Can someone recommend good channels about technical analysis, I want to master it🙂😁

    Technical analysis advice
    byu/Disastrous_Damage_43 inoptions

    Posted by Disastrous_Damage_43


    1. No one ever masters it. I watch some of IBDs YouTube market summary most days. They talk a little about technical indicators and mention three stocks worth looking at. 

      There are any number of books on the subject. Someone in another thread mentioned certified market technician. Be aware that it is a fairly rigorous course and passing the exam doesn’t guarantee trading results. 

      Then again no amount of book study does either. MBAs, economists and math PhDs often turn out to be lousy traders. 

      More than half of Reddit considers technical analysis as useful as astrology. YMMV

    2. Mission-Access6314 on

      This is purely my personal opinion:
      The problem with technical analysis is that it’s applied the wrong way most of the time, is ingrained with a lot of stuff that’s isoteric at best and usually “taught” by shady people trying to fraud others.

      It’s very difficult to filter out the useful stuff from the bullshit (and as indicated above, there is a lot of bullshit surrounding it), but if you manage to go through the (extremely) painful process to find what works for you (!), it’s actually very helpful, IMO.

      So long story short:
      Learn it (there are countless free resources available online), apply it in practice (even by paper trading for example) and throw most of it out of the window afterwards (and keep what’s valuable)!

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