

    Posted by Mrgrandaddy


    1. Oh gosh, I hope this isnโ€™t life changing money for you, you will be very upset if DFV doesnโ€™t post a position update. Thatโ€™s the only thing that will save your calls.

    2. spritewithcyanide on

      Wait you turned $20k into over $600k and didnโ€™t sell?!? Jesus christ man, I hope it goes back up..

    3. Far-Requirement9180 on

      Billionaire playing with casino money? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31224)

    4. NeuralShrapnel on

      greed is gunna get apes again. for every ape that can unload the 3 years of huge losses we are going to get people jumping in now buying calls and getting wrecked.

      apes i beg you, for once you got lucky here well done!……TAKE THE FUCKING W. take your break even, or maybe even a nice profit and cut bait.waiting for 10000% moon money is stupid as hell. im telling you its going to crash as the hype part is now going to have the fear part of this huge jump in price. anyone with options know that if that twitter is found out to have been sold, or hacked you will get gang banged hard no lube and a twinkee packet ass condom. he has double hiv

      i guess im just a FUD boi. but seriously anyone here can see the is a classic hype movement, where it pumps then as even more buy in as they see others buying in. it pumps and pumps until people calm down, that a fucking twitter posting shitty meme wont change game-stops struggling brick and mortar retailer. amc AA waited about 5 mins before milking this pump as he knew it would shit the bed soon

      TAKE THE W

    5. doublechinchillin on

      Damn bro sitting on a 14 bagger and didnโ€™t even cash out a few contracts?

    6. Comprehensive-Mail96 on

      Sell bro God listen to me PLEASE SELL WTF ARE YOU DOINGโ€ฆ Sell if you like money please

    7. KingKnowlian on

      sell bitch. if you want to diamond hand something, do that with shares. or deez nutz

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