Saw a post regarding how the GME activity was a once in a lifetime thing, and now the volatility is priced in and there is no way that’s gonna happen ever.

    They said that 4 years ago. Then it happened. It’s about time we do it again. 80% increase in 2 weeks? I’m going in.

    “Hold the line”

    GME. It’s time.
    byu/Profitzzzz inoptions

    Posted by Profitzzzz


    1. Option_Closeout on

      Market takes a staircase to the way up but an elevator on the way down.

      Less than 5% of the speculators shall corner >70% of the gains.

      This is a classic example of a wealth extraction mechanism in play.

    2. analbumcover on

      Good shit to anyone able to get in and out with gains. I’m hoping the apes can recoup some losses. How high will it go? How long will it last? Who knows, but huge pumps often lead to huge dumps. Don’t get caught holding bags. Don’t be the next generation of bag holders. Take profits. Once this volume is gone, you may be stuck. I’m wary to believe that retail can move the stock this much, I imagine other institutional money or hedge funds also piled on to ride.

    3. Terrible_Champion298 on

      Oh please. I didn’t join an army. I bought the stock. It’s a fun game. But while I was gloating over that increase, I managed to miss what was going on with SAVE and had to roll out to June to keep the position safe until I’m not upside down there anymore. So … pay attention, this is a business.

      Made good money today, traders are pumped. F*** VIX!!!

    4. yon_don_bon on

      The circumstances this time around are completely different. 2021 was a perfect storm of various forces, namely:

      * Short interest was >100%
      * Ryan Cohen, who had been successful in the online retail space, took over the board and promised to deliver on an online retail strategy for GameStop
      * Michael Burry, legendary “Big Short” trader, took a stake in GME
      * We were in the height of Covid, when people had tons of cash and were just chilling at home where they could follow the news and easily start buying in

      There was actually a fundamental basis for what happened in 2021. On the other hand, today’s spike in price is all predicated on.. a cryptic tweet from DFV/Roaring Kitty of a dude with a gaming controller leaning forward in a chair. Short interest is high but not anywhere near 100%. Ryan Cohen hasn’t delivered. Nobody notable is invested. Covid is over and retail investors are out and about with much less savings to YOLO

      The original short squeeze was what got me into stocks and the gains completely changed the trajectory of my life, so I truly hope it works out for everyone who decides to get involved now. But I’m going to personally stay out of this unless something fundamentally changes

    5. I guess Keith decided he needs a bigger house; I’m sure he’ll appreciate your contribution.

    6. IV this morning was over 600%.. no fucking way am I touching options on this

    7. Big-Sheepherder-5063 on

      Funny to see this stock pumping again. Those that got in at the top a few years ago are trying to jump on the train again thinking they can average down and catch the rocket up. But in reality, they are buying the top again. I feel bad for those that do.

    8. PureDevelopment347 on

      Does nobody here think it’s odd that this stock is up 3x from lows like 6 weeks ago on no news? That doesn’t scream something else is going on here?

    9. eziest dub on the planet bought 30 strikes expiring this friday netted 200 percent on the trims

    10. soareyousaying on

      Nah. It won’t be like 2021. 2021 was just out of pandemic. The Fed was printing. “hedgies r fuk”. It was a financial/social movement that time. This will be short-lived.

    11. onepingonlypleashe on

      It’s not time.

      This is pure dumb money hype and would not be happening if the market wasn’t close to ATH again. The original GME case had at least 5 major, real, underlying market catalysts. This has none.

    12. Solid_Exchange9302 on

      Well, why are ya’ll are getting halted….we could use some love on #DJT. 💯😘

    13. ApopheniaPays on

      Is he fucking kidding, he does this the morning Tda switches me and a million other people to Schwab and deletes all my standing orders?

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