I was in a car accident in February 2024. I was found at fault for the accident and my car was totaled. In addition I went to the hospital that night to treat any potential injuries from head on collision. I remember speaking to the injury claims agent and he said $25k for heath insurance costs and $27k for the car.

    As of May 2024, I have not filed an injury claim. Surprisingly through various heath programs, I have a bill of $0 from the hospital. Is it worth filing an injury claim with GEICO and get the money even though I don’t have a hospital bill and I also don’t have heath insurance since I am between jobs.


    Should I file injury claim?
    byu/kempjosh inInsurance

    Posted by kempjosh

    1 Comment

    1. Your health insurance will want to recover what they paid out from your auto insurance company.

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