I was rear ended on a highway while turning left, police report says this, I wasn't found at any fault. It said the other driver was inattentive. When I got the police report, I saw that the person who hit me is under "federal insurance company" which is… incredibly vague. The station didn't have any further information at the time.
    To make this worse, when I contacted my insurance, they said they couldn't find any insurance company under the mans license plate. I don't want to forfeit a ton of the payout money on a lawyer, but I'm sort of at a loss for what to do.

    My truck was insured, the trailer was not. My insurance company refused to even check on the trucks alignment after it got its rear end lifted by 4 feet by the flipped trailer. The trailer is… probably totaled, worth around 25k. It was my place of living, so I'd rather get this sorted relatively soon.

    TL;DR I can't find the company I need to make a claim on, all I have is the generic name and a policy number.

    My travel trailer was rear ended and flipped, insurance won’t help.
    byu/Alingruad inInsurance

    Posted by Alingruad


    1. Part of adding insurance for your trailer is so that if you’re hit by someone who doesn’t have/work with their insurance, you don’t have to sue them

      What we typically recommend at this point is asking your insurance to run a carrier discovery report (as a favor since your trailer is uninsured) but it seems like it came up empty. They may be uninsured/swapped plates/fake policy number/etc

      You *shouldnt* have issues with the truck if you have collision coverage

      Suing may be your only option at this point

    2. It should have the other drivers information on the police report, I would reach out to them to see how you can file a claim and who the carrier is.

    3. PulpFriction21 on

      Federal insurance company is a writing company of Chubb,

      Chubb is a High net worth insurer, so odds are they’re fairly well insured.

      Try calling Chubb.

    4. BlondieeAggiee on

      When I called my provider about coverage for my travel trailer, they said the coverage from the truck extended to the trailer when it is being towed. I wonder if this varies by state?

      I added it as a miscellaneous vehicle under my policy anyway.

    5. LeadershipLevel6900 on

      The insurance company might be Federated Insurance and it was just a misspelling on the police report. Maybe try them.

    6. Your insurance company can run a “carrier discovery” on the adverse party’s license plate and see who the current insurance carrier is.

    7. ginandtonicthanks on

      Does the police report have the bad driver’s name and phone number? Also the registered owner’s name and phone number? Call them and ask? If they don’t respond report the damage as uncompensated to your state’s department of licensing? If all else fails file a lawsuit against the at fault driver, if he has insurance that should get him to cooperate really quickly.

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