Figure 2. Average market returns under Democrat vs Republican presidents. This figure plots average U.S. excess stock market returns under each of the 23 administrations between 1927 and 2015, from President Coolidge through President Obama. We plot log returns on the value-weighted market index in excess of log returns on the three-month Treasury bill. Presidents are assumed to be in office until the end of the month during which they leave office. The horizontal dotted line plots the unconditional mean return.-


    Posted by cursed_010


    1. HuskerHayDay on

      If you factor in for R^2, you’ll realize there’s no correlation between political parties and the S&P (sub 80 p-value). Learn something, Ned.

    2. smileyboy2016 on

      Doesn’t inflation generally cause market values to rise artificially? I’m personally more left but one of the reasons the market has done as well as it has lately is the ridiculous level of inflation

    3. Strange-Ad420 on

      Theres a old video of trump saying the market performs better under democratics

    4. optimaleverage on

      Investing in supportive infrastructure benefits the whole… Who could possibly have seen these facts coming?

    5. The market does better, GDP grows faster, unemployment is lower, and the deficit improves when you elect a Democratic president.

    6. Dem put money on the street and republicans are like banks only giving money to those that don’t need it

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