Firstly I think mods I Deserve a flair for my consistent & Immaculate gains. What’s gotten me here has been pure luck I have 0 clue as to how tf I’ve been so consistent I look for value and scalp SPY, currently have an absolute banger position I don’t want to share that I will share with mods if needed!

    Posted by Isenbro_


    1. now yolo 250k into a 4x trade and be a millionaire, or else you’re a pussy

    2. SavannahCalhounSq on

      And not a penny to the IRS. Please accept the congratulations from a grateful nation.

    3. Brendawg324 on

      Gambling in your Roth is a whole nother level of degeneracy ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)

    4. put 8k in VTI or VOO or some shit. keep “investing” the rest so even if you lose it then it’s like nothing ever happened.

    5. I really hate not even being able to control my retirement investments lmao (europoor).

    6. BravoWolf88 on

      SPOILER ALERT- His position involves one of the meme stocks from the recent RK run-up.

    7. superhighiqguy89 on

      The way you’ve profited without paying the government is making my wiener tingle

    8. This just in: Due to Robin Hood traders Roth IRA now taxable accounts. Back to you at the studio!

    9. PoopholeLicker on

      I was so close to this (2400% gain) then I blew it up within a week after getting depressed

    10. How can you gamble on your own retirement fund? That shit is unheard of in germany. How does it even work? do you get percentages? is it taxfree gains? I have so many questions…

    11. OriginalFluff on

      Might as well continue YOLO’ing since this money isn’t real for 40 years. Full send it.

    12. pressed4juice on

      If you can write me a guide on how to be regarded like this I would def appreciate it. 😂

    13. Good to know im not the only one who is using my ROTH for these shenanigans🤓💎

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