
    Posted by quontell


    1. Gonna hold these hard till exercise. I see it likely AMC pushes past $10 πŸ«‘πŸš€πŸš€

    2. Dude great job I thought about buying options. But I ended up buying shares. Might buy on the dip. LFG.

    3. Awesomebomb95 on

      At least take out your initial cost to get in the trade, let the rest ride

    4. PiccolosPickles on

      I bought at 17 and sold at 20 and thought I was smart. Wtf am I doing with my life

    5. Please, for the love of god at least sell enough to cover your principal and at least some profit, and don’t wait until Thursdays dump to sell the rest. You can always renter on the dip. Sending prosperous vibes your way brother πŸ™.

    6. StiffNippys on

      How do you do that? How much actual cash did you risk? Or is this all on margin? If you do Margin, do you pay back the cash you borrowed via the profits?

    7. FutureAttention on

      Fuck all you paper handed bitches for telling him to sell. FUCK OFF. If he wants to be regarded. Let him be regarded.

    8. Congratulation on this play. Spending $28,000 on the highest strike call option expiring this week and still HOLDING!!

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