My, Have Times Changed – Apple Concedes to Daddy Satya

    Posted by Xtianus21


    1. IMO Apple extracting value, not conceding. Typical iPhone user probably cares about the OpenAI/ChatGPT brand more than the functional difference between LLMs.

    2. CaptainRhetorica on

      Revenge for Microsoft buying Bungie and scuttling Halo for the Mac.

    3. if you can’t beat em, join em

      Also, so much money would be spent re-doing that, and probably wouldn’t be as good. They make awesome hardware, and the software is decent. But, this is what put OpenAI on the map. Just take it and move on!

    4. Lmaoooooooooooo0o on

      Should’ve bought the mini dip. I was out on earnings, getting lucky with selling on the literal peak. But I could not get burned again if Apple were to drop to 160s range again.

    5. future_luddite on

      What in the Microsoft Paint is that graphic? She should have had Dalle make something instead.

    6. bushwickhero on

      Eh. I think they’ll have their own Siri on-device with the option of going out to another AI through the network for things Siri isn’t sure about or is too “risky” for them to process on their own. Like if the confidence in an answer isn’t high enough they’ll offload the risk of a bad answer to their partners.

    7. green_griffon on

      I recall way back in the pre-iPhone (and maybe pre-iMac) days, Microsoft invested something like $150M in Apple just to keep it afloat so as not to lose the Mac for Office sales…

    8. averagenoodle on

      I think this is less Apple conceding and more a sign of MSFT bowing out of pocket personal devices category for good. Hence the price action.

    9. Last-Product6425 on

      Didn’t MSFT concede to AAPL with ya know, Zune v iPod, Windows Phone + Nokia Purchas vs iPhone, or ya know, anything else consumer related?

    10. Ok-Deer8144 on

      They have this weird relationship where ever since they killed the Microsoft phone, they’re not really in competition with each other anymore. So this should be a win for both parties.

    11. 13Fuzehybrid on

      This is nothing more than a publicity stunt, how is it going to get any better when it’s programmed to follow the same actions for the same voice commands?
      Until voice commands can do something like add a certain song to a certain Spotify playlist it’s no better than it was before

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