After $5k option loss from 4 years ago. Finally back up using cat chart technical analysis.

    Taking my $30 bucks for a Wendy’s combo meal. I’ll eat by the dumpster for a reminder where I could have ended up

    Posted by Ikadakimas


    1. tonysopranoz420 on

      this right here is what da vinci would’ve loved to see. proper art.

    2. Excellent technical analysis. Since cats push things off ledges, this is surely a bearish pattern

    3. Decent-Ad-4358 on

      Holy shit, somebody actually learned on there first option loss and figured out the only way you make money in the market.

    4. Bean_Boozled on

      Oof. MEOW indicator being that clear is never good. Might want to sell all of your positions

    5. Brooo ahahaha my chart looks exactly the same but I‘m stuck under 29k my breakeven would also be 30k. I‘ll make a post and add you when I make it

    6. Suitable-Classic-174 on

      Ahhh down about $75k+ all time but baby steps I’ll try to make it back

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