Some background about me.

    25 y/o UK
    Instrumentation & control technician
    Earn anywhere between £5,000 to £13,000 per month depending upon the contracts I get, so, I'm not exactly poor nor am I rich. But it takes up my time and severely restricts location freedom as I have to move to the jobs whether it be in a different part of the country or out on an oil rig. Girlfriend of 3 years, nice house, nice car blablablabla..

    Bit unrelated but since I've always been on self improvement I wake up at 5am and go to the gym and sauna/cold plunge religiously. Sucking my own dick I know but I'm in great shape and feel like my mind is sharp and I'm always motivated. I feel.. READY to make something of myself.

    Now I've watched self improvement for YEARS, I'm talking since I was 15. I've binged it all. You can't name a channel on YouTube in the business/entrepreneur/self improvement niche I haven't watched. Outside of work that's my mental masturbation life. In the car, in bed, at my computer, even at work.

    But even after all this research, even after being able to talk for 8 hours straight about every niche mentioned and after feeling and looking good..

    I don't know what to do.

    I've tried stuff of course, dropshipping, SMMA, day trading, but I don't know how to put it.. nothing has stuck?

    I wouldn't say I've gave those business models my absolute all in terms of effort, maybe I'd be much better off if I did continue those stores I made years ago.

    But can anyone help me diagnose this feeling of being lost? Maybe it's because I've watched too many different content on all the vehicles to success? Maybe something shouldn't have to 'stick' and I should shut up and pick one and give it my all?

    I'm just an absolute mega wantrepreneur and other than 'take action', does anyone have any wisdom for me?

    I'm basically just procrastinating and being a wantrepreneur by seeking out advice here I know.. But I just don't know which path to take or what to do right now.

    Lost is my best description of the feeling.

    Thanks for listening <3

    Anyone else clueless on what to actually do? Lost?
    byu/4to20milliamps inEntrepreneur

    Posted by 4to20milliamps


    1. You’re doing well financially but I think this is the journey of it. I think it takes a lot of mental strength to stick with entrepreneurship because you’re constantly making bets between theories + results and there’s volatility in every move.

      “Will this marketing work” “Can I compete in this market” etc. etc.

      I’ve watched a ton of the business guru youtube content too and I think it has a great value for people to get them motivated, in the right mindset, getting people interested in business, some tactical tips, etc. but that struggle (for me) has been finding the balance between “research” and “development.” More than just indiscriminately consuming “business knowledge,” I’m trying to improve my Business IQ to make better decisions etc.

    2. List down your ideas before launching and after launching document the results, why you think it didn’t work, etc then move on to the next idea on the list OR try something different with the current one. You’d be surprised how big of a difference writing stuff down can help.

    3. Dry-Acanthopterygii7 on

      £5,000 to £13,000 is between $10,000 and $25,000 per month – and you’re not satisfied?

      Something isn’t adding up for me.

    4. The thing with binging self help that one can get is what I call “internet confusion”. Everyone has something to sell (so do I) and so lots of people will warn you to not do things (that actually work for some people) because the only thing that they is what can help you (allegedly). One of the things around the YouTube instagram scene I feel to be true is that being bold (the loddest) can be very helpful to build a audience yet it only brings a limited tape of creator to your attention (as the platform will serve up more of the same after you clicked the first vid).

      what I really like is coaching. Actual coaching. Not teaching, not consulting, not mentoring. Coaching is about helping you figure out the right way for yourself Without telling you what it is because you know better than anyone else since you spend by far the most time with yourself and your job/bussines. If you want to try a session for free check on your dms. I sell by experience, not by script. Let’s see if it is something that makes sense for you with me or someone else.

      I am certain you can navigate this if you let go of internet confusion. It will get so much easier taking action when you turn the noise down.

    5. Phronesis2000 on

      Nothing you have watched is intended primarily as genuine business or life advice. Any advice that is offered is optimised based on what people search for and a monetisation strategy.

      Yes, even information about fitness and cold plunges. Of course that doesn’t mean the information is bad or incorrect, it just means that the people giving it aren’t actually interested in your success.

      By following that, you have been going after the most saturated business niches with the lowest barriers to entry. Dropshipping, SMMA, day trading are some of the hardest things to do as, in principal, anyone anywhere can do them. There’s no moat.

      Of course you don’t hear about the fact that 99.999 percent of people fail at those things as they are all back at their 9-5 instead of talking on youtube.

      Anyway, you are highly skilled and motivated. It seems obvious to me that you should be finding a business opportunity based on your technical skills. It has an awesome moat and will be infinitely less competitive.

    6. Hey mate, this resonates with me, the part of mental masturbation and all of that content in particular. One thing that helped me a lot is to turn off all that shit for a week or two, and just try to hear your own voice. You already know everything you need but all that shit from YouTube gurus, books and social media won’t help you to find your own way.

      Turn it off and try to hear yourself, maybe journal your thoughts to make it slower, and try to look at that thoughts that you kept, because one thing that I’ve noticed – we are keeping that ideas from that gurus but that’s not our ideas and we can’t stick with them. Only our ideas would work.

      Good luck)

    7. Straight_Chicken_963 on

      Well lets say you have a ‘good problem.’ Finacially you doing well so maybe no pressure to pick and stick to something like some of us. My best advice is that you stick to your industry and look for pain points to solve. How about recruitment in oil and gas? If you’ve got expertise maybe you could be talent hunter for other oil & gas companies. How about transportation? on and off the rigs? look around you…and find what you love about the job the most…you can start from there. Good luck.

    8. highly__favoured on

      You spent all your time wanking you forgot how to fuck. Entrepreneurs take action at the end of the day.

    9. You identified the problem in your OP. You are niche hopping, expecting instant results.

      Every niche is profitable, some harder than others, and your skills will also determine that. Stick with a choice and keep trying everything until you are certain you dont have what it takes in that specific niche.

      Based on what you said, sounds like you need to brush up on your sales/marketing skills.

    10. CharlesA113 on

      Find something that sticks, for me it was trading, for you it may be something different. once you find that it works, find ways to leverage. it may take time, we arent getting younger, i am similar to you in age, feels like we’re in our mid 30s right? slow down mentally, let it come to you naturally then make it happen. All the best

    11. ProfessionalPie1287 on

      You need to try to meet people who are at the level of wealth you want to achieve or even higher, I managed to get a few real life meetings with owners who run businesses with up to 60mil euro revenue because I was persistent with emails and calls, advice from online gurus can help but when you meet someone who has actually made something tangible and big you could completely change your life in a good way

    12. PlasticPalm on

      Clearly you’ve got marketable technical skills and the ability to set a goal and work to achieve it.

      I think one question you can consider now is how you can expand what you’re doing with your technical skills. I mean, every dude with an iphone can call himself a coach or an entrepteneur. But you can do something real. 

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