1. I will sell at $1 for sure and buy back. I have a wedding to pay for boys. Help me xxx

    2. Special-Channel7705 on

      Who knows honestly? I don’t have crazy amounts like some people do, but I add bit by bit when I can. I’ll find out when the day shows up though!(=

    3. When you question other’s investment decisions


    4. Why would someone sell at $1? Did they not learn the lesson from the BTC holders selling at $1?

    5. I’m not holding until I can sell for USD. I’m holding until I can pay off my house with Dogecoin.

    6. Oldmanwinters_ on

      If we hit $1 I think the fomo will push us further but then back to .07😂

    7. aaaaayyyyyyye diamond hands !

      hodling till me shivers be timbered !

      arrrrrrgh ! ☠️

    8. OpeningBackground199 on

      There are many psychological levels we have to pass first, like .15 and .25 and .40 everything with retraces. by it reaches $1 and if so I will want to have 1 million of them so no worry =)

    9. God-Emperor-Pepe on

      At this point, yeah. I’ll sell my initial investment. Then ride it out.

    10. Long_Obligation1448 on

      By $1, the recency bias in this sub will be so strong that nobody will sell… except for me.

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