Alright degenerates of WSB, your boy here is staring down a measly $2k Etoro account and a serious case of the FOMO. Forget retirement and boring responsible investing, this week I want to go full ape mode (leveraged to the tits, obviously) to tendie town or bust.

    Basically, it's challenge time: Hit me with your wildest, highest risk/reward swing trade ideas for the next week. Let's see if we can turn this Etoro account into a tendie factory (or a smoldering pile of regret, but at least it'll be a fun ride)

    That's the WSB spirit, right? So fire away apes!

    WSB Ape Needs TENDIES: YOLOing My Etoro Account This Week
    byu/Samione12 inwallstreetbets

    Posted by Samione12


    1. Howcomeudothat on

      $DE strangle for earnings this week. 🙂 thank me later. Not FA.

    2. Pharmacologist72 on

      Under Armor. Insane amount of puts. Any positive news on earnings on Thu and this stonk moons.

    3. Wait until Friday, then put it on nvda calls or puts $50 otm. If you get the direction right and it moves 5% you’ll make like 150k.

    4. Prudent_Caregiver_98 on

      Tuesday at close buy $4 OTM SPY calls. Wait for the Fed talk Wednesday to either get fucked or go nuts

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