Earn Extra Money on Investment | SIP in Mutual Funds & ETFs | How to be Rich from Stock Market?

    But where most of the world is planning to become rich in 20, 30, 50 years from SIP, you people will take only 10 years. Let’s take an example of a man who does SIP of 5000 rupees per month. Now if you have more money, then you can increase 5000 and see, you can make 1 crore from 5000 rupees to a common man who is making 11 lakh rupees. We will just modify SIP a little. Because of that modification, mathematically you will see 11 lakh rupees or 1 crore rupees. And if you follow the system, then that 1 crore rupees will reflect in your bank account as it is. It is an extra effort of 5 minutes. But with that extra effort of 5 minutes, if you can make more than 90 lakh rupees, then you have to see whether it is worth it for me or not. And whatever we will talk in this video will be 100% practical. The biggest thing is that the information that I am going to give you is the information that is for me and for my family members. The people who are close to my heart, I have only shared it with them and the results are coming out great. Returns are becoming extraordinary. That is why I am telling you today because you are also a part of my community and search on the whole internet. The information that I am going to give you today will not be found anywhere. Means people can’t think so much. What do people think? Instead of 12%, it will become 13, it will become 14, it will become 15, it will become 18. Not in this mutual fund, invest money in this mutual fund. Today you will understand that if you are investing money in mutual funds, then how big a mistake you are making and we will do SIP in the same way, but instead of mutual funds, what are we going to do, how are we going to do it? Step by step in this video, your eyes are going to open and you will feel so much fun. Why didn’t I know this thing before? See, what I am going to talk about in this video, if we call this video a concentrated video, then it will not be wrong because I have talked about different things before. Sometimes I have explained the power of SIP, the power of compounding in a video, how mutual funds loot you in a video, what are the advantages you have apart from the exit load expense ratio that you will understand in this video. So the first thing is a little extra effort, we will talk about one level above, we will go to the advanced level from the basics, but the money that is being made from it is 100% worth it. If you don’t understand at once, then watch the video 10 times for free on the internet because it is necessary to learn what money is made from. Let’s understand the thing. Look, the simple meaning of SIP is Systematic Investment Plan, maybe you are already doing SIP, I have taken the minimum that every person who does an average SIP of 5,000, some people do SIP of 50,000, some people do SIP of 5 lakhs, but you increase the zero according to you. If a person is doing SIP of 5,000 and he simply says that I will invest in Nifty, what is the average return of Nifty, 12-15%, I have taken 12%, so how much money is made from 12% in 10 years, now from 12% in 10 years, your investment becomes 6 lakh rupees and above 6 lakh rupees 5 lakh 61 thousand rupees becomes your 11 lakh 60 thousand rupees return, now if a person would have done only FD, he would have taken 7% return instead of 12%, then what difference would it make, then you can see here that his return would have been about 8 lakh 70 thousand rupees, but how is it possible that we make this 8 lakh 11 lakh above 1 crore, it is possible because our investment is going to be the same, it is going to be of 5,000 rupees a month, but we will need more return here, how much more, now you will think that you will need a lot of return, which is not realistically possible, you will have to understand the whole thing and you will understand that it is possible, so we will go step by step, first of all we understand what you were doing and what you do not want to do, how you are making less money than the SIPs you are doing, but the mutual fund houses, the asset management companies are making more money, see here on the screen, we are simply going on a screener and we are going on a screener of a mutual fund, now what is it that you invest in any mutual fund, you need to understand some things, you can see the name of your mutual fund, because there are thousands of mutual funds, now which mutual fund do you have from this, I do not know which one you are investing in, but whichever mutual fund you are investing in, now whether it is active, passive, investing money in debt, investing money in equity, there are so many ads going on, that mutual funds are right, invest money in mutual funds, but two things are not told to you in any ad, they are hidden, the first thing is expense ratio, what is the simple meaning of expense ratio, whenever you are doing an SIP, you are doing 5000, you are doing 1 lakh, for example, let’s go for 1 lakh rupees, now a man has put 1 lakh rupees in the name of SIP, now I am investing for my future, but you see here, what are they doing, they are showing 2%, 2.5%, 1%, 1.5% expense ratio, which you find out by searching that what is the expense ratio, it is not told, so if someone invests in SIP, let’s take an example, 2% expense ratio is yours, so you invested 1 lakh rupees, your asset management company or mutual fund company has already deducted 2000 rupees, so what will happen, we will understand everything one by one, so what happened with this, you invested 1 lakh rupees, so you invested 1 lakh rupees, you deduct 2000 rupees from it on the first day, your money that will be invested in the market will be only 98000, if you are understanding so far, this is the point number 2, what is the second thing that has been added here, which is the exit load here, see 1% is the usual exit load, people do not know this and there are such mutual funds that take exit load up to 4% from you, now no one tells this, what does exit load mean, that you slowly added money, let’s assume that your 1 crore rupees is added, now exit load, now see what happens, people think that we will do SIP for 20 years, for 30 years, but we need money after 5 years, 7 years, 2 years, sometimes I don’t talk about anyone else, I talk about myself, I have been investing in mutual funds for a long time, but whenever I buy a property, I need money suddenly, so because I have money in SIP, it doesn’t matter, money is money, investment is happening in a good place, so I take it out from there, now I tell you, these things are understood when it happens to a person, we saw something that the amount is visible there, but when the amount comes in your account, then you see that there is a difference, this difference comes due to exit load, now exit load is also made with a lot of brain, what do companies do, companies say that if you are 1 year, this is the minimum, say 2 years and some companies are such that they say 3-4 thousand years, so what does it mean that if you have taken out your investment before 2 years, then we will put the full exit load, if a company has put a 4% exit load, now let’s assume that within 2 years you had left 1 crore, then you will get 4 lakh rupees, so what was deducted from you first, money in the name of expense ratio, 2% 1% anything can happen and when you took out the money, then whatever money was added to it, money was taken from you in the name of exit load, now if someone has 10 years, then I tell you one thing, you will not get exit load in the 8 years of starting, but if the last 2 years of the company will be the duration of 4 years, then whatever the duration will be, let’s say 2 years, then the amount of investment you have done over 2 years, you will get exit load on it, no one tells this, all the people who are making mutual funds, they also do not talk openly about it, because people see that SIP ultimately you do, money is added, money is made, so people see that there is only profit, now if there is a little less profit from the profit, then most people do not understand, but if someone is earning 2% before you, then he is earning short, whether you will earn or not, it is subject to market risk, this is said, so what we understood the first point that if you are choosing mutual funds, then you have the biggest two problems, the first problem is to choose mutual funds, expense ratio and the second problem is exit load, now you will say what is the solution, because by investing in mutual funds, we are not investing in one stock, our investment is diversified, so what is better for you, see the video will be a little lengthy, it does not matter to me, it matters to me that a person is adding his hard-earned money, he should get maximum returns on it, so I will clear my concept completely, I will complete my work, because your attention span is limited, you feel like watching whatsapp, I will see something on Instagram, I will check the notification, your attention can be diverted, but if you want to make money, then you will have to watch the video till the end, but I will do my work, so we have a better option ETF, the biggest thing is that ETF has the least expense ratio, and in this also your investment is diversified, those who are new, I will explain both the concepts clearly, do not think about anything, just listen to me, ETF is also like a mutual fund, but what is the difference, there is a calculation according to the net asset value, when we see ETF, I will also show you the ETF charts, ETF is like a share, trade. You can buy and sell ETF anytime in a day. The biggest thing in ETF is that the expense ratio is also less. In the name of expense ratio, if you take the least amount of money, then it is taken in ETF. Means they are the cheapest. And the second thing is that there is no exit load. So most of the ETFs do not have exit load. Expense ratio is also the least. So you should choose this. Now from here, if you understand so far, now I will show you some things and we will move ahead. So now we are talking about ETF. Let’s understand ETF. You can search any ETF. For example, if you invest in Nifty, look at the mutual funds of Nifty. How many mutual funds are there in front of you. Now I am going to show you a comparison. Understand very carefully. Now Nifty 50, which has become an index fund, has become a passive index fund. When we go on this, we will see some things here. This is a mutual fund. First I am going to the mutual fund, then I will go to your ETF. Here you see the expense ratio of 0.18, which is less than other mutual funds because it is a passive investment. But when you go to ETF, look carefully, 0.18 will be less. We are writing Nifty. We are talking about Nifty ETF and open any ETF. For example, let’s open this. So now you will see 0.18 and here 0.05. So in ETF, you will understand that if your money is less, then it will be cut in your Nifty ETF. I am talking about ETF, not Nifty. Now from here we are going to understand a little more in an advanced way. So if you see the growth of ETF, now we are talking about 1 year, in 1 year, it has given a 27% return. If Nifty is the return, then Nifty will run, then ETF will run. If Nifty will not run, then ETF will not run. But there are other ETFs also, which people do not know. Now understand my words very carefully. I will write and explain to you first because people should understand. Whether you invest in mutual fund or ETF, you look at your age. What is your age? So if your age is less, what does it mean? If your age is under 30, then you can take a risk at this stage of life. You can take a little more risk because you have more time. But let’s assume that you have already retired. You are 60 plus, so now you should take less risk because you may need money for an emergency at this time. You need money for a child’s wedding in a house, so you will have to see that if your age is less and you think that I have a little time. What is the benefit of having less time? First, our earnings graph also goes up exponentially. But it is possible that when you have a retirement, you are only getting pension. So whose income can increase in the future and the second thing is that the responsibilities are less, then that person can take more risk. So here if we see an under 30, a 30 to 60 years and 60 plus, if we divide it, then if you are under 30, then you should take a little more risk and invest in such a place where you can get more returns. Because one thing to remember is higher the risk, higher the return. So the return will be more and I will show you what are the categories of high risk, but what is the return of it. Second thing if you are under 30 to 60 years, you may have got married, you have children, you have responsibilities on you, then you take a little moderate risk. So if you take moderate risk, then your return will also be moderate and if you take low risk, then your return is also low. It is important to understand this. So if we talk about the low risk category, then you should stay away from the equity market. You should invest less in the equity market. You should keep your investment in debt or safer investment options. Because then what are our expectations. Maybe you are 60 plus, but I can take a risk. Then if you want, you can go towards higher returns. Now see whatever I am saying, you have chosen any mutual fund or you were investing in any mutual fund, I do not know. But if you are young, then you can take a little risk. Now when I am talking about risk, then I will show you an ETF of small cap. So when we go to mutual funds, then there are many funds in small cap categories. But if I click on any fund, then I will show you that here you will get the expense ratio. It is 0.46, but when you go to ETF, then you will get an ETF of small cap. Let’s go to ETF. Now I am seeing ETF here. Click on anyone. Let’s click on HDFC this time. Last time I clicked on Marai Asset. Now if you invest in HDFC Nifty Small Cap ETF, then if you look here, then the expense ratio will be less than the mutual fund. So this is understood and there is no exit load. So we are not talking about So if you look here, then what are the returns here 68% return. So I am not giving you any recommendation, but I want to explain to you. Small cap becomes a little aggressive because money is being invested in small companies, so the probability of their growth is high. So ETF can be done outside as well as in Indian equity. I am just giving you an example. Don’t take it as a recommendation. Invest with your own thinking. So you will also get a lot of ETFs of Nasdaq. And here you will also get ETF. Now for example, I click on it. So if you look at the return of this ETF, then it is 36% in one year. Now what does Nasdaq mean? This is also an index, but it is the index of US technology companies. So your diversification can also be outside India. You choose, but now I will go to the concept of diversification, otherwise it will be late. Our concept is that we have to modify our SIP a little. So where a common man is investing in mutual funds, he is doing it because he is a common man. You modify a little. What did you modify? You chose ETF instead of mutual funds. Now this was our first level of modification. Level 2 of modification. What is level 2 of modification? Your SIP was happening on a fixed date. Your modification was happening on a fixed date. 1st, 2nd, 5th, 10th, whatever was happening. Here we will again bring a modification. What will we do? We will invest when the market is negative. See, 5 minutes extra, but it will cost more money. 5 minutes, really 5 minutes. Put an alarm on your phone. I have put it on my phone. I will tell you the same thing. So you put an alarm on your phone at 3.15, which you feel is right. 10, 15, 20, 50 minutes before the market closes, whatever you feel is right, before the market closes. Now if you take 3.15, then 15 minutes before the market closes, an alarm will ring. You just have to go and see this and we will only go according to Nifty. Today Nifty is positive or negative. This is the first thing you see in your Demat account. If you have any Demat account, if Nifty is negative, then you can invest in two ways. I am telling both ways, but for most of the people, we will tell the same way. So here we take an example. A man wants to do SIP of ₹ 20,000 a month. Okay, I have told these things in different videos, but what I will tell you after this, then I will calculate and show you. You will not find it on the internet. The video is a little long, but it is for you. You had to invest ₹ 20,000 every month. How many days does the market open? Approximately 20 days. Approximately 20-22 days the market opens for you. So what do you do, you divide it by 20. Your investment per day is 1000. And suppose you had chosen two mutual funds. Now you have chosen two ETFs. Those two ETFs can be anyone for you. Now this is an example. So now what you do, the day the market is negative, on that day you invest ₹ 1000 in 501 ETF. And generally the value of ETF is less than 500. Now the ETF that I showed you, Motilal Ausfal’s Nasdaq was of ₹ 143. In the same way, the ETFs will generally be less than ₹ 500. In fact, you will also see ETFs of ₹ 10, 20, 50. So you calculate a little bit because if you want to put ₹ 500, then what will happen is that according to ₹ 150, three ETFs will come. Investments of ₹ 450 will happen. So you have to put almost equal money, ₹ 500 in this, ₹ 500 in that. This will be your investment of ₹ 1000 for a day. But when do you have to put it? The day the market is broken. Now let’s assume that the market has been positive for three consecutive days. Positive, positive, positive. So we will not invest ₹ 1 on these three days in the market. Here we had to invest ₹ 1000, ₹ 1000, ₹ 1000. Now the day the market is negative, now the ₹ 1000 of that day and the remaining ₹ 1000. You will invest ₹ 4000 at a time. When you invest in this way, then you will produce an alpha in the market. Because look, the market never goes up like this. The market never goes up like this. The market always goes up like this. Now what is in this, your investment is happening here. So where people will get a return of 12%, you will get a return of more than 12%. It can be 15, 18 or 20. Because when you fall in the market, you invest money. I do the same. I said that what is the modified version inside this. I will I see how much the market has fallen and I spend money accordingly. For example, if the market has fallen by 1%, then I spend 1 lakh rupees. If the market has fallen by 5%, then I will spend 5 lakh rupees. This is an example and then I have multiple ETFs according to that. So my averaging becomes better, but what do you need for that? You need a regular cash flow. I will tell you that in this video that how will you get regular cash flow. Okay, we did this, so what did we do? We first talked about two things here. We understood those two things that first of all, our mutual funds fell on ETF and second, when the market was falling instead of our fixed SIP rate, we saw that it fell, we spent money, the matter is over and it will give you better averaging. Now from here we go to point number 3. Now let’s understand point number 3 from here. This point number 3 will be a little advanced for some people, but for some people it is going to be so much fun. Now what you did not know, you will learn today. I did shift you from mutual funds to ETF, but it has a benefit. Now see this benefit and understand it. So now we have come to a Demat account. You don’t have to see the charts. I am not seeing it myself, so why do you have to see it? I know you are a passive investor. If you are doing SIP, then you mean that leave it, otherwise you will just keep cutting money, you will keep collecting money. Listen to 5 minutes extra, it is useful for you. So look here, in my portfolio, you will only see ETFs and this is not a recommendation because there are many and these are all ETFs, so I do not invest money in any share. Most of the time you will see that I will only get ETFs. So these are ETFs. I was telling you the concept of ETF. Now because there are ETFs, you get a benefit. Now let’s go to the useful thing. Let’s go to the funds here. Now see if you go to the funds, then you will see one thing. Here pledge shares, shares and ETFs, you can pledge in most of the Demat accounts. Shares and ETFs, the option of mutual funds is not given by every broker. So when you go to pledge, pledging means keeping a mortgage. You will say that we will keep our ETF or our investment in debt. Listen, it is a useful thing. You listen, you listen to the whole thing. If you feel good, then do it. Otherwise, as far as I have heard, a lot of money will be made here too. But if you want double money, then you will have to listen to the thing. When we pledge, whatever is available for pledge with me, it will show below that you have an amount that you will get when you apply. Come on, I will apply it in front of you. No problem, I applied. By applying, it says that per script, keep in mind that per script, it will cost Rs. 20 plus GST. So there should be some amount. If you feel that it will be beneficial, then I will remove some things from here, which should not be so much need to pledge. Like, suppose I feel that I should remove liquid fees because it is less in it and they remove it. Then I apply it. So per script, it will cost Rs. 20 plus GST to pledge. And when I will unpledge, it will cost Rs. 20 plus GST. Give it, I will tell you what will be the benefit. So I submitted a request request request. You will have to put an OTP and what you have pledged, you will get the margin by pledging. Here is the ETF that you have pledged. Let’s put an OTP here. I verified here. That’s it, request approved. So now because I have pledged, I will have an extra margin. Now what will happen with this margin. I will take you to the front again. When we come here, we will see that here is total collateral. You will have to see here that there is a balance to trade. It’s amazing. I am just telling you that most brokers will let you sell options only with this. You can also buy options on upstox. Okay, but you don’t have to do it. I will explain what to do. Because this is now a double-edged sword. I had different ETFs. Let’s go to the concept. I have told you a lot so far. I will take you to the concept. What is the concept? What are we going to do? We are going to do the third step. Pledge. Pledging ETFs. What happens with this? There is one thing inside it, as we say haircut. Now let’s assume that you have 10 lakh rupees in your portfolio while doing it. As soon as you pledge, you get a 20% haircut. 20% haircut means that you will get 20% less money by pledging. You will get 8 lakh rupees without interest. No interest is applied on it. You will get 8 lakh rupees without interest. I had shown you the example of liquid bees. So haircut will cost only 10%. There are many ETFs on which you only get 10% haircut. 10% haircut means that if you have 10 lakh rupees, you will get 8 lakh rupees. You will get a 90% margin of that script. Now you will say that we will do trading with this. We are passive investors. How will we trade? We do not even know how to see the chart. I understand the thing. Now what I will tell you is one level more advanced thing. If you were simply a passive investor, the matter was over up to here. You did not need to go beyond this. But I know that most of the people who listen to me do trading and also do trading. They also do SIP but their return is less. So why not tell something for both of them that will double the benefit. Now my mother does not know if she knows trading or not. But she is investing. They also have SIPs. Money is added to their account. If my father is my brother, all the members in our house, in the stock market are investing. Now what should I do with that investment? Let that investment increase. What have we done simply? First of all, we have invested in ETF. So we pledged from there. We pledged our security and took a margin. Now we need a strategy in which our loss and profit are already defined. Example, understand the thing. I want 1% profit. I can take a loss of 1%. The loss must have happened in the market. There is a loss in investing too. But if we do not book it, then the investment, the stocks come up with time. So we get profit. And in mutual funds and ETFs, most people get profit because they have been investing for a long time and the market is giving returns year on year. That’s why they come in plus. Now trading is not like this. And there are two types of trading. One is intraday trading. Profit of the same day, loss of the same day. And one is positional trading. Now you will say intraday trading is risky. Most people suffer losses in intraday. But if we go with risk management, then we will make money from intraday. I will show you. Now I just want to tell you one thing. I am making a video in front of you. I don’t know. I think it’s been more than half an hour. I have not seen the chart once in front of you. What is going on in the market doesn’t matter because I have put this in my system. There will be a profit of 1%, there will be a loss of 1%. So I have to give a loss in the market. It will give a loss of 1%. There will be no loss above And I will get a profit above 1% because you can make such a strategy. Now if you want, see if you think that the video worked for you till here. You just see up to here. I just want to tell you the concept. For some people it will be useful. For some people it will be very useful. Some people will think that this is enough. Because if this is enough, then I will just go to the SIP calculator once and show you that what will be the difference in this much. But how will it become 1 crore, I will tell you in this video. I will tell you till the end. So if you have followed only buying on dip till now, if you have invested in ETF, then you have more than 12% because you are going to save 1% expense ratio and 1% exit load in the name of 2% expense ratio. You are going to save that and by averaging it, it is possible to make this 12 to 15. By doing 15, it is almost 14 lakh rupees. If you make it 15 to 18, then it is almost 16,81,000. I don’t even know that 1 crore is not happening, but what I will tell you will happen. So if you say that if I chose risky investment classes, now we have seen 60% returns every year. I do not say that it is realistic because it will not happen every year. But if you have invested 20% and achieved by doing aggressive investment, then you are going to make 19 lakh rupees. It will take only 6 lakh rupees and we are talking about 10 years. If this happens for 20 years, then the thing will change here. Then your 1 crore becomes 58 lakh rupees. But I don’t want to talk so far. I want to talk about 10 years in this video because by increasing it, I also know that there is a power of compounding. What do you think that in 30 years it will become 3 crores of 1.5 crores. No, it will become 11 crores because it is too much. You do this compounding yourself. So this 20% return is also of the higher side. Warren Buffet’s return is also of 22%. We are taking 20% because we have added one thing to it, which Warren Buffet himself says that nothing happens above passive investment. So mutual funds, you choose passive or choose ETF passive, there is nothing better than this. And when we added buying on dip, you started on gold. Nothing can happen above investment. But now how can we increase it to 20? If you make it 50, leave that, it is a very big number, I don’t want to show it. Look at this, if you make 20 to 50, then 1 crore is 66 lakhs and if someone tells me that 50 is also more, I take it lower side, if you make it 45, then also 1 crore is above it and if you keep it only and only 40 lakhs, then also 40% is kept, then it is 70, but how will this 40% come, the whole thing is of this, then you understand. When we had invested, we had invested only once, we were investing in the name of SIP and we did not put any money, but by pledging, we got extra money for intraday position, don’t do position, let’s talk about intraday, if we don’t think too aggressive, we think that I am saying that 1% will come and 1% will go, I just get 3 days in the whole month, in which if I get 1% then 3% will come in the month, if I go and talk to a trader and say that I just want 1%, do you know what 1% means, 1 lakh rupees for 1000 rupees, 100 rupees for 10,000 rupees, so can 100 rupees be made in trading from 10,000 rupees and I don’t want the whole month, only in 3 days of the month, in the rest, you say that some day there was a profit, some day there was a loss, we are just saying that the average will come, then also this 36% of the year is sir and if you were making 20% from investing then if you will add 36% then some people will say that the whole money did not come, it is 8 lakh rupees, 20% is less, keep in mind according to yourself, I am taking it for calculations, so this is 56, reduce 10% from 56, 46% if this is achieved, then where the world is making 10 lakhs, you will make 1 crore and I am talking about 10 years, you tell in compounding, if here this is 46% return, hold 40, 40% return, instead of 10 years, what will happen if it is 20 years, only 5,000 rupees investment, now this 5,000 investment will not have to do from your pocket, I will tell you in the next video, but for this video you understand the concept that what to do in trading, what to do in this trading, what should I do in this intraday trading, what should I do in which only 1% comes and 1% runs and listen to me very carefully, I am saying very little that money will be made if 3 becomes 6, then the calculation will be different and I do not want to say more than this because I do not want to motivate you, I just want to show you the direction and it is your job to walk on it, what will happen with it, how much money will be made, you yourself are smart, now because this video has become quite long, I will give you a glimpse in the next video or in this video, I am just giving you a glimpse, I will tell you the concept in the next video, I will give you a glimpse in this video, see if you do not want to trade yourself, then you need a support, you need a software, you can have any such strategy, you can make it yourself, in the next video I will tell you about some strategies in which either 1% will come, 1% will go, 2% will come, 2% will go, it is up to your risk, if we go here, this is a software, this is the software of algo trading, as I said that there are many accounts in my house, now I tell you this is my dad’s account, now dad is not trading today, but his account is making a profit of 28000, this is my brother’s account, my brother’s account is making a profit of 35000, I will show you its capital and all, this is my brother’s account, it is being traded at 375 quantity, but we trade by hedging, so the profit is doubled, so the margin is half, I can only tell you this much because we have taken the hedge, so what happens by taking the hedge, you have taken the option of 25 paise 75 paise, but with this you can trade in double quantity, I will tell you the concept, we do not need to go above this, in the same way this is my mom’s account, so my mom’s account is trading for 20,000 rupees, my mom does not know anything about trading, but we know that they have made an investment, we have pledged that investment and we are trading with the money of the pledge, nothing else is happening, so there are some strategies that we can talk about in the next video, if you want, if you comment that we need such a strategy in which the risk is limited and the money is regular, then we will make it in the next video, now what is happening here, whatever trading is happening, I know that the profit will come, the loss will come automatically, whatever we have set, so this is enough for you for today’s video, if you want to learn more, then I know that you will subscribe to the channel without me saying it, you will click on the bell icon so that you do not miss the coming videos, but the concept is number one, that if I have limited money, I have a profit on that money, I have a long term capital gain on that money and by using that money, I can make some money in the intraday, I do not need to see what is going on, what is the profit, it is working for me as a software, the profit can be less or more, there is no need to see, I know that it is almost 1.20 now, so whatever is going on at 1.20, everything will be booked at 3.15 and the market will close at 3.30, if there is a loss, then it will also be booked, there is no need to think and you can also create your own strategies, you can also create your own strategies, so do not think how it will be, if you stay connected, then we will talk about everything in detail, what was the main point, it was that if you do this, then you will go far above the world and I want you to do this, so stay connected to learn in this way, you can ask some questions in the comment, you can share this video so that this valuable information reaches maximum people, which as I am telling you, no one is talking about it on the whole internet, this is a new concept for so many people, but you are going to double your benefit from this, so like this video, we will see you in the next video, if you do not have a Demat account, you can open your Demat account for free, with which you can invest in the stock market, you can trade, you can do SIP, you can buy ETF, you will get the link in the description and pinned comment, in fact, the software we talked about, Algoroom, you will get the link in the description and pinned comment, you can sign up, we will see you in the next video, till the time you go self made enjoy.

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    About Pushkar Raj Thakur :

    Pushkar Raj Thakur is India’s Leading Educator & Business Coach. He is a Guinness World Record Holder for the Largest Financial Investment Lesson and largest Social Media Marketing Lesson. With Millions of Followers on all major Social Media Platforms, he is known for his versatile knowledge of Financial Education, the Stock Market, Personal Mastery, Sales, Marketing, Human Psychology and Business Development.

    – NISM Certified Research Analyst

    – NISM Certified Mutual Fund Distributor

    – IRDA Certified

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    1. 👉👉Intraday Algo Trading Software: https://web.algorooms.com

      Start Investing in the Share Market: 👉 Open a Free Demat Account on Upstox: https://bit.ly/DematAcUpstox

      – NO AMC Charges for Lifetime. Start earning up to Rs 1200 per referral.


      👉 Open a Free Demat Account on Angel One: https://bit.ly/Angel1Offer

      India's biggest stock broker offers the cheapest brokerage rates for futures and options, commodity trading, equity, and mutual funds.


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      Experience lightning-fast online stock trading and investing in India. Trade and invest in Stocks, F&O, Currencies, Commodities, ETFs, and IPO


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      Fyers charting platform is powered by Tradingview Inc. You can trade from charts, get the most popular technical indicators, drawing tools, multiple charts, and many other functions.

      #SIIP #MutualFunds #ShareMarket

    2. Abe haters tumhaari maa ki chut banda bohot ascha samjhata hai tumko mutual funds lena hai to vo lo etf lena haito etf lo tumko force nai kar raha hai aur jo bhi video m bataya gaya hai bohot informative hai kripya jyada oversmart investers new investers ko confuse naa kare!.

    3. Kya chutiyapa hai , pledge just to take margin .

      Jiske pass capital pehle se hai usko margin ki kya jarurat 😂

      Toh direct batau na kya karna intraday mein

    4. रोज बैठ के मार्केट देखना है तो हम ch** हैं जो SIP करेंगे ? Stock ही खरीद लो 😂😂

      SIP Is for people who don't have time and/or skills and/or don't want to take daily tension

      ये SIP में timing सीखा रहा है अपने आप को फन्नी खान समझ रहा है 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

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