Ripple David Schwartz says it wants XRP ledger CONTROLLED by the COMMUNITY, Bitcoin v Gold Debate

    hey hey everybody it’s Eddie from Tokyo this is your cryptocurrency update from Japan and yesterday I uploaded a video got just under 10,000 views but it had one of the highest single subject comments on a video that I’ve uploaded in a long time and it’s because of this clip it was of Jared Bernstein the chair of the Council of economic advisors to the Biden team and he was unable to answer a question why do we borrow our own currency I’ll put a link to this page in the description of this video it’s um it’s a documentary that you can buy or rent uh they are showing it now in New York Washington DC La Portland Seattle San Rafel Oakland Nantucket Anchorage and a few places outside of the United States to Helsinki and Vienna and soon going to many places throughout uh Australia Brisbane Melbourne Sydney yeah it’s quite interesting and uh I think I think it’s going to be worth a watch I have not seen it in its entirety but based on the trailer wow moving right along you’ll find a lot of video of David Schwarz when he took the stage at xrp Las Vegas in the beginning of his half an hour he talks about stable coin uh there’s going to be be a wide variety of solutions he says and the volatility of digital assets is a problem he sites where there is some tightly regulated environments so it’s critical to offer other Solutions now the stable coin does not have an official name yet but that will be made public coming at the Apex event in am Amsterdam in June that is the 11 11 th 12th and 13th Ripple has a current Focus to bring the defi World decentralized Finance with the trafi world so that’s the traditional side um at about the 18 minute Mark the discussion moves to the use of AI specifically AI chat Bots that part was quite interesting but the main focus moved to a shout out to the Builders where he mentions hooks that’s of course on the zaha network and how it was an example of a great development that came from outside of Ripple and near the end he talked about how Ripple wants the ledger to be owned and controlled by the community and that at the same time they would love to have any thoughts and suggestions as to what can be built and how to improve the X RP Ledger and again I must point out that this decentralized Ledger that has a native digital asset xrp is for everyone not just the banks and financial institutions if you can’t make it to Amsterdam in June to see the Apex speakers live don’t worry you’re going to be able to watch everything that they capture in video you’re looking at the top 300 by market cap and everything is a little soft 2.35 trillion down about 41% over yesterday fear and greed index is sitting at neutral the total volume is down only 49 billion that’s a 33% decrease the def5 volume is 4 billion or 8.8 total of the total market value stable coins make up 90.2% of the crypto Market volume so this is why when people ask me why are you covering tether well it is because it represents over 90% of the crypto Market the Bitcoin dominance 53% in the top 100 we have airweave up 8.7% render up 5% and everything else is pretty much running sideways or slightly down as Bitcoin is trading at 63,9 at the time of this recording you can watch the nearly 5 hours of Warren Buffett presiding over the 2024 Brookshire Hathaway shareholders meeting this annual event is something I always look forward to I can’t wait to watch it yeah it was a little sad to not have Charlie there but you’ll find Berkshire is in a comfortable cash position 36 billion in cash to be exact with 153 billion in treasuries they’re only going to swing at pitches they like he said and apple will remain their biggest holding even after reducing it is sitting at about 133% but6 million shares fewer he took responsibility and said that it was his sole decision 100% to sell the entire Paramount stake and in doing so they lost quite a bit of money I always find it pretty incredible that nearly 40,000 people go to this annual event in person wow Jen vinity scored a big guest to come onto one of their live spaces this is Tim Draper I’m not going to miss this one for sure there was a great Bitcoin debate with Anthony scaramucci Eric vor’s Peter shiff and norel rabini and it was yeah was what you would think it would be uh Eric vor’s and Peter Schiff have gone at it in the past I think Eric vor’s always comes out ahead here’s a short clip first of all a world in which gold was the money again would be a superior world to the status quo I’ll I’ll grant that uh my primary concern is that the world has money that is derived out of Market processes rather than out of coercive centralization of the state the latter is extremely an unamerican and dangerous plague that has existed now since at least 1971 when the dollar became a fiat currency anything that moves the world away from centralized control of money to market-based control of money is something that I would be in favor of Peter I will praise you if you can get the world to accept gold again as a form of normal money that would be great there are some other of us who don’t wish to wait around for that and we actually think a decentralized form of money that you can send in a digital world has value and back in 2011 2012 2013 when we had our our first debate I understand that like the burden of proof was on us we had to argue that it was a currency or that it was a money we had to make those statements because no one there’s no one no reason for anyone to believe us back then it’s 2024 and this is a $1.2 trillion asset one of the most liquid assets in the world one of the top 10 Assets in the entire world by market cap I don’t need to keep making the case that Bitcoin is something the world believes it’s something you can see why if you ever go try to send a transaction internationally with a bank and you do it with Bitcoin on your phone anyone who has done those two things will see the value immediately immediately and I don’t have to like defend it much right it’s just it’s just growing and it’s an option there’s no bitcoiner that would force either of you to ever use it and if you want to stay in the traditional Financial system go down with the Titanic go for it many of us are choosing an alternative this is Anthony welfare that would be Anthony with a t he’s a strategic advisor and he’s been a part of a lot of work for ripple when it comes to their cbdcs he has built a new project on The xrp Ledger and it’s a business that verifies the use cases and gives it a score out of 100 and then it remains verified on the blockchain they take the information that you submit on their form and their team goes into deeper research on those details I’m going to let this short clip take you out where Anthony explains his business and until next time do take care sign our for now bye-bye and I’d like to introduce you today to the cbrc use case register the CBI use case register is the world’s first and only immutable register of blockchain projects on cbrc register you’ll be able to find real world blockchain projects real use cases whereby people are using blockchain technology to add value to the world if you have a blockchain project that you’re working on you’d like to submit to the cbrc register please have a look at the website and navigate to the submission form which is down in the link below on the submission form you can submit all your details for your blockchain project this will be then sent to the research team who will have a look at it verify it and if they’re happy they will publish this on the cbrc register after it’s published on the cbrc register we will then look to give it a score and then verified on blockchain so please have a look at the link below on the cbrc submission [Music]

    #xrp #davidschwartz #xrplasvegas #Ripple #blockchain #web3
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    1. I’m so tired of this coin….I’ve been holding for YEARS. I’m tired of watching everything go up and this shit coin just sit there like a turd.

    2. Schwartz looks like a homeless bum that just crawled out of a dumpster. You’d think Ripple would want someone to look more professional to represent them. What a joke .

    3. its already controller by community, payt off chillers moonboyz copium chillers. while retail keep the price add 30-60 cent Big money cash out on retail. the will milk out all dis holders for the comming 4-5 year. but no adoption only talk no substance.

    4. Erie , lots of chat about BRICS going to use XRP ?.
      Thoughts .

      Ripple stable coin coming this year ,do you gelive that will increase the xrp value ?.


    5. For Bitcoin holders ( and for M. Saylor ): Why invest in Bitcoin, which contributes to climate change and incurs high transaction fees, when you could choose XRP, a more eco-friendly option with a bright future? Given their environmental impact and cost, XRP may be the wiser choice moving forward. I give you an example Consider the impact of extreme heat on your daily life: if temperatures rise above 35°C, it’s not only illegal for laborers to work outside due to health risks, but such conditions can also damage your car’s paint and tires and children play outside limit time and will not see any winter anymore and much more. Mother Nature terrible is rising, Gov't cost of wild forest fighting anywhere BTC is killer.

    6. Nope. Even if they left, the ledger would continue to operate, and people could still run a node and participate in voting on amendments. In fact, the ledger would remain functional even without an amendment process. He's speaking in general terms. For instance, MicroStrategy would say the same about the Bitcoin network, as would the Ethereum Foundation about the Ethereum network, the BSV network, and so on.

    7. Hi Eri, I have learnt so much from your videos, however I still have a long way to go. Question. Do you think Ripple will do an airdrop of their stablecoin to XRP holders after they have created it?

    8. Community control: dump escrow into project funding account. The community votes on projects that awards chosen projects xrp from the account

    9. I've been saying for years now that people can't wrap their minds around how high Bitcoin can go. Everyone is preaching caution right now which is interesting. The reality is that the demand is just getting started. Only a fraction of the asset managers have been buying. Plus Hong Kong has finally approved their ETF. Now there will be retail. Things are get really serious. Those of us who were still buying the week after the FTX crash are about to be rewarded. Central to this transformative shift is Linda Wilburn, whose profound comprehension of both cryptocurrency and traditional trading has played a crucial role. her comprehensive investment strategy and dedication to staying informed about market trends position she as an invaluable ally in navigating this new era of cryptocurrency investment…managed to grow a nest egg of around 3.4BTC to a decent 16B TC in the space of a few months..

    10. 90% of all stable coin transactions are made by bots. And of course, Ripple is already using bots. Retail will NOT win this battle.

    11. It's not our currency. It belongs to the FED(banks) and, they let us use it. For a price. We're borrowing it from the bank. The US Treasury crawls to them to ask for a loan. In so many words. Even Caesar had creditors. So did Hitler.

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