Am curious to hear from everyone what inspires you to become an enterpreneur, what drives you , articles, books , growth hack , advices , I’ll love to hear all of them . Please share in the comments

    What really inspires you to become an Enterpreneur
    byu/sky-builder inEntrepreneur

    Posted by sky-builder


    1. mister_gaye on

      Always had an artist mind. Helped me being independent in my stuffs. Worked corporate for experience before starting my own business

    2. the-A-team1 on

      My dreams! Not the one when I’m catching z’s the ones that I am chasing when I am awake.

    3. jnkbndtradr on

      It’s rooted in a deep hatred for the idea of working for incompetent people with more money than me. No book will teach you that.

    4. jasonwlorenz on

      Love this question and it has changed a lot over the last 9 years…

      I think you just inspired an entire video…

    5. steve_mobileappdev on

      What inspires me is the power to execute tasks that are related to the business, in a way that I know is not bloated/ineffective/stupid like you see in corporate environments often.
      Whether the task is to add a new feature (software ) that makes sense to add, or the task is to stop using some third party software library that I’ve decided is so janky I want to scream.

      Being in control of decisions in every little corner of the company and product is so powerful in causing an immense sense of satisfaction in your life.

    6. Cool_Axolotl23 on

      Companies gain more from each employee than the employee makes for themselves. I NEVER want to work for anyone besides myself. I also find people’s views to be very one-sided and the boss’s way or the highway.

    7. FewWillingness1081 on

      The freedom to be with my kids.

      I work from home, on my computer.

      I put my kids to bed. I take them to school. I cook them lunch. I see them so much.

      I know it doesn’t last forever, but I will never regret leaving my cushy job for this life!!

      I also get to work from France (As an American).

      Try doing that with a normal job!!!

    8. I’m just doing as I please, and people are like, “that is entrepreneurship.” I could give two shits.

    9. thecelticpagan on

      For me it’s the idea of fulfillment. There’s just something about creation itself that resonates with me, let alone the idea of creating a concept that has the potential capability of helping and inspiring so many other people. That’s not to take away from the awesome work that non-entrepreneurs do, but if I’m going to be involved in such a practice, it’s going to be my creation.

    10. Trismegistvss on

      To change peoples lives, be the path for others to elevate themselves and their families. To uplift society, community, and the country. To have an impact and creat positive change. To pave the way for others to do the same. Effective altrusim in a grand scale and doing it silently, anonymously. Establish charitable entities that funds research, jobs, welfare for the people. Doing capitalism the right way where humanity and the planet recieves the planet instead of a group of greedy men. Serving Gods purpose through capitalism!

    11. Dead_Fish_Eyes on

      It’s a better feeling to build something yourself and make money from it. Plus you don’t have to deal with people depending on your business, perfect for an introvert like me.

    12. SitsinTraffic on

      I have always marched to the beat of my own drum. I can follow and respect authority but do not function well underneath it for very long. My tempo of productivity changes and I do not perform well under the steady demands of someone else. 

      I compare working underneath someone else to running on a treadmill with the speed controlled by someone else and my livelihood on the line

    13. RockSteady11235 on

      Worked for a company for years. I put literal blood and sweat into that business.
      Any doctor appointment I have to have a note, my parent died unexpectedly, was told I was taking off too much time and would lose my job. Got injured training in martial arts, told I would not have a job if I had injuries outside of work. I could barely pay my bills and have a life. Looking back at it I have distain. I would rather fail trying to have my own schedule than work for another horrible company or boss.

    14. Extreme-Alps2954 on

      I personally would say there are many reasons with the first one being a distinct (almost utopian) vision for the future. I like the idea of striving to make the world better by making things that add value to people’s lives, like uber for instance.

    15. JayIsNotReal on

      When I got into the work force I realized that I enjoyed working and did not want to retire so I would rather work for a company I own 40 years down the line.

    16. disruptor2k5 on

      Beyond the financial stuff, simply the fact that I absolutely hated having a boss. I hated having to beg for time off or to go see my kids fucking school play. Honestly it just made me feel subhuman the way I was treated at many companies. And I eventually got sick and fucking tired of it and figured it was worth a shot to try to be my own man worst case scenario I could always be somebody’s slave again

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