Here’s some all-time loss porn. Clawing my way back. I love the stock.

    Posted by Deeaygoh


    1. OkayThenBet on

      Awesome! Keep doubling down, especially now! $1m a share is not a meme, right?

    2. Pikachu17D4U on

      It should pop to low $200s over next 72hrs but it won’t stay there. I plan to sell at $170s.

    3. “Listened to WSB” there was first problem. No one here knows how to make money

    4. do the opposite of WSB to make money or go to legit financial sources. this place is meme city.

    5. DependentMinute7977 on

      Once your account hits $0 it’s recession proof ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    6. slvneutrino on

      You’d be rich if you just did the literal opposite of everything you did ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)

    7. killerbrofu on

      This is a beautiful chart of meme history. It looks like you don’t know when to sell.. you should work on that.

    8. outoftownMD on

      I also hate that my best trades have been DJT and AMC. I want to thank WSB for supporting insight though!

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