After getting into a fender bender due to a lady merging into my lane and not checking her blind spot, the adjuster is stating that I’m 20 percent liable due to her saying she put her blinker on and I said she didn’t. This wouldn’t even matter due to me being next to her and not even being able to tell if she did so or not. How should I approach the adjuster to fix this to 100 percent.

    Adjuster is saying I’m 20 percent liable
    byu/Bigbetscryptogod inInsurance

    Posted by Bigbetscryptogod


    1. MimosaQueen1122 on

      Unless she hit a parked and unoccupied vehicle or rear ended somebody majority of accidents have contributory negligence.

      Without video footage or witnesses statement, it’ll be your word versus hers. Where is the point of impact on both vehicles?

      You did mention it was a merging lane. Even if you were in her Blindspot, when you merge, you do a zipper. One car after the other. I feel 10% is fine.

    2. Does this adjuster work for your insurer or for the other driver’s? If it’s the other driver’s they believe their customer over you since you (apparently) can’t prove your version. If it’s your company’s adjuster, you need to ask why they don’t believe you.

    3. What is the difference of 20% vs 0%? Genuinely asking as I’ve just filed my first claim 2 days ago. What happens at 20 that wouldn’t at 0?

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