Israel’s CRAZY Plan to Undermine the Suez Canal

    the Swiss Canal has been around for centuries serving as the central Hub of global trade it carries not only the lucrative trade between Europe and Asia but also connects the oil fields of the Middle East with the rest of the world highlighting its immense importance the world economy witnessed this importance in 2021 when the container ship Evergreen got stuck in the canal for 5 days disrupting the entire Global Supply Chain however we have also witnessed the attack carried out by hthy rebels from Yemen against ships crossing the Red Sea this event also further disrupted Global Supply chains it was in this context that a plan by Israel to create a new alternative Channel between the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea came into the spotlight this ambitious Mega project has the potential to reshape global trade and Regional power dynamics forever it could not only reduce dependence on the Su Canal but also Elevate Israel to a position of indispensable Regional power however questions remain is Israel up to this daring project when could it be finished and how will it change the region these are all exciting questions to ponder as we delve deeper into the motivations and significance of this plant channel to understand the plan Channel we must look at some history first centuries ago the idea of a connecting rout between the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea arose as a way to drastically shorten trade between Europe and Asia when transporting goods over long distances while the legendary Silk Road already existed in the Middle Ages trade was primarily conducted by sea at the time of the lucrative trade with India and China the only option was a lengthy Route Around Africa which began in European ports and led along the West African Coast towards the Cape of Good Hope at the southern tip then Eastward along the east African Coast over the Indian Ocean to Asia this rout was considered extremely dangerous due to rough Seas unpredictable weather conditions and the risk of just disappearing unsurprisingly proposed for alternative routes to shorten travel time to Asia emerged early on the geographical interface presented by the Cai Peninsula which consists of two sides surrounded by water themed tailor made for creating a canal effectively cutting through the peninsula and connecting the Mediterranean to the Red Sea it is located only a few hundred kilometers away from the Red Sea the Republic of Venice the Ottoman Empire and even Napoleon all had the idea of building a canal but the technology of the time made it impossible the plants were sh for decades until Muhammad Ali Pasha reached a relative Independence in Egypt working with his successor Egypt embarked on an expensive policy that shaped the cause of modern Egypt including the resumption of a canal construction plan with the help of the British and French new surveys gave the green light for the project and construction of the sus Canal began in 1859 under the leadership of a French diplomat and engineer the 10-year construction project culminated in the official opening of the canal on November 17th 1869 at that time the SS Canal was considered an enormous technical Masterpiece saving ships thousands of nautical miles depending on the specific route and speed this reduction in travel time had a significant impact on global trade facilitating trade relations between continents fast forward to the 20th century and the discussion of another canal in the region arises with a Sinai Peninsula under Israeli control following The Six Day War in 1967 Israel proposed building a canal e of the siai peninsula to curb Egypt’s power over global trade this Boran Canal project named after Israel’s first prime minister was envisioned to be wider than the SE canal and a true alternative however the technological demands seemed insurmountable at the time and the plan was put on hold for several decades with the Advent of modern technology and Israel’s advancements the project has been revived in recent years several States including the United Arab Emirates in Ethiopia have expressed interest in an alternative Channel as Egypt has been accused of abusing its Monopoly position by continuously raising tolls and fees to counter this in 2021 Israel has announced its intention to build the canal without setting a specific date the planned route would begin at the southern tip of Israel on the Gulf of aquaba passed through the Arava Valley for about 100 km turn west before the Dead Sea base and then head north to bypass the Gaza Strip before finally reaching the Mediterranean Sea unlike the SE Canal the Israeli Canal would allow ships to travel in both directions and would have rocky walls instead of Sandy Shores requiring minimal maintenance additionally Israel plans to build small towns hotels restaurants and nightclubs along the canal to boost the local economy the canal is estimated to take around 5 years to complete costing between 16 and 50 5 billion US however Israel anticipates annual revenues of around $6 billion or even more this project has the potential to position Israel as a major player in global trade benefiting from the lucrative trade between Europe and Asia while also solidifying its claim as a regional power ultimately the construction of this canal could lead to increased security

    Israel’s CRAZY Plan to Undermine the Suez Canal

    We have probably all heard of the Suez Canal, which is the busiest canal in the world. However, recently Israel presented its own canal which should be an alternative to the Egyptian Suez Canal.

    If and when the canal will be built, you will learn in this video.

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