1. baeconundeggz on

      And that Dream… that Dream of doing what you want, when you want to…

      that Dream died for many today.

      Those old Covid memories that a little forgotten video game store could help one attain the apex of the human condition… Personal Liberty… was briefly resurrected…

      For only a moment however…

      A second in time…

      A blink of an eye…

      A passing scent of perfume.

      It’s over ShitSlugs… back to yer cubicle, crawlspace or filthy shop floor.

    2. ChickenVeggiesRice on

      Imagine having never boned a Latina while you’re in a dick pill after several drinks lmfao. Don’t even know what life is

    3. Not_A_Tater_Tot on

      I think I’m going to buy 🎮 shares when it’s down to $10 and just wait for the inevitable future P&D. We all know it’s going to happen again.

    4. tropicalia84 on

      Looks like SPY is already on it’s way to 530 after hours. Should see a nice gap up open Monday and close 1%+

    5. PandemicInvestor on

      #Here is how I went from 1k to 165k in a year:

      First, my story is simple. I was a corporate worker slaving away giving 90% expenses, 10% savings. Not ideal but still it is savings.

      Business analyst, 60k salary with annual raise of 3%. Due to economic conditions, it is hard to upgrade my line of work. However, my coworkers have been able to secure tech jobs.

      Moral of the story? Im poor and this was a dream I made up about having 165k.

    6. jackperitas on

      Magnificent last video from roaring ketamine shitty: ET leaving.

      If it’s his last vid, it’s genius!

      Droped his heavy bags and now he’s gone

    7. cummm_on_my_tongue on

      1/3 men have had a homosexual experience

      which means all of you are lying

    8. Then_Profession8020 on

      The kitty gave the bag holders a chance to unload, they didn’t, he sold everything after that announcement today, ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189) he isn’t coming back ever again,

    9. Individual_Error_428 on

      These online figures like Roaring Kuckty, Ryan cucken, or Assdam Aron r modern day Jim jones, leading regards into financial oblivion ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

      The primates don’t understand that nvda calls wouldve made them 100x more money

    10. EqualReplacement4967 on

      Pennies and meems died In flames right before a long weekend. Gonna give some yall lots to think about ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    11. winner_in_life on

      That cute Starbucks barista girl joked around with a homeless guy but had a bitch face when I made my order. Puts on SBX.

    12. ChickenVeggiesRice on

      I honestly think I can get any male
      Virgin here laid by a pretty Latina. Budget a grand depending on state you leave from and a week and you’ll be covered. Not even to me I don’t make commission I’ll just show you the way and meet you for a beer idc. It’s fun. Not even hoooer related I’m just talking average round trip flight then cheaper hotel or private Airbnb accommodation and of course your food and whatever for when you’re there

    13. jackperitas on

      Let’s wait $15 and we’ll resume the selling OTM calls for regarded apes

    14. Reddit_Roit on

      Y’all be shitting on stuff like FFIrE, but that $2 stock had more price movement today than SPY did today. It might be dangerous, not it’s not boring.

    15. Then_Profession8020 on

      Even with the cat selling and making capital of his fans, they still holding on to him holding shares, he sold all them shares to yolo into NVDA ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)

    16. DFV’s goodbye video made me shed a tear ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260) See you in 3 years bud

    17. Then_Profession8020 on

      Him posting gains back in 21 wasn’t “ innocent “ he knew exactly what he was doing, anyone can play the idk card, he came directly to wsb to post gains, why didn’t he post it on the stocks sub, exactly, he’s a dick him coming back was just him making another 100 million, to then sell and disappear again, a man that considers him a cat isn’t someone like Jensen ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)

    18. LagFrequency70 on

      Visualmod can I appeal my Banbet, it wasn’t me I swear, someone stole my phone knew my passcode went into Reddit and came in this forum to type in the Banbet, I somehow managed to get it back

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