Tesla cuts 600 jobs in California amid mass layoffs


    Posted by Similar_Diver9558


    1. greenandycanehoused on

      I think we see unhappy shareholders seriously jumping ship shortly after the vote meeting on June 13. Either way, whether they vote up or down on the 303 million shares, it’s going to be a massive shit show with more massive exits

    2. OddChocolate on

      Uh oh and a year ago some techies were like “In Musk we trust!”. That’s why techie is a techie.

    3. All the capital involved in training those 600 employees straight down the toilet

      Great business move by melon

    4. elpresidentedeljunta on

      Wasn´t it Munger who said: “Invest in a business, any fool can run, because one day one will. If it can´t stand a little mismanagement, it´s not much of a business?” Don´t get me wrong: Tesla is a great business, but Musk goes off the rails in my opinion. And how much more foolishness it (or the investors) can take, remains to be seen.

    5. justlooking9889 on

      It’s amazing how in one thread there are over a dozen people smarter than Elon Musk, and not just by a small margin, no, leaps and bounds more intelligent. I had heard of Reddit’s reputation for being full of geniuses, but I had no idea that reputation was so well deserved. Of course, this is WSB which is known to be where the intellectual elite gather, so maybe I shouldn’t be so surprised.

    6. Employee life depends on actions of ketamine micro dosage.

      Working at Tesla and owning a Tesla ? Double whammy

    7. Elon give poor Canadians a good deal before going bankrupt ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)

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