1. AbbreviationsNo6897 on

      All that bullish price action just for it to be erased in 15 seconds in AH..

    2. How is AMC still above $5, are people this stupid they love giving their money away so easily to Adam Aron’ swindling schemes???

    3. tropicalia84 on

      Just a reminder you get rich chasing, fomoing, and yoloing calls with no thesis as stocks go parabolic 51 weeks out of the year.

      You go bankrupt trying to time a 3% correction that happens for 1 week out of the year.

    4. jpow_is_life on

      when I by puts, the stock goes up. when i buy calls, the stock goes down, when I inverse my trades, the stock does the inverse

    5. Itchy_Brain6340 on

      Just hit $700k networth today across my brokerage and retirement accounts at 31 yo. How am I doing poors? 

    6. CSCO looking good after earnings. Maybe only up 8% but the IV didn’t seem that bad.

    7. WocketWaccoon on

      Tom “fat cuck” Lee was right. Ber r fuk ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)

    8. BitcoinRefuge on

      GameStock bulls more dead than that lady Caitlyn Jenner rammed with a car

    9. Prudent_Caregiver_98 on

      Bought some QQQ 5/24 $449c on the run up today to play earnings on NVDA. Might sell tomorrow and buy back in on Friday at close.

    10. I legitimately do think the X tweets are DFV. I also think, he will stop posting memes, once the MOASS is finished.

      This is a gambling sub, and I’m here to do some gambling.

      If you wanna play 401K, Walmart’s hiring.

      *Edit-Actually, Walmart is laying worker’s off. Sorry about that

    11. BiznessCasual on

      DFV is probably just trying to hype people up because he’s gonna start streaming again.

    12. AbbreviationsNo6897 on

      How the fuck is this even possible to dump it so easily in AH? Its just fucking effortless

    13. LoudHousing3 on

      Don’t guys ever wonder who is on the other side reading your comments

    14. PomegranateCandid504 on

      I’m gonna say it!!!

      WSB is currently very Bearish on meme stocks, and HYPERbullish on the overall market.

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