Ok, so my parents just kicked me off the insurance and I have about two months until I start with my first job and their insurance plan. Is it worth getting a short term United Healthcare plan? My PCP accepts it and I kinda need some sort of insurance to cover the fees for them. Any advice is helpful, thanks!

    Two month gap without health insurance, is United Healthcare a good short term solution?
    byu/AtlasTheGuyNotTheMap inInsurance

    Posted by AtlasTheGuyNotTheMap


    1. Go to the insurance marketplace for your state, and pick something your doctor takes. “Losing coverage” is a qualifying life event.

    2. Here’s a snippet directly from the FAQs about that policy:


      >In most cases, short term health insurance plans do not cover preexisting conditions. Depending on your state’s definition, a preexisting condition is a condition that was diagnosed or treated within the last 2 to 5 years. If you are in this situation, you may want to explore other options or see if you can extend your current insurance plan.

      It will not cover your PCP as it appears you’re currently receiving treatment.

      You should be going to http://www.healthcare.gov and only healthcare.gov.

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