Woke up to take a piss and saw it was up 50%. Sold instantly and quit my job to chill for a bit. Missed out on close to a 2x but it is what it is. Not bad for 6 hours. See previous post for proof but entry price was $40 at 1 am CST and closing price was $58 at 7 am CST. Watched it fall from $67 as my brain was still computing what it is was seeing but profit is profit.


    Posted by Clubpoke101


    1. Bro do I just sell my stock? I don’t have much and it says I’ll make $400 bucks. I honestly don’t know about asking price and shit 😭

    2. In a longer vision, that should be chump change and not big enough to take an off but you do you!

    3. NobleSteveDave on

      Never give a fuck about what you leave on the table imo. That’s a quick way to start losing hard.

    4. Good for you man !! I’d look for a part time job if i where you though, that’s not enough to live off for very long!

    5. chmpgnsupernover on

      You may be kicking yourself for not holding just a little longer but I’ll just say congrats enjoy the win, don’t lose it all in one place

    6. Serious question for the diamond hands crowd…
      How do you know when the shorts are covered? I admit I’m a noob, but with the huge volumes coming through couldn’t they be covered in only a day or two?

    7. The only smart thing this person has done in their entire life was sell. Every other action was the most moronic thing ever, including the buy.

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