In b4 someone says it's only 27k: I had 850 contracts and I will post proof of that in comments. I just scaled out from .34 to .36 and I can't post multiple pics here for some reason.

    Posted by Asleep_Bet


    1. Loud_Pineapple_4294 on

      Nice , now show how many times you’ve lost it all on 2DTE![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)

    2. congrats for the nice play. at what point did you get out? i saw the price drop to 75.8 mid-day yesterday. that must not have been easy to sit through.

    3. I almost did this. The premium seemed way too cheap on a risk adjusted basis. Well done!

    4. The_Milkman on

      Starbucks is throwing out deals like crazy — BOGO, half off, 2x stars, whatever else. They are desperate to get people in the door and are solely focused on increasing numbers. I am going to continue tracking it after their latest earnings failure as there is a lot of value there.

    5. Sensitive_Comfort166 on

      I bought those fuckers but at like $.60 a week ago. Probably sold them to you for a 70% loss.

    6. did you look at the IV/greeks/open interest when making this trade? Just tryna get an idea of where your head was at….


      its also acceptable to just be like “I gambled” ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

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