Could’ve held out a lot longer, but up is up 😮‍💨

    Posted by Future_Bet_0225


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      **Total Submissions** | 1 | **First Seen In WSB** | 3 weeks ago
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    2. Nice job with the calls but I expect your puts are going to zero. Too early and too short

    3. Jorel_Antonius on

      Was it really just a tweet that was behind all this? At least in 2021 it was had been talked about short interest, the idea they were gonna move to a digital sales, and Ryan Cohen took the CEO job. It seems like there were spurts of good news before it finally exploded. Today DFV tweets and this thing goes bonkers!?

    4. Mediocre_Hippo4340 on

      Does anyone know of any apps I can buy contracts on as an Australian.

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