Just seen the vid from HumpreyYT so what if we actually do it?
    Simpy put mass amounts into Starbucks points, and eventually do a surprise a mass withdrawal (on a set date) which would cause them to run out of actual money to run.

    Tldr great depression of Starbucks is a real threat!

    Lets bankrupt Starbucks
    byu/Chiefwilde3224 inwallstreetbets

    Posted by Chiefwilde3224


    1. Puzzled_Bath_984 on

      You don’t think they’d just stop withdrawls like a bank would? What benefit would someone have for doing this? If your goal is to profit off of short positions on starbucks, you are now participating in illegal stock manipulation.

    2. Expired-Option on

      🥱 no

      SBUX will be above 110 by July 2025

      Fuck off and suck off anyone you can for cash you poor bitch

    3. SpaceCatVII on

      Market manipulation only works if you don’t tell anyone ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)

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