Each month I host a get together for traders, completely free, no email sign ups, no pitches. This is an opportunity to meet others in our space, dive into more advanced topics for seasoned traders and explore basic topics that might be challenging to newer traders. The google form at the bottom is used to collect topics and helps me prepare things ahead of time for deeper answers (for example, a recent question was regarding comparing a 50 and 200 day moving average so rather than a nebulous answer, I was able to query my dataset and provide a empirical picture). I do not have all the answers but do my best to answer what I can.

    Of note, this isn't the correct place for "what's an option" level. Please at least read through this intro from Investopedia if you're brand new: https://www.investopedia.com/options-basics-tutorial-4583012


    Who am I and Why do I do this?

    My name is Erik, I've been trading since 2007 and became a professional retail trader since 2017. I grew up poor and was introduced to investing in high school by a teacher, got into options trading and that ultimately changed my life. I enjoy gathering people but more importantly feel like I owe it to that teacher to share with others what he did for me. You can learn more about me here if interested regarding my performance (cliff notes, 26% CAGR from 2007 to 2023 so I'm proficient but by no means at the top of the pack: https://www.businessinsider.com/stock-market-investor-financial-independence-strategies-options-trading-how-to-2023-9 )

    Monthly Trader Meet Up 17May at 5pm PT
    byu/esInvests inoptions

    Posted by esInvests

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