HMS Diamond shot down a missile. 66% decline in Suez Canal traffic. Macron: EU Can No Rely on US

    British warship HMS Diamond shot down a missile fired by the Iranian back out his from Yemen and attack on Red Sea shipping forces 66% decline in Suz Canal traffic claimed by on maon says EU can no longer rely on us for its security un nuclear Chief claims that Iran weeks not months from enough uranium to make a bomb

    Extended info: News #11290
    Alternative title:British warship, HMS Diamond shot down a missile, fired by the Iranian backed Houthis from Yemen, and Attacks on Red Sea shipping forces 66% decline in Suez Canal traffic, claimed by ONS.||| Macron Says, EU Can No Longer Rely on US for Its Security.||| UN nuclear chief claims that, Iran ‘weeks, not months’ from enough uranium to make a bomb

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