Crypto News: SEC sues more exchanges. Bitcoin Pump and Dump last night

    hello everyone hello hello yes the SEC has sued more exchanges uh well actually Robin Hood is the target this time unfortunately I don’t really care about Robin Hood specifically but uh looks like they’re continuing their Rampage and we had a sudden pump to about 65 5K last night and then it dumped all of a sudden why did it dump I don’t really know but it did dump and uh obviously that’s no good so we’re going to talk about that uh right now so essentially like yeah the sec’s continue harassing most of the news recently has actually been through like AI or apple which doesn’t really have to do too much with crypto um I mean like the AI deep fake stuff doesn’t have too much to do with crypto yeah they try to run crypto scams through it but it’s not really that much of a crypto thing so if you actually look at it uh this SEC stuff could be uh pretty decently alarming honestly Charles like also wants cardano to partner with um bch I’m not exactly sure why but anyways here is the uh the bch story is kind of interesting I think I don’t think there was much actual news on xrp uh I think like they got excited because the SEC has to answer like the xrp thing in court today with that lawsuit’s probably not going to get resolved until like the end of this year like or next year so that is the story with the SEC so they warned Robin Hood that its crypto business faces a lawsuit and they sent Robin Hood a Wells notice but I don’t know how much threat this has I mean Robin Hood stock did dip a little bit and then it recovered the US SEC warned Robin Hood markets Incorporated that it faces an enforcement action over its crypto business the latest sign that the regulator isn’t letting up on its yearslong Crackdown on digital assets which they’re eventually going to lose obviously Robin Hood which is best known for stock trading said on Monday that the sec’s enforcement staff had sent the firm a Wells notice indicating that it made a financial initial determination to recommend enforcement action um the company’s share Rose as 2.8% in New York but it basically just recovered from a fall the company will have the opportunity to respond to the sec’s allegations before the regulator takes any action sometime sometimes the the response persuades the SEC to back off if not then the regulator can sue or settle with Robin Hood to resolve the probe they’re obviously suing for for listing unregistered Securities which is kind of surprising they’re probably targeting ethereum right now on on Robin Hood because Robin Hood doesn’t actually have that many coins on its platform so it’s sort of surprising it’s not really surprising I guess but it’s sort of surprising they are actually going after Robin Hood At this point so it probably is over ethereum they want they obviously want to turn ethereum into a security so they can turn everything else into a security as well Robin Hood’s Chief legal officer Dan Gallagher said in statement that the firm was disappointed by the move and the company officials firmly believe that the assets listed on our platform are not Securities uh hopefully they just rule that assets secondary assets on secondary Market aren’t Securities allog together and stop this SEC nonsense the SEC under Gins chair Gary ginsa has argued that most tokens are subject to the SEC rules and that platforms where they trade should be registered with the agency the SEC have bought cases against other Pro high-profile crypto Brokers and trading firms including coinbase blah blah blah so this is kind of like the same case they have a coin against coinbase and other uh companies as well that’s no surprise to decide whether an asset is covered by the Securities rules the SEC relies on a test laid out in the 1946 Supreme Court case uh crypto Advocates say many digital assets don’t meet that standard and that the SEC should provide revised rules to take up into account the unique characteristics of the asset class which of course the SEC does not want to do Robin Hood pre previously disclosed that it received an investigative subpoena about its cryptocurrency listings uh and custody among other topics although the company has stopped offering some tokens it still offers more than a dozen including Bitcoin ether Litecoin AE and chain link according to the website so that’s what we have for today um they’ve sued Robin Hood they’re going to sue other exchanges I I mean the the doj seems set on just suing foreign exchanges because they want them outside of the United States the SEC seems to want to sue everyone and you get a lawsuit and you get a lawsuit so they’re definitely not letting up they’re trying to assert their dominance but I don’t know about uh I don’t really know how that dominance is actually going to work at this point uh because I don’t think they’re actually going to win there was an article that was listing how the SEC keeps on winning I don’t really know um what where they’re getting their data from the rippable case will mostly be over I mean the Ripple case is already mostly over they already determined they they already determined that like xrp wasn’t a security on like uh wasn’t a security when it’s sold to retail and that’s probably what’s going to be the case that’s most likely what’s going to be the case for all the other cryptos as well maybe the pump was a teaser we could get 70k this weekend I mean the fact that we went up to like 65.3 I believe kind of shows that we did go past the 64 resistance that everyone was talking about and that that wasn’t really a resistance all that much oh the SEC need more funds hire more lawyers sue them all I mean the SEC is probably losing more money on the lawsuits than they’re actually gaining from the action because I don’t think Ripple I think the judge is going to side way more with ripple than the SEC over how much Ripple actually have to pay one SC a real swer streams no ceremonial sword real swords are kind of dangerous but this anyways yeah soul I think can hit $500 to $1,000 I mean it’s doing really really well it’s doing very well uh in terms of like you know compared to the rest of the market soul is up xrp is up uh link is up bch is up R anddr is up there’s a couple of things that are up but like not that many like inj is up so I think like you know I think we’ll like once we get past the stump like mid-60s I think like all coins will definitely have a Revival we have to close above that r since to start a reversal good thing is SEC Shen hens do move the market anymore they really don’t cuz people aren’t afraid of the SEC anymore once their Orab invincibility is broken uh it it’s like it’s gone um because people have realized they can beat them now and the SEC is coming against a really big resistance in like well-funded companies that are willing to fight them I think that was the main I think that was the main thing before there weren’t any well-funded companies that really wanted to fight them and now there are well-funded companies that actually want to fight them some for salana nice nice the rest of all the other stuff is basically just waiting for crypto to actually come up it like crypto overall to come up in in terms of BTC it’s looking pretty good day it’s up 2.84% but that’s I think that’s mainly because like the SEC had to respond uh to XR to to xrps like rebuttal to like the amount they wanted I don’t think the lawsuit’s probably going to I don’t think the amount for the lawsuit’s going to settle until the end of the year maybe like next year sorry video days I’m so done with Charles and idot what’s going on with bch I don’t really know why Charles really wants to partner with bch that doesn’t make too much sense to me I don’t really see how partnering with bch actually helps cardano I mean what he should do is just make up with J Jeremy allier say I’m sorry I don’t really care what he does make up like make make up with Jeremy Aller get the uh get what we need get the liquidity that we need and that’s it and then like do that and then get the evm I I still don’t really understand why cardano doesn’t have an evm I mean cardano definitely should have an EV uh evm right now I don’t think the I don’t think the ethereum um I don’t think ethereum ETF is going to be approved I could be wrong I don’t think it’s going to be approved so I would sell ethereum right now xrp is not going to get an ETF anytime soon uh there’s not even one that’s been filed yet I don’t think there’s any real plans to for anyone to file one I thought uh I bought a bag of 88 today and had flashbacks and sold it all 10 minutes later I see dude he needs to bury the hatchet with Jeremy Aller and get S and get usdc I mean anyone with half a brain can see that usdm isn’t going to cut it at this point I bought a lot and sold all my salana for more Jed I’m I’m not buying any more 8 I mean like look when when the guy that’s trying to run things is not interested in like basically doing what the investors want him to do or coin investors want him to do when he’s just treating as Pet Project when he’s just treating it as a pet project I I think I’m just going to I’m not going to buy any more Ada just it’s not worth it at this point you know it’s really not worth it at this point because he’s treating he’s really treating it as his pet as his pet project and I really don’t like that Dogecoin by the end of the where do I I mean I hope Dogecoin can reach a Dollar by the end of the year um you know Elon Musk did put it on the official Tesla site but that didn’t really move prices all that much because I mean yeah it just didn’t unfortunately like I think like you still can’t buy Tesla cars with it you can buy Tesla merchandise but you can’t buy Tesla cars with it so I’m not really sure like how big of a deal I’m not really sure how big of a deal it actually is well like not buying doesn’t mean I’m going to sell I still think Ada has potential I still think Ada has potential but I just think like Charles is kind of like kind of like uh like getting in the way at this point still saying we’re going to 50K or less yeah I’m pretty sure we’re not going to 50K or less uh people are still saying we’re going to yeah sold all my Ada last week May sell it all this week I’m tired of Charles and his nonsense yeah I mean like I I definitely think there’s more stuff going on behind the scenes at cardano than he’s telling us like you know he says he wants usdc but then he then he says he doesn’t really want usdc because of some decentralization BS I mean usdm already already like pretty centralized any kind of like any kind of Fiat back stap coin is going to be centralized I I don’t really understand well no like the SEC suing people isn’t helping the cbdc like the FED doesn’t even want the cbdc and a lot of states don’t want it just be like the the SEC is suing because they want to assert their dominance over the crypto Market they don’t they’re not suing because of the cbdc no one really cares about the cbdc I’ve replied to his stuff before but he doesn’t really care the thing is he’s obviously letting his own ego get in the way uh he’s obviously letting his own ego get in the way he thinks he’s more important than he actually is and the thing is the thing that’s getting in the like the thing that’s preventing cbdc adoption isn’t other cryptos it’s like credit cards and stuff it’s it’s really like credit cards and stuff like that’s preventing the cbdc from getting adopted because like people have fast ways of payment they don’t need a cbdc cbdc should be our offramp well it’s it’s not even that look people don’t really care about a cbdc right now there’s not a need for it yeah the thing is like there are projects on cardano right now but I’m afraid that without liquidity that some of the projects going to leave for other chains because liquidity dep depends liquidity depends uh liquidity determines like if you can actually get funding for your projects and right now they can’t really get funding for their project like people can’t get their funding for their projects if they don’t have liquidity thanks man thanks the donation I mean thankfully right now not that many chains have liquidity so there’s not much there’s not that much competition there’s really not that much competition right now but like once they do get competition I I really think like it’s going to be problematic he even lied about his education I mean I I don’t think you should want to be David Schwarz I mean it’s not like it’s not like uh the the xrp is doing that great right now either should want to be like CZ except the the uh get except for the jail part but that was mainly because of like prosecution remember on one of Charles streams at the end the last Boron he said he do doesn’t care about the Ada price and people need to stop hoping for it to run and focus on Ada utility P utility yeah that’s going to look look people want a return on investment your utility isn’t generating on any return on investment and you don’t have any utility for any for Ada anyways I mean like the utility the utility for crypto is going to be in Defi and defi needs liquidity defi actually needs liquidity so like without liquidity like cardano can’t have that defi like liquidity is a prerequisite for any kind of real utility Ada partnering with bch Charles did a poll Charles did a poll about it and there were more people that were for it than against it I’m not necessarily against it I just don’t really see what it’ll do for Ada and I think there’s like other things I definitely think there’s other things that are better for Ada than partnering with bch because I don’t really see the partnership um I don’t really see the issue I don’t really see the point of a bch partnership al. IM Plus 8 State I got a lot of rewards was able to buy some salana Ada staking still still there yeah I mean you still have that I I don’t necessarily think it’s bad I just don’t really see much of a point to it because I mean bch doesn’t really help you with liquidity it’s smaller than cardano I don’t really see what use I really don’t see what use cardano has for a proof of work for proof of work um protocol maybe I’m wrong I just don’t see it al. is this like an AI play I mean about half the coins are out that’s okay I guess so Alf is an open source cross-chain Network featuring decentralized database including file storage Computing and so this is basically a deep dpen play this is another dpen play Al Al’s. im’s core mission is helped decentralized apps and protocols strip off centralized parts of their stack so it’s a decentralized AWS or Firebase I mean this will have an appeal I my personally I would probably just use AWS or something this does have an appeal um you just need to get people you definitely just need to get people to use it I I don’t know how much de I don’t really know how much demand there is like like how much demand is there for decentralized storage isn’t that just like a CDN like you just use it against you just basically have your storage on like different data centers around the world I guess that’s it dude like Charles honestly is a pureblood Libertarian and he’s like one of those crazy type Libertarians he’s like he’s like one of those anarcho people he he is one of those anarcho people but he realizes that like he hasn’t realized in that kind of world he would have never been able to rise up salana stopped working at the peak of this bull run and now it’s being labeled as a security dude salano was labeled as a security by the SEC long before that when they when SEC sued coinbase uh they mentioned like a bunch of things that were Securities and Solano was one of them no I don’t think that I think it’s supposed to be like December but they never really realized released a date for fired answer I really don’t I don’t really know um what that is is mexc forc kyc in June I’m not sure I have to check up on that but I mean I think mexc eventually is going to go full kyc because there’s there’s no way they’re not like they want to be able to operate so they’re going to have to go full kyc no I’m not going to go to karate combat I would need like a lot of insurance for that coinbase one and now SEC is going after each coin they’re not going like Allan B they’re not going after each specific coin they just they basically just went after coinbase they’re not actually suing every project anymore they’re going after Robin Hood they’re not going after each coin they’re just going after coinbase there’s no lawsuit against salana or cardano or any of them they’re just suing coinbase and like they’re just like and coinbase didn’t win the lawsuit against the SEC they won another law they won another lawsuit against another litigant but they didn’t win against the SEC like their main fight is the sec’s main fight is against these exchanges like coinbase and binance they haven’t sued any other coins yet the the the the the problem with the the SEC knows that if they lose against these exchanges they’re not going to win against the specific coins circulating Supply maybe Ada holders should switch Yeah but the thing is if I was to switch I would switch towards near or something else I wouldn’t actually switch towards Ada is the bottom on awt I don’t know awt doesn’t actually usually doesn’t have that much liquidity so it could fall further I mean I kind of want to buy more right now but I don’t know if I want to pull the trigger at this point is there an article that that the SEC is going after salana and others and left out Ada no no cardono Ada was part of the list as well look the SEC isn’t going after specific coins Alan bull you were wrong about you were wrong about that they’re not go they’re not suing specific coins they’re just suing the major exchanges if they can look cuz the SEC the SEC is looking at it like you know we can just get this all at one time if we just Sue coinbase and get them to delist everything because without listings at the exchanges these coins are kind of screwed so they basically are trying to force the exchanges to delist these coins they’re really trying to force these exchanges to like delist their coins I mean like I said I’m going to give it the rest I’m going to give Ada the rest of this Boron it’s not the only investment I have but it’s very encourage it’s very it’s very encouraging that coinbase actually won the lawsuit against the other litigant because they were suing coinbase for the same reason that the SEC is and the judge basically said like yeah these things aren’t Securities I think the rally starts in a couple months but the SEC versus coinbase case is going to last like several it’s going to last like several months if not several years and I don’t think they’re going to come to a settlement cuz like the like this is one of the sec’s last chance to establish any kind of dominance in the industry they already lost a lot with a ripple case and they they already lost a lot with a ripple case and they can’t really like they can’t afford to they don’t want to fight all these other cases I mean they can but they’re not going to win against all of them because Robin Hood apparently gives up easily in lawsuits I think the Robin Hood’s actually going to fight them this time CU like I I think a lot of companies were just afraid of the SEC they they were afraid that the SEC could basically win any case but now that they see that that’s not true anymore they’re not afraid to step up to the plate comes in below estimates will rally uh how don’t I wouldn’t bet on the CPI coming in below estimates uh cuz gas prices are still high I hope it does but like I I don’t think it’s going to come in that much below estimates CU like the gas prices are still High I mean there’s still geopolitical tension going on and nothing’s really changed all that much since last month so we’ll definitely have to see I do think we will rally um if we get at the CPI I think that comes out next week though cuz I it’s like it’s generally the second full week doesn’t it let me let me check it’s usually the second full week of each month and last week wasn’t a full week so it was like I think it’s next week yeah it’s it’s rent that’s actually causing it’s it’s rent that’s like causing issues oh it’s a March 2 it’s April 10th that it comes out so it is it’s on Friday it looks like yeah it’s on Friday that it comes out oh it’s next Wednesday okay I thought it was release date huh oh no never mind May 15th May 15th it’s not April 10th it’s May 15th yeah it’s next Wednesday uh yeah Red’s sticky I I don’t think they can do anything about rent housing’s all like housing’s been on the housing’s been going up for a long time there’s there’s not much they can do about that like the unless the government steps in and actually provides affordable housing it’s not it’s going to be difficult I finally got my storage up and running now I’m getting paid in I see oh yeah but I think they’re like I I I don’t think their tactic intimidation is working at this point like the sec’s tactic of intimidation is simply not working at this point because they’ve already lost a couple of lawsuits they’ve been reprimanded by the judges uh and because they’ve been reprimanded by the judges like no one’s actually afraid of them now because the courts aren’t on their side do you think it will be hard to swap on metamask when they when the real Bull Run starts depends I mean metamask operates multi-chain will it be hard to swap on ethereum maybe will salana go will salana have problems again maybe what like the other chains most likely not but it’s possible depends how much traffic they get I think it’s S I think it’s really close right now now do you think the Ripple case will go to the Supreme Court if it does it’s going to take several years I don’t think I don’t even know if the Supreme Court’s going to hear it or not cuz like they the SEC hasn’t even appealed it yet so like they have to wrap up the current Ripple case before they can actually appeal it so they might not appeal until Year’s End and then the appeal might take another couple of years I mean we might be in 2030 once before The Supreme Court right WS up if they actually go that far which I don’t think they will because like if you’re appeal if if you’ve lost at both circuit and appell it you’re not going to I doubt like with the composition to the Supreme Court the sec’s actually has any chance of winning they might do it just to delay things but I think it would just be a huge loss of face at that point also got R&R I mean open borders wouldn’t actually affect housing prices up here there’s not that many immigrants here or if any at all also like the housing prices have been going up for like the last decade it’s not just it’s not open borders that’s actually affecting it like housing prices were going up well before the pandemic and they went up even more during the pandemic you sell and risk it my averages are too good I mean look right now I think it’s a good T right now I do think it’s actually a good buying time I don’t I definitely think it’s a good buying time at this point because like bit like a lot of the altcoins are still really low bitcoin’s around 63 which is still decently low but the AL coins are really low not I I saw pretty cheap tents at Walmart plus you can just use like a bunch of garbage bags if you really need to especially like if you’re in one of the warmer areas of the world if you’re in one of the warmer areas of the country at this at this point in the year you could basically use anything how are Americans not having money to buy a house cuz houses are expensive also like a lot of in a lot of places in the United States just makes more sense to rent um I didn’t buy I don’t even know what K do is I never had any plans to buy it I don’t even know what it is carbage bags for tents if you get a big enough one I mean a lot of people a lot of the homeless people around here just sleep around the vents or like they just sleep anywhere now cuz it’s warm houses are expensive basically like yeah because like a lot of people want to live in major cities and houses in major cities are expensive you can go out into the countryside in the midwest or something and houses aren’t expensive there but people want to live in like New York or LA or somewhere like that and they’re expensive in the cities how is our yeah ping the next EOS would be humbling for Charles it might end up being like that if he doesn’t shut the hell up and actually do what like it’s supposed to be done and let go of ego yeah you think uh some people were saying this is a bull trap it’s not a bull trap look people were just afraid what like Jerome what Jerome pal was going to say and now the fear is gone cuz like he was more doish than people thought so we’re going back up I don’t really know why we pumped a 65k and then came back to 63k I think there’s a bunch of people that either like really believed in the TA that were that we were going to 47k which isn’t happening or that were just like really desperate for like a really low price which didn’t really happen either because Michael sailor said about ada8 being a scam yeah but who cares about bch I mean yeah just because like Michael sailor invests in BTC and he says Ada is a scam Michael sailor thinks everything besides BTC is a scam like who cares what Michael sailor says I mean like no one gives a crap about what Michael sailor said who cares like cardano takes these things cardano takes like what these other people say like way like he takes what these other people say like way too seriously and the thing is like if he doesn’t want a if he doesn’t want a dead chain get us s DC and get an evm we don’t get ETF data until like the day afterwards you can’t like I don’t really know what sell if people are selling or buying ETFs today piss off Michael and all the BTC Maxi somewhere yeah but no one cares about BT bch like Charles needs to see the writing on the wall what cardano needs it needs usdc and it needs an evm that’s all that it needs it doesn’t need all all this other crap no one cares about his philosophical idealism it it’s weird because like he has such a fan club and following in the cardano in the cardano um Community but he like they they really just shouldn’t they shouldn’t hang on his every word yeah I mean like I also like cardano’s EU utxo no I’m not selling my cardano to other coins if it could participate in this meme season yeah it it needs it needs liquidity to per to to participate in the meme season they don’t have liquidity like look they need an evm and they need usdc that’s the two things they need like realistically they can get this [ __ ] done in like two months but like he’s dragging his feet because they could really do this in like two months because th those those two things should be top priority for cardano there’s a builder on B that made ada8 smart contracts work on BTC wallet I can kind of see that I mean I I think building on BTC is dumb I I think building on BTC is really dumb cuz like it’s just not meant to scale there’s just there’s a ton of there’s actually there’s a ton of liquidity on BTC but BTC was never really built to scale so like I don’t I just don’t really see why people are so obsessed building on BTC there’s so many other chains that are better to build on like BTC is supposed to be a store of value and that’s all it really can be so like just just leave like BTC to be the store of value and build on other chains I’m not like MMS I’m not necessarily negative about cardano partnering with bch I just don’t see a point like why what’s that got to offer for cardano there’s no liquidity in bch bch doesn’t have like it doesn’t have any benefits there’s only like you only have so much manpower to produce to pursue so many things and like you should allocate the manpower to things that actually matter like you know an evm and you know and like getting usdc cuz like I don’t really see how proof of work would has anything to offer for cardano like there’s just like a lot of this stuff doesn’t make any damn sense honestly like there’s things there’s obvious things that he should be doing but he’s not doing I want a partner chain with BTC and Ada because I do mind BTC and other P coins yeah what I I don’t really see the potential for bch cuz here’s the thing like bch is one of those coins that tries to be a better BTC but no one cares about BTC I mean no one cares about bch like it’s not the index it’s bch is not the index coin that BTC is and there’s so many better protocols than proof of work out there I I don’t I I don’t understand like I really don’t understand this Obsession it it doesn’t make any real sense to me if I really look at it it doesn’t make any real sense to me I wish it did but it doesn’t I mean bch has been following the like bch has been falling in the rankings for years now thanks man thanks the I know what Pang Goan is Pang golan’s actually a pretty good project I I actually think like I do actually think buying the dexes on these uh on these other chains are a good idea we’ve talked about Pang Goan before so yeah like I think pangan is a pretty good buy but we get through rooms and back here for the same price exactly look you don’t like if you if you’re self-employed you don’t want to live in like New York or La there’s no reason to at all like you want to live somewhere that’s like much cheaper I mean I guess if you’re like a young kid and you want like you really care about the night life you can go live in New York or LA but realistically I don’t really care about any of that stuff so I’m not going to live in like New York or La obviously or like any of the big cities I mean soulcal has an argument for weather but I can get the same weather in like Florida which is like Northern Florida was pretty good too which is you know easy for me was a good thing for cardano defi how bch doesn’t have defi like why would bch be a good thing for cardano defi it doesn’t have it doesn’t really have liquidity and it doesn’t like it doesn’t have defi makes sense if SEC uh says P coins but they have to win the lawsuit as well and I don’t think like any of these coins really fit like all three wrongs of the Howie test and plus it’s going to be very hard for SEC because like they’ve basically been determining that ethereum is not a security for the last eight years it’s not just New York City it’s like Chicago I think is overpriced not nearly as bad but I think Chicago is overpriced I think La is overpriced SF is overpriced Miami is overpriced like all these huge all the huge metropolitan areas most of the huge metropolitan areas that aren’t in the Deep South are overpriced the Deep South ones is kind of like suck to live in I mean Texas I don’t consider Deep South so it’s that doesn’t fall in that category we might see more sanction actions due to Iraq uh latory Clarity I mean the SEC doesn’t want regulatory Clarity if they because if they had regulatory Clarity and there were well defined rules for what can be done and what can’t be done they just can’t go around suing people they’re trying to take this era of regulatory Clarity and try to make the most of it for themselves but it’s not going to work out too well for them yeah I I don’t think I really don’t think BC a def like I don’t think like uh bch would actually be good for cardano defi or any defi I mean like I said the two things you need are evm and liquidity those are the two things cardano should be looking on it’s better to rent at this point it depends where you live if you live in a low property tax area like I think buying is actually not a bad idea if you live in like a super high property tax area I would say renting is most likely a good idea CU they’re actually kind of opposite like the places where like there’s like decently High property values are where the um rents kind of like where the pro like where the property tax is kind of cheaper and like the places where like there’s like super low property values are like when the where the property is actually property tax is like higher you cannot do I mean people are trying to tiptoe around but the SEC is going to find it harder and harder as more and more people are actually going to challenge them I mean there like the crypto the crypto stuff is managing the crypto stuff is managing but I mean like it obviously needs like it obviously needs clarity for its own part for its own sake and the SEC has lost a lot of credibility with the courts like they they actually got sanctioned by the courts a government agency actually got sanctioned by the courts that’s that’s pretty wild that’s definitely pretty wild has money to beat them like coinbase yeah I think I I think the just wants just wants Robin Hood to fold but I don’t think Robin Hood I don’t really think Rob hood is actually going to fold cuz like you know like when cuz back like a year ago everyone still thought the SEC was invincible but now that they’re that people know they’re not they’re not they’re much more willing to fight the SEC uh well home buyers like home buyers today if you have to take a loan you’re screwed which is like 99% of all home buyers because the the because the interest rates really high like if you’re I’m probably going to wait like if I want to buy a home I’m going to wait a couple of years after the interest rate Cales down because I would rather much buy it more rather buy it like 4.5% than 8.5% probably use utxo as hingson focus on I mean cardan’s e utxo though it’s new partnership is a big waste of time needs to step up their game I I think Hinson is like Hinson is basically trying his best to do everything except for what matters like he’s trying to figure out ways to actually like I guess like increase the awesomeness of the project without getting usdc and without doing an evm because he wants to YOLO for some reason and it’s not going to work because he definitely needs an evm and usdc because none of this other crap actually matters coin are on pyth nice nice I don’t really know what QQQ is I mean JPM coin is only used internally with JPM Morgan jpg and I think like J also like it’s not really an investable asset All Season probably late summer be up to Charles anymore with his upgrade happening on card has governance right I mean I want voler to hurry up and happen I definitely want voler to hurry up and happen but he still has a lot of influence with the community unfortunately like he needs to like not have so much influence with the community cuz his opinion suck at this point CU there’s still a lot like there’s still a cult that like there’s still a lot of the cardano community just follows them like a cult and that’s bad because I mean that will actually prevent us from getting anything actual done wait is is that actually like is QQQ actually the NASDAQ index or is that just like I mean that’s cool I I mean I guess they they just have something tracking the NASDAQ index I mean they just have something tracking the NASDAQ index which is pretty cool needs to step it up tell Charles to come into the show for an interview D he’s not going to do an interview he’s just like and also if he does one he’s just going to blather about his philosophy which no one cares about you going flame him I think it would just like rage quit if people like started flaming him he he’s like the dude’s like way too sensitive the type of guy who likes to hear him housing transportation and food prices need to go lower food has actually like food prices has like have evened out more or less Transportation like that’s mainly just gas housing I mean I they just they they don’t really have a way to bring housing prices down like a lot of the big a lot of the big companies buy like a huge amounts of houses and there’s I don’t think there’s like that much for everyone else what do you think about Rex Finance coming out April 21st really I mean April 21st was like half a month ago so it should have actually came out high prices are the new normal you know the US like generally like generally for the US stuff has like a period where it just doesn’t really go up and then it has a couple of years where it really goes up like cuz if you think about the eight years before the pandemic I mean like housing did go up obviously but like most other things like food didn’t go up at all where was like the LA the last like three or four years of the pandemic like it really shot up that’s why the average that’s why the average inflation rate on stuff like food is still fairly low um I don’t really know too much about retch Finance it I mean it seems like another defi project I think uh Benjamin nanyu is thinking about excuses of how not to agree to the ceasefire because like he does not want to stop attacking Gaza he basically wants he he wants to wipe out Gaza and the West Bank and he’s he’s just trying to find any excuse to actually do it at this point cuz like right now the the attack on the The Siege on Gaza isn’t about protecting their security anymore thoughts on Ando and pyth I think Ando might have gotten overhype with a black rock stuff but it still has good value pyth just grows with salana and I think salana is going to do well so I think Y is going to do well increase wages is how we can combat inflation now that would actually just make it worse CU if people have more money to spend then stuff will just get higher in price how you combat inflation is you make everyone poor so no one can buy stuff so demand goes down because if demand goes like if because if demand goes down then companies can’t charge as much but unfortunately everyone’s poor so that would kind of suck as well if you give people more money if you generally if you give people more money inflation actually goes up because people have more money to spend like if you want to get rid of inflation you need people to stop spending money and that my friend is a that’s a very very hard thing to do getting people to stop spending money is really hard to do also well I mean like the thing is like I think like something that would help inflation I I I think like uh something that would help inflation is that or help the monetary system is like you you need to decrease the wage gap between CEOs and regular workers but wall Street’s going to be incredibly resistant to that it’s unemployment right now what we need is like un we need unemployment to be kind of mid we don’t really want big unemployment but we don’t want like tiny Unemployment uh exit fee for these leaving countries against personal freedoms I mean I think that’s foregoing Canadian citizenship I I don’t know I I don’t think you actually have to like pay 25k to Vacation CU a lot of people just like try to leave the country because they don’t want to pay taxes how bad is the SEC suing news not very bad it didn’t really affect all that much and Robin Hood’s price basically bounced I would uh like pal has it under control it’s going to take him a while to really really Corral inflation to go to get back to where it was um but I mean he’s gotten most of it down sure well most look most people that are looking for the exit fee are like really rich people that just want some way to get out of taxes they they probably have money they most likely have money hidden somewhere and they don’t want the Canadian government to figure it figure it out so they can tax them do you think Doge like I said like we need to we look if you want to if you want to bring like I think to make the economy better you do need we do need like the CEO to work your compensation ratio to come down cuz it’s like the golden parachutes the bonuses and everything the the golden parachute the bonuses and everything like that’s just gotten ridiculous over the last 50 years there’s no reason that CEO salaries like rose to the ratio Rose to 10 more than 10 times what it was back in the 50s keep upping the taxes on they can put up prices they up prices they’re rich taking losses not exactly because if they keep upping the prices people are going to stop buying can also increase production flood the market you can I mean that’s assuming you can do it though us uh crypto super Pacs have raised more than 100 million report says yeah that’s why I think that’s why the rules are going to start to favor crypto more because there are super packs that that crypto is funded you can’t like it’s hard to it’s really hard to deny that political money CEO salary 10 million bonus is also 10 million there’s I don’t think there’s any reason why the CEO salaries have shot up that high it’s not like they’re better than they were they’re just as crappy as they were back then uh this country is how many employees does UPS have increase production with cheap input costs Gas and energy I mean you need you do need that but Milton bites you also like the like exact team salary are getting like ridiculous these days they’re they’re like they’re siphoning hundreds of millions from the company which they shouldn’t be I mean like realistically the president of the United States only has a salary of like $400,000 these Executives shouldn’t be getting like $400 million well see that’s that’s the problem like like the whole investment the whole investment thing just kind of screws workers in the United States we’ll never stop buying no matter what increase in prices I mean there’s but there’s there’s a physical limit like I If if you don’t have money you just can’t really buy that much they make up with their sellers insider trading like I mean like yeah you could argue that with like government officials but it’s not like C like it’s not like big company EXs don’t do the same thing good at finding when you hide money this point is better to have all crypto and a cobal and like most presidents they make like they basically make Bank after their most presidents don’t get rich during their presidency if they’re not already rich like they make most of their money like post presidency by like writing books and going on tours and giving speeches and sports athletes and celebrities aren’t overpaid because they actually they’re they are the product the CEO is not the product of the company like sports like sports athletes are actually and celebrities they’re actually the product themselves because you wouldn’t make that money without the sports athlet and the celebrities you replace the CEO with someone else you can still make that money they got rich in Office Clinton actually didn’t get rich in Office Clinton got rich like way like after he left Office Clinton hasn’t been president for like 30 years you do know that right Obama also made most of his money like in the last like six or seven years out of office yeah like they’re they’re getting speaking tours for like hundreds of thousands of dollars a night it might pump for a little while if he gets elected yeah like and Obama’s book sold really well it was on the New York’s Times bestsellers list for a long time will the workers get 10 bucks if the CEO were to Forfeit his uh salary I don’t know but America like but the wealth disparity in America was a lot better like you know 60 70 years ago when the CEO salaries weren’t so high so yeah I would say like workers would actually do better if if the CEO like if the CEO workers salary was like lower than it is right now post claims that Pelosi has been office for 28 years and that add up to about 5.4 million I mean Pelosi’s husband also has a lot of money though and and the thing is like congressmen are are uh are allowed to buy and sell stocks during their during their session which I think is nonsense how big are these corporations back then compared to now there were some really big corporations back in the 40s I mean there’s like different corporations now like but some of the big oil companies are still there money with it actually it hasn’t mattered to me like which who which part is in office I do about the same with either party in office in terms of like in terms of economically yeah Z that actually has nothing to do with what they’re talking about you don’t really have that much of a point like America like America when like salaries were more even even though they weren’t really even at all it was still like 36 it was still like 30 to1 CEO to worker like the wealth disparity was a lot lower and workers had it a lot better are complaining fast food getting paid 20 bucks an hour but they never go after CEO salaries and bonuses McDonald is a little bit different because they’re like a franchising operation also like the vast Maj the majority of McDonald’s Cost are actually the inputs and outputs of the materials not the salaries of the workers hi old news I go up better opportunities look Ada will do fine in the bull run I just wanted to do I like I just want more liquidity for it so like see I’m just I’m just as invested in the ada8 ecosystem as Ada so like I want the ada8 ecosystem to do very well take on most of the risk if the business fails now we’re not talking about the owners we’re talking about the CEOs and so many of those corporations get like government funded tax money so it’s not their money that’s actually at risk like CEOs a lot of most of the times aren’t owners they’re not the founders and they already have they already got giant signing bonuses they also get like fed grants and stuff like that that normal people don’t get hia may not reach all-time high again a lot of European countries I think Germany included have like kind of a ceiling for CEO salaries though for compensation we should also adopt that if we adopt no minimum wage happen a ton over Cycles like some of the most successful European countries actually Force companies to actually use actually make companies use part of their um part of their earning part of their uh Revenue to actually like encourage competition like Sweden or like Sweden Finland they all do that they not reach alltime high there happen a ton of recycles no like low scratcher you don’t understand like how what I’m like you don’t really understand the whole thing like it like CEO and worker salary shouldn’t be like so disparate it should be about like they should still be about 30 to1 which is what they were before so like if a if a worker is making like $50,000 the CEO should be making about 1.5 million so see they know if they sue all exchanges out there they would lose they so attack exchanges at a time yeah but they have so many lawsuits out right at this point they have so so many lawsuits out at this point though is is the thing like there I don’t think there’s a way they can win that many of them dude I have jasm too it’s not like I don’t have jasm I have plenty of jasm I just should have bought more at half a penny at under half a penny CU that’s when I bought all my Jasmine when it was under half a penny thoughts on lcx trying to become the first block blockchain Bank good luck to them I mean that would be really interesting people have been hyping up lcx maybe there’s a reason for it should spend their money on infrastructure fight homeless and support veterans and roll out National Health Care bro even if they weren’t fighting endless proxy wars they would never roll out endless Healthcare there’s way too much Republican opposition to that and democ and some democratic opposition as well like they’ve been like there’s certain there’s certain part people that been trying to pass nationalized healthcare for a long time but there’s so much money in the healthcare industry that that’s never going to pass like the the the the industry like the medical industry is so entrenched the medical industry is honestly like so entrenched yeah but La a you do realize that if America didn’t spend all that military money Europe would have to spend a lot more and then they wouldn’t have like and they would have to like they wouldn’t have that as much PRI priority and the thing is like America values geopolitical dominance that’s what makes the dollar so strong anyways dude the trickle down thing never works like it’s it’s never worked trickle Down’s like a huge scale Dam the digital chamber calls for Congress to inquire into sec’s Behavior there are more and more people from both parties that are actually inquiring into sec’s Behavior the SEC I think like Gary ginzer and the SEC is definitely feeling the pressure from like outside forces for sure there’s there’s definitely like they’re definitely feeling the squeeze from like the outside forces I think I mentioned it uh 3.3 now it’s all what nice nice Chuck I mean that might do well it’s a it’s a fairly easy name maybe if they put like Chuck Norris is the icon jasm has a lot of legit yeah but how are those companies actually using the coin I I want to know how many how how those companies are actually using the coin I mean like that’s all that’s all that really matters like you know the jasm partnership’s cool but how are they actually using the jasm coin I I mean I’m fine if they just hype it up and jasm pumps like 20x more you know like I’m perfectly fine with that I’ll sell at that point but like if you want to hold on to Jasmine long term which I don’t like you got to know how how those companies are using the coin push Congress to do their job they urge SEC chairman Gary ginzler to testify and justify the D DM yeah but Congress is habitually slow look the SEC is kind of a like in crypto the SEC is kind of a joke at this point guinsler is obviously overreaching his authority he needs to go regardless of like Biden wins again or not we need someone like because like crypto is a big opportunity for America to actually like expand their technological dominance also like the SEC isn’t get isn’t going to get $2 billion from coinbase I think it’s going to be much closer to coin uh what Ripple wants in 10 million with the case I don’t know I I’m not like I think Robin Hood is going to fight the case cuz like I think if they try to settle they’re not going to like they’re like what they settle for is going to be a large amount so like the SEC is going to be fighting a war on like many many fronts and I don’t think that bodess well with the SEC I don’t think they can win a war on so many fronts at once yes James we live in a corporate fat cattoy it’s got what happened to xrp today so xrp pumped up to like 56 cents and then now it’s like come down I I do think that’s because like today uh Ripple actually had to I mean the SEC had to reply to Ripples like how much we want to pay things thing but then afterwards wasn’t and then like afterwards I think the the hype just kind of died down things will’ll get worse if Trump win the election I don’t think it’s really going to matter honestly like I actually think for crypto it might be better if Trump wins although I don’t really think Trump cares himself would you consider a long-term hold besides Bitcoin I think like ethereum is still kind of a long-term hold salana I would probably be okay with holding longterm um I also go like near is probably like more of a long-term hold um aerrow drone might be like a midterm hold because I think it’s going to do well since Bas doesn’t have a token dude we do not need Bui over here bakuli is like definitely authoritarianism that dude like arrested everyone that had a tattoo on him man like I know like people I know like people really like the fact that bakuli killed all the G like got rid of all the gangs but the way he did it that would just not fly in the United States he literally arrested anyone that he suspected of being a gang member like no no trial required he like put everyone that had a tattoo on him in jail that’s how he controlled it and even though the gang violence is bad over here it’s not nearly that bad yeah but James the James like the the Middle Eastern situation is is a lose lose situation for Democrats because both Jews generally both Jews and Muslims usually vote Democrats so you’re going to offend one of the groups regardless of what you do dude he imprisons so much of the population we don’t need to do that we have enough people in prison in the United States and it’s not that bad in the United States Bui is not the new George Washington man he he didn’t have to drive out the British he had to like he had to he had to basically pacify the gangs and he threw everyone in prison to do so that wouldn’t work in the United States sometimes you got to get full purch yeah if like if the problem is that bad you do but the pro the gangster problem is not that bad in the United States it’s like gotten a lot like gangs have actually got first of all the gang problem was never nearly that bad in the United States and it’s gotten a lot better since the 90s like the ’90s there were a lot there was a lot more like big gang violence and organized crime back in the 90s in the United States but it’s actually come down over the last 30 years I mean and and what bakuli did in and honestly like guys we all know that what boui did in El Salvador would never actually fly in the United States you can’t just arrest everyone that has a tattoo there are more crime by stealing in the in the store yeah but still nowhere near as much it was in the 90s cuz like the like the the mafia is like basically gone in the United States like that’s not something you can actually replace I mean it’s not gone but it’s no nowhere near as big as it used to be like the major mafia families have complet like have essentially been suppressed you can if people yeah but people aren’t going to demand things like that because you know what like our murder rate is our murder rate is nowhere near what El Salvador’s was uh Max Kaiser is like sailor BTC Maxi there’s a lot of BTC Maxi in the space a lot of the oldies old people like like the ogs are BTC Maxis ordered 40 soldiers in the legisla Assembly Building to intimidate lawmakers I see they can reemerge but they haven’t and they haven’t they haven’t re-emerged in 2020 but like essentially like the organized crime the organized crime in the in the United States is way way down are desktop wallets safe better to store all crypto in a cold wallet I think like I think Ledger is probably the best but I mean Mo I think like a lot of the extensions are fine violent crime is has been on a downtrend for quite a while it’s like it’s like small crimes like it’s like small crimes that are under like $1,000 dollar that have actually gone up yeah because all those gangs look all those gangs basically went into the surrounding countries like the gangs thought they could take care of them but the gangs couldn’t handle the Bui so they like basically left and went to the surrounding countries and now like those surrounding countries are wanting to do what what El Salvador did think the same cause uh yeah if if someone gets her keys it probably doesn’t matter cuz like you’re you’re crypto stored on the blockchain so if someone gets your keys you’re probably screwed anyways regardless of like which storage you have but in terms of like not actually getting hacked which rarely happens honestly um it’s probably Ledger that’s safer yeah but like Mr Block that’s because someone needed to something needed to get done there’s you like we don’t need it in the United States yes also like privatizing prisons is a horrible idea I that I do agree with with like making like making pres Private Industry is a god- awful idea treaser is good too treaser is pretty good I think more people have Ledger though so there’s more resources for it online um I I I actually haven’t heard of too many where they just Rob your bank directly through crypto apps how about them capital gains tax I’ve never really understood why capital gains tax were different from regular income but I’m okay with capital gains tax being the way it is in the availability of Bitcoin and ethereum on exchanges despite an increase in holders and profitability yeah because people are actually storing Bitcoin and ethereum in their own wallets like self- custody is growing in crypto which is good cuz like more people should be self- custody so like yeah like the growth in self- custody is actually good news for crypto tangum is also getting more popular because like Ledger sort of screwed themselves with really bad PR last year so tangum actually getting more popular so that’s not NE that’s not necessarily a bad thing it’s definitely not necessarily A Bad Thing Robin Hood over over there robbing the hood maybe uh bit tensor was that wasn’t that like an AI play I think there were quite a few people that were actually pretty hype on to liking your channel good to see you on here keeping growth your channels yeah like I mean probably going to do more outside videos just because I think I do think people do like them like whether permitting of course it’s harder to do them because I don’t have like I can’t just like I I don’t have the news right in front of me but we’ll see not okay with tax right now there’s never been an waste uh like the current one you give your bank after the person I don’t really have any must buys I would probably buy I would probably buy like near um IMX and then I’d probably choose like a meme poin for like the third one I mean I I don’t I I definitely want like I would want a like I would go with like AI rwa L1 and then meme those are the four things I would go by those are the four those are the for sectors of crypto I would actually buy at this point look I’m actually waiting to see in a year or two if the SEC just completely loses these cases if they do lose these cases and see what happens then I do think Congress like Congress is starting to put together a framework but it’s going to be a while there’s a meme token pay you for holding yeah I don’t really care about that I mean I have I have a good amount of meme coins I have like flaky I have um I have do I have flaky I have Costco hot dog I have b and a couple of others I do think those ones I think I do think those coins are probably going to make me a better Roi than all my other coins the the other coins like they’re definitely I I’ll give it to you like the other coins are definitely safer I’ll give you that but uh safer but like I think Roi potential wise the meme coins actually have the most at this point not like in terms of like super long-term investing but like for the Boron if the Boron gets going before the rulings happen any of these uh cases they I don’t think any of rulings are going to come before the bull run I mean like the bull runs like this year maybe like early next year I don’t I I don’t think the coinbase case or any of these lawsuits are going to get resolved since then at this point doubt any of those I don’t think any of the lawsuits will get will actually get resolved I would be extremely surprised if they did like really really surprised if they did Crow with knife I have some Crow with knife I mean it’s on cro I believe and it could definitely go up um cro does need more liquidity though I mean like the issue with a lot of these other chains is liquidity once they get the liquidity I think they should be fine as you can see Crow with knife it’s only worth $83 now so it’s actually come down a lot in the last couple of days I I do think Crow with knife was saying they were going to go multichain though very soon N I think cardano is going to be somewhere between five and 10 I don’t know if it’s actually going to hit 10 10’s a pretty high Mark for Ada honestly like 10’s actually a really high Mark for cardano so I’m thinking between five and 10 which would already be a pretty which honestly would already be a really good Roi for adaa so it’s nothing like to be ashamed of$ five do tops and that might not happen I might go over five honestly but I don’t think it’ll get over 10 Target price for Ando a lot of people have been like really interested in Ando I mean I I think it’s just mainly the rwa stuff and like the Black Rock tokenization I think I think that part of it definitely got overhyped because I don’t really know how much black Rock’s actually going to use Ono and they’re obviously like not the only ones that black Rock’s going to use so I mean you’re looking at like you’re probably looking at like you know5 $10 maybe for Ando well no Charles did a poll about the cardano partnership with bch which I don’t understand at all like I I I just don’t understand the whole like why would you want to partner with B that that doesn’t make that realistically makes like zero sense to me but that’s just my opinion you know I can’t uh I I I I can’t say I know that much about it but it’s my opinion that making a partnership with bch is like not a great idea how about flare um I’m not a huge fan of flare I think like it’s B people are basically buying it for the staking rewards once the I mean delegation rewards once the delegation rewards get close to ending I think Flair’s going to flop like completely going to flop cardano’s not going to become p i I don’t really see what benefits P actually has for cardano that that’s my thing like I I really don’t see what benefits P has for cardano so I’m a little bit I’m really I’m actually really SK skeptical about that really really skeptical about that but hey man that just me that just me some people might be like ah great but like I said I’m I’m skeptical I’m I’m really skeptical I do have about 2,000 Caspa um I think like kaspa’s grown about like in terms of like ranking it’s about as grown as high as it can in terms of ranking um without like getting smart contracts and development features like they definitely need like smart contracts and development features once they get them once they actually get them I think like you know they definitely have more potential for growth but right now they they do not have them tell me promising 8 tokens Min swap um snck um those are the only two that I would actually get right now honestly do you I don’t hold any cat and dogs world what RW coin what rwa oh rwa coins I still like Maple Finance I think like Maple Finance Goldfinch centrifuge I think those are good for rwa I mean Casper needs liquidity like I mean like I just see Casper as another L1 project they’re not NE they’re not bad but they’re not necessarily like great either yeah Caso was definitely hype man yeah I have a lot of I have a lot of I have a ton of meme coins in my wallet not really uh begging definitely not begging for more right now man I’ve got a donation I’ve got donations of a ton of meme coins so I’m good with those I’m definitely good with those think uh Hario can hit $10 come back strong this bull Ron yeah you know I I think gaming will actually do pretty well this bull Ron I mean like but it’ll be like when things are really running up I mean like the other narratives the other narratives have definitely overd gaming which SE can earn Bitcoin in the wallet do you still I mean like but gaming coins are kind of a gamble you’re like I don’t really know which projects will actually do well you’re just kind of hoping that some of them will do well Nakamoto games has been stacking for me nice why would I have Jesus coin man influenced to shill it early on but now the money ran dry yeah more or less I mean can’t really argue with that one bought a bag of catfish very small M on salana there were a couple people that spent a lot of money on here Shilling Jesus coin on like sponsor chats which I don’t mind at all I’m obviously not going to uh endorse it obviously like I’m not going to endorse it but like I mean yeah like a lot of people were trying to do that every other meme coin no but you got to give it up to the meme coins man their Roi is like their Roi is the meme Roi is impressive you can’t you can’t really deny the power of the meme Roi man cuz the number on Meme like memes are some of the best for number go up uh do you think s SPF will try to Slither I don’t think SPF has any real chance to Slither way out of prison the the evidence for SPF is just like airtight there’s too many testimonies and too much evidence against SP SPF Jesus coin is like the devil’s plan to take over crypto any uh thoughts on decentralized Computing coins such as RLC I mean if you’re talking about like decentralized computer like processing coins there’s a bunch of them like there’s a bunch of coins that are trying to do like GPU Farms I mean like I think like AR I think like a lot of those coins have been classified into this new dpen category a lot of the coins have definitely been reclassified into a dpen category so it’s it’s a little different now for in terms of Roi wise algo probably does have more potential than xrp I I just look I I don’t think like xrp has that much potential unless they kind of change their project to focus more on like third party development which I highly doubt they’re going to do I mean 88 did but 88 did really well last run though the next moon cycle is nope don’t remember when the old full moon and new moon is at least two USD 8 a is going to get past to USD like when the Bull Run comes remember like last time like we started at like 4 cents this time we’re starting at a much higher base so I I definitely think we’re going to get there like at least like to $2 for sure probably a lot more q&t I’m hoping for like a thousand bucks r& drr um r& drr like I mean it’s pretty close to alltime high I would say like 40 maybe no I think r& drr is good keeps scaring people so much they will get out I don’t think SC the SEC Scare Tactics is actually working right now because like no one really like they don’t really affect price anymore no one really cares what the SEC says anymore they’re they’re not being like people are not being scared off like people are just simply not being scared off by the SEC anymore and that’s definitely a good thing CU like they shouldn’t be scared off by the SEC they really shouldn’t yeah Bitcoin like Bitcoin did retrace from like 65k we suddenly pumped up to 65k I I don’t really know on what though I think like six or seven coins in the portfolio is like pretty healthy if you can manage to keep up with more I mean there’s no there’s no hurt there’s there’s absolutely no hurt in having more coins in the portfolio it’s just that like can you manage to keep up with more if you can manage to keep up with more there’s absolutely no reason there there’s like no real hurt to not have to having more but like if you have 20 coins it is hard to keep up with like all 20 of them sometimes so like I don’t know if I would keep like a huge amount of coins but if you have like a Tracker or you don’t mind like you know doing a lot of research each day I think like getting more coins is fine might have been some coordinating selling with ETFs last week do you think I mean I I bet there are always people that are plotting but like I I don’t really know if like the FED really is going to coordinate with anyone to like plot to sell coins and stuff that’s I mean I think that’s a little like a bridge too far for a lot of stuff I mean people will respect it but I don’t think like anyone has any real evidence 40 billion MC I mean it it’s possible I wouldn’t bet on it but it’s possible look I just wouldn’t stake all I just wouldn’t put all your money on one or two coins I just I don’t think that’s a wise way to invest in crypto there’s there’s a very there’s a really really there’s really really good Arguments for um there’s super super good Arguments for like yeah there’s like super good Arguments for um like diversification and there’s really not a good reason to not diversify is Mr 100 Plan B I have no idea who Mr 100 is and I wouldn’t really listen to Plan B anyways because like he hasn’t really gotten anything right outside of those three months like four years ago where he got a couple of predictions right months I went up a couple months after the pass having so we need to wait maybe maybe yeah I I I do think look I I do think it definitely pays to have some patience right now like I think it will be a couple months before Bitcoin gets to its top the hopium yeah the hopium is always there man hopium is always there but I mean there’s plenty of places you can get hopium you can just like Listen to George if you want hopium like you could you could definitely just listen to watch George if you want hopium he’s got he’s got hopium and Spades my friend that George has like hopium and Spades so there’s plenty of that if you if you’re interested in hopium like you know you’ve got like you there’s plenty of places to get hopium sauce bit boy September October we’ll see things start to creep up well I I don’t really know if the Summer’s going to be flat I think summer is going to be pretty good I think like we’re going to have a slow creep up in price over the summer data Dash is just not willing to admit that his bearish takes were completely wrong so he’s trying to double down on him but that’s not going to work because like you know no one’s like it the Market’s just not bearish right now so yeah like not not really going to work too well for data Dash I think he’s going to continuously be wrong until he finally realizes that he just can’t keep on being bearish yeah but har bar most of the supply is already out so like there’s a limit to the Token unlocks no I mean he got the name back I don’t think he’s gonna get I don’t know if he’s going to get the channel back I mean discovered crypto is pretty dead anyways at this point and he and bit boy’s already got his new channel and no I don’t believe he actually spend something like $25,000 whatever the hell he claims bit boy not on hopium that’s cocaine I mean it might be cocaine who knows all we know is bit boy is really high on something and it it hadn’t been good for him he did win his karate combat match though although he like outweigh the other guy by like 50 pounds not listen to bit po three years all right guys that’s going to be it for today like And subscribe hit the Bell notifications button I will be back tonight and I will see you guys later

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    * These are my opinions, they are not financial advice of any sort


    1. Why would you keep holding ADA if everything they do you complain about? As far as living, some people cant afford to live in certain places or cant afford to buy a home.. Some people are just more successful then others…

    2. It dump because TA said it is about to dump. I said multiple times in previous comment that this is dead cat bounce. You are here 7years but you still don't learn. You are marred to NEWS which is manulated.

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