25k Send. Sometimes you ride the rocket and sometimes the rocket rides you


    Posted by SquirrelyQ123


    1. outoftownMD on

      sometimes rocket explodes on take off. Other times, launch called off because employee of the year unavailable to hear whistle.

    2. Busy-Invite-9144 on

      I don’t care what antybody says.

      GameStop is good for the community.

    3. I think the more interesting fact is that AT&T has zero bars on your phone 🤣🤣

    4. With these cryptic dfv tweets you’d have to be a psychopath not to buy

    5. Mjbishop327 on


      not only did you manage to buy the top, you also bragged about it

      is impressive the right word?

    6. I don’t understand why you didn’t do this 3 days ago at all time lows. Shits been shorted to oblivion for years and a rally causes you to dump 25k at the high. WSB at its finest

    7. SufficientDaikon3503 on

      I thought citadel would crush it instantly honestly but somehow folks are full sending it

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