Apple is finalizing a deal with Open AI to add ChatGPT to iPhone

    Posted by KINGKANGHA


    1. Otherwise-Depth4669 on

      Imagining talking to Siri and she’s not an idiot makes me diamond hard.

    2. spanishdictlover on

      I mean you can already use the app on an iphone and the MSFT copilot app is WAY better already. Seems like a nothing burger to me. Or another chance for a pump like in April so Warren can dump on everyone.

    3. So puts on goog as well between this and court ruling it’s gotta go down some time. Even if their buying it back.

    4. I loaded up on AAPL weeks ago when everyone was doom and glooming that is done for lol. This is why people can’t beat the market

    5. 365Happy-Days on

      If they are able to strike a deal with open AI so that anybody that has an apple device can use ChatGPT for without paying for the open AI subscription, it might be worth it but anything less than that and what difference does it make for Apple when all you have to do is download the open AI ChatGPT app?

    6. I will be happy the day that Siri will not be the dumbest assistant ever.

      It is useful like sand in the desert.

    7. $ROPE for all these dumb AI gadget companies that will be obsolete in a few months.

    8. Whoever apple goes with for their on-device AI…I don’t see enough ppl talking about the main jump forward apple will be able to take: integration.

      Yeah we have the chat gpt app, but no GAI integrates with any depth in the apple ecosystem currently.

      That’s the value mover here. Even if it ends up being less powerful than the flagship LLMs, this will be a different development thread that hasn’t been made with iOS/macos at all, and to a pretty limited extent on Android or windows.

      Now whether it’s a fully local (and smaller) version of chatgpt, or llama, vs what most of siri currently is (with internet connection it sends your request to their server and then delivers the response/action logic to your phone) is unclear to me.

      Both would be huge.

    9. unknownnoname2424 on

      LoL… You can signup for free for the current version of gpt. Probably just an add on app that does not require signing up. This will be the selling point for the next iPhone version and the trend monkeys will jump all over it LoL.

    10. quiksilverr87 on

      Oh man , I can’t wait to ask siri to tell me a Haiku about how we are not in an AI bubble short term

    11. StrangeCharmVote on

      Can i get it running locally then please if it will be possible to do so on a flipping mobile device?

      Even if it’s 3.5 i’ll take it.

      Most of the other publicly available models just aren’t as good.

    12. HillBillThrills on

      Is the plan to make this opt-in or opt-out? Also, does this make all previous data apple has on its users available to chatgpt?

    13. Apple must be woefully behind in AI if they are integrating this quasi Microsoft product into their OS. More bearish than bullish to me.

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