Buffett’s selling stocks like Apple as he sees trouble ahead. Berkshire raises its cash pile to a record $189 billion – Business Insider


    Posted by batyrshah


    1. Loss_Leaders_LLC on

      I dont think anyone is surprised that Apple is headed into troubled waters, given their legal bindings, floundering iphone, and weak outlook wrt china

    2. Except he’s also actively trying to find new investments for his cash. He’s not on the sidelines.

    3. Bull sells for profit, bears get confused because that has never happened to them and revert to “trouble ahead”mindset.

    4. PharmDinvestor on

      He sold TSMC at $70 because of china risk . TSMC has doubled since he sold and the same china risk remains . During that time , he continued to hold paramount and later had to dump for significant losses.

    5. Soft-Contract1024 on

      He’s also 99 years old or something… who cares what he does… imagine if you focused on you… if you have been doing that maybe we’d be posting about how you sold billions worth of shares etc etc this is what’s wrong with America…. We suck on the toes of Griffith and Buffet when you cud be sucking on your own toes….

    6. Riversntallbuildings on

      It’s more likely that he’s happy to take the guaranteed 5% interest rate.

      5% of a billion is 50 million. Times 189, is another 9.4 Billion a year.

      There aren’t too many businesses that can generate $9.4 Billion annually.

    7. No he doesn’t see trouble waters. He trimmed his apple because it became 19% of his portfolio, it’s still his largest holding.

      Headlines like this is exactly why you regards keep buying calls at the top and puts at the bottom.

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