My husband told me late April that he signed us up for insurance through his work, and to cancel my personal health insurance which was rather expensive each month. He said it started on May first, we haven't received anything in the mail yet, he said he got confirmation emails but I haven't seen those.

    I love him but he sometimes rushes through things like this and makes mistakes and I'm worried he didn't do it correctly and were not covered. I have called Anthem, the new provider and they say they don't have any policy or information on him. But, she said it could still be processing and to give it time. I am pregnant and just worry I'm going to run out of time to get on a new plan if there was something set up wrong, does anyone have any advice? Or do I need to take a chill pill and give it more time? Thank you!

    My husband signed us up for health insurance through his work, nervous something wasn’t done right
    byu/emperorzizzle inInsurance

    Posted by emperorzizzle


    1. Busy_Account_7974 on

      Contrary to developments in technology, insurance companies of any kind are still stuck seemingly using punch cards to process their stuff. Don’t cancel whatever insurance you have now for the time being. After your husband receives his insurance card, give Anthem a call and confirm your coverage for your pregnancy. Congrats and hope everything will work out.

    2. That_Girl31 on

      Did he sign up online? Does his job use something like Dayforce or any type of employee dashboard where he can log in and review his current benefit selections? Then you could review and make sure it’s correct.

    3. theladyoctane on

      Have him call his HR so they can provide him his policy information (group number and subscriber number) so you have it in case of an emergency.

    4. AlpacaRaptor on

      I had a job (small company) where I had to answer 153,000 questions about if I smoke, ever smoked, live near someone who smoked, ever saw someone smoke, ever had a splinter, list every time you ever saw a doctor… annoying to fill out, but

      … definitely know they are paying attention and are on the plan. Company offered incentives to stop smoking/etc., so they must all get cheaper insurance for less risky employees. Don’t think they were happy we had multiple kids on the plan, apparently that raised their rates.

      My current job (bigger small company) they just asked how many kids and their names I had and we got a bunch of individual cards in the mail. Again, pretty clear they are on insurance since I have the cards.

      If you are worried, ask your husband to talk to the insurance? My wife has a number and I have a number and my 18 year old has a number, and they won’t tell me anything about my wife or son… but they will tell either my wife or me about our other children.

    5. Late April? IMO, you’re right to be worried if they have no record of you and you haven’t been shown confirmation emails.

      Is he the type who knows he fucks up and tries to hide it? Because I don’t know why he won’t show you the confirmation emails.

    6. TakethThyKnee on

      Likely give it time. I was just added to my husbands insurance since we got married. He had to call the insurance company, get my info, then it gets sent to his company for hr approval, then I have insurance access.

      However, he can email his HR rep to get a status update since you are pregnant. It doesn’t hurt to ask.

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