IT’S OVER: The Panama Canal Has FINALLY Dried Up #2

    the Panama canal connects the Pacific Ocean to the Caribbean Sea Panama Canal one of the world’s key shipping routes stream drought in Panama is forcing authorities to substantially scale back shipping through the Panama Canal one of the world’s key shipping channels to all the truth Seekers and curious minds who have come across this Revelation that has the world buzzing with questions I am talking about the headline that has sparked disbelief and concern it’s over the Panama Canal has finally dried up I know it is just a mere exaggeration or fake news but let me assure you the truth lies with us we are not only going to address the validity of this claim but we are also diving deep into the heart of the matter we will uncover the root cause behind the drying up of this 82 km long Waterway the Panama Canal explore the probability of its restoration and answer every question so stay put as we steer through the facts explain the myths and shed light on what lies ahead for this iconic Waterway one of the world’s most important shipping routes the Panama Canal a major drought is impacting the number of ships that can pass through the Canal’s Waterway introduction to the Panama Canal the Panama Canal is an artificial Waterway located in Panama Central America it serves as a vital link between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans cutting across the ismos of Panama which separates north and south of America spanning approximately 82 km just about 50 mi from cologne on the Atlantic side to Balboa on the Pacific side the canal offers a vital shortcut for marine trade before its construction ships traveling between the East and West coasts of the Americas had to undertake the death-defying journey around the southern tip of South America known as Cape Horn a route that was not only lengthy but also extremely dangerous for the sailors those who TR versed this route were prone to treacherous weather strong Oceanic currents and the deadliest of all the risk of shipwrecks during sailing it is only fair to say that the Panama Canal took Global Maritime trade to a whole new level by offering a significantly shorter and safer alternative route to that of the caporn since the Canal’s construction there has been a significant reduction in travel time and distance for the ships traversing between the East and West coasts of the Americas the canal facilitates the passage of various vessels including cargo ships container ships tankers and even passenger ships putting it at the center of global Commerce and trade the Panama Canal has not only played a vital role in connecting major trading hubs such as the east coast of the United States Europe and Asia but it has also contributed to the efficient flow of goods and commodities between key markets through this efficiency the canal has thus played a crucial role in facilitating ating the growth of international trade this is done by reducing Transportation costs transit times and dangers associated with long-distance shipping routes Additionally the canal has played a vital role in promoting globalization this is done by nurturing closer economic ties between nations and regions worldwide you can see why the news of its drying up raised many concerns right the Panama Canal’s importance does not lie in its ability to connect to large oceans alone its impact on the transformation of global trade transportation and economic development is also a significant benefit of the canal the canal stands as evidence of what some might call human engineering prowess history of the canal the idea of building a canal through the ismos of Panama dates back centuries but it wasn’t until the late 19th and early 20th centuries that serious efforts were made to turn this Vision into reality the United States under the leadership of President Theodore Roosevelt the 26th president of the United States from 1901 to 1909 took up the Revolutionary task of building the canal this is following a failed attempt by the French in the late 1800s in the 1800s Ferdinand de Leeps a Frenchman also the builder of the Suez Canal in Egypt led the advancement of French attempts to build a canal through Panama they began this excavation in 1880 and being the same man who oversaw the building of the Suz deep knew for a fact that this would be an equally easy task that was not the case though as malaria yellow fever and other tropical diseases conspired against the deeps campaign leading to many lives being lost and a lot of money being spent to counter these adversities after 9 years and a loss of approximately 20,000 lives the French attempt went bankrupt that is when the Americans took over already having an interest in the canal the hay Pon F Treaty of 1901 a treaty signed by the United States and Great Britain on November 18th 1901 as a legal preliminary to the US building of the Panama Canal overruled the earlier Clayton Buller treaty and licensed the United States to build and manage its Canal despite this the Canal’s construction did not commence immediately because Panama was still under the colonial power of Colombia the financial terms of the treaty between the Secretary of State John Hay and the Colombian foreign minister Thomas Heron to build the new Canal were unacceptable to Colombia’s Congress which rejected the offer President Roosevelt responded by dispatching us warships to Panama City and cologne to support the panamanians in attaining Independence unlike the US Colombian troops could not negotiate the vast tropical jungles of the Darian Strait causing Colombia to lose in the struggle for Panama because of that Panama declared independence on November 3rd 1903 the United States acquired the Panama Canal Zone through the hey buau verilla treaty a treaty signed by the United States and Panama on November 18th 1903 which established the Panama Canal Zone granting the US control over this territory the canals constructed ction began in 1904 under the leadership of President Theodore Roosevelt who recognized the Strategic importance of such a Waterway for America challenges when constructing the Canal’s construction was massive and numerous challenges and obstacles marked it one of the challenges faced by engineers and workers was the prevalence of tropical diseases such as malaria and yellow fever which took a heavy toll on the lives of the laborers a Additionally the geographical terrain of the ismos of Panama presented challenging obstacles including dense jungles rugged Mountain terrain and several swamps which had to be overcome to carve out the canal the tropical climate of Panama is mostly characterized by high temperatures humidity and heavy rainfall this also poses a challenge to workers and construction materials heavy rains particularly during the rainy season caused flooding and erosion significantly delaying construction activities it was one heck of an expedition am I right achievements but despite these challenges the construction of the Panama Canal proceeded with the laborers showing remarkable determination major Milestones were achieved during the construction process among these Milestones was the excavation of the calbra cut which involved cutting through the Continental Divide to create a navigable channel for the canal this excavation was massive it required laborers and Engineers to remove millions of cubic meters of rock and Earth they couldn’t do this with their bare hands so they sorted for techniques such as Steam shovels and dynamite the construction of the Canal’s locks represented a major engineering achievement oh for those who don’t know locks are hydraulic devices used to raise and lower ships as they Transit through the canal as the difference in elevation between the Atlantic and Pacific sides of the canal made it nearly impossible for ships to cross these locks were designed to overcome this challenge ensuring that the passage of vessels through the Waterway was smooth apart from these Milestones the construction of the Panama Canal led to the formation of yet another Beauty the Gaton Lake this is an artificial Lake that was formed by blocking the chagras river gatun lake provided a crucial water reservoir to maintain the Canal’s water levels and facilitate ship navigation building the Panama Canal 1903 1914 before construction could begin proper surveying efforts and planning had to be carried out so they would not face the same fate as the French before them In 1855 William kennes a mans born engineer working for the United States government surveyed the ismos and issued a report on a route for a proposed Us survey by a team of EG led by the Us survey needs and experts including John F Wallace an American engineer and administrator though he didn’t stay long Wallace resigned abruptly in June 1905 after being overwhelmed by the disease plagued country and forced to use often rundown French infrastructure and Equipment John Stevens a self-educated engineer who had built the Great Northern Railroad was appointed after this Stevens began the recruitment effort to entice thousands of workers from the United States to work in the Canal Zone Stevens tried to provide reasonably safe and comfortable accommodation where workers could Stevens achieve his accommodation goals and live with the help of Colonel William C gorgus Who was appointed Chief sanitation officer of Tal’s L’s construction goals Stevens Colonel William and others were also tasked with conducting a detailed study of the ismos they assessed the geological composition of the terrain and studied the Region’s hydrology including rainfall patterns river flows and and Tides the US was not taking any chances on this one the canal excavation was finally going as planned in the summer of 1904 the US had experienced the epic failure of the French so they decided to build a canal with locks to prevent them from facing the same fate locks would be effective for the us as they would greatly cut costs and prevent any issues of differentials in sea level on either side of the canal the US has finally conquered the ismos of of Panama right apparently not the first Big Challenge they experienced was the chages river the largest river in the Panama Canal’s watershed this River’s water level regularly varied due to the immense rainfall from northern Panama’s mountains most times the River flooded which meant that if the canal were built closer to the river flooding would quickly overwhelm the Ingenuity that is when President Roosevelt chose to side with engineer John Frank Stevens Stevens was the one who suggested they build a canal with locks an idea that the French had rejected earlier locks were constructed along the canal to raise and lower vessels as they transitioned between different elevations massive concrete structures were built to create reservoirs and artificial Lakes crucial components of the Canal’s Waterway system for the locks to be established they first needed to construct a dam at gatun which was supposed to span a section of the chages river the benefits of this move were that it first led to the formation of Gun Lake which played a crucial role in controlling the large amounts of water flowing through the chagres river the construction operation as you can imagine was no easy task and yes Machinery played a crucial role in the excavation process but manual laborers were equally important the huge operation involved over 400000000 laborers mostly from the West Indies the AFR panamanians and other countries the more skilled workers and Engineers came from the United States it must have been a monster project by the us considering the weight of building this canal strong tools and equipment were needed equipment that could not be carried by trucks as it would be more costly and dangerous due to the terrain luckily for them Panama had a rail system that conveniently passed through the area steam shovels a revolution AR Innovation at the time were efficiently used to excavate large quantities of Earth anciently it is said that more than 100 steam shovels were used during the excavation process these powerful machines could scoop up tons of material with massive buckets significantly speeding up the excavation process these enormous excavators were essential in Excavating the calbra cut an artificial Valley that cuts through the Continental Divide in Panama later known as the gu Gard cut the cut was named Gard cut after us major David deau Gard who had led the excavation development until his death this cut was no free sale either at the time frequent mudslides and landslides occurred in the area due to the unstable Rock and soil forecasting and planning for these unpredictable movements of the earth and mud was challenging especially with the weight of the nearby hillsides the excavation bottom was caused to rise unexpectedly one particularly well-known incident like this was the karacha slide of 1907 this slide occurred on October 4th 1907 when some 500,000 cubic yards of material moved into the cut following several days of unusually heavy rain this Relentless Landslide occurred for years depositing millions of cubic yards of material into the canal excavation and causing serious setbacks the laborers persisted in the face of these set backs because they knew how this canal would impact the country they worked to ensure the stability and functionality of the canal by implementing measures to control water flow and prevent flooding spillways and floodgates were constructed to regulate the flow of rivers and streams particularly during the rainy season when heavy rainfall posed a risk of flooding the laborers persisted in the face of these difficulties imagine working in boiling heat that reaches 38° C would you survive the Breakthrough in constructing the Panama Canal marked a significant triumph over difficult engineering challenges and adversities faced by workers major Milestones including the completion of the cbra cut and the Gaton locks stand as Testaments to human Ingenuity and perseverance the excavation of the calibra cut an unnerving task through the Continental Divide required the removal of millions of cubic yards of rock and Earth still the workers persevered driven by a shared vision of creating a shortcut for maritime trade similarly the construction of the Gaton locks a series of massive hydraulic devices overcame the challenge of elevating ships through varying Canal elevations after over a decade of intensive construction efforts and sacrificing thousands of lives the Panama Canal was finally completed and opened to Maritime traffic on August 15th 1914 this is a very interesting canal and it works in a very interesting way however even though it has been there for quite some time it is drying up but why is that how is it that the Panama Canal has finally dried up stay tuned to find out how the canal works unlike traditional canals the Panama Canal operates uniquely employing a series of ingenious locks and gates at each end that raise and lower ships to accommodate the differing water levels of the two oceans each lock chamber is like a giant bathtub allowing ships to enter and then fill or empty with water to raise or lower the vessel to the level of the next section of the canal at the Atlantic entrance of the canal gatun Lake serves as a vast Reservoir providing the water needed to operate the locks as ships approach the canal they enter Gaton Lake through the locks the Lake’s elevation is maintained by the chagras river which feeds into it imagine this as a ship arrives at the Canal’s entrance it encounters a sequence of three locks each separated by Massive Gates once the ship enters the first lock the gates close behind it creating a watertight chamber then a remarkable process unfolds a valve opens allowing water from the second lock to flow into the first the chamber is filled with water raising the ship to the next level the second gate swi Wings open once the water levels equalize between the two locks and the ship proceeds to the second lock this process repeats gradually lifting The Vessel to higher elevations but that’s not all as the ship enters the third lock the water level is raised again using water from the expansive Gaton Lake on the other side of the canal it traverses Gaton Lake and the narrow guyard cut passing through additional locks as necessary to adjust its elevation with the third gate open the ship completes its Journey Now 26 mil from its starting point at sea level from there it’s smooth sailing across Panama ships pay tolls based on factors such as their size cargo and Route the canal is also equipped with navigation AIDS and a control center to ensure the safe passage of vessels through the Waterway if you ask me it seems like an engineering feat to overcome Panama’s hilly topography challenge the canal faces yes the Panama Canal is an engineering success but here’s the catch it grapples with a significant challenge water usage as a ship enters the first lock water is pumped in from the second lock to fill the first lock this water pumped down the locks originates from Lake gatun the artificial Lake damned at the chagras river this raises the water level within the lock lifting the ship to the next level however when it’s time to welcome the next ship from sea level all the that extra water in the first lock must be emptied back into the ocean and guess what this process repeats at both ends of the canal so while the canal efficiently lifts ships to new heights it also guzzles a considerable amount of fresh water with each Transit but how do the Canal’s operatives maintain this delicate balance between progress and conservation that keeps the Panama Canal operating smoothly stick around to find out the canal uses water from two AR officially created freshwater reservoirs nearby lake Aloha and Lake Aton with Lake Aton being the primary source each Transit through the Panama Canal consumes around 52 million gallons of fresh water from these reservoirs imagine the amount of water used it can build 2,163 standard swimming pools imagine that the water that’s lost from the reservoirs is usually replenished with rainfall so as long as the rain continues replenishing the Lakes the water that the canal drains from the Lakes will keep getting replenished and the canal can continue operating as usual but what happens during a really bad drought when no rain falls the system breaks down there is no water falling the canal begins to dry so from the start how it works defines how it dries up but it’s not that simple there is more to this but first let’s look at the significance of the Panama Canal for Commerce and the World economy don’t forget to like share and subscribe significance of the canal we cannot talk about the Panama Canal significance without mentioning that the canal recorded more than 15,000 transits in 1970 alone I am not a ship guy but those seem like many ships right since then the volume of cargo that the canal carries has increased the number of ships using the canal as a means of navigation is a useful indication of the General Health of the world economy a spike in traffic is observed on the channel during periods of worldwide economic expansion while during downturns activity decreases in other words this means that it’s possible to tell if World Commerce is thriving or failing just by noting the number of ships that pass through the canal for Nations that depend on it for cargo shipping the Panama Canal offers enormous economic advantages by directly connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans if you ask ask it sounds like the canal is a major part of the country’s economy the canal also makes it easier for goods to move seamlessly between Europe Asia and the key markets in North and South America countries like the United States China Japan and Latin America have experienced rapid economic growth and development due to the Canal’s strategic positioning and access to global trade routs apart from its commercial importance the Panama Canal is also important for military and geopolitical reasons it is strategically located to allow for the rapid deployment of Naval vessels and Military assets between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans this enhances the responsiveness of military forces one example of the Panama Canal’s significance was during the Cuban Missile Crisis 1962 the US was able to use the canal to rapidly deploy warships from the Pacific into the Caribbean to assist with the naval blockades that Washington enforced on Cuba during the Korean and Vietnam Wars the United States Navy used the canal as its primary artery to transport troops and equipment to the military front lines in Asia the Strategic significance of the Panama Canal for the United States cannot be understated even though Washington no longer owns it today therefore the Panama Canal remains a vital support for American National Security the canal is also the most vital asset the Panamanian government owns the canal shortcut is vital to many economic and Military interests worldwide so if the news that this canal is drying is true the Panamanian government has much to lose is the canal drying up you remember how the canal works right this water comes from artificial Lakes whose levels are maintained by rainfall however most of the rainwater eventually runs back into the ocean this poses a great challenge because Panama has a population of about 4.3 million people and they all depend on these same water sources for drinking water and other uses now you see how difficult it can be to balance the Canal’s needs and those of the people Panama has historically seen much rainfall along the canal and the adjacent Lakes you know being one of the wetest Nations on Earth and all however things worsened in 2023 particularly in Gaton Lake when the water levels began to reduce what caused this reduction and is Panama one of of the wetest regions on Earth well there was a general drop in precipitation that year which resulted in a shortfall compared to the average levels received in the previous years another Factor was the El Nino weather phenomenon for those who don’t know the concept El Nino is a natural climate fluctuation that brings warmer than average air and ocean waters to the west coast of the Americas that influx of warmth can vary in strength and last between 9 and 12 months the severity of El Nino fluctuations is linked to climate change and is one of the reasons why Panama is experiencing drought in turn Lake gun’s water level is subsiding the drought has had a particularly weighty effect on the artificial gatun Lake which holds the water supply that operates the Panama Canal Panama’s October 2023 rainfall was 41% lower than usual historically this is the lowest level ever recorded in Panama since recordkeeping began in the 1950s and October is usually the rainiest month of the year for the country as of January 1st 2024 water levels in gatun Lake were lower than in any other January on record almost 6 ft lower than January 1st 2023 millions of gallons of water from gatun and other Regional Lakes fill the locks that raise ships above sea level for passage over Panama’s terrain therefore in insufficient water supply or reduced water levels severely risk the ship’s passage the Panama Canal was never originally designed with this severe reduction in the range of rainfall in mind as it was built more than 100 years ago back in the early 20th century even before modern climate change and climatic effects were well understood this means the lakes in the country will continue struggling to replenish themselves and that means only one thing the canal might keep drying up posing a big problem for the nation and the world another major cause of the Canal’s drying up is deforestation practices in the great Amazon forest because it is the largest rainforest in the world the Amazon is often called the planet’s air conditioning system through a process known as transpiration Lush rainforests like the Amazon send enormous volumes of water vapor into the atmosphere which condenses and eventually forms clouds before falling back down as rain establishing a self-sustaining cycle however deforestation affects this delicate cycle because when trees are cut down in large numbers they cannot release enough water vapor into the atmosphere hence the amount of rainfall we receive decreases as deforestation continues to increase the rainforest will soon reach its limit and it can no longer produce enough rain to sustain itself this process is known as deforestation induced collapse this trend is dangerous as the rainforest releases more carbon and experiences less rainfall the weakening of the rainforest makes it more likely to have longer lasting intense droughts like the one that occurred in 2023 this affects the Amazon and local and Regional rain Cycles which may result in drier climates thousands of miles to the north and south of the rainforest therefore there’s a clear sign that deforestation is a major ma issue in Panama effects of the Canal’s drying up as a result of this drying up the Panama Canal Authority ACP has reduced daily traffic in the canal from 36 to 24 vessels and imposed restrictions on vessel size by limiting draft size the vertical distance between the water line and the ship’s Keel the ACP has also raised toll rates and restricted the number of vessels that can Transit through the canal over the past months leading to sore shipping costs the measures have mostly affected energy product carriers container vessels and ships transporting grain from the United States more than 71% of the Canal’s traffic originates in the United States or is destined for the US market which means great economic losses to the country faced with these restrictions many businesses have completely avoided the canal these ships take a different path around South America passing through the straight of melon or the caporn the fate of the Panama Canal hangs in the balance and it’s clear that addressing climate change and the rampant deforestation of the Amazon is crucial to its preservation the Amazon rainforest often called the lungs of the planet is vital in regulating the earth’s climate and water cycle yet the Relentless pace of deforestation in South America threatens this critical ecosystem and by extension the stability of the Panama Canal that is why some South American countries harboring rainforests have embarked on individual initiatives to reduce Forest loss but this is not enough greater coordination and collaboration among nations are urgently needed the United States recognizing its vested interest in safeguarding the canal must step up and support efforts to combat illegal deforestation activities failure to act could spell disaster leading to the extinction of global trade routes and Humanity’s most remarkable engineering achievements it’s time for Action to ensure the Panama Canal’s survival for Generations without the canal the whole nation the entire globalized economy and the United States strategic interests would be in danger the canal started to deteriorate last year in 2023 and continues until 2024 making its future uncertain what can we do do to save the canal the fate of the Panama Canal hangs in the balance and it’s clear that addressing climate change and the rampant deforestation of the Amazon is crucial to its preservation the Amazon rainforest often called the lungs of the planet is vital in regulating the earth’s climate and water cycle yet the Relentless pace of deforestation in South America threatens this critical ecosystem and by extension the stability of the Panama Canal that is why some South American countries harboring rainforests have embarked on individual initiatives to reduce Forest loss but this is not enough greater coordination and collaboration among nations are urgently needed the United States recognizing its vested interest in safeguarding the canal must step up and support efforts to combat illegal deforestation activities failure to act could spell disaster leading to the extinction of a vital global trade route and one of human ‘s most remarkable engineering achievements it’s time for Action to ensure the Panama Canal’s survival for Generations without the canal the whole nation the entire globalized economy and the United States strategic interests would be in danger the canal started to deteriorate last year in 2023 and continues until 2024 making its future uncertain thank you for joining us on this journey through the Panama Canal from its historic Origins to the depressing challenges it faces today and one thing is clear the Panama Canal is more than just a Waterway it’s a tesate to human Ingenuity and a Lifeline of global Commerce that is why we must work together to ensure it is restored until next time stay curious

    IT’S OVER: The Panama Canal Has FINALLY Dried Up #2023
    To all the truth-seekers and curious minds who have come across this revelation that has the world buzzing with questions: I am talking about the headline that has sparked disbelief and concern: ‘IT’S OVER: The Panama Canal Has FINALLY Dried Up.’ I know it is just a mere exaggeration or fake news, but let me assure you, the truth lies with us. We are not only going to address the validity of this claim, but we are also diving deep into the heart of the matter. We will uncover the root cause behind the drying up of this 82-kilometer-long waterway, ‘The Panama Canal,’ explore the probability of its restoration, and answer every question. So, stay put as we steer through the facts, explain the myths, and shed light on what lies ahead for this iconic waterway.

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