for retail to
    actually buy like I think Hong Kong
    people will be to buy the Hong Kong ETF
    but like Mainland Chinese people won’t
    no I don’t think Bitcoin will reach 50k
    I think people are hoping for like way
    too low of a Bitcoin retraces and
    they’re just not satisfied with the 20%
    but we’ve been getting constant retraces
    of 15 to 20% and then people don’t buy
    because they want to retrace of 40% %
    which generally isn’t
    happening uh hell BTC Amazon Google
    there’s no forever
    hold the Bull Run doesn’t start by what
    day did you say there is no run if like
    give if it doesn’t start by like this
    time next year then yeah there might be
    not a run but I I’m pretty sure it’ll
    start like later this year look people
    are are getting people are getting way
    too antsy for this stuff right now like
    we we’ve just passed the having and like
    traditionally we don’t really start
    going up until a couple months
    afterwards like people always people are
    always expecting the bull run to come
    early because of whatever reason this
    time because of the ETFs and the Bitcoin
    run did start
    early but the altcoin Run didn’t follow
    because alts don’t have
    ETFs just I would just have your bag
    packed at this point I would definitely
    have your Al alt bags ready at this
    point because it hit it could hit at any
    time like people are trying to pinpoint
    the exact moment the alt run starts
    doing that is not going to do you any
    good if you try to pin pinpoint and buy
    at the exact moment you’re you’re going
    to miss
    it because of interest rates I don’t
    think it’ll be that different I mean
    despite the interest rates people are
    still buying stocks and stuff so I
    actually don’t think it’ll be
    I I actually don’t think it’ll be that
    bad what sort of amount do you think
    Hong Kong UTS will add to the
    inflow I’m I’ve SE seen anywhere from
    like two billion to 25 billion it’ll
    probably be like 10 billion overall or
    something like that like I said the Hong
    Kong ETF markets tiny compared to the US
    one I wouldn’t affect it I wouldn’t
    expect it to affect it much I mean it’ll
    give us a boost for sure but I don’t
    expect it to affect as
    much drops and M strategy buys and they
    just bought 7 I mean 7.8 million is a
    fairly small number though for micro
    strategy that’s what like a little bit
    over 100 BTC this is already a bull run
    this a terrible bll run then yeah I mean
    like the alts haven’t really ran yet for
    some of the meme coins yeah people
    already made their money and they’re
    like you know withdrawing but still
    but like the real bull run with the Els
    has has not started like there’s going
    to be people that give up because like
    they wanted to come early and then
    they’re going to miss the Run uh Casp
    gets smart contracts do you think can
    get to five
    uh no I don’t think it’ll get to
    $5 it needs more than just smart
    contracts because you know who else has
    smart contracts literally everyone else
    besides xrp like they’re like the only
    one that don’t have Smart contracts
    no Caspa is at like 10 like 12 cents
    right now I don’t think you get to5 to
    $10 you’re looking at Caspa to
    completely take over the
    market like like you’re looking at Casp
    to completely take over the market but
    here’s the thing even if Caspa gets
    smart contracts which I hope it will
    like it’s not like it’s the only one
    that has smart contracts everyone else
    has smart contracts it just needs to
    compete with everyone else
    depends on how high of a y casb Stakes
    can offer yeah but even if they offer
    high stakes it’s not going to go to like
    $10 not from where it is right
    now and Milton bit like you got to
    realize I mean like come on I mean like
    it’s not like smart contracts are
    anything new at this
    point like smart contracts at this point
    are just part of the expected
    developmental process it’s it’s not like
    they’re it’s not it’s not like they’re a
    new thing it’s really not like they’re a
    thing yes kaspa’s thing is is that like
    it was mind and it was built on like it
    was built on a dag but honestly like no
    one really cares if you’re trying to be
    a better version of Bitcoin because
    realistically no one wants a better I’ve
    said this before no one actually wants a
    better version of Bitcoin like people
    don’t really care like people don’t want
    a better version of Bitcoin there’s
    plenty of people that have tried that uh
    there’s plenty of projects that have
    tried that narrative before we a better
    version of Bitcoin no one
    cares getting the money because I let’s
    go down to then go up to it’s not going
    down to
    40K I think like look I think you should
    set your a casit limit at like a
    dollar sure they can say that all they
    want but like the people in those
    countries will still try to get the US
    dollar at every
    turn China wants to in Reliance on the
    US dollar obviously because like they’re
    like their they geopolitical
    adversaries but realistically like all
    Chinese businessmen still want to use
    the US
    dollar stock market extend uh and also
    like not all bricks countries
    agree cuz what else are they going to
    depend on besides the US dollar they’re
    not going to do like they’re not going
    to they’re not going to depend on
    bitcoin they’re for sure not going to
    depend on the Chinese r or the Russian
    Rubble Caspa had hype but has good
    tokenomics it’s about it well Caspa
    obviously does need smart contracts and
    it needs to gain the tvl like you’re
    you’re looking at Caspa to like you know
    surpass things like cardano salana BNB
    that’s very very hard to do
    well I mean the hype shouldn’t be gone
    we’re still fairly close to the all-time
    high it’s just that people expect like
    massive increases and everything and the
    massive increases in everything like
    didn’t happen
    yet yeah just at least be patient until
    the end of the year I mean if you look
    at the alt if you look at the altcoin
    runs they basically all happened at the
    end of 2020 beginning of 2021 that’s
    when all those that’s basically when all
    those altcoins runs happened altcoin
    runs happened they like they didn’t like
    H they didn’t really just like happen
    before or
    after I I don’t know what rss3
    is I I don’t think look I I don’t think
    the Hong Kong ETF should affect it much
    there might be a fomo but I don’t think
    the Hong Kong ETF should affect it much
    because there’s there’s not nearly as
    much money from Hong Kong as there is
    with uh there’s not nearly as much money
    with Hong Kong as there was in the
    States hype wins when you don’t deliver
    results even with the network problems
    yeah like a lot of the networks that
    we’ve been talking about haven’t been
    delivering a lot of it’s liquidity
    though rss3 is the open information
    layer structuring open information for
    the next Twitter Google and open AI the
    rss3 network is formed by decentralized
    noes that constantly index and structure
    information from the open web it looks
    like it’s a in it looks like it’s an
    indexer it it it literally looks like an
    R this literally looks like an RSS feed
    which I’m not really sure why I would be
    hyped about an RSS
    feed wait why do you even why do you
    even need blockchain for an RSS feed I
    don’t I don’t quite understand
    that there’s a lot of shorts between
    here and 70 75k I mean that the short
    squeeze thing could actually happen I I
    don’t know if I would Bank on it but the
    short squeeze thing definitely could
    happen do you see any currency competing
    against the US dollar as a threat no
    not in the next 20 years there’s not a
    country that’s powerful enough or stable
    enough like the Japanese Jen’s
    collapsing against the dollar the
    Chinese Ren’s just Pegg to the dollar
    and realistically like the Chinese Ren’s
    not tradeable internationally so you
    can’t use it the Russian Ruble is kind
    of screwed right now and the Euro’s even
    worse than the dollar so I don’t really
    see anything else competing with the
    dollar cuz like if you want something to
    compete with the dollar it’s got to be
    dependable and there’s another currency
    that’s dependable right
    now there is a Reon look there is a
    reason why China has limited like has
    put a limit of $50,000 a year for
    trading in Chinese Ren because they
    don’t want everyone trading out for the
    Chinese Ren they know that if they allow
    it to free trade everyone would trade
    for US
    Dollars like the government may not want
    US dollars but people in China want US
    you think the economy will collapse just
    like I don’t think so I mean like I
    don’t see housing collapsing I mean like
    the economy is not great right now but
    it’s not also not horrible at this point
    like you can see like you can see
    consumer demand is still up the economy
    I think is slowing down a bit but in
    order for interest rates to come down we
    want the economy to actually slow down a
    bit because if if economy keeps like
    going like it’s hard to control interest
    rates yeah they might be buying up a
    bunch of gold but they’re not going to
    have enough
    gold yes Russia actually might be
    banning crypto they’re afraid that
    crypto is going to basically they’re
    afraid that crypto is going to replace
    the ruble in the
    country meme coins are always going to
    exist memecoins are always going to
    exist crypto is an investment market
    like it or
    not and it’s not like there’s that many
    people using crypto like in the United
    States at least there’s not that many
    people using crypto for Stuff besides
    gold is going up because people are
    trying to buy a hedge and Gold’s the
    first thing they actually turn
    to but you know I think like after the
    next year or two is over I think like
    the gold buying will kind of slow
    down I can’t see Bitcoin being Russia’s
    main currency they depend on their
    Rubble to fund their war and do a lot of
    other government functions it’d be
    pretty disastrous for Putin and Co if
    like the the rubble went down so they’re
    not going to allow
    that they’re they’re Mo they’re most
    definitely not going to allow that to
    happen it’s which is why they’re trying
    to restrict BTC I think that I do think
    the government officials themselves will
    actually have
    um I do think the government officials
    themselves will
    actually have access to BTC but the
    regular people won’t avax news so avax
    got integrated into stripe so stripe is
    going to use like you’ll be able to use
    avax for payments via stripe
    T that’s why they fear BTC because the
    ruble is
    trash because like with if he changes
    the BTC like he doesn’t have control
    over the Russian economy like countries
    like China and Russia want complete
    control over their economy if you don’t
    control the money you don’t control the
    economy they can’t like Russia can’t
    manipulate Bitcoin nearly as well as
    they can manipulate the
    ruble yes stripe did actually
    announce holding memes in the be Market
    will be scary well yeah of you don’t
    hold memes in the bar Market you you
    hold memes like once you get out like
    you get out from the
    bottom but I mean there are memes that
    blow up in the bare Market though but
    relatively few I think like I mean Pepe
    came up in the bare market right that
    was like
    2022 no like like look like countries
    aren’t going to do if you can’t beat
    them join them cuz joining them means
    you gave up control over your
    economy and the countries aren’t going
    to give up control over their economy so
    that’s why China kind of banned Bitcoin
    and that I mean that’s why China kind of
    banned crypto and that’s why Russia is
    Banning crypto right
    now so like it’s pretty complicated got
    like sanctions the economy still
    running Russia’s not like look Russia’s
    like not doing very well the only way
    the only way they’re running is because
    they jacked up interest rates like
    extremely high they literally jacked up
    interest rates to like 20% overnight to
    keep the to keep the Russian economy
    from like falling through the floor and
    then they did it again A year later is
    it so it converts avac into Cash I’m
    guess I I think that’s what it does
    because I don’t think Merchants will
    directly accept crypto buying and
    storing physical gold they should have
    been buying Bitcoin for their reserves
    too I don’t know they’ve actually bought
    Bitcoin for the r if China was doing
    that they shouldn’t have kicked all the
    miners out which they
    did buying 20 worth of bitcoin on the
    opening day I mean that’s cool I don’t
    know how much 250 million will move it
    though you know like it’s it’s hard to
    say if the us is going after Self custy
    wallets or mixers it looks like it’s
    like a combination of both cuz not all
    wallets have mixers but like it looks
    like they are targeting the wallets that
    have mixers but like I know like the SEC
    wants to Target defi as
    well well yeah like you can’t hold
    enough no country can hold enough
    Bitcoin Reserve to make it their
    currency does Hong Kong technically
    belong to
    China uh Hong Kong does belong to China
    it’s been it’s been part of China since
    97 it’s almost been 30 years since they
    came since they got reintegrated back
    into China but it’s still an economic
    still a special economic
    zone mixers are things that kind of like
    scramble Pathways and it makes it hard
    for um the feds to to to track cryptos
    so like it’s a way to make your
    transactions Anonymous went to kazakstan
    or something but like they’re still
    Chinese miners a lot of them did move to
    kazakstan there are probably still a
    couple left in China
    underground but like the Chinese share
    in the crypto markets definitely dropped
    near and
    arrow I would still Buy near but like I
    think Arrow might actually have a higher
    Roi from here I mean I believe in Arrow
    just because I don’t think Bas is going
    to create a coin in the next year or two
    and people might just buy Arrow instead
    Bas stripe onramp to avax or aaac stripe
    to both I think it’s an a I think you
    can treat like stripe as an on-ramp for
    I mean I don’t really expect the Hong
    Kong thing to do much to crypto but I
    don’t really know why it has to hit
    numbers I don’t really know why people
    are so convinced it has to hit certain
    numbers government fear Quantum
    Computing will equally crack Bitcoin and
    the BTC will disappear
    uh yeah that that that’s definitely like
    somewhat of a
    fear I mean you can offramp aax at
    coinbase I think I don’t know if you can
    do it via
    stripe my guess is you can though
    because like if they’re really going to
    do it for merchant you need to be able
    to on-ramp and
    off-ramp people will sell off when
    there’s no
    pump I don’t really think people will
    really sell off cuz there wasn’t much of
    a pump with the Hong Kong
    thing like there wasn’t like a pre Hong
    Kong pump so I doubt there’ll be a post
    Hong Kong dump why is Arrow a good play
    if D5 is next to be targeted they can’t
    they’re not going to be able to kill
    Defi and arrow is still the main uh
    exchange on coin main decks on coinbase
    so I think like since there’s not a base
    token people are just going to buy Arrow
    I I mean news usually does like Peggy
    news usually doesn’t affect
    price especially when like the Market’s
    going the other
    way like I said Partnerships are good
    but they don’t actually physically
    impact price almost
    never can I hold avac on stripe
    well I mean you can buy avalanche on
    stripe and send it to your wallet so I’m
    not really sure if you can actually hold
    it on stripe I don’t think stripe is a
    wallet in
    poor I mean stripe is a pretty stripe is
    a pretty big application like like I
    said I don’t really even know
    I I really don’t even know like how like
    how many people actually use crypto to
    buy stuff because it doesn’t seem like a
    lot yeah but stripe isn’t PayPal it’s
    not really like a holding
    facility Andy on Bas is doing great nice
    nice I mean there are a couple of meme
    coins on bass that are doing great
    there’s like arrow and there’s a couple
    of other
    projects like Bas took a lot of the
    salon stuff when salana got bogged
    down so we’ll see what I mean the stripe
    adoption is obviously pretty cool though
    we do need more people using crypto but
    I don’t think you’re going to convince
    people to actually use crypto for
    anything besides
    investing not in the United States the
    thing is like the US honestly people
    aren’t pining for a new form of money in
    other countries people
    are they go after a ledger the SEC is
    gonna have a really really hard
    time going after
    Ledger have hope for us gaming how high
    do you think the crypto Market will go
    this bull
    Ron I still think about 10 trillion so I
    I I still think we have a lot higher to
    climb in terms of market
    cap well I mean you you basically own a
    share of Black Rock which owns Which
    owns Bitcoin so it’s not a direct you’re
    right it’s not a direct ownership of
    Bitcoin when you buy
    ibit so you have to go for faucets I
    don’t really know if the SEC is going to
    be able to go after all that stuff the
    SEC is not having very much luck in
    their crypto cases right
    now snck is available on liquid Finance
    you can borrow snck and use for
    collateral that’s a horrible
    idea you see us or Biden trying to come
    after wallets I don’t actually think B I
    don’t actually think Biden’s going to do
    anything like Biden’s just letting his
    agencies run stuff like Biden is not a
    forceful president he he just kind of
    like lets his agencies run
    stuff uh you can di decent in wallets uh
    experts pols call for scrutiny
    Venezuela’s use of crypto currency I
    mean obviously Venezuela has like the
    whole drug cartel human trafficking
    thing but I think they’re just looking I
    think like the anti- crypto people are
    just looking for
    excuses yes I do think vchain can reach
    still pretty high people keep on
    forgetting how high these coin can how
    fast these coins can
    rise if something were to happen Black
    Rock yes they basically just gave your
    money back in
    USD I don’t know loaning and lending in
    like in like a meme coins like super
    super risky I I don’t know if I would do
    it man I really don’t know if I would do
    it yeah but when crypto is boring is
    when you should be paying attention
    because that’s the time you like either
    Buy in or cash out to make money you
    don’t really want to buy you don’t
    really want to buy crypto when it’s
    going up if you buy crypto when it’s
    going up you’re not making much money
    you want to buy crypto like when it’s
    like dropping hit the bottom or like
    just almost going up you don’t really
    want to buy crypto when it’s like
    soaring up like
    crazy lending is safe as is there’s no
    risk apart from Smart contract getting
    hacked that’s mosa is I bit I like
    insurance I I think you’re fairly I mean
    you’re fairly secure with black rock
    handling it
    obviously but I mean like I said the
    like there’s no insurance against the
    market going down there’s insurance
    against you getting rug pulled but
    there’s absolutely no insurance against
    the market going down unfortunately so I
    I don’t really know how I don’t think
    the insurance is just I just don’t think
    the insurance is worth that much to me
    but you know that’s that’s really my own
    opinion other people will obviously have
    different opinions from
    me so you know take a stab at it take a
    I would say take a stab at it you know
    take a stab at
    it late jobs hours don’t line up with
    the stream it’s a good news today and
    can we get to 25 cents I mean yeah
    eventually lose on trade settle USD
    Reserve yeah
    I mean BTC and ibit are going to be
    fairly the same
    price yeah like now is the time
    especially if you’re in altcoins now is
    the time to be
    buying the time to be buying please got
    the time to be buying isn’t when
    bitcoin’s at like
    150k if Putin feels threatened by BTC
    then the US will try to stop people from
    investing in crypto why it’s not like
    the US is trying to help Putin the US
    probably doesn’t really care if Putin
    feels threatened by BTC or not like
    there’s people in the US that are anti-
    crypto as
    well it’s just that like Russia makes
    Russia can make the Russian government
    can make uh decisions unilaterally where
    the US government can’t make decisions
    unilaterally because you know like our
    our our system of government’s a lot
    more decentralized than like Russia’s
    is it is pretty big deal the fact that
    it didn’t pump almost at all tells you
    how much the market is in
    fear I mean not necessarily like news
    rarely pumps the market unless like you
    have a big name like Black Rock like
    news rarely pumps the
    market you guys forget BTC is not really
    relevant for governments one one
    trillion it’s
    peanuts well I mean the I mean like the
    government auctions off all the BTC it
    gets are insured under FDC stocks and
    ETFs they insured against like rug poing
    they’re not really insured if the market
    goes down
    though I I mean like sure like it like
    but I mean black Rock’s really not going
    to rug Pole or anything but if Bitcoin
    goes down in price there’s nothing
    insuring your ETFs against that like
    there’s no insurance against
    that and and obviously that’s the main
    risk when you buy the the Bitcoin stuff
    uh what could Russia seize crypto from
    being illegal and somehow use
    it I mean the Russian government will
    probably use crypto because they crypto
    is one of the
    ways crypto is actually one of the ways
    you fund the war cuz like they they kind
    of need crypto for that but I mean like
    they just don’t want average Russian
    people actually using
    crypto they don’t want average Russian
    people using crypto because like they
    want the ruble to remain strong
    unfortunately for them with or without
    with or without crypto no one actually
    um wants
    Ruble no one actually wants rubles
    without with or without
    crypto um aren’t covered by FD I see it
    yet well I mean coinbase is only insured
    for your USD deposits it’s not insured
    for your crypto deposits like I like
    Black Rock and so are the only ones that
    are insured for your like ibit shares or
    whatever but that’s because it’s Black
    Rock yeah but but elas they can
    physically seize your gold they can’t
    really physically Seize Your Bitcoin
    they would have to hack into your wallet
    like Gold’s like you know if they want
    your gold they can just come to your
    house and take the gold you have on the
    table like your bitcoin’s not really on
    the table it’s still on The Ledger I I
    mean it’s still on the blockchain it’s a
    little bit harder Russia isn’t hasn’t
    been communist since the Soviet Union
    fell but I mean realistically like
    Russia’s under a dictatorship with
    Putin but there are a lot of Putin fans
    in the United
    States and a lot of Putin fans in the
    crowd for so whatever reason they will
    will they ever crack pretty good privacy
    I mean they keep on saying they will
    with Quantum Computing but I think it’s
    going to be like a long
    time it’s not over for BTC it’s not even
    like it’s still above 60k data Dash is
    trying like data Dash is like really
    trying to grasp any like a wisp of
    relevance right now
    remember in August people were saying H
    is not doing
    nothing I mean te I mean like Bitcoin
    did pump to its alltime high in like
    November of 2020 it’s a kind of kind of
    a fake pump from SBF but I mean we did
    get to like 60k in
    2020 I don’t think Bitcoin will have 50%
    dominance at the top
    though I think lows we could see is
    around 55 but the economy is showing
    cracks and breaking
    down I highly doubt the economy is
    really just going to collapse I mean
    like people are always predicting
    that oh yeah 2021 2021 yeah don’t want
    to admit they didn’t pull the trigger
    under 20K
    I mean definitely should have actually
    pulled the trigger under 20K and then
    like I mean under 30k under 40K under
    50K because Bitcoin like destroyed all
    those Fibonacci levels above that I
    still think bitcoin’s going to get to
    150k dude next time it’s going to be
    like next time he’s gonna be shouting
    about a quadruple top in like two
    months cuz like his double top like he’s
    shouting about a double top triple top
    right now CU it’s double top didn’t work
    and now it’s going to be like a a trip
    now next time it’s going to be like a
    quadruple top and then like a quintuple
    top like the Havoc the cycle will the
    Bitcoin cycle will work its way it’ll
    Pro like we probably will be pretty
    bullish for the next year or so and then
    we’ll probably
    drop I’m pretty convinced it will be
    like that discover crypto always say
    that dollar is going to zero in their
    intro it means that he’s it means
    discover crypto has a lot of wishful
    because the dollar isn’t going to zero
    anytime soon yeah it’s going to slowly
    inflate but it’s done that for like a
    100 years
    now uh has been a bear since the last
    Bull Run
    yeah isn’t SBF going after influencer
    SBF isn’t doing jack he’s in jail uh but
    like the guys that like there was a
    there was a class action lawsuit against
    F and they’ve turned that attention to
    influencers now cuz it’s it’s it’s
    costing them too much to actually pursue
    SBF and they think they can get more
    money from influencers it’s a civil suit
    though look Bitcoin is going to have
    another crypto winter but it’s probably
    not going to happen for like two years
    something like it’s probably not going
    to happen for another two years for the
    crypto winter
    and we go through a cycle and I still
    think the timelines roughly follow the
    cycle dude also discover crypto like
    that channel kind of like died after bit
    booy left like bit booy was like the
    main attra bit boy honestly was the main
    attraction of that
    channel and like without him they don’t
    really have anything
    Perma bearss got demolished when it
    comes to BTC yeah because they didn’t
    stop being bears like soon enough they
    should have like you needed to be Bears
    up until basically like FTX collapsed
    and then after FTX collapsed they needed
    to stop being bearish cuz that just
    wasn’t going to
    work is really decentralized like four
    mining pools I mean it’s not like it’s
    about as decentralized as you get for
    cryptos in terms of like distribution
    and stuff
    I I don’t think you’re going to get I
    don’t know if you can get like a truly
    super decentralized crypto on all
    aspects because like the founders are
    always going to have like a lot of
    cryptos the the founders of coins are
    generally going to have a lot of the
    coins um and for proof of work cryptos
    it’s like economies of scale are just
    way too
    strong yeah TJ and then didn’t really
    have much of a
    business after Ben
    left I mean to be fair Ben isn’t nearly
    um to be fair Ben isn’t really nearly as
    uh popular as he was on his old Channel
    but he did get the bit boy um he did get
    the bit boy name back I guess
    I think we could top out at the end of
    year we could I think it’ll be I think
    it’ll be early next
    year but like it could be the end of the
    year I guess
    I wonder if there’ll be like a new thing
    for the
    C I wonder if there’ll be like a a new
    thing that comes up after crypto not
    going to drop interest rates anytime
    soon no he’s not I think the first
    possible rate drop now is like in August
    I mean the inflation thing isn’t coming
    down you got to get you got to get gas
    prices to come down gas prices just
    really aren’t coming down making his
    foundations Rich uh whenever they pump
    they just on the newbies yeah cuz like
    the foundation look crypto foundations a
    lot of times they make money on these
    Partnerships but the invest the crypto
    the people that buy the crypto may not
    actually make
    money if the feds drop interest rates by
    November or December
    do I mean I think they’ll drop once or
    twice this year I mean the the the
    financial climate right now is not
    really conducive to dropping rates
    the thing is if you’re waiting for 48k
    you might get it but it’s going to C you
    might get it but it’s going to cost you
    cause you to miss the borun which is
    like worse obviously the average cycle
    bottom to top has been around uh so if
    bottom was the top would be Q4 end of
    year yeah I mean that’s it could be like
    it could be end of this year beginning I
    I think it’s like end of this year
    beginning of next next
    year I mean we won’t I don’t think we’ll
    see sub 48k again like this like this
    cycle we might get it at the bottom of
    the next cycle I don’t think we’re going
    to do get it this cycle though
    like I I actually think the I think I
    actually think the high interest rates
    is probably like like a I actually think
    that you high interest in the US are
    actually hurting other countries more
    than the US
    because it makes it harder for their
    currency to actually compete that’s one
    of the reasons why like the that’s why
    what that’s one of the reasons why the
    dollar Index is going up is actually
    that’s one of the reasons why the dollar
    is so strong right now the high interest
    rates from the US is actually harder for
    other countries than the us because like
    the higher interest rates wants makes
    other people want to buy the dollar or
    bonds does casa have liquidity I mean
    not that much you it’s it’s I mean like
    there’s there’s exchange listings so
    yeah but you can’t have like liquidity
    for an ecosystem without an uh without
    without an
    ecosystem so they going to launch a
    Bitcoin ETF do you think that this SEC
    Su well Hong Kong’s not bound by the US
    SEC Hong Kong doesn’t really care what
    the SEC thinks
    it’s hurting people that actually need
    to borrow a lot of money it’s not really
    hurting me because I I don’t have a huge
    amount of loans or I don’t have any
    loans actually so like it’s like if you
    need to borrow a lot of money yeah it’s
    going to hurt you but I don’t really
    like I’m middle class and I don’t need
    to borrow a huge amount of money so it’s
    not actually the the the interest rate
    is not actually hurting
    me Casper has lot of C liquidity but
    certainly zero defi
    liquidity I mean it can have defi
    liquidity it doesn’t have
    defi like if you are someone that pays
    off their credit card and you don’t have
    to have huge loans for a house or a car
    you’re actually not hurting that much
    for a higher interest rates because you
    don’t need to borrow
    money like if you have a VAR if like if
    you have a variable rate mortgage which
    I have no idea why would you ever have a
    I don’t like I which I don’t really know
    why you would ever get a variable rate
    mortgage yeah then you’re kind of
    screwed same thing if you have a
    variable rate interest for a
    but it hurting college students it it
    depends like it it does like unless you
    got like I mean college students have
    ways to get grants and Loans
    though it is hurting college students CU
    like CU they do actually have to borrow
    for student loans
    you see ethereum heading this cycle as a
    price I see about
    10K if you know we’ll go down from here
    yeah but like you know like but you know
    when interest rates were at like 2% why
    would you take a variable rate loan that
    makes like no sense at all
    yeah I mean that’s what I do too I I use
    my credit card to buy stuff and I pay by
    I pay my uh credit card off each month
    also the credit card rates haven’t
    really changed because the credit card
    rates are always like abnormally
    High dude Bluegrass man people are
    spending like crazy what do you mean
    people aren’t spending people like
    consumer demand isn’t that isn’t down
    people are obviously
    spending even adjusted for inflation
    they’re spending a lot of money like
    your your statements are not cooperating
    Statistics Manufacturing in the US has
    always been kind of screwed if not
    anything else it’s being replaced by
    robotics dude it’s absolutely true
    inflation would be coming down if
    consumer demand was down consumer demand
    isn’t down
    like if you didn’t if people weren’t
    buying stuff prices would be coming down
    the whole the whole reason that the one
    of the main reasons prices aren’t coming
    down is because people are still buying
    stuff so people are definitely
    spending the international news Russia
    actually might buy crypto I mean I mean
    not buy like Russia might actually like
    ban crypto
    altogether yes that’s why like that’s
    why you think the economy is bad because
    you are in a sector of the economy
    that’s been going down since like the
    1970s yeah but Perry even for like
    Leisure things like travel like like
    spending is not really
    down you’re not in one of you’re not in
    one of the many sectors that’s like
    massively expanding like technology or
    it or Healthcare or like any one of
    those people in those sectors are doing
    really well you’re you happen to be in a
    sector that’s been going down for like
    the last 30 40 years stagflation I think
    I think the fears of stagflation are
    overblown but it it’s it is a
    risk I mean like yeah people have to buy
    stuff to survive they don’t have to buy
    giant TVs to survive but they’re still
    buying those
    things I think credit card debts like a
    trillion or something like that but
    credit card debt has been going up
    forever in the
    states like the the American system is
    built on
    credit to actually to control like
    credit card debt you actually do need
    High interest
    rates right now we’re not really in a
    recession we might go into one but
    people have been like people have
    honestly been predicting that for a long
    gas and food inflation I mean food’s got
    up for sure gas is incredibly variable
    cuz gas like gas was the same price as
    it was when I graduated from college
    because it was really high then as
    well you think another could happen it
    won’t happen exactly like 2008 I still
    think there’s too much demand for
    residential property it’s really hard to
    get the housing cost
    down yeah but J I think I think Pal’s
    trying to do that I actually do think
    Pal’s actually trying to do
    that because he wants to he wants to
    kill in he wants to hurt inflation so
    the only way that he hurts inflation is
    driving us into recession
    like I think Pal’s been I think Pal’s
    actually been trying to drive us into
    recession for like the last two years at
    point on a 7 I mean that’s a that’s a
    loan dude pal has not been printing
    money for years
    now I mean theoretically Bitcoin should
    increase in price for inflation but a
    lot of times it just doesn’t
    yeah but 5800 on 750k loan isn’t really
    that like isn’t really that surprising I
    mean like I said you live in Cali it’s a
    really it’s a really expensive part of
    the country
    what be the Catalyst for Bitcoin
    dominance to
    drop you need altcoin you need altcoin
    you need altseason to arrive that’s
    what nah I I don’t think Q is going to
    come back anytime soon like it might be
    like 2020 6 or something but it’s not
    going to come back anytime soon like the
    predictions of QE just keep getting
    pushed back further and further back
    people thought we were going to get it
    this year for the election but we’re not
    going to get it for the
    election yeah Russia might ban crypto
    all together because like Putin is
    afraid that like crypto is going to over
    like replace the
    ruble I I think quarter like GT quarter
    after quarter Maybe they have a loss
    because like they probably bought a lot
    in q1 as well so they might have bought
    some at 73k or something like that for
    quarter there’s a lot of people that
    want to live in KCA just mainly for the
    weather the the reason people move out
    of California is not because of the
    wokeness it’s because like they can’t
    it that’s the main reason people are
    moving out of California cuz they can’t
    afford living in
    Cali if you look at the population
    density if you look at the population
    density difference between California
    Texas like that’s why they’re moving to
    Texas because there’s not as much
    population per acre as in Texas so so
    obviously like the uh the land’s going
    to be
    cheaper think he’s going to win
    today uh I mean the Nuggets I think are
    going to win the series series I don’t
    know about today yes I’m still bullish
    BTC I’m not going to get any avax but I
    I don’t think avax is a bad buy I mean
    it’s it’s getting some adoption at least
    so avax is a decent
    buy and that’s why I will never move to
    soulcal it’s like way too damn expensive
    to move to
    soulcal since uh 45 bucks I see Has any
    team come back nope
    never look I I I highly doubt the Lakers
    are going to come back like you
    realistically the series should be 3-1
    the other way because the Lakers blew
    like gigantic leads that they
    had like they don’t the Lakers can’t
    finish a game right
    now 2500 for a two-bedroom apartment in
    my town I mean that’s more expensive
    than it is here but like for Cali if if
    you’re in Cali that’s actually pretty
    cheap now the wolves look good because
    the suns are horrible you can buy three
    houses in the Midwest for the same price
    in account you can you like a 750k house
    would be really nice in the midwest I
    mean not so much in Chicago but like
    here definitely indirectly helping
    inflation when raising rates if
    businesses raise prices to to adjust for
    high I don’t think businesses actually
    raise prices to for higher interest
    rates I think businesses are just less
    likely to spend money by borrowing money
    when interest rates are up like what
    what raising rates does it restricts the
    flow of money so it’s harder to get
    loans so people can’t have enough so
    people can’t get loans to buy stuff so
    it’s it’s supposed to restrict demand I
    don’t know if it actually does or not
    right now but still
    more more to
    California yeah C’s really expensive I
    am bullish on avax longterm but I’m also
    doing research on new coins like sui and
    I mean new coins definitely have more
    potential for SEI because people are
    looking for the shiny new
    thing yeah LeBron’s going to retire
    within three years I also like I also
    don’t think I think Brony should stay in
    school for a year or two more more
    though I mean LeBron’s going to be like
    40 years old this year so like he he’s
    reaching the end like his best days are
    definitely behind
    him Suns then that really had a meltdown
    in game three I my Lakers but no way
    I’ll behave like that dude the suns are
    horrible man the Lakers are a better
    team than the Suns although like the
    Lakers the Lakers meltdowns in the third
    and fourth quarter are like horrible to
    watch cuz they’re like literally up by
    20 points Point like in mid third
    quarter and then they
    lose yeah like people who are saying
    that KD is better than Durant I mean I
    mean KD is better than LeBron no no way
    man like KD’s career is nowhere near
    what LeBron’s was with LeBron on Knicks
    and their Championship contenders
    probably but it’s hard to replace Julius
    Randall with LeBron
    really hard to replace Randle with
    man still this like LeBron’s like the
    second best player ever behind
    Jordan also like also like the the suns
    are like realistically the suns are just
    screwed man they’re like the suns are
    just completely screwed they are so
    capped out like the suns are so so
    capped out man they are so screwed for
    like the next 10
    Years bro Kevin Durant played on like
    the most super team
    ever like Kevin Durant literally played
    on the most super team
    ever and it’s not like he didn’t form
    his own Super
    teams I if uh like that’s how that’s how
    KD got all his Rings he played on the
    most super team ever the team that won
    before he got there the team that won 73
    games before he even joined
    them hoping for I feel the Knicks are
    playing better without Randall I mean
    Randall’s not a bad player I don’t know
    if he actually fits the Knicks though
    you know what the Knicks should just
    draft bronny to get LeBron I miss the
    avax news um yeah so the avax news is
    the stripe actually integrated avac so
    like they’re going to be using avac for
    payments as well
    dude the Sun the construction of the
    sun’s roster is just bad there there’s
    like there’s literally no way around it
    the construction of the Suns roster is
    just like really really
    bad is soie I don’t think there’s going
    to be a salonic killer like I think
    people are too obsessed with like X is X
    killer but like yeah like like
    um I mean SOI can just be its own thing
    it doesn’t need to be a salonic
    killer yeah but the but the Suns con the
    construction of the Phoenix team is just
    bad there’s just there’s no getting
    around the fact that the construction of
    the Phoenix Suns team is just bad like
    they’re too
    small they’re they’re way too small they
    can’t do anything
    like KD was playing the four yesterday
    and even though KD is tall he’s not he’s
    not a
    four he should never play the four he
    can’t play the
    four LeBron can play the four but
    LeBron’s like a lot like like a lot like
    more Stout than he
    is KD is still like a skinny shooter
    haul in haul in on suie if you want
    69ine fully tatted I
    see they don’t have a bench whatsoever
    CU they have Bradley be Kevin Durant and
    like uh and Booker and even though
    Durant and Booker are really good they
    don’t have a top five player on that
    team and Beal’s washed that’s the other
    thing Celtics are going to make it
    they’ll make they’ll probably make it to
    the finals but I don’t know if they can
    beat the Nuggets I think it’s going to
    be Celtics versus
    Nuggets I still favor the Nuggets hard
    to see real estate market Fall when
    there’s so many people coming to the
    US it well those people aren’t going to
    be able to afford houses but like
    there’s there’s a lot of like even
    without the immigrants there’s a lot of
    people that want even without the
    immigrants there’s a lot of people that
    actually want
    housing kg or
    KD I don’t know man for the I mean in
    their Prime I mean KD like a playerwise
    I think KD was better in his prime but I
    might want kg just for the
    leadership yeah but King David that
    might not be great unless you sell the
    house because if it’s apprais at 700k
    that means you just have to pay more
    taxes I’d rather they if I’m not selling
    my house if I plan to live in my house
    I’d rather they appraise it for 400k
    than 700k cuz that means I just pay less
    property taxes hell I’d rather they
    appraise it at $2 so I don’t have to pay
    any property
    taxes good player and a bad team that
    needs to learn how to be a role player
    on a great
    team I mean he’s just kind of a shooter
    and if he I mean yeah he’s just I mean
    he’s just a pure shooter basically
    I think like all in all KD like KD KD’s
    Prime like KD in his prime is a better
    player than kg but kg’s like I think
    like kg is just more of a baller like
    and some people would some people would
    much rather have
    that a good player on a horrible team
    actually oh yeah Washington but not like
    Phoenix isn’t a horrible
    team like Phoenix isn’t a horrible team
    he’s just not a great
    team you just got to wait for everything
    to I don’t know like with the housing
    prices as they are right now like I I
    don’t know if it’s like viable to
    actually buy a house ready for the Bull
    Run no one’s expecting look I’m just
    waiting man I’m just waiting Ada merge
    ethereum why would ada8 merge with
    ethereum that doesn’t make any
    sense don’t really understand why it
    would merge with
    ethereum yeah but like L show for life
    like Bradley Beal at this point in his
    career was like is like a is a is like a
    number three option at best like Beal
    was never like a number one option guy
    on like a decent
    team he was like a he was like a decent
    two at most even at his best cuz like I
    never considered Bradley Beal like an
    player how about Klay Thompson does he
    stay or go like dude Klay Thompson’s
    washed man he he’s he’s actually washed
    if cardano will get an
    evm cardano should get an evm like I I
    don’t I don’t think like many cardano
    people disagree with me that they should
    get an e evm
    like cardano most definitely should get
    evm then washon say back back injuries
    he’s literally playing on one leg
    yeah look that whole team like look the
    whole Golden State team aside from
    Draymond aside from Steph is
    washed like literally the entire GS like
    Warriors team aside from Draymond is
    washed I mean aside from not Draymond
    aside from steep is washed draymond’s
    washed like draymond’s washed Clay’s
    washed the rest of those guys suck they
    just they need to start over man they
    need to start over they not winning any
    they not winning any more championships
    bro not a huge fan of Charles he’s done
    well to bring some attraction to the
    coin but he actually needs to like get
    over his
    ego yes I do think we’ll reach about 10
    trillion I do think we’ll reach about 10
    trillion MC at the peak of the Bull
    Run dude he’s no look Charles wants to
    think he’s Steve Jobs he is not Steve
    Jobs he’s nowhere close to Steve Jobs
    like Charles think that he’s the same
    kind of Genius that Steve Jobs is he is
    nowhere near Steve Jobs level like Steve
    Jobs is like up here he’s like down
    here will this impact the market will we
    un will the unban again I I think like I
    think regular Russian people won’t
    really be able to access crypto I think
    that’s I I think that’s Putin’s goal to
    have like regular to to get regular Uh
    Russian people to not be able to access
    because Charles himself hasn’t built
    anything like like he’s basically just
    he’s basically just the mascot for
    cardano he doesn’t develop
    cardano it’s always been his developers
    that develop cardano I don’t think
    Charles is that much of a technical
    guy like Charles like he picked the
    wrong language he picked Haskell he
    didn’t even know what Haskell was and he
    picked it because he heard from some guy
    that it was really secure and now he’s
    kind of regretting his decision because
    he didn’t know what the hell it
    was no v no no no no no you want aerod
    Drome you want Aerodrome like I think
    Aerodrome is a fork of Vel Drome but
    aerod Drome is the main decks on
    base Steve Jobs also wasn’t dumb enough
    to lie about his education for no
    reason is adopting the Steve Job by
    demanding that cardano operates as an
    insulated ecosystem
    yeah see that’s not going to work
    interoperability is going to be
    key yeah but China still doesn’t allow
    exchanges on the
    mainland yeah and we need to like hurry
    up and like fill the mode like we need
    to get voltera so we can vote and fill
    the damn mode up and stop listening to
    him because we actually need the we need
    to bridge other we need to bridge to
    other chains will rise in interest when
    I don’t actually think the SEC will
    actually be um successful in trying to
    defi look look I like cardono I’m not a
    huge fan of Charles’s personality his
    ego is just way too big and he doesn’t
    really see like he he doesn’t see ey to
    ey with Ada
    investors I think Steph is gonna stay
    with GS I think he’s like I think he’s
    Golden State for life I definitely think
    I I think Steph is going to stay 100%
    think cardano was it I mean I think so
    but cardano like they need to change
    their way of thinking they like cardano
    needs to realize that they need
    liquidity more than anything else like
    they need they they they basically need
    a new guy like making
    decisions yeah they definitely need usdc
    at this
    point like they need USD they need an
    evm they need to get liquidity they need
    to get projects on their chain that’s
    how they
    grow that’s how they’re going to grow
    like none of this like other crap they
    they need a lot they actually need a lot
    of this stuff to come on
    chain yeah it’s better than xrp because
    they actually have like they actually
    have an ecosystem like xrp is years
    behind on the amm
    stuff I think they is like a salana
    following look cuz salana doesn’t have
    like all those like crazy ass conspiracy
    theories that xrp did everyone knows
    what salana
    is self custody do we have a reason to
    worry I personally don’t I don’t think
    they can ban self custody if they try
    it’ll they’ll hilariously
    fail so I don’t think they can ban self-
    custody that just that’s just not going
    to work I don’t see how that even
    remotely Works to ban to try to ban
    self- custody they might try it but
    they’re going to
    fail well base launch an own token not
    anytime soon
    no well the thing is xrp just didn’t
    really get adoption in their their
    primary use case SEC or not they didn’t
    get adoption here and they didn’t get
    adoption like over
    SE yeah I still think Ledger is probably
    the best self-
    custody oh the Putin thing because uh
    Trump likes Putin so conservatives like
    so Republicans like Putin that’s
    why there doesn’t really need to be a
    good logical
    reason yeah yeah but the numbers like
    Masco shot the numbers basically don’t
    spell out what like Moon Lambo
    wants because there’s there’s like
    basically only small remids companies
    adopt xrp
    so yeah like it’s not it’s not like it
    has that much
    adoption all right guys that’s going to
    be it for today like And subscribe hit
    the Bell notifications button I will be
    back later today and I will see you guys
    later yeah exactly like no one’s

    #crypto #bitcoin #news

    Russia may ban crypto. Avalanche integrates with Striple
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    * These are my opinions, they are not financial advice of any sort


    1. Heres a question, Bob. Have you ever made any gains in crypto? I know you lost most the little bag you had to phishing unfortunately so just a honest question.

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