Hi, I'm Viktor Seraleev, and I live in Chile. I’m founder of Sarafan Mobile Limited (team ID G5293S9UFX). We specialize in developing photo and video apps for iOS and Android, and most of our apps have consistently ranked among the top in user retention benchmarks set by AppStore Connect. However, on September 21, 2023, our developer account was unexpectedly closed and all payments were frozen.

    → On September 20, 2023 we had 1209 active trials and $33,680 MRR
    → Was frozen $108,878 of honestly earned money over the last 3 months
    → Apple mistakenly removed my developer account and all apps
    → Story from 3 parts: Go to the public, new evidence and court

    Part one: Go to the Public

    On November 23, 2023, my account on Apple was closed without any specific reason provided. I believed that the closure was connected to the actions of my competitors. This belief was based on the fact that one of my apps was being copied along with its ads creatives, and there was a wave of fake reviews.


    After trying all possible ways to appeal the decision to close my account, where I also mentioned the actions I had already taken and the ones I planned to take to improve my applications, I had to resort to seeking help from lawyers.

    Our next step was to file a pre-trial claim. Additionally, I shared my story on Twitter, where it gained more than 500k views and even became the top news on HackerNews.

    Part two: New evidence

    On December 15, 2023, Apple stated that my account was associated with a previously closed Softeam account.

    Let's rewind back to March 2020, when I left my startup and started working on my own projects. My first app, which catered to the beauty industry, became popular and grew from $200 to $25,000 per month within six months. I eventually sold it in October-November 2020. However, my subsequent attempts to create other apps failed. In November 2021, I removed my last app from sale and decided to focus on developing a new company called Sarafan. As a result, I ended up with two accounts.

    In August 2023, within the framework of Sarafan, we developed a new app. It was a card game, built from scratch using Swift UI. To avoid mixing it with photo/video apps, we released it under the Softeam account.


    We received a rejection. Apple stated that we used the same binary files, metadata, and/or concept as applications previously submitted with a closed Apple Developer Program account.


    I provided the App Review team with a list of improvements. However, after 2 days without even responding to my message, the App Review team simply removed the app and decided to close the Softeam account. An hour later, they also removed one of the apps in the Sarafan account and similarly decided to close the Sarafan account.

    My lawyers informed Apple's legal team that they have evidence to prove that an error had occurred. The game was created from scratch, and the App Review team has agreed to review the new evidence.


    This had no effect. Apple responded with a generic text without specifying any reasons.

    Part three: Preparation for trial

    After receiving Apple’s response, I decided to utilize the last opportunity to seek justice — to resort to legal action. On April 26, the lawsuit was ready; however, we did not manage to file it before the end of the business day, and that turned out to be fortunate! Because on April 27, I discovered the real reason why the removal had taken place.


    I found an account with exactly the same name! Some analytics services even merge these two different accounts into one.

    Softeam-1 ≠ Softeam-2

    I am familiar with most of the applications developed by Softeam-2 because I transferred some of these apps to former partners on March 4, 2020, when I acquired Softeam-1. It's worth noting that I did not transfer these applications to Softeam-2. Instead, the transfer occurred to one of the partner's personal accounts.


    I immediately contacted my former partners, and they confirmed to me that Softeam-2 belongs to them; they started using it after my exit. Furthermore, Apple closed Softeam-2 on October 2, 2021, which is one day after I removed my apps from sale in Softeam-1.

    I was not involved in Softeam-2 and cannot be held responsible for former partners' actions.

    Upon conducting my investigations, I discovered that when I published the gaming application under Softeam-1 account, Apple made a mistake and associated the activity with an entirely different organization called Softeam-2. This led to Sarafan being mistakenly linked with an organization that I had no affiliation with whatsoever.


    On May 6, 2024, the California State Court accepted our claim. Once Apple receives the notice, they have 21 days to respond to the complaint by submitting a response or a motion to dismiss the complaint.


    According to the lawsuit, there is evidence that supports the following claims:

    – The Sarafan account was not involved in any fraudulent activities.

    – The gaming application associated with the Softeam account was not a copy or modified version of a similar app, but was created entirely from scratch.

    – Apple mistakenly confused two different accounts.


    I feel really sad because Apple won’t talk to me. Since they blocked me, I’ve pretty much stopped being a developer for them. Now, the only way I can talk to them is through lawyers and official letters.

    My case proves that Apple's unregulated control is perilous for small developers. Apple declines to reveal the reasons for removal, shuts down all communication channels, and, above all, small developers lose everything they have worked so hard for and are left without a means of livelihood.

    I'm currently in a difficult situation. My wife, two young children, and I are residing in a foreign country, where we lack a stable income. Moreover, I brought most of my team and the her families from Russia and Ukraine. For the past eight months, I have been living in a state of constant stress. Only due to the financial support provided by my close ones, I am able to pay my team's salaries and keep the company afloat.

    I would appreciate it if someone from Apple management could get in touch with me after reading this article. My ultimate goal is to resolve this issue amicably and return to a peaceful work routine. I want to continue creating new projects that will assist people in developing photo and video content

    Thank you!

    My 8-month investigation and taking on Apple in Court: Their mistake wiped out our $33,680 MRR mobile business
    byu/seraleev_viktor inEntrepreneur

    Posted by seraleev_viktor


    1. All I have to say is good luck my friend, you deserve better than this from Apple

    2. Beginning-Comedian-2 on

      1. Apple did you wrong and should fix it.

      2. I guess always use different account names for each app.

    3. cam-at-codembark on

      Sometimes posting your story on hacker news can grab the attention of Apple employees. Might be worth a shot.

    4. Good luck! But this is the ever present risk of developing in a closed app market.

    5. murenzi_company on

      Please also share this on LinkedIn. I have a decent network of Apple employees (former Apple employee myself) and I will be happy to share

    6. Slight_Wear_1153 on

      sorry to hear your story. It is clearly known to many in the industry about Apple’s unfair practices.

    7. CassisBerlin on

      It’s really sad, I am sorry to hear. Perhaps you can build the next thing in the b2b space and avoid such a big platform risk.

      You have the tenacity, carry on with strategies that give you more favorable odds!

    8. Remote-Cartoonist460 on

      Feel so sory. This is not Apple. This is the caase people who make decisions like that in Apple. If I were you I would try to visit the office without appointment and tell to the management team. Also try to get in touch in linkedin. Maybe another way is the lawyers of Apple may be a way to get in touch with related reposnible people in Apple. Also you can want help from other developers. And I will dm you a name maybe he can help you. He is one of the big distributor of apple apps in the world. Good luck

    9. This story makes me so angry on your behalf.

      I am rooting for you ..

      From someone in Japan.

    10. healthywealthyhappy8 on

      Apple is going to release the same app as you. What they are doing is removing competition. Apple is a bunch of fucks.

    11. corriedotdev on

      Christ this is a nightmare.

      So basically account was flagged and no support offered.

      Hope you take em

    12. you’re not allowed to have two accounts….stopped reading….

      good luck, homie

    13. intrigue_investor on

      All the best, but hope you have deep pockets and patience, this could roll on for a while

    14. With these big companies once they make a “final” decision it does not matter if you are right or not.

      They follow a “one red flag is one red flag too many” policy.

      Meaning any red flag, regardless of them being correct or not, is indication something “strange” is happening, which in this case was true – your ex-partners actions. That’s enough for them to consider ALL the accounts connected either directly OR indirectly and therefore they all get banned by association. You’ll find this term on most corporations terms “by association”, even in banks now due to political reasons if you know or are associated with certain individuals, they’ll refuse service.

      Facebook does the same and I think this is just general practice in large corporations, banks, etc. I kind of get it, they will make the wrong decision in a small % of cases but it will be right decision for the majority of cases, as such they sacrifice the few for the benefit of cutting costs that they would have to deal with individual situations.

      I suggest you consider your case lost, Apple is not obligated to provide you services if they don’t want to. They can sinmply refuse service to literally anyone they want without needing to give any explanation whatsoever.

      Same with LinkedIn, Facebook, Amazon, etc.

      I think we tend to take their services for granted and forget using their services is a privilege, not a right.

      I recommend you simply forget Apple even exists and look at what alternatives you have, also take it as a learning experience to be more careful next time if you have or had partners.

    15. That’s why it’s risky being on just one platform. Cautionary tale and literally you did nothing wrong

    16. OriginalTrin on

      You have an odd story where you made a lot of missteps along the way. Good luck.

    17. TheChipmunkX on

      I’m also rooting for you from the other side of the world mate 🙌 I will pray that it works out for you. Please make update posts as well

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