I was driving down a busy road and the car infront of me was slowing down quickly so I braked, after the car infront of me started moving the car behind me hit me before I could even start driving again.

    When the guy got out he just kept asking me why I braked. I just told him we will let the insurance handle it.

    I tried to file a claim with his insurance on their website (it’s not a big name company, it took me forever to even find any info on his insurance company and how to contact them).

    I found out he filed a claim against me through my insurance. I’m concerned he is trying to lie about what happened. Should I be concerned?

    Edit: I am also wondering if anyone else has had a similar situation?

    CA – The driver who rear ended me filed a claim against me.
    byu/SouffleGirlOnFire08 inInsurance

    Posted by SouffleGirlOnFire08

    1 Comment

    1. Contact your own insurance and let them handle it. That’s what you’re paying them for. And get a dashcam, they are very inexpensive now.

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