I started with the meme stock DJT with initial deposit 4k. The stock pumped crazily and I gained 9k5 after the first option ever. After that, day trading SPY option was quite well. Until I was overwhelmed with a single trade and lost it all.

    I post here to remind me and whoever out there want to gain some from the market, have a hope and improve yourself. I’ll be back with another episode.


    Posted by CowBoizK


    1. I’ll never understand this you get over 80k and you gamble ALL of it away, like you don’t put any of it off to the side? what happened to the 20/80 rule when options trading?

    2. So broke you can’t even pay for the electricity to charge your phone![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    3. How could you get to 80 fucking K n not take some profits? You ppl make me sick 😂

    4. Particular-Line- on

      If you keep betting your entire account, the end result is always the same. You go broke. Take a nice portion of your unexpected gain next time and put it in a long position in an index fund, and then use the 20% remaining for spec trades you can afford to lose

    5. Relevant-Nebula8300 on

      At least you didn’t blow it on an ungrateful wife & then have her leave as soon as the money ran out

    6. BearBullCombo on

      Wait until you learn what a wash sale is, enjoy paying tax on that 80k

    7. I’ll explain the tragedy that happened here in Deal Or No Deal terms.

      Howie: The offer is $80,000. Do you accept this offer, or do you want to keep playing and open the final case?

      You: No Deal! Let’s keep playing!

      *Crowd Cheers*

      Howie: Courtney, what do you got??

      Courtney: *Opens Case* 🤭

    8. DependentAnywhere135 on

      Hey I’m starting a business for wsb. Send me your gains I’ll take a small % and then hold the rest for when you inevitably crash and burn then when you try to reach for your past gains to shit away I’ll refuse ti return it until you get out of the degenerate gambling mindset you’re in.

    9. Financial_Winter_497 on

      Down to $5k and 5% battery life, how you do small things is how you do everything.

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