Hello, I had a quick question that I wanted to ask regarding a small accident that I was recently in where an Ohio driver hit my car in Michigan. The Ohio driver was 100% at fault according to their insurance. I know Ohio is an at-fault state but Michigan is a no-fault state so I’m not sure which insurance I file a claim through.

    In this scenario do I have to file a claim with my own insurance since the accident occurred in Michigan or can I get the repairs done by the person at fault’s insurance since they are from Ohio and Ohio is an at-fault state?

    There doesn’t seem to be too much information available online for situations like this so I thought I’d ask you great people!

    Whose insurance do I file through?
    byu/Icy-Locksmith-6100 inInsurance

    Posted by Icy-Locksmith-6100


    1. If it happened in Michigan, Michigan rules apply. If it happened across the bridge in Ontario, Ontario rules would apply.

    2. adjusterjack on

      Your ability to be compensated for damage or injury is controlled by the laws of the state in which the accident occurred. It happened in Michigan. Michigan no fault laws apply.

      You file the claim on your own policy.

      If you study your policy you will find a section that says something like if an accident occurs in another state your policy will conform to the laws of that state. This is common to auto policies and your Ohio driver’s policy will conform to the laws of your state which means he is not liable for an accident he causes in Michigan.

      I suggest you get an estimate before you file a claim with your insurance. Rates are so volatile that having a small claim on your insurance is not good.

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