My dad is concerned about me driving his car as I live with him but am not on his policy. Will his rates go up if he puts me on his policy as I am a 52-year-old woman? Also if I get in a wreck while driving his car and I’m not on his policy with the insurance cover the damages.

    Car insurance and family members
    byu/tanyamp inInsurance

    Posted by tanyamp


    1. MimosaQueen1122 on

      Most companies you are supposed to have all household members listed on the policy. You yourself are driving his car and are not listed. So, no, you are not covered properly. This is essentially a form of fraud.

    2. His rate will likely increase when he adds you, but not having you listed is violating his insurance contract and leaving him vulnerable to a lawsuit as there would be no coverage if you had an accident.

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