Picking up the penny in front of the steamroller done successfully


    Posted by mskamelot


    1. dinner_is_not_ready on

      You bought puts and calls at same strike rate or what? No wait you sold calls?

    2. TwosFullofThrees on

      Some folks in here do not have a clue what’s in this screenshot and it makes me so happy to see that.

    3. Real-Entrepreneur-31 on

      You must have an enormous account to handle that margin maintenance. Unless this was a credit spread. Or you own shares.

    4. NVDAPleasFlyAgain on

      Bro picking up pennies in front of a freight train that derailed and crashed into a mountain with no survivors

    5. GrumbleTrainer on

      Wait you sold naked calls and are bragging about being being a smarty pants 😆

      Congrats on the successful gamble ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)

    6. It’s good but I made significantly more on my short calls from 2 weeks ago before the run up then you did selling Vega naked.

    7. was this uncovered? which broker lets you do this Tasty? Fidelity wouldn’t even give me a level 2 lol..

    8. I got some of their money on Tuesday. It’s cool to get out of a trade and come on here. And there is loss of porn of the opposite side who bought where you sold.

    9. whatevers1234 on

      I’m honestly more surprised they’d let you sell these. Fuck man TD is up my ass with Illegal Shares even when I got more than enough underlying to cover.

      I’d honestly be paranoid as fuck trading on a platform that let it go. My fat ass fingers have almost fucked myself enough times that’s I’m willing to deal with TD’s inability to do simple math for when it saves me from myself.

      Doesn’t help half my trades happen pre-market on the west coast when I’m awoken by a notification that I have to deal with before rolling over and going back to bed.

    10. Good for you, dude. Did you buy a higher strike call for protection or just raw dog it?

    11. BedroomCompetitive30 on

      Remember for every nut + gain nut you bust, there’s another trader getting perpetually creampied

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