Hedge Fund Billionaire Jim Simons’ Final Interview: $31.4 Billion, 30% Annual Returns & The Secrets to His Empire


    Posted by Similar_Diver9558


    1. --howcansheslap-- on

      He was a professor at my university and made huge amount of donations that is turning the university into an elite level.

    2. Duchamp1945 on

      Does it talk about their massive tax penalties or connections to russian mob?

    3. itsnotshade on

      People in here really think Jim Simons was the same as the other dime a dozen hedge fund lords.

      He practically invented quantitive trading. Former mathematician who gathered a bunch of brainiacs with no background in finance who ended up getting fatter returns than everyone else. It wasn’t until Wall Street figured out they also needed to lure engineers, scientists, etc. and get their own trading platforms up to speed before they could compete.

      He also has dumped a huge amount of money back into research grants and scholarships, which is far more admirable than hoarding paintings or samurai armor like some other rich people.

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