Meme stock suddenly made an instant come back and the hype is back.. but let’s take a look at history.. I know past performance blah blah.

    Didn’t the market crash in 22 after the meme craze?

    I’m expecting the same for end of 24 into 25 and here’s why based on FEELINGs.

    -Market is possibly in the worst position possible with stagflation headed to a heavy and dark recession.

    -Housing is about to hit a crisis for cost to enter the market with the sustained and increasing interest rates.

    -Cost of living is out of control and I think it’s getting close to a breaking point for consumers.

    Nothing is affordable anymore end of story.

    Meme stock will be shorter lived and we will see a market crash soon after.

    Tryst me in regarded. If I have the balls I’m selling everything out of my brokerage this week.

    History repeating itself?
    byu/Final-Ad-151 inwallstreetbets

    Posted by Final-Ad-151


    1. slam-dunk-1 on

      So this is the heavy and dark recession finally? Coz you daisies have been calling for a recession during nothing but golden years for damn near a decade

    2. PiccolosPickles on

      So meme stock happened at a time when we were getting stimmies from the government because of covid and the economy being bad or something.

      You’re saying now the economy is bad and we don’t get stimmies to gamble? That’s not fair

    3. Waste_Investigator_1 on

      I’ve emptied my 401k and portfolio for the most part to buy a house. It would definitely make feel better if it all crashes so I don’t feel like I missed out on too much

    4. No_Cow_8702 on

      1. 2022 was a correction due to the fact that the Fed started the hiking cycle.

      2. January 2021 and into March/April was the meme stock cycle.

    5. Lurking_In_A_Cape on

      Maybe cut risky positions but core positions don’t care about the price today or tomorrow. Gamble every day if you want but you should always be injecting some of that earned capital into a core position so no matter what you can actually retire some day.

    6. Icy_Raisin6471 on

      Poors only matter when they can’t get any more credit to buy stuff, then their economic situation matters. As long as the Fed’s willingness to intervene keeps credit spreads reasonable, there is no reason to suspect a crash. Also, stock prices certainly can keep going up for the big boys even with a bad economy if it’s all to help match inflation / the dollar’s decrease in overall buying power.

    7. Lol what u gonna put money in u gonna hold cash so ur money can be worthless because of inflation?? U have no choice putting money in stovk market means u own businesses means only thing that worth something. Unless u have assets and commodities

    8. greenday10Dsurfer on

      one word bud…. ELECTIONS!

      no crash, or crazy shit until maybe after….

      until then – “Power to the Players!”

    9. Blah blah blah just buy now and worry later. It’s the next generation’s problem

    10. TroubledDoggo on

      Is this finally when we can all become millionaires ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)

    11. That 7% correction was your “crash”

      Earnings have been good, JPOW sees NO STAG and NO FLATION, and it’s an election year

      ATH this week

    12. frankreddit5 on

      “History doesn’t always repeat, but it often rhymes”

      I think they all run 3x higher than last time. Then black swan. Then blame retail.

    13. >I’m expecting the same for end of 24 into 25

      >I’m selling everything out of my brokerage this week

      MF it’s May lol ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)

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