I have been averaging down my gme with CC since 2021 to try breakeven, and got my average down to $24.

    I sold $25 calls expiring in June (grr)

    I know I messed up, but What can I do to try capture some of this upward movement.

    Is it possible to roll out to July and increase strike price for a credit? Or do I just have to accept the L?

    Need advice
    byu/About_to_kms inoptions

    Posted by About_to_kms

    1 Comment

    1. You have spent 3 years selling covered calls to finally have the price literally jump above your cost basis, and you immediately start thinking about rolling out for a credit once the opportunity to close the position arrives? You didn’t mess up by selling a June expiration nor is this “an L”, this is a golden opportunity. If anything find the nearest dated strike that’s still ITM to be rolled forward for a breakeven on your current position before GME collapses back down and FFS close the trade man…

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